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On the production of interlingual homophones: delayed naming and increased


Article in Language Cognition and Neuroscience · December 2015

DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2015.1120877


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4 authors:

Ingrid K Christoffels Kalinka Timmer

centre for expertise on vocational education and training (ecbo), The Netherlands University of Warsaw


Lesya Y Ganushchak Wido La Heij

Erasmus University Rotterdam Leiden University


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Language, Cognition and Neuroscience

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On the production of interlingual homophones:

delayed naming and increased N400

Ingrid Christoffels, Kalinka Timmer, Lesya Ganushchak & Wido La Heij

To cite this article: Ingrid Christoffels, Kalinka Timmer, Lesya Ganushchak & Wido La Heij
(2015): On the production of interlingual homophones: delayed naming and increased N400,
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2015.1120877

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On the production of interlingual homophones: delayed naming and increased

Ingrid Christoffelsa,b, Kalinka Timmerc, Lesya Ganushchakd,e and Wido La Heija,f
Cognitive Psychology Unit, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; bCentre of Expertise for
Vocational Education, ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands; cDepartment of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; dCentre for
Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; eEducation and Child Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden,
The Netherlands; fLeiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands


Bilinguals take longer to identify interlingual homophones than control words. For example, Dutch– Received 12 December 2014
English bilinguals take longer to identify an English word like “leaf” ([li:f]), a homophone of the Accepted 9 November 2015
Dutch word “lief” ([lif]; meaning “sweet”), than to identify a control word like “branch”. This
homophone-delay effect, observed with both visual and auditory presentation, has been Bilingualism; homophones;
interpreted as evidence in favour of language non-selective lexical access. The present article word production; N400; P200
Downloaded by [] at 09:42 21 December 2015

examines whether a homophone effect is also present in word production. Theoretically,

homophone production may profit from feedback from a phonemic level back to a lexical level,
but may suffer from a semantic conflict during a process of output monitoring. In line with the
latter view, the results show (a) a delay in the production of homophones in the second
language, (b) an increased error percentage in the production of homophones in both the first
and second language, (c) a reduction in P200 amplitude in the production of homophones in
the second language and (d) an increase in the N400 in the production of homophones in both
languages of the bilingual.

Research on word comprehension in bilinguals has pro- words. The picture-naming times were significantly
vided ample evidence that activation of lexical represen- larger in the former condition than in the latter, which
tations is not restricted to a single language (“language was interpreted as evidence that the Dutch name of
non-selective access”; e.g. Costa, Miozzo, & Caramazza, the picture was activated in parallel with the English
1999; Dijkstra & Van Heuven, 1998; Van Heuven, Dijkstra, name. Moreover, Colomé (2001) showed that in a
& Grainger, 1998). For example, in a Dutch lexical phoneme-monitoring task on the Catelan names of
decision task, Dutch–English bilinguals are slower in target pictures, Catelan–Spanish bilinguals needed
recognising interlingual homographs like the word more time to reject a phoneme when that phoneme
“room” (meaning “cream” in Dutch; Macizo, Bajo, & was the first consonant of the Spanish name of the
Martin, 2010) and also slower in recognising interlingual picture compared to an unrelated phoneme (see also
homophones like the Dutch “lief” ([lif], meaning “pre- Hermans, Ormel, van Besselaar, & van Hell, 2011; Kroll,
cious” or “sweet” as in “sweet girl”, pronounced similar Bobb, & Wodniecka, 2006, for discussion). Finally, the
to the English “leaf”, [li:f]), in comparison to matched “cognate facilitation effect”, the observation that pictures
controls. with cognate names (names similar in orthography and
There is also evidence, although more disputed, that phonology) in the two languages of a bilingual are
lexical access is also non-selective during language pro- named faster than pictures of non-cognates, has also
duction in bilinguals. Hermans, Bongaerts, de Bot, and been interpreted as evidence supporting parallel acti-
Schreuder (1998) asked native speakers of Dutch to vation of L1 and L2 words in language production by
name pictures in their foreign language English. These bilinguals (e.g. Acheson, Ganushchak, Christoffels, &
pictures (e.g. of a mountain; Dutch name: “berg”) were Hagoort, 2012; Christoffels, Firk, & Schiller, 2007; Christof-
accompanied by various distractor words, including fels, de Groot, & Kroll, 2006; Costa, Caramazza, & Sebas-
words phonologically related to the Dutch name of the tián Galles, 2000; Hoshino & Kroll, 2008; Poarch & van
picture (e.g. the English word “bench”) and unrelated Hell, 2012).

