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Completely Modulated, simplified and
Precise Question bank for 3rd year
Medical Students by Students Network
Organisation India Tamilnadu State

Foreword :

Welcome to the “Comprehensive

Question Bank” for 3rd year MBBS
students, designed to support and
enhance your learning experience. This
question bank aims to provide us with a
wide range of thought-provoking
questions and has been meticulously
curated to encompass various topics,
subjects and disciplines.

We understand that learning goes beyond

textbooks and lectures. It requires active
engagement, application of knowledge,
and the ability to think critically. With
this question bank, we aim to empower
you with the tools needed to improve your
academic performance and develop a
solid foundation in the subject of your

Foremost I thank this advisory crew for

giving us this great platform for us to come
up with such initiatives, without you all,
this wouldn’t have been possible. We
would like to extend our gratitude to our
dedicated team – SNO INDIA TAMIL NADU

We hope that this “Question bank”

becomes an invaluable companion in
your learning journey. May it ignite your
passion for knowledge, spark curiosity,
and serve as a catalyst for all our
academic success.

Best regards,
Shini Preetha Nirmalson
Our Contributors and Academic Team :
⭐ Ashwin –Membership Co-Ordinator,
⭐ Adithiya Pandian – Vice President,
⭐ Akshayanivasini–State Co-ordinator,
⭐ Pratheesh kumaran – Membership
Co-Ordinator, SNO INDIA TN
⭐️ Arunagiri - Tech Co-Ordinator, SNO INDIA TN
Note from Vice President :
We have made this Question bank in a
spectacular manner in order to provide a
Precise and Qualitative Question bank to
fellow students to help them to prepare
themselves for the upcoming University
Our team has worked hard to formulate all
the Questions from the reference Books
and has ensured there are no repetition of
Questions with multiple quality checks, so
as to provide an hassle- free go through of

These Questions are more than enough to

crack out the University examinations and
pass over to next prof !

Wishing Best wishes for the University

exams and Face it with Confidence !

Always remember that,

“ You will never be in a situation
which is over your Ability...If you are
facing it, Then you own it ”
- Adithiya Pandian
Vice President SNO INDIA TN
Ear, Nose & Throat

Diseases of Ear

1.Discuss the etiopathogenesis, Clinical

features and Management of
tubo-tympanic type of chronic
suppurative otitis media.
2. Complications of Chronic
suppurative Otitis Media-Factors in the
Spread of infection, Classification.
Discuss in detail about Lateral Sinus

3. Discuss the etiopathology of

conductive deafness. Describe the types
of tympanoplasty.

4. Describe the aetiology, pathology,

clinical features and management of
5. What is cholesteatoma? Describe its
pathogenesis, aetiology, clinical
features and management.
6. Give an account of aetiology, clinical
features and treatment of Glue Ear
7. Define Meniere’s disease. Discuss the
etiopathology, clinical features
and management of the same.

8. Enumerate the peripheral vestibular

causes of vertigo. Discuss the
Pathophysiology, Clinical features and
Management of BPPV (Benign
Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo)

9. 50-year-old male presents with

history of left ear discharge for 3 years.
What are the routes of spread of
infection to the intracranial structures
in this patient? Enumerate the
intracranial complications expected.
Describe about Otogenic Brain Abscess
10. 35 yrs old female from village,
with H/O right ear discharge since
childhood with H/O hard of hearing - 4
yrs. & Headache - 2 months. On
Examination the patient was having a
central perforation in the
anteroinferior quadrant of the Tympanic
membrane. TFT showed Rinne negative,
Weber lateralized to right side. ABC- not
reduced. What could be the Diagnosis?
What are the investigation you will do?
What do you mean by Air - Bone Gap?
How will you manage this case?

1. Draw a neat labelled diagram for

Middle ear cleft
2. Meniere’s Disease
3. Stapedial reflex
4. Hearing loss and Physiology of
5. Tuning fork tests
6. Pure tone audiometry
7. Tympanoplasty
8. Presbycusis
9. Optokinetic nystagmus
10. Kobrak test
11. Swimmer’s ear
12. Furuncle of ear
13. Allergic Otitis Externa
14. Malignant otitis Externa
15. Otomycosis
16. Keratosis obturans
17. Scarlet Fever
18. Extra cranial complications of
chronic suppurative otitis media
19. Acute mastoiditis
20. Labyrinthitis
21. Lateral sinus
22. Clinical Otosclerosis
23. Bell’s / Facial Palsy
24. Frey’s syndrome
25. Ototoxicity
25. Glomus Tumor
26. MERI index
27. Tympanometry
28. Tympanogram
29. Korner’s septum
30. Causes and management of
sudden sensorineural hearing loss
31. Ototoxicity
32. CPA tumours (cerebellopontine
angle tumours)
33. Oto acoustic Emission-OAE
34. Impedance audiogram
35. Organ of corti
36. Cochlear implants
37. Eustachian tube
38. Semicircular canals
39. Referred otalgia
40. Gradenigo’s syndrome
41. Tympanic membrane
42. Types of hearing aid
43. Speech Audiometry
44. CHARGE Syndrome
45. Ramsay hunt syndrome

