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Oly/Strength Tempo BS (4441) 6x3 @ 70% SN Balance

3 Pos hang SN (hi hang,

Tempo Bench (4441) 6x3 @ 70% knees, low hang)

Accessory BB RDL + Shrug 4x10 KB/DB Goblet squat

Single leg/single arm KB
Weighted ring dips 4x10 (AHAP) RDL
Single arm bottom up KB Z-

1 press
Bulgarian split squat
Weighted pullup
Snatch grip pendlay row

Metcon 4 RFT 4 RFT

50' BB Overhead lunge
25 WB (30/20), Run 200m, 25 (95/65), 10x squat SN
Burpees 12 min time cap (95/65), 10x C2BPU

Pacing @
2x800 (1 min rest), 4x400 (:45 roughly 1600m
sec rest), 8x200 (:30 rest) max pace

SN Complex (SN pull, hi

Oly/Strength Tempo BS (42X1) 6x3 @ 70% hang SN, full SN)

Tempo Bench (42X1) 6x3 @ 75% Panda Pull

Accessory KB/DB goblet box step ups 4x12 each leg Bottom up KB press
Defict KB RDL (focus on
hammies) 4x10 I/Y/T
Weighted dips 4x12 (AHAP) Weighted pullups
Banded half kneeling Palloff

press 4x12 Good morning

Strict T2B 4x10 Klokov press

Metcon 5 RFT 5 RFT

1 legless rope climb/1leg
50 DU, 10 thruster (115/95), rope climb, 20 WB (30/20),
10 burpee BJ (30/24) 30 cal row

12 min cap 12 min cap

Mod pace @ ~5
3 rounds (Run 4/3/2 min mod mile pace, easy
pace, 3/2/1 easy pace) @ talking pace

Oly/Strength BS 6x2 @ 90% Muscle SN

Bench 6x2 @ 90% SN

Accessory Weighted pistols 4x10 Bottom up KB press

Weighted ring dips 4x12 SN Grip barbell over row

Barbell RDL 4x10 I/Y/T

3 Weighted GHDSU
Single leg KB RDL
Barbell good morning

Metcon 4 RFT 12 min AMRAP

12 min cap Climb the ladder

15 T2B, 30 cal row, 3 rope 2/4/6... OHS (115/75), bar

climbs facing burpees, BJ (30/24)
Optional row conditioning: 3
rounds (4x500m, rest1:00,
5x250, rest :45, 5x 100,
rest :30) Rest 5:00 between

Oly/Strength Tempo BS (3331) 6x3 @ 75% SN Balance

3 Pos hang SN (hi hang,

Tempo Bench (3331) 6x3 @ 75% knees, low hang)
Accessory BB RDL + Shrug 4x10 Weighted pistols
Single leg/single arm KB
Weighted ring dips 4x10 (AHAP) RDL

Single arm bottom up KB Z-
press 4x10 Weighted pullup
Bulgarian split squat 4x10 Snatch grip pendlay row

Strict T2B 4x10 Band face pull

Metcon 5x 3 AMRAP Rest 1:00 12 min AMRAP

15 cal AAB, 15 GHDSU, 15

WB (30/20) Climb the ladder (1, 2, 3...)
HSPU, Front Squat (185/135)

Optional conditioning: Run

(4x800, 4x400, 4x200) Rest
1:1. Each effort @ 90% 1 rope climb between sets

SN Complex (SN pull, hi

Oly/Strength Tempo BS (32X1) 6x3 @ 75-77.5% hang SN, full SN)

Tempo Bench (32X1) 6x3 @ 75-77.5% Panda Pull

Accessory Single leg KB RDL 4x10 Bottom up KB press

KB Bulgarian split squat 4x12 Weighted pullup

Ring dips 4x12 Banded upright row

Band face pull 4x15 Weighted pistols

Double DB Z press 4x10 Paralette L sit

Metcon 12 AMRAP 150 WB (30/20)

250m row, 5x thruster Every time you break, 10 cal

(135/95), 10x Pull-up AAB, 10 burpees
Optional conditioning: Row
Cal, Rest 1:1 (Rest = light
3x2 @ 92.5%,
Oly/Strength BS 3x1 @ 95% Muscle SN + SN balance