CONTACT Wido La Heij

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

Figure 1. Assumed processes underlying the cognate facilitation effect (left panel) and a possible homophone facilitation effect (right
panel) in naming pictures by a Dutch–English bilingual.

Costa et al. (2000) proposed an account of the available response-ready representation is checked
cognate facilitation effect that is illustrated in the left (“monitored”) for its appropriateness (e.g. Hartsuiker &
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panel of Figure 1. According to this interpretation, Kolk, 2001; Levelt, 1989; Levelt, Roelofs, & Meyer, 1999).
when Dutch–English bilinguals name a picture of – for In the influential “perception-based approach” of moni-
example – a cat, the lexical representations of the pic- toring (Postma, 2000), this process is assumed to
ture’s name in L1 and L2 become active and send acti- involve the same mechanism employed in understand-
vation to the corresponding phonemic representations. ing other-produced language: the speech-comprehen-
In the case of a cognate (like the Dutch “kat” and the sion system. In the case of picture naming, monitoring
English “cat”), the phonemic nodes that the two words might involve a comparison between the conceptual
have in common are activated from two sources, and it representation of the to-be-named picture (e.g. LEAF)
is this co-activation that is responsible for the observed and the conceptual representation of the word that is
reduction in reaction time (RT) in comparison to about to be produced (e.g. the concept corresponding
control words. Note that this facilitation effect results to the phoneme string [li:f]). In the case of a homophone
from two processes: the feed-forward activation of the like [li:f], the word that is about to be produced may acti-
lexical and phonemic representations of the cognate in vate two concepts, corresponding to LEAF and SWEET,
the non-response language and the feedback from the the latter one being incongruent with the target
phoneme representations to the lexical representation concept. Resolving this ambiguity probably takes time,
of the non-response word, and back again to the phone- resulting in a delay in naming pictures with homophone
mic nodes. names.
In the present study, we focus on interlingual homo- If we assume that the response-ready representation
phones: words in the first and second language that of a homophone is internally processed in a way
have a different meaning, but a very similar pronuncia- similar to externally provided auditory stimuli, relevant
tion. An example is given above: the English word information can be derived from auditory word recog-
“leaf”, which is very similar in pronunciation to the nition in bilinguals. Although only few studies have
Dutch word “lief” (“sweet”). Although these words do examined this process, there seems to be consensus
not have a conceptual representation in common, homo- that – just as in visual word recognition – auditory
phones may also profit from the assumed feedback from word recognition is language non-selective, even in a
the phonemic nodes back to the lexical representations, monolingual context (e.g. Marian & Spivey, 2003;
as assumed by Costa et al. (2000). This is illustrated in the Spivey & Marian, 1999). In a gating study, Grosjean
right panel of Figure 1. As a result of this feedback loop, (1988) and Lagrou, Hartsuiker, and Duyck (2011) reported
pictures with homophonic names may take less time to that it took bilinguals longer to recognise interlingual
be named than non-homophonic controls. homophones than matched controls. Schulpen, Dijkstra,
However, the production of homophones might also Schriefers, and Hasper (2003) used gating and cross-
be affected by a different process that might induce a modal priming to study the recognition of homophones
delay in comparison to control words. Models of in Dutch–English bilinguals. In the gating task, the
language production often assume that in a late stage English homophones (L2) were most difficult to isolate,
of language production, just before articulation, an followed by the Dutch homophones (L1). The control

