Lif Visi Int Unit 1b

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Life Vision Intermediate Unit Test 1 B

A Grammar: Past tenses

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 Jack didn’t go to bed until he (finish) his essay.
2 I didn’t hear the question because I (think) about my lunch.
3 You called me while I (read) your message.
4 The first time we (play) the game, I won!
5 After they’d eaten their pizza, they (watch) a movie.
6 Beth was walking home when she remembered she (leave) her bag at school.

B Grammar: Past tenses

Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Something funny happened the other day. My friend and I 1 a video game at my house
when someone 2 on the door. It was a delivery driver with a package, but we 3 so
much fun that we didn’t hear him. I didn’t know that my dad 4 a birthday present for my
mum. Nobody answered the door, so the delivery driver 5 . We didn’t realize until later
that my mum’s present 6 with him!

1 A ☐ played B ☐ were playing C ☐ had played

2 A ☐ had knocked B ☐ knocked C ☐ was knocking

3 A ☐ were having B ☐ had had C ☐ had

4 A ☐ ordered B ☐ was ordering C ☐ had ordered

5 A ☐ had left B ☐ left C ☐ was leaving

6 A ☐ was going B ☐ had gone C ☐ went


C Grammar: used to
Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
1 In the holidays, we play football every day.
A ☐ are used to B ☐ get used to C ☐ used to

2 Ben understand chess, but now he does.

A ☐ didn’t use to B ☐ isn’t used to C ☐ doesn’t get used to

3 They thought they would never the noise of the city.

A ☐ are used to B ☐ used to C ☐ get used to

4 Did you speaking Spanish when you lived in Madrid?

A ☐ use to B ☐ get used to C ☐ be used to

5 I’ve lived here for ten years, so I the heat.

A ☐ am used to B ☐ get used to C ☐ used to

Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 1

6 driving on the right now?
A ☐ Did you use to B ☐ Are you used to C ☐ Do you get used to


D Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences. There are two words you
do not need to use.

follow the rules give up take part cheat challenges solution strategy skills

1 I didn’t enjoy playing tennis, so I decided to .

2 Max won the game because he had a clear from the start.
3 Emma learned some new from playing video games.
4 This game is difficult, but I don’t mind. I enjoy .
5 Do you think it’s more interesting to watch sport or to in it?
6 If you , you won't be allowed to continue.

E Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Match the adjectives with their meanings.
1 amazed A calm, not worried
2 convinced B sad or upset because something wasn’t what you expected
3 relaxed C very surprised
4 frightened D happy and positive
5 disappointed E certain or sure about something
6 cheerful F scared or afraid of something

F Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
1 Teacher You look a bit . Are you OK?
Student Yes, but I don’t understand this question. Can you help?
A ☐ cheerful B ☐ painful C ☐ confused

2 Journalist How did you feel when you won the competition?
Student I was . I couldn’t stop smiling!
A ☐ delighted B ☐ disappointed C ☐ fascinated

3 Girl 1 That girl looks a bit . Shall we go and talk to her?

Girl 2 Yes. It’s her first day at this school and she doesn’t know anyone.
A ☐ amazed B ☐ painful C ☐ lonely

4 Boy 1 Your little brother is really interested in animals, isn’t he?

Boy 2 Yes, he’s by them. He knows a lot about them.
A ☐ frightened B ☐ fascinated C ☐ annoyed

5 Man 1 Do you like giving presentations?

Man 2 Not really. I always feel about speaking in front of big groups.
A ☐ relaxed B ☐ nervous C ☐ disappointed

Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 2

6 Mother Were you OK when you fell off your bike in front of everyone?
Son I was a bit , but I wasn’t hurt.
A ☐ lonely B ☐ painful C ☐ embarrassed


G Reading: Predicting
Read the texts and choose the correct answer.

Things that get in the way

Don’t look down!
Nearly one in every 20 people spend their lives avoiding tall buildings, going skiing or standing
on balconies because they are afraid of heights.

1 What do you think the paragraphs will be about?

A ☐ The most common situations that lead to accidents
B ☐ Dangerous activities that give people a feeling of excitement
C ☐ Fears that prevent people from doing certain things

Where did they go?

The long way round
Claire Duval, a retired Belgian woman, left home to pick up a friend from Brussels station, but
ended up two days later in Zagreb, Croatia, thanks to her car navigation system.

2 How do you think the article will continue?

A ☐ Explaining how to use car navigation systems correctly
B ☐ Giving more examples of mistakes caused by car navigation systems
C ☐ Describing the best car navigation system route from Belgium to Zagreb

Gone but not forgotten

Factory workers paid readers, or ‘lectors’ as they were usually known, to read to them while they
were working to make the hours pass more quickly.