Diseases Of Nose And Paranasal

1. What are the causes of Epistaxis?
Describe the Clinical features and
Management of Juvenile
Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.
2. Discuss the etiopathology of
malignant tumors of the maxilla. Add a
note on investigations and its surgical

3. Describe the etiology, clinical features

and management of
4. Describe the anatomy of lateral wall
of nose. Describe the types and
management of nasal polyps.
5. What are the etiopathogenesis,
clinical features, investigation and
management of allergic rhinitis.

1. Lateral wall of nasal cavity
2. Middle meatus
3. Hiatus Semilunaris
4. Physiology of nose
5. Rhinophyma
6. Deviated nasal septum
7. Cottle test
8. Septal hematoma
9. Nasal septal perforation
10. Atrophic rhinitis & its management
11.Fungal Polyposis
12. Nasal myiasis
13. Rhinolith
14. Allergic rhinitis
15. Ethmoidal polyp
16. Etiology, clinical features Antro-
Choanal polyp
17. Difference between antrochoanal
polyp and Ethmoidal polyp
18. Little’s area
19. Anterior nasal packing
20. Le-fort Fracture
21. Rhino cerebral - Phycomycosis
22. Allergic fungal sinusitis
23. Frontal mucocele
24. Sphenoid sinus
25. Choanal atresia
26. Mucociliary Clearance Mechanism
27. Orbital complications of sinusitis.
28. Fungal sinusitis
29. Rhinoscleroma
30. Diffuse serous labyrinthitis
Diseases Of Oral Cavity And Salivary

1. Pleomorphic adenoma
2. Leucoplakia
3. Pleomorphic lesions of oral cavity
Diseases Of Pharynx


1. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis,

Clinical features and Management of
Retropharyngeal abscess.

2. Mention the differential diagnosis of

white patch in Tonsil.
3. Describe the diagnosis, complications
and treatment of acute follicular
4. Describe in detail etiopathogenesis,
clinical features and management of a
patient with Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
5. Describe the etiopathology, clinical
features, diagnosis and management of
chronic tonsillitis. Mention
complications of tonsillitis and
contraindications of tonsillectomy

6. Enumerate the causes for dysphagia.

Write in detail about acute
retropharyngeal abscess.


1. Killian’s dehiscence
2. Waldeyer’s Ring
3. Vincent’s Angina
4. Tubal tonsil
5. Para pharyngeal spaces
6. Ludwig’s Angina
8. Potential neck spaces, acute
Retropharyngeal abscess
9. Chronic retropharyngeal abscess
10. Retropharyngeal abscess
11. Tonsillolith
12. Obstructive sleep apnoea
13. Polysomnography.
14. Lingual Tonsil
15. Pharyngeal pouch
16. Eagle syndrome
17. Sleep apnoea syndrome
18. Surgery for snoring
19. Faucial diphtheria
20. Mouth breathing
Diseases Of Larynx And Trachea
1. A male patient aged 65 yr’s chronic
smoker, comes with hoarseness of
voice of 1year Duration. How do you
investigate and treat him. ( Laryngitis )
2. What is Stridor? Enumerate the
causes of Stridor. Describe briefly the
management modalities of Stridor.

3. Discuss the indication, procedure

and complications of tracheostomy.
4. Discuss in detail the management of
foreign body in the air way
5. Discuss aetiology, pathology and
management of Carcinoma Larynx
1. Functions of larynx
2. Acute epiglottitis
3. Vocal cord paralysis – theories on
4. Benign tumour’s – larynx
5. Vocal nodule / singer’s nodule
6. Functional aphonia
7. Bronchial foreign bodies
8. Vocal cord Nodules
9. Bilateral abductor palsy
10. Vocal cord polyp

Clinical Methods In ENT And Operative

1. Thyroglossal cyst
2. Myringotomy
3. Antral wash
4. Difference-SMR and Septoplasty
5. Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy
6. Complications of Tonsillectomy
7. Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery
8. Myringoplasty
9. Caldwel-luc surgery
10.Septoplasty complications
Diseases of Oesophagus

1. Discuss in aetiology, clinical
features, and management of
Stricture Oesophagus.
2. Causes, Clinical features,
investigations and treatment of