words (L1 and L2) were easiest to isolate. Moreover, the integration of words into context, and to meaning pro-
participants were less confident in their identification of cessing in general (see Kutas & Federmeier, 2011, for a
homophones, but only for the L2 words. The authors review). The observation of a homophone effect on the
concluded that “in auditory word recognition of L2 N400 could be viewed as supporting evidence for the
words by bilinguals phonologically similar words idea that the production of homophones involves a
compete for recognition” (p. 1170). The priming exper- semantic conflict.
iments showed a similar result. Given these findings, it Because homophone pairs are rare and often include
is conceivable that also during the monitoring of self- the names of rather abstract concepts (e.g. “leaf”, homo-
produced speech homophones are harder to process, phone of the Dutch word “lief”, meaning sweet), picture
possibly due to competition at the lexical and/or concep- naming is not a suitable paradigm. Therefore, we
tual level. decided to use a word-translation task. Although word
To the best of our knowledge, no studies have exam- translation differs from picture naming in that it involves
ined a possible homophone effect in word production. a word-comprehension component, it has many charac-
The present study focused on this issue and had three teristics of a production task: it has been shown to be
objectives: first, we determine whether in a Dutch– conceptually driven (La Heij, Hooglander, Kerling, & Van
English bilingual population, word production latencies der Velden, 1996) and – like picture naming – shows
are affected by the homophone status of the response both semantic interference (Bloem & La Heij, 2003;
word (homophone versus non-homophone control). Bloem, van den Boogaard, & La Heij, 2004; La Heij
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Second, we examine both production in L1 (i.e. a Dutch et al., 1990) and phonological facilitation (Bloem & La
response word with an English homophone) and pro- Heij, 2003; La Heij et al., 1990). Furthermore, an overt
duction in L2 (i.e. an English response word with a translation task was previously successfully used in com-
Dutch homophone). A difference between these con- bination with ERPs to investigate effects of interlingual
ditions, as observed in the study by Schulpen et al. homographs (e.g. “room” in Dutch refers to CREAM) on
(2003), discussed above, might provide information translation processes (Christoffels, Ganushchak, &
about the locus of the interference effect. Koester, 2013). The authors showed that both the P200
Finally, in a further attempt to understand the under- and N400 were modulated for translation direction and
lying mechanism, we measure event-related potentials report a more negative N400 for interlingual homo-
(ERPs). The timing of a homophone effect in ERPs provides graphs than for matched controls.
insight into the moment a possible conflict between In the experiment reported here, we asked Dutch–
alternative readings arises. In picture naming, lexical English bilinguals to translate Dutch words into the
selection was estimated to take place in the time English equivalent (“forward translation”) and to trans-
window of 150–250 ms (Indefrey & Levelt, 2004). This late English words into their Dutch equivalents (“back-
was confirmed by recent studies using electroencephalo- ward translation”). For instance, the Dutch word “blad”,
gram (EEG) (e.g. Aristei, Melinger, & Rahman, 2011; meaning “leaf”, had to be translated into the English
Ganushchak, Christoffels, & Schiller, 2011; Strijkers & word “leaf”, which is a homophone of the Dutch “lief,”
Costa, 2011; see Indefrey, 2011, for a review). In overt meaning “sweet”). Note that the participant is presented
picture naming, modulation of the P200 was related to with words that are language specific. Only when produ-
lexical retrieval (Costa, Strijkers, Martina, & Thierry, 2009). cing the translation response, overlap in phonology is
In bilingual picture naming, Strijkers, Costa, and Thierry present.
(2010) reported that more positive P200 was elicited for
low- than high-frequency picture names, and for non-cog-
nates than cognates (form overlap between words in Method
different languages). If lexical selection somehow differs
when selecting an interlingual homophone, we would
expect to observe a modulation of the P200. Twenty-six Leiden University students (22 females, 19
It is, however, also possible that lexical selection of a right-handed) took part in the experiment. Participants
homophone target is initially similar to a control word, gave their written informed consent prior to participat-
and that only after selection, the alternative reading ing in the study and received a small monetary reward
becomes activated. The resulting activation of conflicting or course credits for participation. All participants were
meanings of the word may be reflected by modulation of native Dutch speakers with English as L2. Five partici-
the N400, a negative-going deflection in the ERP wave pants were excluded from the data analysis: three
peaking at about 400 ms after the stimulus onset. The because of excessive artefacts in the EEG registration or
N400 has typically been associated with semantic malfunctioning of the EEG equipment, two on the basis