3 What do you think each section of the article will be about?

A ☐ Different jobs that no longer exist
B ☐ Tasks that factory workers had to perform
C ☐ The duties of a modern factory worker

Getting away from it all

Where it all began
Rich Romans were the first people who thought about leaving their homes to go travelling for fun,
sometimes for as long as two years!

4 What do you expect to read about in the article?

A ☐ Common leisure activities in Roman times
B ☐ Holidays from Roman times to the present
C ☐ Popular destinations for Roman tourists

Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 3

Two sides of the argument
We all know we need to eat fruit, so juice is ideal for people who don’t like it. On the other hand,
doctors say juice is bad for your teeth.

5 What do you think the article will be about?

A ☐ The best food and drinks to help you stay healthy
B ☐ Tips on how best to look after your teeth
C ☐ The advantages and disadvantages of different drinks

Making a point
Forgotten songs
Hanging above a narrow street in the centre of Sydney are hundreds of empty bird cages.

6 What do you think is the focus of the article?

A ☐ Exhibitions that highlight environmental problems
B ☐ New techniques for attracting wildlife to an area
C ☐ Creative ways of improving a neighbourhood


H Listening: Predicting
Listen to the speakers and answer the question.
1 A radio presenter is speaking about recent events. Which topic is she going to speak about next?
A ☐ The weather
B ☐ Travel news
C ☐ Football matches

2 A boy and girl are discussing an online game. What will the girl do next?
A ☐ Continue playing the game
B ☐ Enter a competition
C ☐ Stop playing on her own

3 A teacher is speaking about a TV documentary. What is the documentary about?

A ☐ How stories spread online
B ☐ How people make money online
C ☐ How the internet changes people

4 A man and woman are talking about a holiday. What are they going to discuss next?
A ☐ The places to eat
B ☐ The choice of activities
C ☐ The quality of the hotel

5 A woman is going to give a lecture. What is she going to discuss first?

A ☐ The writer’s most famous books
B ☐ The writer’s childhood
C ☐ The writer’s stories as films

6 A man and woman are discussing a person they know. What are they going to talk about?
A ☐ What happened after a surprising meeting
B ☐ What happened during one of the speaker’s holidays
C ☐ What happened to a friend who was in trouble abroad
Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 4

I Speaking: Making notes

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
1 Which notes did the speaker make for the first part of the story?
A ☐ End of holidays – at friend’s pool – very big garden
B ☐ Beginning of summer – friends at my house – big garden with pool
C ☐ Start of holidays – very hot day – pool at friend’s house

2 Which notes did he make for the second part of the story?
A ☐ Six friends in total – took my dad’s phone – had to look after it!
B ☐ 12 friends in total – took my new phone – just after my birthday
C ☐ Five friends and me – new phone for 12th birthday – my first phone

3 Which notes did he make for the third part of the story?
A ☐ Got changed – phone in pocket – didn’t want to leave it behind
B ☐ Put trunks on – went outside – left phone in house
C ☐ Got changed into trunks – stayed in house – phone in pocket

4 Which notes did he make for the fourth part of the story?
A ☐ Still full after lunch – played different card games – my lucky day!
B ☐ Too soon to swim – played cards for a while – I was winning!
C ☐ Just had lunch – didn’t swim – sat at table and played cards

5 Which notes did he make for the fifth part of the story?
A ☐ I shouted – first in the pool – thought about phone
B ☐ Friend shouted – jumped in pool – remembered phone
C ☐ Someone shouted – ran to pool – dropped phone in pool

6 Which notes did he make for the sixth part of the story?
A ☐ Got out of pool – phone completely broken – now put it in bag!
B ☐ Swam to side of pool – checked phone – got out and put it in bag
C ☐ Pulled phone out of pocket – phone not working – now leave it at home!


J Writing: Showing sequencing

Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Last weekend 1 after / before / while I was walking in the woods near my house, I heard someone
shouting loudly for help. I ran towards the sound and looked up into the trees. 2 Following that /
Suddenly / Lastly I saw a small boy high up on a branch.
Before / At first / Later, I told him to stay still and calm down. 4 After / When / Then I called
the fire brigade. They told me that they would come and save him. They soon arrived, and
climbed up to get him. 5 Firstly / Suddenly / When they got close to him, he jumped into a
firefighter’s arms. They carried him to the ground and he 6 finally / immediately / first of all
started to cry. But he was soon smiling!


Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 5

Life Vision Intermediate • Unit Test 1 B 6

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