1. Plummer Vinson syndrome
Patterson Brown Kelly syndrome
2. Achalasia cardia. Aetiology of carcinoma
Recent Advances

1.Manifestations of AIDS in ENT
2. Tuberculosis in ENT

Physiology of eye and Refraction


1.Define myopia. Enumerate the types,

clinical picture, complications and
management of myopia.
2.Define Hypermetropia. Discuss its
clinical features and management.
Short notes

2.Types of astigmatism
3. Hypermetropia.
4. Sturm’s conoid
5. Aphakia.
6. Presbyopia
Diseases of conjunctiva & Cornea

1.Clinical features, Types, diagnosis,

investigations and management of
2. Describe etiology, clinical features,
diagnosis and treatment of hypopyon
corneal ulcer

Short Notes
1. Disciform Keratitis.
2. Spring catarrh.
3. Define Ophthalmia Neonatorum and
3. Viral keratitis - clinical features.
4. Acanthamoeba keratitis
5. Indication for keratoplasty
6. Management of Keratoconus
7. Describe anatomy of cornea.
8. Causes for blindness—management of
9. Write a note on pterygium and it's
recurrence. Also write a note on its
10. Aetiology, signs and treatment of
phlyctenular conjunctivitis
11. Prevention and management of
corneal ulcer perforation.
12. Management of fascicular ulcer.
13. Causes & management of
Geographical ulcer
14. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis.
15. WHO grading system for trachoma
16. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Sclera & uveal tract
1) Acute anterior uveitis –
etiopathogenesis, clinical features,
investigation, complication &
differential diagnosis ( also known as
Short Notes:
1) Episcleritis
2) Scleritis
3) Endophthalmitis
4) Panophthalmitis
5) Phaco anaphylactic uveitis
6) Granulomatous uveitis
7) Staphylomas
8) Classify uveitis & management of
acute iridocyclitis
9) Keratic precipitate
10) Variation in intraocular pressure
occurs in iridocyclitis
Lens and glaucoma

1. Define glaucoma – Describe the
clinical features and investigations
and treatment of primary open angle
glaucoma (POAG)
2. Causes for sudden painful loss of
vision? Details about acute
congestive stage of angle closure
3. Acquired cataract? Describe the
clinical features, diagnosis and
management of senile cataract
4. Differential diagnosis of red eye.
How will you manage acute
congestive glaucoma
5. Congenital cataract
6. Mention the causes of gradual
loss of vision and discuss the
management of senile cortical
7. 59 year old male c/o gradual
diminution of vision. Causes and
8. Causes for painless progressive
loss of vision? Details about mature
9. Uniocular cataract?
10.Enumerate the pre-operative
investigations for cataract surgery
12.Chronic simple glaucoma
13.Clinical features and management
of acute congestive glaucoma
Short notes
1. Complicated cataract
2. Lens induced glaucoma
3. After cataract
4. Lamellar / zonular cataract
5. IOL
6. Iridectomy
7. Post operative complications of
cataract surgery
8. Subluxation of lens
9. Clinical features and
management of congenital glaucoma
10. Buphthalmos
11.Medical treatment of primary open
angle glaucoma
12.Management of acute congestive
glaucomatous attack
13.Management of absolute glaucoma
14.Brown cataract
15.Clinical features of complicated
16.Retinal function test
17.Circulation of aqueous humour
18.Chronic simple glaucoma
19.Siedel’s scotoma
20.Describe field defects of chronic
simple glaucoma with diagram
21.Field defects in primary open angle
22.Acute congestive glaucoma
23.Iris bombe
24.Mechanism of secondary glaucoma in
25.Nuclear cataract
1.Central Retinal Artery
Occlusion . Causes of sudden loss of
2. Diabetic Retinopathy and its
3. Hypertensive retinopathy
4. Retinal Detachment : Etiology,
Clinical Features and Treatment,
causes of sudden loss of vision
5. Retinitis Pigmentosa
6. Hypertensive retinopathy
7. Retinoblastoma

Short notes
1. Causes of Cherry Red Spot
2. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
3. Leukocoria in children
4. Fundus picture of hypertensive
5. Describe retinal function tests
6. Fundus picture in AIDS
7. Retinopathy of prematurity

Eyelids, Orbit & Lacrimal apparatus

1) Acute and Chronic Inflammatory
disorder of eye lid
2) Dry eye disease

Short Notes:
1) Chalazion
2) Ectropion
3) Entropion
4) Epiphora -Etiopathogenesis,
clinical features & treatment
5) Blepharospasm
6) Ptosis
7) Hordeolum
8) Lagophthalmos
9) Lacrimal duct drainage
10) Eye lid anatomy
11) Sympathetic ophthalmia
12) Symblepharon