of their responses on the language background ques- Dutch (L2–L1). The order of translation direction was
tionnaire and vocabulary test. counterbalanced across participants. The homophone
The remaining 21 participants were on average 22.5 and control words were presented twice to obtain
(SD: 4.2) years of age, and were proficient in English, as enough trials for the EEG analysis. Therefore, each trans-
indicated by the results of the vocabulary test and the lation direction consisted of 240 words (72 stimuli pre-
language background questionnaire. The vocabulary sented twice and 96 fillers) and was presented in two
test consisted of a non-speeded lexical decision task blocks. One complete set of homophones, control and
(X_Lex Test; Meara, 2005) of which the highest possible filler words were presented in random order in the
score is 5.000. The participants scored 4232 (SD: 504) first block, and then repeated in a different order in
on average. The questionnaire indicated that formal the second block. To familiarise the participants with
training in English started at school at 10 years of age, the task, before each translation direction block a
although participants reported to have had some series of eight practice trials was presented containing
contact with English earlier, mostly at home via television words that differed from the ones in the experimental
(on average at the age of 9 years). English proficiency trials.
was rated on a scale from 0 to 10. Participants rated Words were presented in white-on-black in the centre
their English for active use 7.5 (SD: 1.0) and 8.4 (SD: of the screen. First a fixation cross appeared in the
0.9) for passive use. The estimated daily use of English middle of the screen with a variable duration between
reading and listening was 46% (SD: 27%) and speaking 500 and 900 ms. Then, the word appeared for 4000 ms
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and writing 15% (SD: 16%). maximum or until a response was recorded after which
the screen stayed blank for 2000 ms. RTs were measured
by means of a voice key. Translation errors and voice key
errors were assessed online and offline via voice record-
For each translation direction, 72 translation pairs were ings. During the placing of the electrodes participants
selected: 36 homophone pairs and 36 control pairs. An were asked to fill out a questionnaire on language back-
example of a L1–L2 homophone translation pair is ground and after the experiment participants performed
BLAD – leaf (leaf is a homophone of the Dutch “lief”, an English proficiency test.
meaning “sweet”). In addition to these 72 translation
pairs, 96 filler translation pairs were selected. The homo-
EEG procedure
phone and control pairs were carefully matched on
several properties in both the source and target The EEG was recorded using 32 Ag/AgCl electrodes on
language: frequency of occurrence (CELEX; Baayen, Pie- the standard scalp sites of the extended international
penbrock, Gulikers, 1995), number of letters and 10/20 system. Six electrodes were used to measure the
number of syllables. Moreover, we matched for concrete- eye blinks (above and underneath the left eye), horizon-
ness, familiarity, cognate status and number of trans- tal eye movements (at the external canthi of both eyes)
lations (see Appendix). Some of these values were and served as baseline (one at each mastoid) for offline
taken from the database by De Groot, Dannenburg, re-referencing.
and van Hell (1994). Because this database did not The EEG was recorded by BioSemi ActiView, digitised
contain all words selected, a small control study was per- at a rate of 512 Hz. Before segmentation, the data were
formed in which 10 participants were asked to rate the digitally filtered with a high pass filter 0.01 Hz and a
missing words on concreteness, familiarity and cognate low pass filter of 40 Hz. For the correction of electroocu-
status on a 7-point scale (e.g. 1 for not concrete at all, logram artefacts, the Gratton, Coles, and Donchin (1983)
7 for very concrete). Not only were the homophones algorithm was applied. For non-ocular artefacts, trials
words matched to the control words, the Dutch and with amplitudes below –100 μV, above +100 μV, or
English translation equivalents were also matched. trials that made a 100 μV or larger voltage step within
None of the differences in linguistic properties 200 ms were removed from the analysis. The EEG was
between sets of words reached statistical significance. then segmented in epochs from –200 to +1000 ms rela-
tive to the stimulus onset. Only segments with correct
responses, given between 600 and 2500 ms, were
Procedure and design
included; earlier responses were excluded to avoid
Participants were individually tested in a dimly lit room, speech artefacts. Average ERPs were computed for
while sitting in front of a computer screen. Participants each condition using a pre-stimulus baseline of 200 ms.
translated as quickly and accurately as possible words The mean amplitude values were calculated per partici-
from Dutch to English (L1–L2) and from English to pant and condition.

