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GRERTON ANSI/IEEE Std 4214-1978 |STANDARD! IEEE Guide for Identification, Testing, and Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Excitation Control Systems Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronies Engineers, Ine. 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA June 28, 1978, suoroer EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS eyeteems machine ate aaa tage n=O seconts t= o erates cen out tes wad Me™ vetage? ge rotae response tne ie of ntton a ne antec excurer oureur voutase ~ ‘TMe-SECONDS Fig 1 Exciter or Excitation System Voltage Response NOTES: (1) Refersing to Fig 1, the excitation system responsé ratio, unless otherwise zpecified, shall apply only to the increase in excitation aystem voltage (1), (2). (2) Response ratio i determined wilh: the exciter voltage intially equal to the rated load field voltage of the aynchronous machine to which the.exciter is ap~ plied, and then suddently establishing cireuit condi- obs ‘required to obtain nominal exciter ceiling voltage [1]; [2]. Excitation system response ratio is determined by saddenly reducing the voltage sensed by the sym ehronous machine voltage regulator from 100 percent to 80 percent unless otherwise specified. “(8) Unless otherwise specified, excitation system re ponse ratio should be ‘determined with the exciter Keaded as specified in 8.2.2. It, for practical considera- tions, the testis performed st no load, analytical means rmay-be utilized to predict the performance under load (4) For excitation systems employing rotating ex citer, the response ratio should be determined at rated speed, (G)For potentialsouree rectifier excitation systems, the nature of a power sysiem disturbance greatly af {cots the available power supply voltages. The calling voltage available and the voltage response time are more meaningful parameters. To. specify a response Fatio. implies equivalence with other systems whose Siitput is not adversely affected by such depressed Yoltage conditions. ‘Therefore, response ratio is not recommended ssa specification parameter for these excitation systems, (6) For compouné-rectiier excitation systems, the nature of the power system disturbance and the specific design parameters of the exciter and the syn- Ghronous generator influence the performance of the fzciter oufput voltage. Far equiedence with rotating exeiters, the response ould be based on per: Tormance under specified reduced generator terminal voltage and increased generator stator current condi IBEE Std 4214-2978 tions as would be encountered during power system" pe cde ee 3.3 Excitation System Components 3.3.1 Exciter. All of the large signal perfor- mance criteria above, 3.2.1 through 3.2.6, may be applied to the exciter alone as defined in [1]. Historically, the response ratio of the exciter alone has frequently, been specified. It is recommendad that excitation system resporise ratio rather than éxciter response ratio be used as a large ‘signal performance critetion for ex- citation control systems. * 3.3.2 Voltage ‘Regulator. While IEEE Std 421.1972, Criteria and Definition’ for Exci- tation Systems for Synchronous Machines, recognizes that similat criteria might also be ap- plied to the regulator alone’ {1}, [2], it is recommended that the concent of respay ratio not be applied to the regulator. 3.4' Suiimary. Excitition system’ response ratio is a well established and useful-étiteticti for evaluating the large signal perfoimiarice of excitation systems employing rotating exciters. Excitation system response ratio is also-applic- able to compound-rectifier excitation systems for the reduced terminal yoltage and increased terminal current conditions. that.exist during power system disturbances. For excitation systems with potentialsoured “rectifier ex. citers, available ceiling ‘voltage and excitatiGr system voltage response time dre more mean ingful parameters, and it is fecoininended that these parameters, rather than response ‘Tatio; be used as -Jarge’ signal performance criteria for these systems. : ‘Small Signal Performance Criteria 4.1 General. Small signal performance criteria (see 2.2) applicable’ to”excitation control sys: tems are given in this section. pee 4.2 Transient Response. A typical’ trarisient response of a feedback control system is shown in Fig 2. The ptincipal characteristics‘of inter- est are the rise time, overshoot, and settling time as indicated in Fig 2 [3]. NOTE: In some applications, the time to attain 10 per- cent of steady-state value is of interest. This time may be appreciable eventhough the delay time may be very small or even zero. 7 IEEE EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS Std 4214-1978 ‘ngrarin comeot srsto4 mse ans revo ots arc ago} aloe 2 daw aun e200 3 essen ea ao aoe om saoans/stcome Fig 3 : ‘Typical Open-Loop Frequency Response of an Excitation Control System ‘with the Synchronous Machine Open Circuited ‘xan comAoL STO tas Sycmt ym Sta 3 Ne oo wast ant (4) EEGREES aroma wae: 1. EA UE OF AMPLITUDE RESPONSE. p FREQUENCY AT WHICH Mp OCU. iy {LOWY HERE = ach ow sons sec000 Fig 4 ‘Typical Closed-Loop Frequency Response of an Exeitation Control System = with the Synchronous