Ocular therapeutics

Short Notes:
1) Anti-Glaucoma drugs
2) Mydriatics & cycloplegic drugs
3) Corticosteroid
4) Usage of dyes in ophthalmology
5) Viscoelastic drugs
6) Use of laser in ophthalmology
7) Tonometry
8) Cryotherapy

Community ophthalmology
Short Notes:
1) WHO definition of blindness
2) Define: Economic blindness,
Social blindness & legal blindness
3) Xerophthalmia
4) WHO classification of vitamin A
5) Ocular manifestation, Criteria
and management of vitamin A
6) Vision 2020 programme
7) Eye bank & protocol for eye bank
8) District blindness control society
Preventive and social medicine

Man & Medicine

1.Define Health, what are the concepts
of health. Write a note on positive health
Concepts of health and disease

Essay :
1.Define health, what are the indicators
of health, write a note on
Epidemiological triad

2.Describe various levels of Prevention

and Intervention with example

Short notes
1.Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
2. International classification of
diseases 3.Human development index
4.Determinants of Health
5.Natural H/o diseases
6.Ice-berg phenomenon
7.Disease Surveillance
9.Lifestyle and health
10.Human poverty index
11.Disability limitation
12.Sullivan’s index
13.Discuss multifactorial aetiology and
web of causation.
Principles and methods of Epidemiology


1.Define source and reservoir of

infection? Describe in detail dynamics
modes of disease transmission?
2.What are the types of analytical
epidemiological study? Describe the
involved in the case-control study along
with its merits and demerits.

3.Discuss in detail the steps involved in

conducting a cohort study. Mention
the advantages and disadvantages of
Cohort study
4.List & define the various types of
mortality indicators. What are the uses
and limitations of mortality data?
Which mortality indicator would you
choose to decide the Relative
of a disease as cause of death in a

5. Write about the relative risk and

attributable risk and its applications in
public health

6. What is Randomization and describe

its types with relevant examples

Short notes :
1.Cold chain system
2.Tools of measurements in
3.Epidemic curve
4.Incidence rate and its uses.
5.Elements of Cohort study.
6.Define and give the importance of
herd immunity in disease control.
7.Uses of Epidemiology.
8.Common Source epidemics.
9.Bias in case control study.
10.Basic steps in conducting
Randomized control trial.
11.Adverse events following
12.Monitoring and surveillance.
13.Investigation of an epidemic
15.Uses of incubation
16.Bias in epidemiological studies
17.Write the national immunization
18.Define spot map. Discuss its use in
19.Define migration studies. Discuss its
use in epidemiology
20.Steps in conducting RCT
(Randomized Controlled Trials) with an
21.Isolation versus quarantine.
22.Measures of Dispersion.

Screening for diseases :

Short notes
1.prenatal screening
2.Sensitivity & specificity
3.Criteria for screening disease
4.Types of screening
5.Evaluation of a screening test
6 Differentiate between screening test
and a diagnostic test
7 Discuss the advantages and limitations
of using a test with HIGH
SENSITIVITY as screening test with an
8 Evaluation of a screening test.
9 Sensitivity and Specificity.
10.Evaluation of screening test.
Epidemiology Of Communicable Diseases


1.Discuss the epidemiology of tetanus

2 .List the arboviral diseases. Explain

the epidemiology, clinical features,
control of Japanese encephalitis.

3 .Describe briefly the epidemiology of

tuberculosis. Add a note on the
National Tuberculosis Elimination
Program and Revised National
Tuberculosis Control Programme.

4 .Describe the epidemiology of

Poliomyelitis in India. Explain the
strategy for
polio eradication in India. Add a Note
on the use of monovalent and bivalent
oral polio vaccines.
5 .Describe the various modes of
transmission of communicable diseases.
6 .Describe the epidemiology, control
and prevention of Typhoid Fever
7 .Describe the epidemiology of hook
worm infection. Discuss its prevention
and control measures.

8 .What are the common disabilities

seen in a case of leprosy? Explain the
various Disability limiting, rehabilitative
measures in leprosy and levels of

9 .Discuss the epidemiology of dengue

fever. Add a note on prevention and
Control of dengue fever as per the
strategy of NVBDC programme in
10 .Discuss vertical transmission of HIV
infection. What are the various
modalities for prevention of vertical
transmission of HIV under national AIDS
control programme?
11.Enumerate the arthropods of medical
importance. Discuss briefly the
mosquito control measures in urban
12 .Describe in detail the classification
of exposure, post-exposure prophylaxis
and wound management of dog bite
cases. Add a note on advantages of
intra dermal administration of cell
culture vaccines.
13 .Describe the diagnosis and
management of a one year old child with
respiratory infection as per the IMNCI
guidelines. Enlist the vaccines that can
be used in its prevention.
14 .Discuss the occupations that have
a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19
disease. Explain the essential
measures of prevention undertaken to
protect them.