Behavioural and ERP analysis Table 1. Average RT, per cent errors and their standard deviation
(SD) for each of the four experimental conditions.
For the behaviour analysis, response errors and misses L1–L2 L2–L1
(17.7%) and voice key failures (1.4%) were excluded Translation direction: Mean SD Mean SD
from analysis. Also responses faster than 300 ms or RT (ms) Homophones 1002 111 992 97
slower than 2500 ms were excluded from the data Controls 903 112 991 94
Error (%) Homophones 24.5 9.4 27.6 11.4
(1.4%). On average, 59 RTs were available for analysis Controls 8.3 4.4 10.3 7.2
per participant per condition with a minimum of 39. Homophone effect RT 99 1
Homophone effect error 16.2 17.3
RTs were submitted to a repeated-measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with word type (homophones vs. con-
trols) and translation direction (L1–L2 vs. L2–L1 trans-
participants as random factor (F1) and the analyses
lation) as independent factors.
with items as random factor (F2). ANOVAs were per-
For the ERP analyses choosing time windows and
formed on the participant means with translation direc-
localisation can result in a large number of comparisons.
tion (English–Dutch vs. Dutch–English) and word type
To avoid this a priori bias, a multivariate statistical tool
(homophone vs. control) as within-participant and
called partial least squares (PLSs) was used (Lobaugh,
between-items factors. To examine whether a possible
West, & McIntosh, 2001; McIntosh, Bookstein, Haxby, &
homophone effect is affected by the repetition of the
Grady, 1996). Based on all experimental conditions
set of target words, the factor repetition was added as
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(translation direction and word type), singular value

a within-participant and within-item factor. The main
decomposition reveals a set of latent variables (LVs),
effect of translation direction approached significance
representing specific contrasts, that account for a per-
in the analysis by participants, F1(1, 20) = 3.22, p = .088,
centage of the cross-block covariance. Each LV value
h2p = 0.139 and reached significance in the analysis by
explains how much of the covariance was explained by
items, F2(1, 140) = 5.34, p = .022, h2p = 0.037, indicating
a particular LV. The estimate of obtaining a singular
that with these materials backward translation (L2–L1)
value by chance (similar to a p-value) was computed
was somewhat harder than forward translation (L1–L2).
by 1000 permutations. The reliability of electrode sal-
The main effect of word type was significant, both in
iences at each point of time was assessed by 200 boot-
the participant analysis and in the item analysis: F1(1,
strap re-samplings that apply random sampling with
20) = 23.67, p < .001, h2p = 0.542 and F2(1, 140) = 10.73,
replacement. The relation between the experimental
p < .005, h2p = 0.071, respectively. Also the main effect
design contrasts (represented by the LV) and the spatio-
of repetition was significant in both analyses: F1(1, 20)
temporal pattern of ERP amplitude changes is rep-
= 148.69, p < .001, h2p = 0.881 and F2(1, 140) = 335.54, p
resented by the electrode saliences. Electrode saliences
< .001, h2p = 0.706, respectively.
above 1.7 (p < .05) were considered reliable, because
The two-way interaction between translation direc-
the ratio of the salience to the standard error approxi-
tion and word type was significant in the participant
mates a z-score (see Grundy & Shedden, 2014, for an
analysis, F1(1, 20) = 42.16, p < .001, h2p = 0.678, but not
example of how PLS is applied to EEG data). Thus, PLS
in the item analysis, F2(1, 140) = 1.31, ns. Additional t-
analyses allowed us to narrow the time windows and
tests on the participant means indicated that translating
locations of experimental effects in order to perform con-
homophones took significantly more time than translat-
ventional ERP statistics. The mean amplitudes of the ERPs
ing control words in forward translation (L1–L2), t1(20) =
were submitted to repeated-measures ANOVAs. When
7.65, p < .001, and t2(70) = 3.56, p < .005, but not in back-
appropriate, the Greenhouse–Geisser correction was
ward translation (L2–L1), t1(20) < 1, t2(70) = 1.34, ns. The
applied to account for non-sphericity of the data (Green-
interaction between translation direction and repetition
house & Geisser, 1959); uncorrected degrees of freedom
approached significance in both the participant analysis,
and corrected probabilities are reported.
F1(1, 20) = 4.30, p = .051, h2p = 0.177, and in the item
analysis, F2(1, 140) = 3.56, p = .061, h2p = 0.025, reflecting
larger repetition (facilitation) effect for L1–L2 translation
Results than for L2–L1 translation. The two-way interaction
between word type and repetition was not significant in
Behavioural results
the participant analysis, F1(1, 20) = 1.05, ns., but did
Table 1 shows the average RTs and percentages of errors reach significance in the item analysis, F2(1, 140) = 6.23,
in the various conditions of the experiment. Although p = .014, h2p = 0.043. This finding indicates that in the
our selection of homophones was rather exhaustive, item analysis the homophone effect was smaller when
we report both the results of the analyses with the stimuli were repeated. However, a t-test performed