Machine Open Cireuited 1 EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS When a synchronous machine is connected to a power system, its operating level, and the parameters of the extemal system greatly in- fluence performance [36], [37], [89]. Fig 5 serves to illustrate some of these effects. Fig 5 shows calculated frequency response character istics of the transfer function AVT/AEpp for a typical large generator at three operating points: torque angles of 0°, 72°, and 102", respectively. The characteristics of Fig 5 are calculated for 2 generator connected to an in- finite bus through an external reactance with no voltage regulator or governor action. Torque angle depends on machine characteristics, ma- chine operating point, and on the magnitude of external impedance. Fig 5 shows that the dynamic characteristics of a generator change dramatically when the torque angle increases. Fig 5 shows that an un- loaded generator (5 = 0°) behaves as a simple inductive circuit with @ single time constant. ‘The maximum phase lag is 90°, occurring when the frequency w reaches infinity. Fig 5B and C shows characteristic resonant peaks appearing in the gain function accompanied by 2 sudden dip in the phase angle. These characteristics are attributable to poorly damped complex poles introduced into the transfer function of the generator by increasing the torque angle. ‘The highly oscillatory characteristics of synchronous machine operating at high torque angle can readily lead to instability when the machine is operated in a closed-loop feedback control system with a voltage regulator. It is frequently necessary to apply supplementary control, that is, a power system stabilizer, to compensate for these characteristics to ensure stable operation and improve damping of os- cillations arising from system disturbances. Ap- plication of power system stabilizers is de- seribed in 4.5 and in Appendix C. Suggested procedures for field testing and alinement of power system stabilizers are given in 6.3 and Appendix D. 4.5 Application of Power System Stabilizers. ‘A power system stabilizer is an element or group of elements which provide an additional input to the regulator to improve power sys- tem dynamic performance. A number of di ferent quantities may be used as input to the power system stabilizer such as shaft speed, frequency, synchronous machine electrical power, accelerating power, and others. Power 13 IEEE Sta 421.1978 system stabilizers are employed to solve two separate but related problems. 4.5.1 Local MachineSystem Oscillations. The use of high initial response excitation systems allows extremely fast terminal voltage regula tion. When operating with high regulator gain, the synchronizing torque coefficient is en- hanced, and from this point of view wider torque angle operating limits would be ex- pected. As the gain of the voltage regulator is increased, however, negative damping is intro- duced into the machine torque-speed loop {20]. Depending on the desired gain and the system in which it is employed, the machine- system oscillations (1 to 2 Hz) may become negatively damped. In order to preserve the high synchronizing torque coefficient, and re- store the damping torque, power system stabi- lizers are used. 4.5.2 Interarea Oscillations, Conventional excitation systems with a slower resporise are generally not capable of changing terminal voltage fast enough to significantly: affect the damping of the local mode of oscillation, Interarea oscillations are _norinally ' of" much lower frequency (< 0.3 Hz)’ then the local mode. Power system stabilizers can gain- fully be employed with many of these systems (as well as with the faster systems) to damp these low-frequency swings. ‘The transfer function of a typical power sys: tem stabilizer is shown in Fig 6. The para- meter values depend upon the nature of the input signal and the specific application of the stabilizer. Design ranges of typical parameters for power system stabilizers that have been ab- plied in the United States are given in Table 3. Suggested procedures "for: field. testing’ and alinement of- power ‘system stabilizers’ are given in 6.8 and Appendix D of this guide. The power system stabilizers control signal transducer should provide a relatively noite free output (the total influence of ripple or random noise should not exceed 10 percent of the dynamic range of the output of the power system stabilizer) proportional to the Geviation of the input quantity with time con- stant T < 0.04. The fundamental function of the signal con- ditioning network of the power system stabilizer is to compensate for the phase lags of the system being controlled. Phase com- pensation is generally accomplished by the use of lead-lag functions providing phase lead over the frequency range of interest. With practical EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS IBEE Std 420.1978 1a Ha Hap Fig6 ‘Transfer Function of a Typical Power System Stabilizer combinations of lead-lag networks, phase com- pensation can only be provided up to about 140° with two lead-lag functions. In many ap- plications, the total amount of phase correc- tion that ‘can be usefully employed is limited by considerations of noise