Short notes
1.Blocked flea
2.Natural history of measles.
3.Syndromic approach in sexually
transmitted diseases.
4.Congenital rubella syndrome.
5.Current strategy of filaria control.
6.Give the case definition of Acute
Encephalitis Syndrome. How is it
managed at PHC level?
7.Primary prevention of diarrhoeal
8.Management of cases and carriers
in diphtheria.
9.Investigation of food poisoning.
10.Elimination of lymphatic filariasis
11.Epidemiology of Leptospirosis.
12.Scrub Typhus.
13.BCG Vaccination
14.Natural history of measles
15.Epidemiology and Prevention of Ebola
virus disease.
16.Prevention of neonatal tetanus.
17.Guidelines for assessing dehydration
and for oral rehydration therapy.
18.Describe the control and prevention of
yellow fever.
19.Discuss the vector control methods of
malaria. Add a note on its limitations
20.Discuss resurgence of diphtheria disease
and its control.
21.Amoebiasis – Discuss risk factors,
consequences of infection and its control.
22.Enumerate arthropods of medical
importance and discuss integrated vector
23.Compare Herd immunity for Measles and
Epidemiology of Non communicable


1) Describe about multifactorial disease

& add a note on control of cancer
2) Describe the epidemiological &
preventive measures of coronary
artery disease.
3) Describe about epidemiological &
preventive measures of Obesity
4) Discuss about epidemiological of
hypertension. Add a note on control &
preventive measures of hypertension
5) Road traffic accident -Epidemiological,
control & preventive measure

Short Notes
1) Cancer screening-describe in detail
2) Justify care of diabetes mellitus
3) Vision 2020
4) Type of prevention in Rheumatic fever
5) Aetiology of Diabetes Mellitus,
cancer, hypertension, obesity &
Rheumatic fever
6) Rule of halves in hypertension
according to NPCDCS
7) Concept of avoidance of blindness &
their prevention
8) Environmental factors – diabetes
mellitus, cancer & hypertension.

Health Programmes

1,What is National vector-borne disease
control programme? Describe and discuss
National Anti-Malarial Programme.
2.What are the objectives of Revised
National Tuberculosis Control
Programme? How are diagnosis,
categorization and treatment of
tuberculosis done according to RNTCP?
1.Vitamin A prophylaxis programme
2,Describe the various strategies used in
national vector borne diseases control

Environment & Health


1.Air Pollution? Source of air pollution,

strategies regarding the preventive
measures of air pollution in our country
2.What is water pollution? Write in detail
about water related diseases.
3.Discuss in detail about the Integrated
Vector control?
4.What are health hazards of improper
solid waste disposal? Explain in detail
the various methods of solid waste
5.Define refuse. Enumerate the health
hazards due to solid wastes. Write a note on
water seal latrines. Discuss the various
sources, collection and methods of disposal
of solid wastes.

1.Healthful school environment
2.Types of ventilation
3.Control of noise pollution.
4.Soakage pit
5.Sanitary well
6.Indices of thermal comfort
7.Sanitation barrier
8.Purification of water on large scale.
9..Causes and effects of global warming.
10.Hazards of environmental pollution
11 Define Overcrowding. How do they affect
12.Control of scabies.
13. Describe the sanitation measures to be
followed in swimming pools
14.Discuss the effects of atmospheric pressure
on health.
15.Principles of chlorination
16.Non auditory effects of noise pollution
17.Surveillance of drinking water quality.
18.Oxidation pond.
19.Health hazards of health care wastes.
20.Describe the design and working of a septic
21.Enlist the indicators and minimum standards
of housing in an urban area.
22.Enlist the principal methods of refuse
disposal. Describe the method used
in metropolitan cities and highlight the
environmental hazards associated
with it.
23.Discuss the small scale measures that can be
practiced for making water
24.Surveillance of drinking water quality
Communication For Health Education


1.a)Describe the methods of health education to

groups of people (Group
b) Describe the methods of health
to groups of people with their merits and
2.a)Define health education. Discuss in
detail various principles of health education
b)Discuss in details the principles of health
3.Discuss the various methods in health
4. Define ‘Motivation’ in health education.
Enumerate the methods used in
individual approach and group approach of
health education.
5.Define health education. Discuss various
methods used in delivering health
education ?