3x2 @ 92.5%,
Bench 3x1 @ 95% SN

Accessory Banded BB RDL 4x10 Bottom up KBS Press

Weighted dip 4x6 (AHAP) Pendlay Row
Klokov press 4x10 Band face pull

Bodyweight pullup 4xAMRAP Weighted pistols
Weighted GHD Back
Hollow rock hold 4x :30s extension

Metcon 12 AMRAP 3 RFT

15 Burpee BBJO (24/20), 25
20 DL(225/155), 20 cal AAB, cal row, 15 power snatch
20 WB (30/20) (115/75)

Optional conditioning: Run 4

rds: (800m light, 400m hard)

Oly/Strength Tempo BS (2221) 6x3 @ 80% SN Balance

3 Pos hang SN (hi hang,

Tempo Bench (2221) 6x3 @ 80% knees, low hang)

Accessory Weighted dips 4x10 Bottom up KB press

Weighted pistols 4x10 Band face pull
BB Band RDL 4x12 DB/KB Bulgarian Split squat

Single arm KB Z press 4x10 Klokov press

7 Parallette L-sit 4x30s Weighted pullup

7 10-20-30-40-50 DB SN
Metcon 13 AMRAP (50/35)
20 cal AAB, 15 Burpee BJ
(30/24), 10x pullup, 5x DL 3 Rope climbs between
(275/205) rounds

Optional conditioning: Run

8x200, 10x100. Rest as
needed between sets
SN Complex (SN pull, hi
Oly/Strength Tempo BS (22X1) 6x3 @ 82.5% hang SN, full SN)

Tempo Bench (22X1) 6x3 @ 82.5% Panda Pull

Accessory Weighted ring dips 4x8 Weighted pistols

Bulgarian split squat 4x12 Single arm DB Z press
Banded good morning 4x12 Pendlay row
Chin ups 4x10 Single leg KB RDL

8 Paralette flutter kicks 4x20 Band face pull

Metcon 21-15-9 5x3 AMRAP

6 power SN (135/95), 12
Cal AAB, DB Snatch (50/35), pullups, 18 WB (30/20), row
30 DU beween sets max cal remaining time

Rest 3:00
21-15-9 Thruster (95/65),
GHDSU, 30 DU beween sets
Optional conditioning: Row 4
rounds (40-30-20-10 cals, rest
1:1) Rest 3:00 between
Work to new
1RM, then 3x1@
95%, 1x5 @
80%, 1x10 @
Oly/Strength BS 70% Muscle SN
Work to new
1RM, then 3x1@
95%, 1x5 @
80%, 1x10 @
Bench 70% SN

Accessory Banded RDL 4x10 Weighted pistols

Bottom up KB Press 4x12 Band facepull
9 (max) KB Front rack step up 4x10 Strict T2B

Weighted dips 4x8 Good morning

Chinups 4x10 DB Z press

Metcon 4 RFT 10 RFT

30 WB (20/14), 30 DU, 30 BJ 5 FS (135/75), 5 PJ (135/75),

(24/20) 5 bar facing burpees

Optional conditioning: Run. 5

rounds (400m hard, 200m
recovery, 800m hard, 400m

4x2 @ 60% Tempo FS (4441) 6x3 @ 70%

6x2 @ 70% Tempo OHP (4441) 6x3 @ 70%

4x12 (AHAP) Pistols 4x12

4x10 I/Y/T 4x12

4x5 (AHAP) Klokov press 4x8

4x10 Strict T2B 4x10


9 HSPU, 12 thruster (95/65), 15

10 min time cap KBS (70/53), 18 cal row 12 min time cap

Row 30s spurts

at max 500m
pace, go as slow
3x1500m row (30s:30s spurts), as needed for
rest 3 min between 1500's 30s rests

6x2 @ 70% Tempo FS (42X1) 6x3 @ 70%

5x5 @ 80% Tempo OHP (42X1) 6x3 @ 70%

4x10 Single leg RDL 4x10

4x10 Weighted pistols 4x8 (AHAP)