vulnerability. Most applications of power system stabilizers in the United States utilize two stages of phase com- pensation; however, in some applications, three stages of compensation have been employed as shown in Fig 6. In some applications employ- ing high initial response excitation systems having low time constants, a single stage of compensation has been used For best. contribution to system damping the gain Keran of the power system stabili- zer should be maximized within the constraints imposed by stability of the power system stabilizer control loop. The gain Ko of signal transducer depends on the design of the trans- ducer and the nature of the input signals. In modeling power system stabilizers for system stability studies, representation of Ke permits Kgrap to consistently be expressed in terms of AV,/Au in per unit regardless of whether the input to the power system stabilizer is actually w or some other variable such as for AP. ‘The speed change Aw derived from any of the stabilizing inputs shown in Fig 6 is a change with respect to a fixed frequency ref- erence. The desired stabilizing signal has as its reference the base system frequency. This sys- tem frequently is not fixed but is changing (normally slowly) all the time. This change causes the terminal voltage to vary. A washout function serves to minimize the effect of overall system speed. changes on machine terminal voltage. Choice of washout time constant is not critical except that (A) It should be long enough so that its phase shift does not interfere significantly with the signal conditioning network at the desired frequencies of stabilization. 15 (2)It should be short enough that the tetminal voltage will not be undulyraffected by overall system speed variations — consider- ing system islanding conditions where applic- able. ‘Most power system stabilizers incorporate limits on the output signals effectiveness adjustable over the range shown in Table 3. Limiting may be accomplished by simple clip- ping of the stabilizer output signal as shown in Fig 6 (£ Ly) or it may be accomplished by control action through a terminal voltage limiter, In a few applications, limiting has been accomplished by disconnecting the stabilizer when terminal voltage deviation reaches preselected values [19]. The limits (= 1;) of the individual elements of the stabilizer shown in Fig 6 represent the restrictions on the dynamic range of the actual physical equip- ment used to implement the stabilizer. ‘Analytical studies and field test results of ap- plications of power system stabilizers in North ‘America are contained in [14] through [50] Many of the xeferences ([14] tarouge (32]) ‘Table 3 Range of Typical Design Parameters for Power System Stabilizers with Frequency or Speed Input Leen eee ee eee eee eas ea ‘Symbol Typical Range Parameters Ke = ‘transducer gain 9 0100.04 transducer time com stant v 0.51050 washout time con stant Tr Ts Ts 0.1 to 2.08 lead time constants Ta.T4, Te 0.00210 0.205 Ing time constants Ketan 0,100 100 pu stabilizer gain Ly +£0.10 0.0.25 pu signal dynamie range Timits Le £0.01 100.10 pu stabilizer output sig: nal limits a oO EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS Joad field voltage of the synchronous machine to which the exciter is applied, and then sud- denly reducing the voltage sensed by the syn- chronous machine voltage regulator from 100 percent to 80 percent unless otherwise speci- fied. All stabilizing cireuits or other feedback control circuits (except power system stabilizer circuits) which are a part of the excitation con- trol system should be adjusted as in actual op- eration, where possible and practical, unless otherwise specified. NOTES: ()Re is recommended that excitation system response ratio rather than exciter response ratio. be lused a= the principal lange signal performance cri- lanly for modern excitation control sys tem employing rectifier excites. (2) Where practical, xctation system response ratio should be determined with the exciter loaded ar speci fled. in 3.2.2. For excitation systems, with rotating excites, the response ratio. should be determined ‘ith the exciter at rated speed. 5.8 Field Testing of Excitation System Voltage Response Time. As previously stated in 3.2.6 and 3.4, excitation system voltage response time and ceiling voltage are more meaningful parameters than excitation system response ratio for high initial response excitation sys- tems. Excitation system voltage response time in the positive direction can be determined with the unit on line and under load, with the exeiter voltage initially at rated-load field volt- age of the synchronous machine to which the exeiter is applied, and then suddenly reducing the voltage sensed by voltage regulator from 100 percent to 80 percent unless otherwise specified. All excitation control system stabiliz~ ing circuits (but not power system stabilizer circuits) or other feedback control circuits which are part of the voltage regulator should be adjusted as in actual operation, where pos- sible and practical. Positive ceiling voltage may be measured from this response. For high initial response excitation systems, the error signal need be applied for only a very short time due to the speed of these