presentation onset up to 500 ms to decide which time

windows and localisations explain most of the covari-
ance for our contrasts. Only one LV was found and
accounted for 76.87% of the variance, p < .008 (Figure
2). This LV is a design contrast that shows a greater dis-
tinction between control words and homophones for
the L1–L2 than the L2–L1 translation direction.
The electrode saliences, reflecting confidence inter-
vals for salience across time points and electrodes,
revealed two time windows that were most reliable
for the LV. The 270–320 ms time window (P200)
Figure 2. Design scores for the LV, representing 76.87% of the
variance (p < .008).
revealed most reliability in the anterior region (elec-
trodes Fp1 AF3 F3 FC1 F4 FP2) and the 325–425 ms
time window (N400) in the right posterior region
on the item means showed that the homophone interfer-
(electrodes CP2 CP6 Pz P4 P8; Figure 3). Based on cor-
ence effect was still clearly present when the stimuli were
respondence with PLS, each time window was then
presented a second time, t2(142) = 2.88, p < .01. Finally,
analysed by classic statistical ERP analyses for its
the three-way interaction between translation direction,
own localisation with translation direction (L1–L2 vs.
Downloaded by [] at 09:42 21 December 2015

word type and repetition did not reach significance in

L2–L1) and trial type (controls vs. homophones) as
both the participant and item analyses (both p > .10).
independent variables. Figure 4 represents the ERP
An ANOVA performed on the percentages of errors per
waveforms of the word type effect for each translation
participant, with translation direction and word type as
within-participant factors, only revealed a main effect for
270–320 ms (P200). There was no significant main
word type, F(1, 20) = 168.78, p < .001, h2p = 0.894. Paired
effect of word type, F(1, 20) = 1.36, ns, h2p = 0.064, but
t-test indicated more errors for homophones than controls
there was for translation direction, F(1, 20) = 6.13, p
in both the L1–L2 translation direction, t(20) = 8.75, p
< .05, h2p = 0.235. The interaction between these two
< .001, and the L2–L1 direction, t(20) = 8.80, p < .001.
factors was also significant, F(1, 20) = 5.02, p < .05,
h2p = 0.201. To explore this interaction, the effects were
ERP results followed up with ANOVAs conducted separately for
each translation direction. When participants translated
With whole-brain PLS analysis the factors translation
from Dutch to English (L1–L2) the positive amplitudes
direction and word type were examined from stimulus
were significantly smaller for homophones (3.34 µV; SE:

Figure 3. A PLS electrode saliency map showing the reliability of LV for the word type effect separate for each translation direction. The
x-axis represents time in milliseconds (0–500) and the y-axis represents electrode salience (i.e. reliability of the LV).

0.98) than control words (4.58 µV; SE: 0.88), F(1, 20) = average ERPs for homophone and control translation
7.03, p < .05, h2p = 0.260. However, the difference pairs are presented in Figure 4.
between homophones (5.56 µV; SE: 1.09) and controls
(5.28 µV; SE: 1.10) did not reach significance when trans-
lating from English to Dutch (L2–L1), F < 1.
325–425 ms (N400). The main effect of word type and Previous research on written and spoken word compre-
translation direction both reached significance, respect- hension in bilinguals has revealed a clear homophone
ively, F(1, 20) = 5.76, p < .05, h2p = 0.223 and F(1, 20) = effect, indicating that homophones activate lexical rep-
4.49, p < .05, η2p = 0.183. The interaction between word resentations in both languages in parallel, even in a
type and translation direction did not reach significance, monolingual context. In the present study, we examined
F(1, 20) = 1,04, ns, h2p = 0.049. Within the right posterior a possible homophone effect in bilingual word pro-
regions there were more negative deflections for homo- duction. The presence of such an effect and its polarity
phones (2.12 µV; SE: 0.79) than for control words (2.89 (facilitatory or inhibitory) may shed light on the pro-
µV; SE: 0.86). In addition, there were more negative cesses underlying word retrieval and production in bilin-
deflections for the L1–L2 (1.88 µV; SE: 0.82) than the guals. Our experiment, using a word-translation task,
L2–L1 translation direction (3.13 µV; SE: 0.90). Grand shows that the production of an interlingual homophone
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Figure 4. Averaged stimulus-locked ERP waveforms for homophones (solid lines) versus control words (dashed lines) in L2–L1 (black
lines) and L1–L2 (grey lines) for the P200 (a) and N400 localisation (b). (a) Electrode selection for P200 analysis based on PLS whole-brain
analysis. (b) Electrode selection for N400 analysis based on PLS whole-brain analysis.
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Figure 4. (continued)