1.Barriers of communication
2.Principles & Barriers of health
3. Types of communication
4.Health education Vs Health propaganda
5.Models & Content of Health Education
6.Discuss ‘workshop’ as a method of
7.Discuss qualitative and quantitative
methods of health education
8.Mention four approaches to health
9.Behaviour change communication and
its uses.
10.Approach to health education


1. Define malnutrition, specify its problems.
Describe the etiology and the prevention
and control measures.
2. Aetiology, levels of prevention,
clinicosocial assessment in PEM
3.What is the statutory body that regulates
the food quality and safety in India? What
is food fortification? Common food
fortification permitted? Add a note on food
4. Balanced diet? Nutritional program of
the government of India
5. Levels of prevention with examples.
How can they be applied to Vitamin A
Deficiency prevention in young child?
6. Give an account of commonly occurring
food toxicants in India and their
7. Assessment of nutritional status of
community (<5 yr. child)? Add a note on
diet survey

1.Nutritional anemias
2.Iodine deficiency disorder
6.Methods of diet survey and their
advantages and disadvantages
7.Food adulteration
8.Mid meal programme
9.Dietary fibre and health
10. Dietary goals
11. Health problems in urban
12. slums Pasteurization of mik
13. Essential fatty acids

Medicine & Social Science

1)Discuss the cultural factors affecting

2)What is basic model of nuclear family?

Discuss the various cultural factors
affecting health.

1)Medical social worker.
2)Social security for industrial workers.
3)What are the preventive measures
applicable for child labour?
4) Types of learning.
5)Role of family in health and disease
6) Acculturation
7) Defence mechanisms identified by
8) What is consumer protection act?
9) Art of interview
10) Operational Research
11) Drug addiction
12) Enlist the rights of the Patient


1.Define Pneumoconiosis. Explain the

various measures for prevention of
occupational diseases
2.ESI scheme and its Benefits
3.Social security? Measures provided to
factory workers?

1.Lead poisoning and its prevention
2.Occupational cancers
7.Occupational hazards in agriculture
8.Sickness absenteeism
10. Pre-placement, periodic examination
11. Medical measures of prevention of
occupational disease
12. The Factories act
13. Maternal leave under the ESI act

Preventive & Social Measures of

Obstetrics, Paediatrics & Geriatrics

1) Enumerate MCH indicators, write
about preventive & social measures to
control Maternal mortality rate
2) List the various health problems of
the antenatal care, pre-school & school
child. Discuss in detail about the
objectives and aspects of School Health
3) Describes about ICDS & mention
about anganwadi workers in health
system through pre school & antenatal
4) Low birth weight baby & breast
feeding – add a note
5) List the common problem in elderly
people & add a note on social security &
preventive measures of elderly people
6) Define term management. Discuss in
detail about the various management
methods and technique

Short Notes:
1) Growth chart & its uses
2) Measure, cause & prevention of
maternal mortality
3) Juvenile delinquency
4) Warning sign of pregnancy
5) Child guidance clinics
6) Battered baby
7) POCSO Act
9) Partogram
10) Prenatal diagnosis
11) Artificial feeding
12) Difference b/w small for dated
babies & pre term & term
13) RMNCH + A
14) Healthy aging
15) Health programme for ageing
16) Nutritional surveillance &
17) Neonatal screening
18) Risk approach for maternal care &
new born care
19) National immunisation schedule
20) Factors affecting fertility
21) Role of the teacher in school health

Disaster Management

1) Classify the disaster & describe
about disaster preparedness

Short note:
1) Disaster management
2) cycle Triage
3) Rehabilitation

1.Health care waste –Hazard and methods
of disposal?

1.Safe injection practices
2.Health hazards of hospital waste
3.Biomedical waste management
4.Define the categories, colour coding and
containers used in biomedical waste
5.Explain biomedical waste management
of wastes associated with COVID
1.National population policy. Common
fertility related statistics used in family
welfare programme
2.Reasons for population explosion in
India? Different family planning methods
taking recent advances contraception.
3.Classify hormonal contraceptives. Risks
and benefits? Add a note on depot

Short Notes
1.Demographic cycle
2.Age pyramid
3. Postpartum programme
4.Fertility related statistics
5.Fertility indices
6.Eligible couple
7.Sex ratio Measures taken by the
Government pertaining to sex ratio
8. Natural FP methods
10. Advantages and contraindications of
11.Ideal candidate for IUD insertion
12.Oral contraceptives
13. Injectable hormonal contraceptives
14.Menstrual regulation
15.Post conceptional contraceptive methods
16.MTP act
17.Pearl index
18.Incentives and disincentives in family
19.Population education
20. Factors responsible for higher fertility
in India.
21.Voluntary health agencies in population
22.Causes and prevention of maternal
23.Normal distribution
24.Post coital contraception
25.Discuss family cycle and health hazards
at each phase.
26.All India hospital postpartum
27.Natural family planning methods
28.Couple protection rate
29.No scalpel vasectomy
30. National demographic goals and revised
national population policy
31. Significance of net reproductive rate
Mental health