systems, result- ing in minimal disturbance to the power sys- tem. Fig 7 shows the results of a field test made on 2 high initial response excitation system to determine ceiling voltage and excita- tion system voltage response time. Excitation response time in the negative direction (and the negative ceiling) may be determined in similar fashion. IEEE sta 4214-1978 6. Small Signal Performance Testing 6.1 Excitation System Components. From small signal performance data on excitation system components, transfer functions can be derived describing the dynamic performance of those components [12]. These data may be oblained either by transient response testing or frequency response testing (7], [8], [10]. ‘Transient response testing consists of ap- plying a calibrated transient (step or ramp) into the input of the element or elements under test and recording the output response. ‘Transient response testing has the advantage that it contains in a single test much of the information contained in an extensive fre- quency response test. Also, rise time, over- shoot, and settling time are easily obtained directly from the transient response. Transient response is also useful in signature analysis; that is, it’ provides a criterion for quickly verifying performance periodically. An ex- ample of transient response in signature analysis, of a power system stabilizer is given in 6.8 of this guide. A disadvantage of transient response testing is that if the transfer.fungfign of the element+under test is to be determined, the data must be reduced to a form which will yield this information. Methods of accomplish- ing this include performing an inverse Fourier transform on the transient response and the test signal, usually with the aid of a digital computer; performing 2 graphical analysis on the data approximating the transient response as a series of impulse responses; and iterative simulation on an analog computer [7], [8]. All of these methods can be lengthy and involve extensive iterative calculation. Also, accuracy may be questionable if the output of the element being tested contains appreci- able noise. Random and pseudorandom signals have also been applied to the identifieaton of automatic control system transfer functions by cross correlating the input and output signals of the system under test or by use of pseudorandom binary signals to obtain a fre- quency response characteristic [9], [10]: Frequency response testing consists of ap- plying a known sinusoidal driving signal of varying frequency to the input of the element under test and measuring the amplitude and phase shift of the output with respect to the input. Frequency response testing has the great ‘advantage over transient response testing in that, a Gm EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS the transfer function of the element under test is frequently immediately evident. For this re son, the frequency response method is recom- mended for determining the transfer functions of excitation system components. Frequency response can best be measured using commer- cially available analyzers. Certain precautions should be observed in frequency response testing. These include: (1) Care should be taken that the driving sig nal does not cause saturation of the elements under test. A signal magnitude causing output variations which can be linearized about the quiescent operating point of the element under test is recommended. (2) The range of test frequencies should be broad enough to fully describe the dynamic characteristics of the element(s) under test. ‘The frequency should be varied in small enough increments to accurately describe abrupt changes in the response curve, particu- larly in the vicinity of resonant peaks. (3) In measuring the response of rotating exeiters in the factory, it may be necessary to insert a power amplifier between the sine ‘wave generator and the exciter field. The trans- fer function of the power amplifier should be recorded. (4) In measuring the response of power com- ponents such as power amplifiers and exeiters, ft may be desirable to insert isolation trans- ducers between the output of the power com- ponent and the test instrumentation. Also, it may be necessary to filter the output of the power component. The transfer function of the transducers and filters should be recorded. (5) The test should be repeated over the ex- pected operating range of temperature, fre- quency, and magnitude of supply voltage varia- tion, and loading of the element under test if the frequency response is a function of any of these parameters. For example, the frequency response of a rotating amplifier varies with Joading. When measuring the response of indi- vidual elements of an excitation system, care should be taken with respect to possible varia: tion of expected overall response when the ele- ments are connected together due to loading ‘and interaction effects. This applies primarily to older excitation systems employing passive circuit elements and rotating or magnetic amplifiers. In modem excitation systems em- ploying solid-state control elements, those ele- ments are normally ftee of interaction and 19 ISEB Std 421.1978 loading effects. Should these effects be present, the overall frequency response of the group of clements interconnected in their normal con- figuration should be ‘measured in addition to ‘the response of the individual elements [7]- ‘Typical frequency response characteristics and corresponding transfer functions of elements commonly encountered in excitation systems are shown in Appendix B. For @ detailed Giscussion of the relationship between transfer functions and frequency response character- istics, see (3], (61, [7], [8], and (12). 