Core Rules v2.0.0

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General Principles Activation Shooting

The most important rule: Whenever the The player picks one model, and it may Models that have range and line of sight
rules are unclear, use common sense and do one of the following: to a target may shoot all weapons after
personal preference. Have fun! moving, but only if they didn’t use cruise
Action Speed Pivot or ram actions this round. Squadrons that
Modifiers: Regardless of modifiers, rolls Hold - 180° are engaged may only target squadrons
of 6 are always successes, and rolls of 1 Move Move 90° that they are engaged with.
are always fails. Cruise Cruise 45°
To Hit: The attacker rolls as many dice as
Preparation Ram* Cruise 45°
the weapon’s attacks, trying to score the
The Fleets: The players put together two *Squadrons can’t ram or be rammed. target’s evasion value. For each die that
fleets of equal point cost before the game rolls equal or higher, the target takes one
begins (we recommend 300pts to start, Movement hit. If the target is being shot in the rear,
and 450pts for a full match). then you get +1 to hit. Squadrons always
Squadrons: Squadrons may move by up get +1 to hit when targeting squadrons.
Force Org. (optional): Players may only to their speed value and may freely turn
in any direction. Squadrons that move To Block: The defender rolls as many dice
bring up to 1 hero per 200pts in their
within 2” of an enemy squadron must end as hits, trying to score its toughness value
fleet, and only X copies of the same ship, or higher, and for each failed roll the
their move within 2” of it and count as
where X is 1 per 150pts in their fleet. target takes 1 damage. The defender gets -
engaged. Engaged squadrons can’t move.
Fleets may only have max. of 1 ship per X to this roll, where X is the total strength
50pts, and max. 1 squadron per 35pts. Ships: Ships must move straight by their of the attacking weapon. If the target is
full speed value and may pivot once at being shot in the rear, then it gets an
Example: At 450pts, max. 2 heroes, any point after half their move. Ships may additional -1 to this roll.
max. 3 copies of each ship, max. 9 ships, only use ram actions if they can reach
and max. 12 squadrons. base contact with the target, at which Damage: Squadrons are destroyed after
point they immediately stop. taking 2 damage, whilst ships must assign
The Battlefield: The game is played on a damage to one of their upgrades instead,
flat 6’x4‘ surface, with at least 5-10 pieces Overlapping: If a ship would end its and must continue assigning damage to
of terrain on it. The game can be also move overlapping another ship, then it that upgrade until it is disabled. Upgrades
played on smaller surfaces, as long as must continue to move straight until it is are disabled after taking 2 damage, and if
armies deploy at least 24" apart. 1” away from any ships. Then the ship, all of a ship’s upgrades are disabled it is
and any others it moved through, each destroyed (remove from play).
Mission: Place D3+2 objectives. Players
take 1 damage. If a ship ends its move
roll-off to go first, and then alternate in
overlapping squadrons, then players may Morale
placing one marker each over 9” away
place each other’s squadrons anywhere
from the table edge, deployment zones, If at the end of any round a fleet is down
within 1” of the ship. Note that ships that
and each other. If a ship moves over a to half or less of its starting ships, then all
use hold actions may not pivot in such a
marker, remove it from the table and it is ships must take a morale test. Roll a D6,
way that they overlap any other models.
carried by that ship, and if the ship is add the number of non-disabled upgrades