takes significantly more time than the production of non- Interlingual homophones showed reduced ampli-
homophones when translating from L1 to L2. When tudes of P200 compared to control words suggesting
translating from L2 to L1 no significant effect of homo- that the processing of homophones does profit from
phone status on response latencies was observed. feedback from a phonemic level, as discussed in the
However, both translation directions showed a larger introduction and illustrated in the right panel of Figure
number of errors when homophones had to be pro- 1. However, this effect was present only in the L1–L2
duced than when control words had to be produced. It translation direction but not in the L2–L1 translation
could be argued that the relatively large number of direction. It is likely that P200 is sensitive to the proces-
errors in the homophone conditions may reflect a differ- sing of the source language (Christoffels et al., 2013). In
ence in ease of translation between the two sets of L1–L2 translation direction, reading in L1 should be
words that is unrelated to homophone status. We can easy, consequently lexical access should benefit from
advance three arguments against this interpretation. the phonemic overlap of interlingual homophones.
First, as discussed in the materials section, the words in However, during L2–L1 translation, lexical retrieval for
both sets were carefully matched with respect to a the L2 words does not benefit from phonemic overlap
large number of characteristics. Second, the relevant possible due to weaker word form to meaning connec-
homophone effects showed up both in the analyses by tion in the L2. Finally, note that the P200 reported here
participants and in the analyses by items. This latter has an anterior maximum, while typically the P200
finding makes it unlikely that the observed effects are related to lexical access has a posterior distribution
due to a relatively small set of hard-to-translate words (e.g. Strijkers et al., 2010). This difference in the localisation
in the homophone condition. Finally, the observation of the P200 effect may be due to the fact that not only
of a smaller P200 for translating homophones than lexical access, but also other mechanisms – such as
control words in the L1–L2 direction also provides evi- working memory – contribute to the effects observed
dence against an imperfect-matching account. (e.g. Timmer & Schiller, 2012). For instance, the frontal

activation may be related to competition between amplitudes in the L2–L1 than L1–L2 translation direction.
two lexical representations of interlingual homographs, This reversed pattern makes sense if one realises that the
which have to be kept in working memory. problem in processing homographs is most probably not
Interlingual homophones showed an increased N400 in a production stage, but in the stage of selection of the
effect compared to control words in both translation correct concept of the stimulus word and that this
directions, suggesting that a semantic conflict is problem is likely to be larger when the stimulus word
detected. Earlier ERP studies showed decreased ampli- is presented in the L2–L1 translation condition than
tudes of N400 for cognates compared to control words when it is presented in the L1–L2 translation condition
(e.g. Midgley, Holcomb, & Grainger, 2011; Peeters, Dijk- (e.g. the Dutch–English homograph ROOM, which has
stra, & Grainger, 2013). It has been argued that the different meanings in Dutch and English, has to be inter-
N400 component reflects difficulty of mapping a word preted as part of a house and not as cream – the Dutch
form to its meaning, which is facilitated by cognates meaning). As argued above, the production of homo-
compared to non-cognates. Given these findings, we phones is – in contrast – likely to be harder when the
propose the following account of the homophone stimulus word is presented in L1 (as in translating the
effect: first, in the process of word translation a response L1 word “blad” into the L2 word “leaf”; a homophone
word is selected (e.g. the L2 word “leaf” in response to of the L1 word “lief”).
the Dutch “blad”) and processed up to the level of In conclusion, our data show evidence of a homo-
response execution. Second, a monitoring process is phone effect in word production. We argued that this
Downloaded by [] at 09:42 21 December 2015

initiated that probably entails the activation of the con- effect is most probably due to a conflict between simul-
ceptual representation corresponding to the available taneously activated concepts during a process of output
response word. As concluded from studies on word rec- monitoring, a conclusion that is in line with earlier
ognition – discussed in the introduction – a homophone interpretations of homophone processing in word
like /li:f/ most probably activates two different conceptual comprehension.
representations in an Dutch–English bilingual: the con-
cept “sweet” and the concept “leaf”. It is likely that the
resulting conflict at the conceptual level is responsible Disclosure statement
for the delay in response execution, to a failure to No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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