6.2 Field Testing of Excitation Control Sys tems, An excitation control system is a feed- back control system including the synchro- nous machiné and its excitation system [1], {2]. As such, its transient and frequency response characteristics can fully describe jts small signal dynamic performance. ‘These characteristics can be determined by field test- fng as described in this section of this standard. ‘With the exception of those altematorrec- tifier excitation systems in which the ‘exciter terminals are not available and compound: rectifier excitation systems, most of the ex: citation system component tests described in 6.1 could be performed in the field prior +o testing of the excitation control system. Most excitation control systems include some form of internal stabilization such as rate feedback ot series compensation. The function of this intemal compensation is to ensure stability of the excitation control sys tem off line and to provide a means of adjust- ing the transient response of the system. During startup of a new turbine generator in- stallation, it is normal procedure to check the transient response of the unit off line in onler to adjust the settings of the excitation system stabilizers. This is best done by insert- ing a small step change into either the reference or sensing circuitry. of the voltage regulator ‘and recording machine terminal voltage ter- minal voltage response. It is recommended that fan ac to de voltage transducer with adjustable ‘null balance providing zero suppression be used to record only the deviation in voltage. For an excitation system having small time constants, an acceptable transient response might be considered as one having no more than two overshoots with maximum overshoot ‘of 5 to 15 percent. In some applications, it in) EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS IEEE - Sta 4218-1978 Fig 8 Field Test Data — Frequency Response of a Typical Excitation Control System (with DC Commutator Exciter) with and without a Power System Stabilizer ‘The stabilizer gain governs its potency and, for best contribution to system damping, should be maximized within the constraints imposed by recommended stability margin of the control loop. The maximum permissable gain depends upon many factors.and can be determined by test. A suggested test procedure for verifying stabilizer gain and determining us- able gain is given in Appendix D. ‘As a check on the adequacy of the power sys- tem stabilizer signal conditioning network time constant adjustments, the frequency response of the overall system should be checked to verify that the power system stabilizer ade- quately compensates the phase lag of the volt- age regulator, exciter, and generator. This check is made according to the same pro- cedure as for the initial frequency response tests except that the driving signal is fed into the stabilizer in place of the transducer signal The output of the stabilizer should be con- nected to the voltage regulator. Fig 8 shows typical frequency response field test data of an excitation control system with and without a power system stabilizer. Note that the fre- quency response characteristics Vz /AVa and AV; /AVs shown in Fig 8, are convenient 21 to measure and yield adequate information for determining and verifying suitable settings of the stabilizer to’ improve damping of lower (< 0.3 Hz) frequency interarea oscillations. In‘ determining and verifying suitable stabilizer settings to improve damping of higher frequen cy (1 to 2 Hz) local mode oscillations, the transfer function for which compensation should be provided is 47/4 Va. the change in’ torque (or power) with respect to change in reference voltage. Fig 8 illustrates the use of frequency re- sponse data in verifying the adequacy of stabilizer settings to improve interarea oscil- lations. If adjustments have been adequate, the phase lag (of AE in the interarea case) will be nearly zero over the useful range as shown in Fig 8. ‘The gain curve will also be reasonably flat over, this range. Readjustments of time constants may be made and -the check rerun, if neces- sary. Note that with the gain curve nearly flat, unlike in the initial frequency response run, it will not be necessary to increase the input signal as the frequency is increased. However, care will again be necessary to ensure that signal limiting does not occur at the higher frequen- Ge EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS IBEE sta 4210-1978 erat Hata ecw set Fig10 Field Test Data — Damping of a Forced Oscillation with a Power System Stabilizer Many excitation systems with power system stabilizers which could not perform effectively in the local-mode frequency range can never- theless perform effectively at the