Short notes
1.Causes & Types of mental ill health
2.Warning signals of poor mental health
3.Drug dependence
4.Define Drug abuse, Factors associated for
high risk of drug abuse and its prevention
5. In utero diagnosis of Mental Health
6.Prevention of alcoholism in adolescence
7.Health problems due to industrialization
Health information & Medical statistics


1.What is sampling? Explain random

sampling methods with suitable
examples. Write a note on Sampling errors


1.Standard deviation
2.Chi-Square test
4.Presentation of statistical data.
5.Medical record linkage
6.Normal distribution
7.Measures of central tendency.
Genetics and health

1.Crucial points in the life cycle of a man
3.Factors influencing the gene
in human population
4.Chromosomal abnormalities in Humans
5.Sex Linked Inheritance
6.Prevention of genetic disorder
7.Genetic counselling

International Health

Short Notes:
1) World health organization
2) World health day
3) Work of WHO
5) FAO
6) Indian Red Cross

Health planning & Management

1) Planning cycle & add a note on
management & technique
2) Health system in India at a) At
centre Level b) State level c) District

Short notes :
1) Evaluation of steps of
health services
2) Network analysis
3) Shrivastav committee
4) PERT in planning cycle
5) Panchayat raj
Health Care of the community

1) Elements of Primary health care &
their principle and Primary Health care
in India
2) Role of ASHA worker, Anganwadi
workers, Health care worker – Male &
female in health system
Short notes :

1) Cost effective analysis & cost

benefit analysis
2) Millennium development goals
3) Hospital performance development
4) Describe health problem in urban
5) Health problems of tribal areas
6) Describe the Staff & service work
at sub centre

Legal procedures
Short notes :

1. Subpoena
2. Magistrate inquest
3. Inquest
4. Conduct money
5. Medical evidence
6. Dying declaration
7. Witnesses
8. Expert witness
9. Hostile witness
10. Cognizable
11. Cross
Medical law and ethics :


1.The functions of State medical council

2.Professional misconduct and procedure
of Disciplinary action in such a case with
3.Medical negligence

1) Indian Medical council
2) State medical council
3) Penal erasure
4) Professional death sentence
5) Medical indemnity insurance
6) Infamous conduct
7) Privileged communication
8) Resipsa loquitor
9) Malingering (SA)
10) Corporate negligence
11) Contributory Negligence
12) Vicarious liability
13) Consent, rules of consent
14) Euthanasia
15) Consumer protection act
16) Therapeutic misadventure
17) Medical Etiquette
18) Novus actus interveniens
19) Dying deposition



1) Gustafson’s method
2) Medico legal Importance of
3) age Dactylography
4) Application of X-ray in FM
5) Superimposition
6) Rule of Hasse
7) Corpus Delicti

Medico legal autopsy :


1) Medico legal autopsy

2) Air embolism
3) Method of examination of heart in
4) Exhumation
5) Virtual autopsy/ virtopsy

: and its causes

1) Concept of brain
2) death Mode of death
3) Obscure autopsy
4) Sudden death
5) Resuscitation artifacts
6) Psychological autopsy
Post-mortem changes :

1. Various factors that help in
establishing the time since death
The late changes occurring after
death, discuss the changes taking
place in decomposition and the
M.L significance
2. Rigor mortis and Muscular
changes in a Dead body

1) Post-mortem caloricity
2) Marbling
3) Suspended animation
4) Infamous animation
5) Difference between Rigor mortis
and Cadaveric spasm
6) Adipocere
7) Post mortem hypostasis
8) Changes in the eye after
9) death Rule of 12.
10) Suspended animation
11) Casper’s Dictum(SA)

Mechanical asphyxia:

1. Define and Classify Asphyxial
Deaths. Write about Hanging, Post
mortem findings, causes of death in
Hanging. List out the difference
between hanging and strangulation
by ligature

2. Define drowning. Types,

pathophysiology and Post mortem
appearance of Drowning.
1) Manual strangulation
2) Postmortem finding in throttling
3) Fracture of hyoid bone
4) Traumatic asphyxia
5) Café coronary
6) Gettlers test
7) Diatoms test
8) Sexual asphyxia
9) Dry drowning

Sterility and virginity

1.Define the definition and types of
artificial insemination. Discuss the
indication, Biological, legal aspects and
precautions of artificial insemination