removed from play, then the marker is Disengaging: If a ship moves off the table, the ship still has, and if the result is 6+ the
dropped on the spot. The game ends after it is removed from play, and at the end of morale test is passed. If failed, then the
4 rounds, and the player that is holding the round the player must place it back ship surrenders and is removed from play.
most markers wins. on the same table edge within 4” of Squadrons don’t have to take a morale
where it left. test, and only if all friendly ships have
Deployment: Players roll-off, and the
surrendered or are destroyed, then all of
winner picks a long table edge as their Easy Target: Models shooting at ships that
the squadrons surrender as well.
deployment zone, with their opponent used a hold action always hit on 2+ until
taking the opposite. Then the players the ship moves again. Terrain
alternate in placing all ships within 12” of
their table edge, starting with the player Ramming Cover Terrain: Models in or behind cover
that won the roll-off, and then do the get +1 to toughness rolls.
After the ramming ship has moved into
same thing with all their squadrons. contact with the target, compare the max. Difficult Terrain: Models moving through
Playing the Game upgrades of each ship. The ship with the difficult terrain halve their speed.
lower number takes 2 damage, whilst the
The game is played in rounds of 4 phases, other takes 1 damage, and in case of a tie Impassable Terrain: Models can’t move
in which all models of that type must be both ships take 1 damage. The target is through impassable terrain, and models
activated, before starting the next phase. then pushed D6” away if it has the same that are pushed into it take 1 damage.
Players alternate in activating one model or lower amount of upgrades, and if this Dangerous Terrain: Models that are
each, starting with the player that won the pushes it into another ship or terrain, then pushed into or move through dangerous
deployment roll-off. Each new round the it stops and takes 1 damage. terrain take D3 damage.
players then alternate in starting first.
Start > Squadrons > Light Ships >
Medium Ships > Heavy Ships > End
Fleet Creation Heroes Weapons
Heroes/Titles: Ships can take heroes and Tactical Master (15pts): May choose not Energy Cannon: Ran 12“ / Att 3 / Str 1
titles by adding their cost to the ship’s to be deployed at the start of the game, Special: Anti-Ship
total cost, and each ship may only have but instead may be deployed anywhere
Giga Cannon: Ran 6“ / Att 1 / Str 4
one hero and one title. over 9“ away from enemies at the start of
Special: Deadly.
any round after the first.
Upgrades: Systems and weapons count as
Linked Railgun: Ran 24“ / Att 3 / Str 1
upgrades, which are free (unlike heroes Ace Carrier (10pts): As many squadrons
Special: Overheating.
and titles). Players must assign each ship as upgrades on this ship may choose not
with as many upgrades as the number in to be deployed at the start of the game. Missile Cluster: Ran 18“ / Att 1 / Str 1
brackets, and each upgrade may only be Once per game, when this ship activates, Special: Blast.
taken once per ship. Ships have a front, those squadrons may be deployed
sides (counts for both sides), and rear anywhere within 2" of this ship, and may Plasma Cannon: Ran 18“ / Att 2 / Str 3
facing, and weapons must be mounted on immediately activate. Special: Overheating.
a specific facing (each facing may only Pod Launcher: Ran 6“ / Att 2 / Str 0
Expert Sapper (10pts): When this ship is
have one weapon). Special: Boarding Pod
activated, you may place a mine marker
Turrets: All models come with a turret within 4“. Enemies moving within 3“ of Precision Cannon: Ran 24“ / Att 1 / Str 2
that may be fired in all directions, which the mine take 2 damage and remove it. Special: Sniper.