comparative: ly slow oscillation frequencies (around 0.3 Hz) which trouble some interconnected power sys- tems. Hence, it is important to evaluate perfor- mance of individual controls in this lower fre- quency range. Correct performance of individual installa tions may be verified while operating on the system by recording two important quantities: the deviation of frequency or speed; and terminal voltage deviation. The experience of utilities in the western United States has shown that within a reasonable period of time, small random disturbances on the system are likely to produce a few swings in the frequen- ey range of interest. A section from such a re- cording, with a power system stabilizer operat- ing on frequency deviation, is shown in Fig 11 ‘Although the swings are somewhat irregular and have periods of about 2s (frequency of 0.5 Hz or 30 apm), terminal voltage is shown to correctly respond in phase with the frequency deviations of these swings. Response at lower frequencies would also be in phase (but not necessarily at higher frequencies). However, if the gain of the power system stabilizer were 23 zero, the phase relation between voltage and frequency deviation could range from zero where voltage is held constant through random relations to an oppositely phased relation. The clear correspondence in Fig 11 results from the gain of the power system stabilizer being high enough to dominate. At lower gain settings or where a Unit with a power system stabilizer is among several uncontrolled units, the rela- tion may be less clear, but comparisons with the control on-and off should show whether the control effort is correctly modifying the phase relation between frequency and terminal, voltage deviations. Tt should also be recognized that during the slower, more sustained deviations of frequen- cy on the system, the action of the signal ‘washout function of the powersystem stabilizer will obscure its response, and the recording will appear to show little, if any, relation. Proper influence of the power system stabili- zer can best be observed for the frequency deviations with periods of 2 to 4s. In order to assist verification of performance of individual power system stabilizer installa- tions and to determine the aggregate influence of all power system stabilizers on damping of power system swings, a few modest disturbances of the system may be arranged from time to EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS {18] [14] (15) 16) an [18] 19} (20) IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-92, Jan/Feb 1973, pp 64—75. IEEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Applica- tion of Instrumentation for the Evalua- tion of Power System Dynamic Per- formance. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-S1, Jul/Aug 1972, pp 1879-1881. McCLYMONT, K. R., MANCHUR, G., ROSS, R. J., and WILSON, R. J. Ex- perience with High-Speed Rectifier Ex- citation Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS- 87, June 1968, pp 1464—1470. DANDENO, P. L., KARAS, A. N., Me- CLYMONT, K. R., and WATSON, W. Effect of High-Speed Rectifier Excita- tion Systems on Generator Stability Limits. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-87, Jan 1968, pp 190-201. SHIER, R. M., and BLYTHE, A. L. Field Tests of Dynamic Stability Using 2 Stabilizing Signal and Computer Pro- gram Verification. [EEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS- 87, Feb 1968, pp 315—322. HANSON, 0. W., GOODWIN, C. J., and DANDENO, P. L, Influence of Excita- tion and Speed Control Parameters in Stabilizing Intersystem Oscillations. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-87, May 1968, pp 1306~1313. SCHLEIF, F. R., HUNKINS, H. D., MARTIN, G. E,, and HATTAN, E. E. Excitation Control to Improve Power- line Stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-87, June 1968, pp 1426—1484. SCHLEIF, F. R., HUNKINS, H. D., HATTAN, E. B., and GISH, W. B. Control of Rotating Exciters for Power System Damping: Pilot Applications and Experience. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-88, Aug 1969, pp 1259-1266. DeMELLO, F. P., and CONCORDIA, C. Concepts of Synchronous Machine Stabil- ity as Affected by Excitation Control. IEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-88, Apr 1969, pp 316-329, 25 (21) 122] [23] [24] (25) [26] [27] [28] [23] IEEE Std 4214-1978 BYERLY, BR. T., KEAY, F. W., and SKOOGLUND, J. W. Damping of Oscil- lations in SalientPole Machines with Static Exciters. [EEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS- 89, Jul/Aug 1970, pp 1009-1021. WARCHOL, E. J., SCHLEIF, F. R., GISH, W. B., and CHURCH, J. R. Aline ment and Modeling of Hanford Excita- tion Control for System Damping. BEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-90, Mar/Apr 1971, pp 714—724. KBAY, F. W., and SOUTH, W. H. De- sign of a Power System Stabilizer Sens- ing Frequency Deviation. IEEE Trans- actions on Power Apparatus and Sys- tems, vol PAS-90, Mar/Apr 1971, pp 707-718. KLOPFENSTEIN, A. Experience with System Stabilizing Excitation Controls fon the Generation of the .Southem California Edison Company JEEE Trans- actions on Power Apparatus and Sys- tems, vol PAS-90, Mar/Apr 1971, pp 698-708. GERHEART, A. D., HILLESLAND, Jr, T., LUINI, J. F., and