4x6 (AHAP) Double KB/DB Z press 4x10

4x10 L sit hold 4x30s


5 Rounds Rest 1:00

20 cal AAB, 10 squat clean
(135/95), 20 pullups

4 rounds AAB intervals

(30/20/10 cal hard, 20/10/5 cal

4x2 @ 70% FS 6x2 @ 90%

6x2 @ 80% OHP 6x2 @ 90%

4x12 Double KB/DB Z press 4x10 conditioning
Jog 30 min @
pace, EMOM 5
4x10 L sit pull up 4x6-8 squat jumps
4x10 DB/KB weighted stepups 4x12

4x10 GHD glute ham raise 4x10


10 RFT

13 min cap

3x Power clean (225/165), 15x

WB (30/20)

4x2 @ 60% Tempo FS (3331) 6x3 @ 75%

6x2 @ 80% Tempo OHP (3331) 6x3 @ 75%

Recovery run:
Run 45 min @
pace. E2MOM 5
4x10 Good morning 4x10 burpees

4x10 I/Y/T 4x12

4x5 (AHAP) Klokov press 4x8

4x10 Weighted GHDSU 4x12


4 RFT 16 min cap

8x PC (155/105), 20x BJO

(24/20), 50x DU

Optional conditioning: AAB 5

sets (:30 sprint, 1:00 easy, :20
sprint, 1:00 easy, :10 sprint, Sprints @ max
3:00 easy) effort

6x2 @ 85% Tempo FS (32X1) 6x3 @ 75-77.5%

5x5 @ 90-100% Tempo OHP (33X1) 6x3 @ 75-77.5%

4x12 Strict T2R (rings) 4x10

4x6 Pendlay Row 4x8

4x20 Peg board ascents 4x1

4x10 BB RDL 4x10


5x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00

10 HSPU, 5 squat clean

(185/135), 10 T2B, max cal row
Optional conditioning: Run 4
miles: 1 min moderate, 1 min
easy, :30 hard, 2 min easy until
3x2 @ 92.5%,
4x2 @ 70% FS 3x1 @ 95%

3x2 @ 85%, 3x1 3x2 @ 92.5%,

@90-92.5% OHP 3x1 @ 95%

Jog 45 min
4x8 Single leg KB RDL 4x12 pace)
4x6 Band upright row 4x15
4x20 Parallete L-sit flutter kick 4x20 (ea leg)

4x10 KB Farmer carry 4x50' AHAP


Row 500m, 15 HPC (135/95),
10 back squat (135/95), 5 PJ

Optional conditioning: AAB: 20

EMOM 10 cal AAB

4x2 @ 60% Tempo FS (2221) 6x3 @ 80%

6x2 @ 85% Tempo OHP (2221) 6x3 @ 80%

Run 30 min,
E3MOM 20
pushups, 20
4x10 Single leg KB RDL 4x10 jump squats
4x15 Banded Pendlay row 4x10
4x12 Strict T2B 4x12

4x10 I/Y/T 4x10

20 thruster (95/65), 10 bar
facing burpees, 20 SDLHP
(95/65), 10 bar facing burpees

Optional conditioning: AAB 5

rounds (25, 20, 15, 10, rest
1:1), Rest 3 min between

6x2 @ 87.5% Tempo FS (22X1) 6x3 @ 82.5%

5x5 @ 90-100% Tempo OHP (22X1) 6x3 @ 82.5%

Jog 45 min,
E3MOM 10
pushups, 10
4x10 Weighted pullups 4x8 jump squats
4x12 I/Y/T 4x10
4x10 Klokov press 4x10
4x10 Strict T2B 4x10

Rest 1:00
between rounds 5 RFT

15 BJ (24/20), 10 front squat

(185/135), 15 HSPU

Optional conditioning: AAB,

6x100 cal AAB, rest 1:1
Work to new
1RM, then 3x1@
95%, 1x5 @
80%, 1x10 @
4x2 @ 70% FS 70%
Work to new
1RM, then 3x1@
Work to new 95%, 1x5 @
1RM, then 4x1@ 80%, 1x10 @
95% OHP 70%

4x10 Klokov press 4x10

4x20 Weighted pullups 4x8
4x10 Single leg KB RDL 4x12

4x10 Paralette L-sit flutter kicks 4x20


4x4 AMRAP Rest 2:00

Row 500m, 5 bar muscle up, 10
box jump (30/24), 15 thruster
(95/65), max rep G2O (135/95)