2.Surrogate motherhood
3.Signs of virginity
4.Super foetation
6.List out the Signs of recent
delivery in living and Dead

Sexual offences

1.Define Rape and examination of victim
Short notes :
2.Section 375 of IPC
3.Custodial rape
4.Genital examination in rape victim
5.Collection of evidence in rape
cases 6.Indecent assault
8.Sexual perversions
10. Fetishism
11. Masturbation
12. Chemical examination for
seminal fluids
13. Precipitin test

Abortion and infant deaths

1) Live birth, Difference between still
and live birth
2) Define and classify abortion. Write
in detail about the diagnosis and
evidence of criminal abortion in a dead.
Add a note on medicolegal importance
of criminal abortion
1) Medical Termination of
Pregnancy (MTP Act 1971
2) Maceration
3) Hydrostatic test
4) Battered baby syndrome / Caffey
Kempe syndrome
5) Dead born foetus
6) Signs of live birth
7) Shaken baby syndrome
8) Difference between respired and
unrespired lung in Foetal autopsy
9) Crib death
Mechanical injuries

1.Define injury, List out the Difference

between suicidal and homicidal injuries.
2.Explain types and medicolegal
importance of Abrasions.
4.Classify injuries. Discuss and enumerate
cause of death. Differentiate antemortem
wounds from post mortem wounds.
5.Enumerate the effects of bomb explosive
injuries. Write about the methods to
identify the mutilated bodies.
6.Explain the types and MLI of
7. Define and Classify firearms. Explain
about wounds caused by firearms.

1.Difference between incised and stab
2.Determination of caliber of gun
3.Abrasion collar
4.Difference between entry and exit bullet
5.Distinguish post-mortem hypostasis and
6.Explain laceration and it’s classification
7.Differences between suicidal and
homicidal cut throat injury
8.Fabricated wounds
9.Weapon identification by examination
of stab injuries
10. Defense wounds
11. Pseudobruise


1.Enumerate intracranial haemorrhages
Explain in detail about Extradural

1.Skull fracture
2.Traffic accidents
3.Whiplash injury
4.Contrecoup injury
5.Lucid interval in head injuries
6.Contusion & Concussion of brain
7.Cerebral laceration
8.Fracture of base of skull
9.Non traumatic intracerebral
10. Pedestrian injuries
11. Seat belt injuries
12. Boxing injuries
13. Differences between post traumatic
intracerebral haemorrhage and
14. Primary impact injuries

1.Differences between antemortem and

post-mortem wounds. What is a
culpable homicide? Discuss on
justifiable homicide

1. Grievous hurt
2. Dowry deaths and it’s medicolegal
4. Section 320 IPC
5. Sudden death
6. Torture
7.Punishment for homicide
8.Excited delirium

Toxicology Essay :
1. Describe the procedure of stomach wash
with a neat labeled diagram. Add a note on

2. Describe the signs, symptoms and

management in a case of Barbiturate
poisoning with coma

3. Describe the Signs, symptoms, Treatment

and Autopsy findings in a case of Chronic
Lead poisoning

4.Enumerate the irrespirable gases. Discuss

the pharmacological actions, signs and
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and post
mortem appearance of Carbon Monoxide

5. Classify agricultural poisons. Write in

detail about the treatment and post mortem
findings in a case of organo phosphorous
compound poisoning ( OPC )

6. Describe the duties of a doctor when a

poisoning case was admitted in the casualty

7. Define poisoning. Write in detail about

signs, symptoms and post mortem changes
of arsenic poisoning

8.Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment

and autopsy findings in a case of Chronic
mercury poisoning

9. Elaborate the signs, symptoms,

treatment, autopsy findings and
medicolegal aspects of carbon monoxide

10. Classify poison. Describe the signs,

symptoms, complications, treatment and
post mortem appearances of sulfuric acid.
11.Define arsenic poisoning, symptoms
and postmortem changes. Differentiate
between arsenic poisoning and cholera.

12.Describe the signs, symptoms,

and autopsy findings in a case of Cyanide

Short notes :

1.Blood picture in chronic lead poisoning?

2. Treatment of methyl alcohol poisoning?
3. Ideal Suicidal poisons ?
4. Penicillamine?
5. Treatment of OPC poisoning?
6. Ecbolics ?
7. Hydrargyrism?
8. Post mortem appearance of copper
sulphate poisoning?
9. Plant penicillin poisoning?
10.Abrus precatorius?
11. Spanish fly?
12. Difference between poisonous and
non- poisonous snake?
13. Ophitoxemia?
14. Treatment of Viper snake bite?
15. Write about War Gases ?
16. Difference between drug addiction
and Drug habituation?

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