ROCKFIELD, Jr, M. L. Power System Stabilizer: Field ‘Testing and Digital Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-90, Sep/Oct 1971, pp 2095-2100. MANCEUR, G., LEE, D. C., COULTES, , GRIFFIN, J. D. A.,and WATSON, W. Generator Models Established by Pre~ quency Response Tests on a 555 MVA Machine. IEEE Transactions on Power ‘Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-91, Sep/Oct 1972, pp 2077-2085. WATSON, W., and MANCHUR, G. Experience with Supplementary Damp- ing Signals for Generator Static Excita- tion Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS- 92, Jan/Feb 1973, pp 199-203. WATSON, W., and COULTES, M. E. Static Exciter Stabilizing Signals on Large Generators — Mechanical Prob- lems. IEEE Transactons on Power Ap- paratus and Systems, vol PAS-92, Jan/ Feb 1973, pp 204-211. HAYES, D. R., and CRAYTHORN, G. E, Modeling and ‘Testing of Valley Steam EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS [48] io © Stabilizer Design Using Root Locus Methods. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-94 Sep/Oct 1975, pp 14841488. SAITO, O., MUKAE, H., and MURO- TANI, K. Suppression of Self-Excited Oscillations in Series-Compensated ‘Transmission Lines by Excitation Con- trol of Synchronous Machines. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-94, Sep/Oct 1975, pp 1777-1788. 27 [49] {50] IEEE Std 4210-1978 WALKER, D. N., JACKSON, R. 1. HODGES, D. A. and BOWLER, C. E. J. Results of Subsynchronous Resonance ‘Test at Mohave. JEEE Transactions on Power Apporatus and Systems, vol PAS-94, Sep/Oct 1975, pp 1878-1889. DANDENO, P. L., and KUNDUR, P. Practical Application of Eigenvalue Techniques in Solving Power System Stability Problems. Proceedings of the Fifth PSCC Conference, Cambridge, England, 1975. Appendix A Basis Underlying the Concept of Response Ratio (These Appendixes are not a part of IEEE Std 4214-1978, Guide for Identification, Testing, and Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Excitation Control Systems.) In order to appreciate the usefulness of the ‘excitation system response ratio as a measure of the ability of the excitation system to affect transient stability, consider a synchronous gen- erator with only a single rotor circuit in each axis and no saliency. The phasor diagram, which must be satisfied under both transient and steady-state conditions, is shown in Fig AL Since'the flux linking the rotof circuits and ‘the stator cannot change instantly, the elec- trical torque can be conveniently expressed as: tr. FE, Et Yoox, 38 ‘Under the assumption of “constant” flux link- ages (sometimes referred to as “‘classical””) this torque is not a function of time, and a greatly simplified analysis is possible. Currents however can change instantly, and components are induced in the rotor circuits to balance those in the stator circuit in order to satisfy the constant flux linkage theorem Fig Al Phasor Diagram of a Simplified Synchronous Generator ‘Against an Infinite Bus ote 29 15}. ‘The flux linkages do change slowly and in the direct axis are described by the relation- ship: Erp Ey Too a a F* EB, _ Urn at—f dt} ‘The term including B, is determined from generator and power system characteristics. ‘The effect of the excitation system is deter- mined by the Epp term. Following a severe power system disturb- ance, the generator rotor angle undergoes large excursions at 2 frequency determined by the rotational inertia and the electrical stiffness of the power system. The maximum angular swing will normally peak between 0.4 and 0.75 s after the disturbance initiation, and the excita- tion system must act within this time period to affect transient stability considerations. Ac- cordingly, 0.5 s was chosen for the definition time period of response ratio. The response ratio is the slope of a straight line (in per unit per second) constructed to encompass the same area as the actual exciter voltage curve over the 0.5 s period. It may be expressed aH Ls af (By + Kt) at Area under actual voltage-time response curve equals area under the constructed straight ine. ‘This reduces to: response ratio= = BL Epp at—4 Al. Nomenclature for Appendix A [5] X' = transient reactance of the machine X, = synchronous reactance of the machine NOTE: The assumption is made that both the transient ‘and synchronous reactances are constant regardless of ie angular position of the rotor with respect to the armature reaction, X" ~'Xp' = Xq' and Xs-= Xp This assumption is made to fachitate analysis of rele tively simple cases of transient stability. Appendix B > Oo. Frequency Response Characteristics of Typical Excitation Control System Elements ® AN ASHMPTOTE, store oF “20e /oeoADt ‘Hee ocrnve ste > Efe : é g pase wai 2 3 z as Ele ~2 25 ease us 2m maopans/se0000 e Fig BL ‘ v Element with a Single Time Constant 0 PHASE ANOLE OxoRELS us. som Raouans/AECOHD a ar + w 1 7090 Fig B2 G Element with Two Time Constants 31 IEEE EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS Sta 421.1978 | 00 a] 0 so lo USE ANGLE pecnees Ho us oh Rabies /s#C0N0 ar T ie ‘08 a) Fig BB Lead-Lag Network TIME CONSTANT ‘ampins FACTOR eto s vase anos 0 PHASE ANGLE IN OFGREES 0 Leo us ‘om muons secon a r w Too Fig BG Element Having a Transfer Function with Undamped Complex Poles 33 IEEE EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS sta 4210-1978 0 1 agian econ or v 6 cy Toa Fig B9 . ‘Twin Lead-Lag Network PASE ANGLE PASE ANGLE IN IGREES om ros /SE2000 Fig B10 Rate Circuit with Washout Time Constant 35 1BEE EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS St 42141878 ey FE ncomrensats Yifg.