Optional condtioning: AAB. 10x

30cal, rest 1:1
Clean complex (clean
hi pull, hi hang clean, Pause DL (2 sec at
clean from ground) 6x2 @ 70% knees up/down) 6x3 @ 65% 4 rounds
Run 1600m
moderate pace,
6x3 @ 50% 400m maximal
Dip pause (2 sec) (+~50# effort, 800m slow
push Jerk 6x3 @ 65% Band/chain bench chain/band) recovery pace

Pendlay row 4x10 Farmer carry 4x50' (AHAP)

DB Lat raise 4x10 Barbell curl 4x12

Band face pull 4x15 Close grip bench 4x10

Ring pullups 4x8-10 Weighted GHDSU 4x12

5 RFT Saturday Suck fest

20 cal AAB, 5 bar
muscle up, 5 G2O
(185/135) 12 min time cap AMRAP 60
Run 1 mile, 50
squats, 50 pushups,
50 KBS (70/53)

Block cleans (knee) 5x2 @ 80% Tempo DL (4241) 6x3 @ 65%

6x3 @ 50%
Clean + 2 jerk 5x1 @ 80% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Box squat (2 sec

pause on box) 5x3 DB Hammer curl 4x12

Weighted chin ups 4x8 Ab rollouts 4x10

Band face pull 4x15 Flex arm hang L-sit 4x30s
Band tricep
Pendlay Row 4x10 pushdowns 4x15
Single arm bottom up
KB Walk 4x50'

5 RFT Saturday Suck Fest

30 DB Sn (50/35), 10
power SN (115/75),
10 HSPU Cash in: 100 burpees
100 pull-ups, 100 Run 1 mile
pushups, 100 situps, between
15 min cap 100 squats exercises
Cash out: 100 KBS

3x2 @ 85%, 3x1

Clean + Jerk @90-92.5% DL 6x2 @ 90%
6x3 @ 50%
Clean pull 4x3 @ 100% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Band Box squat (2 5x3 @ ~60%

sec pause) +50lbs Barbell curl 4x12

Standing single arm

Weighted chin up 4x6 ahap DB/KB Press 4x8
Band face pull 4x15 Pendlay row 4x6 (heavy)
Double overhead KB
Weighted dips 4x10 lunge 4x10 each leg
Strict T2B 4x10

10-9...2-1 Saturday Suck Fest

DB clean (50/35x2),
DB front squat, DB
push press, burpee
BJO (24/20) 5 RFT
Row 2K, 30 pullups,
50 BJ (24/20), 30
G2O (95/65), AAB 1K
Optional conditioning

AAB intervals: 5x 2k
(rest 1:1)
Clean complex (clean
hi pull, hi hang clean, Pause DL (2 sec at
clean from ground) 6x2 @ 85% knees up/down) 6x3 @ 70%
6x3 @ 50%
Dip pause (2 sec) (+~50#
push Jerk 6x3 @ 75% Band/chain bench chain/band)
Box squat (2 sec
pause on box) 5x3 Farmer carry 4x50' (AHAP)

Weighted chin ups 4x8 Barbell curl 4x12

Band face pull 4x15 Close grip bench 4x10

Pendlay Row 4x10 Weighted GHDSU 4x12
Single arm bottom up
KB Walk 4x50'

5 RFT 15 min cap Saturday Suck Fest

10 pullups, 10
burpees, 10 DB squat
clean thruster (50/35) 5k Row Buy in
10, 9, 8, ...1

Do negative
splits within each
set. Last 500m
Optional conditioning: each set should
Row 4 sets (500m, be 10-12 sec Rope climb, Deadlift
rest 1:00) Rest 5:00 slower than max (275/185), T2B,
between sets 500m Burpee BJ (24/20)
5 Mile AAB Buy out