doesn’t count as a weapon or upgrade.
Titles Rapid Cannon: Ran 12“ / Att 3 / Str 0
Ships & Squadrons Special: Twin-Fire.
Avenger (10pts): When activated, may be
Cruiser Ship (Heavy 4) - 80pts placed anywhere within D3+1“. Weapon Batteries: Ran 6“ / Att 2 / Str 2
Special: Broadside.
• Speed: Move 4“ / Cruise 6“ Vanguard (5pts): When deployed may
• Turret: Ran 24“ / Att 2 / Str 2 immediately be moved straight by up to Special Rules
its move speed.
• Defense: Eva 2+ / Tou 2+ Anti-Ship: Gets +1 to hit against ships,
Defiant (5pts): Whenever a friendly ship but only hits squadrons on 6+.
Destroyer Ship (Medium 3) - 60pts
within 6“ is destroyed, you may remove
• Speed: Move 6“ / Cruise 9“ 2 damage from this ship. Anti-Squadron: Gets +1 to hit against
squadrons, but only hits ships on 6+.
• Turret: Ran 18“ / Att 2 / Str 1
• Defense: Eva 3+ / Tou 3+ Blast: If the target is hit all models within
Ablative Armor: Enemy ships ramming 4“ of it are also hit by this weapon.
Corvette Ship (Light 2) - 40pts
this ship take +1 damage, and this ship
Boarding Pod: May only target ships, and
• Speed: Move 8“ / Cruise 12“ never takes any damage from overlapping
targets take 1 boarding marker per hit
• Turret: Ran 12“ / Att 2 / Str 0 enemy ships.
instead of damage (don't roll to block).
• Defense: Eva 4+ / Tou 4+ Armored Plating: This upgrade takes 4 Roll one die for each marker when the
damage to be disabled. ship is activated. On 4+ the marker is
Gunship Squadron - 10pts
removed, else the target takes 1 damage.
Gravity Bumper: Enemy ships are pushed
• Speed: Move 10“ / Cruise 15“
by +D6“ when rammed by this ship. Broadside: May only be mounted on the
• Turret: Ran 2“ / Att 2 / Str 0 sides facing, and may be fired from both
• Defense: Eva 5+ / Tou 5+ Nuclear Ammo: Turret gets +1 strength.
side facings at once.
Fighter Squadron - 10pts Pulse Engine: Gets +2“ on move and +3“
Deadly: This weapon deals +1 damage
on cruise/ram actions.
per unblocked hit on the target.
• Speed: Move 10“ / Cruise 15“
Reinforced Ram: Deals +1 damage when
• Turret: Ran 2“ / Att 3 / Str 0 Fragile: The first time this model takes
ramming enemy ships.
• Defense: Eva 5+ / Tou 6+ damage each round it takes +1 damage.
• Special: Anti-Squadron Repair Bay: When activated may remove
Overheating: If you roll a 1 to hit, then
1 damage from another ship within 4“.
Bomber Squadron - 10pts this model takes 1 damage.
Shield Booster: When taking a point of
Twin-Fire: This weapon may be fired at
• Speed: Move 8“ / Cruise 12“ damage roll one die, on a 5+ it is ignored.
two different targets at once.
• Turret: Ran 2“ / Att 1 / Str 2
Stealth Rig: Always counts as in cover
• Defense: Eva 4+ / Tou 5+ Rogue: This squadron may skip activating
when targeted from over 12“ away.
• Special: Anti-Ship, Deadly during the squadrons phase to activate in
Tracking Servo: Turret gets +1 to hit rolls. another phase, but may only either move
or shoot when activing in another phase.
Tractor Beam: When activated pick one
enemy ship within 8“ and move it D6+1“ Sniper: Attacker may assign damage from
toward this ship. this weapon to one upgrade of choice.


Spd: Att: Def: Spd: Att: Def:
Upgrade 1: Upgrade 1:
Upgrade 2: Upgrade 2:
Upgrade 3: Upgrade 3:
Upgrade 4: Upgrade 4:


Spd: Att: Def: Spd: Att: Def:
Upgrade 1: Upgrade 1:
Upgrade 2: Upgrade 2:
Upgrade 3: Upgrade 3:
Upgrade 4: Upgrade 4:


Spd: Att: Def: Spd: Att: Def:
Upgrade 1: Upgrade 1:
Upgrade 2: Upgrade 2:
Upgrade 3: Upgrade 3:
Upgrade 4: Upgrade 4:


Spd: Att: Def: Spd: Att: Def:
Upgrade 1: Upgrade 1:
Upgrade 2: Upgrade 2:
Upgrade 3: Upgrade 3:
Upgrade 4: Upgrade 4:


Spd: Att: Def: Spd: Att: Def:
Upgrade 1: Upgrade 1:
Upgrade 2: Upgrade 2:
Upgrade 3: Upgrade 3:
Upgrade 4: Upgrade 4:

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