¥s20 —COMPRSKTED Y/ug i i com - occas Fig B13 Calculated Frequency Response of a Typical Excitation Control System, Off-Line, with and without Power System Stabilizer EVALUATION OF EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEMS NOTES: (GQ) A network for which the transfer function ex: phested as a function of has neither poles nor zeros! in the righthand Splane, Networks (elements) or sys- tems having either poles or zeros in the right half «- plane do not have minimum phase characteristics, Essuming here sno sghthand Slane poleero cancellation, (2) Elements where response is described biy-trans fer functions having transport lags also exhibit non minimum phase characteristics, ‘The. frequency re sponse characteristics of typical clement with trans port lag is given in Fig B3, Appendix B.-"-""" performance’ index.’ With respect toa contiol system, a performande index isa scajat mea- sure of the quality of system:behavion It is frequently a function of systefi‘outputand control input over séme specified time inter. val or frequency range, or both. A quadratic performance indéx is a quadratic’ function: of system states, atid this"form finds'wide appli- datos to linear systems. . phase margin. Of the loop transfer funetiqn for. a.stable feedback control system, 180 degrees minus, the absolute. value. of the-logp. phase angle at a frequency .where. the,loop, gain. is, unity [3]. * AB oat aT NO'TE: Phase a convenient wayiol-expresting relative stability of a linear system'under parameter changes, in Nyquist, Bode, or Nichols diagrams, ima conditionally stable feedback control system. were the Toop gain. becomes -unity at severe} frequencies, the term is understood to apply to the value of phase’ mar. fin at the highest of these frequencies (3). root locus. Consider a linear, stationary, system with closed-loop ‘transfer function E(S)/R(S)° where R(S) js the Laplace Transform 6tthe ex- citation (input) driving function: of the closed loop system and C(S) is the Laplace Transform. of the response (output) function of the closed- loop sysfem. When C(S)/R(S) is.a Runction of, the gain (K), of ong element th either the Zor: ward or raverse signal path, the, poles of C(S)/ R(S) in the Scplane will in’ general be @ func- tion of K. A plotin the S plane of thé loci of poles of the closed-loop tfinsfer’ finction 'a8'K varies is known asaroot locus, ~ ssessing ‘stability, where, foF introl system or clement, stability 18 the property such that its output is asymptotic, that is, will ultimately attain a steady’ state, within the linear xange and without continuing i. For certain nonlinear systeras co elements, the property stichrthat the output remains’ bounded, that is, in a limit'cyéle of cortinued oicillation, when the input is bounded [3]. 49 IEEE stg 421.1978 (1) stability, asymptotic — A system exhibits asymptotic stability if the output approaches ‘a constant value within an arbitrarily small tol erance after a sufficiently long period of time rmptotic stability generally refers to sys- NaTTuth ae excat by a content egal The on put approaches A fixed steady-state level (2) stability, bounded .input—bounded out- its bounded input- ity if the output is bounded for every bounded input NOTE: BIBO stability is also-known as stability in.the’ sense of Lyapunov, and it refers to forced systems. In, near systems, a bounded limit cycle appeating (3) stability, conditional — Of a linear feed- back control system, a ‘property such that the system is stable ‘for prescribed operating values of the frequency-invariant factor of the loop gain and becomes unstable hot‘only' tor higher values, but also for some lower value'[3]."" state variable formulation, (eigenvalue, eigen- vector, characteristic, equation)..A system may, be mathematically modeled by assigning vari- ables a, .2q. --»-%q.,to. system parameters; when these.28 comprise the minimum number, of parameters which completely. specify the sys tem, they are termed “states” or “‘state vari. ables.” System states arranged in’ an svector form aistaté-vector. -The'mathematical ‘mbdel: of-the-system ‘may be manipulated “into Uie form aba dz/at = X= AX + bu YiROX st duties a sen where X is’thé syitein state 'Veéetor; w'is the ih: putwestor, ¥ ig the- output, vector, and:4,-b, C,, d:.are: matrices, of:.appropriate -dimension, which -specifystlie system: Such a modal: is known as a state variable or modem contzol formulations! (or. ° pea ‘Then order polynominal itt Xs.” det (AM) AO, vs ‘| , a Bends ee is.called the characteristic. equation and has, roots, which are-called eigenvalues [det (:).de- notes determinant], When . eigenvalues .are. real, they are the negative inverses of closed loop syétem time’ constants! Bigehivalues ‘ae: also the pole locaticns of the closed loop ' fer function. * pee

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