Block cleans (knee) 5x2 @ 80% Tempo DL (3231) 6x3 @ 70-72.5%

6x3 @ 50%
Clean + 2 jerk 5x1 @ 80% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Band Box squat (2 5x3 @ ~60%

sec pause) +50lbs Barbell curl 4x12
Band tricep
Weighted chin up 4x6 pushdown 4x15
Single leg KB RDL 4x10 Trap bar farmer carry 4x50'
Kneeling band paloof
Bottom up KB walk 4x50' press 4x12

21-15-9 Saturday Suck Fest

Hang PC (155/105),
bar facing burpees,
C2BPU 500 KBS (53/35)
Everytime you break,
run 400m, 3 rope
climbs, 20 burpee BJ
3 RFT (24/20)
3 Rope Climb, 20
KBS (70/53), 2
legless rope climb, 20
Optional conditioning:
AAB 10x30 cal, rest
1:1 (light biking)
3x2 @ 85%, 3x1 3x2 @ 92.5%,
Clean + Jerk @90-92.5% DL 3x1 @ 95%
6x3 @ 50%
Clean pull 4x3 @ 100% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Box squat (2 sec

pause) 5x3 KB suitcase carry 4x50'
I/Y/T 4x10 Poundstone curl 1 set
Strict T2B 4x12 Close grip bench 4x12
Weighted chinup 4x8 strikes/medball slam 4x20

Bulgarian split squat 4x12

1k row, 25 pullups,
50 DB SN (50/35),
100 DU Saturday Suck Fest

4 RFT "The Regiment"

10 thruster (95/65), 1
legless rope climb, 20
75 burpees, 75 KBS
Optional conditioning: (53/35), 75
Row. 10K, E2MOM 4 bodyweight squats,
burpees over rower. run 800m
Clean complex (clean
hi pull, hi hang clean, Pause DL (2 sec at
clean from ground) 6x2 @ 87.5% knees up/down) 6x3 @ 75%
6x3 @ 50%
Dip pause (2 sec) (+~50#
push Jerk 6x3 @ 75-80% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Band Box squat (2 5x3 @ ~60%

sec pause) +50lbs DB Hammer curl 4x15
Weighted chin-up 4x8 CG Bench 4x12
Bottom up KB Walk 4x50' Farmer carry 4x50'
Sandbag bearhug
Single arm KB/DB Ro 4x12 carry 4x50'
3x5 AMRAP Rest 3:00 Saturday Suck Fest

Row 1K, in remaining

time, G2O (135/95) 6 RFT
All exercises with
sandbag (50/35)
Lunge 200m, run
600m, 10x Sandbag
G2O, 15x burpee
over sandbag, 20x
Optional conditioning:
Row: 2 rounds
(5x500, rest 1:00
between rounds), rest Negative splits
5:00 between sets within sets

Block cleans (knee) 5x2 @ 85% Tempo DL (2221) 6x3 @ 75%

6x3 @ 50%
Clean + 2 jerk 5x1 @ 85% Band/chain bench chain/band)

Box squat (2 sec

pause) 5x3 DB Hammer curl 4x12
Weighted pistol 4x10 Band tri push down 4x20
Bottom up KB Walk 4x50' Medball slams 4x20
Weighted GHDSU 4x15 Kneeling palloff press 4x12

AMRAP 15 Saturday Suck Fest

50 DU, 10 squat
clean thruster
(115/75), 10 C2BPU,
Run 200m 5 RFT
1K row, 200m farmer
carry (55/35), 800m
run with med ball

Optional conditioning:
Run. 3x 1 mile
repeats. Rest as
Work to new
1RM, then 3x1@
Work to new 95%, 1x5 @
1RM, then 4x1@ 80%, 1x10 @
Clean + Jerk 95% DL 70%

6x3 @ 50%
Band/chain bench chain/band)

Band box squat 5x3 Pendlay Row 4x8

I/Y/T 4x10 Poundstone curl 1 set
Barbell Ab rollouts 4x10 Close grip bench 4x20
Single arm KB/DB
Row 4x10 Ring dip leg raise 4x10

13 AMRAP Saturday Suck Fest

50 air squats, 20 DL 100 Thruster (95/65),
(225/165), 20 100 BJ (24/20), 100 Run 800m after
C2BPU, 50 cal row Burpees, 100 pullups each exercise

Optional conditioning:
Row. 5x1k, rest 2:00
Long aerobic

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