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List Of Important Current Affairs

1. 15th BRICS Summit 2023

- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Theme- “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable
Development and Inclusive Multilateralism”
- Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Ethiopia, and Argentina joined the BRICS fold, amplifying
the group's representation across the Middle East, Africa, and South America. Full
membership will take effect on January 1, 2024.
- Importance for India- First in-person meeting after India- China standoff at Line of Actual
Control. India called for BRICS collaboration under the International Big Cat Alliance.
- Discussed climate change and UN reforms

- Brazil, South Africa, Russia, China, India
- Term coined by British economist Jim O’Neill in 2001 to describe the emerging economies
- 41% of the global population, 24% of the global GDP and 16 % of the global trade
- Chairmanship is rotated annually. India hosted the 2021 summit.
- Initiatives-
New Development Bank:
During the Sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza (Brazil) in 2014, the leaders signed the
Agreement establishing the New Development Bank (NDB - Shanghai, China).
It has so far approved 70 infrastructure and sustainable development projects worth.
Contingent Reserve Arrangement:
In 2014, the BRICS governments had signed a treaty on the setting up of the contingent
reserve arrangement
The arrangement is aimed at forestalling short-term balance of payments pressures,
providing mutual support and strengthening the financial stability of the BRICS nations.
Customs Agreements:
Customs agreements were signed to coordinate and ease trade transport between BRICS
Launched of Remote Sensing Satellite:
In August 2021, the five space agencies signed an agreement on the Cooperation on BRICS
Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation.
The constellation is made up of six existing satellites: Gaofen-6 and Ziyuan III 02, both
developed by China, CBERS-4, jointly developed by Brazil and China, Kanopus-V type,
developed by Russia, and Resourcesat-2 and 2A, both developed by India.

2. 21st ASEAN Summit

3. 22nd Law Commission

- Cabinet approved constitution for over 3 years
- Non-statutory body constituted by the GOI
- First law commission of independent India- 1955
- First law commission- 1834 under British Rule. Charter Act of 1833, chaired by Lord
- Advisory body to Ministry of Law and Justice
- Research in law and review in existing laws for making reforms and enacting new
- Important recommendations by Law Commission:
262nd Report recommended abolishing death penalty against the state for all crimes except
terrorism and waging war against the state
1999 report on electoral reforms suggested simultaneous LS and state assembly elections
267th report drafted a new law- Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2017 to fortify democracy
against hate speech
Recommended implementation of Uniform Civil Code in the country

4. 75th Anniversary of Operation Polo

5. 76th World Health Assembly

- Held at WHO HQ- Geneva, Switzerland from 21st-30th May
- Theme: WHO at 75: Saving lives, driving health for all
- PM Modi and Mansukh Madiviya participated
- Taiwan was not present due to opposition from China and Pak
- World Health Assembly is the decision making body of WHO
- Functions of WHA:
Deciding on Organization’s policies.
Appointment of the Director-General of WHO.
Administration of financial policies.
Review and approval of the proposed programme budget.
- Highlights
Global Plan for Indigenous Health:
Draft resolution accepted
Plan will be considered at 79th assembly in 2026
Global Alliance for Drowning Prevention:
Address public health concerns related to drowning by 2029
Coordinate action and prepare a status report related to drowning
Over 90% drowning deaths in low- middle income countries
Draft Resolution on Chemicals, Waste, Pollution:
Urged to update Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals report with United Nations Environment
6.83 billion USD budget for 2024-25

- Founded on April 7, 1948 (World Health Day)
- HQ- Geneva, Switzerland
- 194 member states, 150 country offices, 6 regional offices

6. 78th UN General Assembly

7. 9-Dash Line (related to South China Sea territorial disputes)

- Geography:
An arm of the western Pacific Ocean that borders the Southeast Asian mainland.
Bordered by Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore,
Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
It is connected by the Taiwan Strait with the East China Sea and by the Luzon Strait with the
Philippine Sea (both marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean).
According to the United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) one-
third of the global shipping passes through it, carrying trillions of trade which makes it a
significant geopolitical water body.

- Dispute:
China’s Nine Dash Line: Defines area claimed by China - by far the largest portion of the
Scarborough Shoal: Claimed both by the Philippines and China (known as Huangyan Island
in China).
Spratlys: Occupied by claimants, which consist of Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, China
and Malaysia.
Paracel Islands: Subject of overlapping claims by China, Vietnam and Taiwan.
Island Chain Strategy: A geographical security concept crafted by the United States in the
1940s to deter China and the Soviet Union’s maritime ambitions.

8. Abraham Accords

9. Act Against Mob Lynching in Rajasthan

- Anti mob lynching and honour killings Act passed
- Mob lynching:
- Makes mob lynching a cognisable, non-bailable and non-compoundable offence
punishable with life imprisonment and a fine up to Rs 5 lakh.
- Bill also enlists various other offences related to the lynching such as dissemination of
offensive materials, propagation of hostile environment and obstructing legal processes,
which would be punishable with jail terms varying from three to five years.
- Rajasthan Victim Compensation Scheme
- Honour killings:
- Death penalty or life imprisonment
- Bill says no person or group shall assemble at any time with the view or intention to
deliberate on or condemn any marriage, not prohibited by law, on the basis that such
marriage has dishonoured the caste or community tradition or brought disrepute to all or any
of the persons forming part of the assembly or the family or the people of the locality

10. Adani Hindenburg

11. Aditya L1
- PSLV- C57 rocket used for launch
- Study the sun from a distance of 1.5 million kilometres
- ISRO’s second astronomy observatory-class mission after AstroSat (2015)
- The spacecraft is planned to be placed in a halo orbit around the Lagrangian point 1 (L1) of
the Sun-Earth system.
- The mission aims to provide valuable insights into the solar corona, photosphere,
chromosphere, and solar wind.
- Lagrange points:
Lagrange points are special positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large
orbiting bodies, such as the Sun and the Earth, balance each other out.
L1 is currently home to the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Satellite (SOHO).
12. Agniveer

13. Air Force's Operation in Mizoram in the 1960s (special parliament session during
Modi's tenure)

14. Al-Aqsa Mosque

15. Amrit Udyan

- The Government of India recently renamed the Mughal Gardens at Rashtrapati Bhavan as
‘Amrit Udyan’.
- Theme of azadi ka amrit mahotsav
- Draw inspiration from the Mughal Gardens of Jammu & Kashmir
- Design of Mughal Gardens was finalised by Sir Edwin Lutyens in 1917 in collaboration with
William Mustoe, Director of Horticulture.

16. Anti-defection Law (MH, MPS, MLAs)

17. Arab League
- Re-admitted Syria, after over a decade of suspension
- Syria was suspended from the Arab League in 2011 after it violently cracked down on anti-
government protests.
- The Crisis in Syria has resulted in the displacement of roughly half of the pre-war
population of 21 million and the deaths of over 300,000 civilians.
- A committee involving Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq will be established
to help Syria achieve these goals.
- Arab League:
Also called League of Arab States (LAS), is an intergovernmental pan-Arab organisation of
all Arab states in the Middle East and North Africa.
It was formed in Cairo, Egypt on 22nd March 1945, following the adoption of the Alexandria
Protocol in 1944.
There are currently 22 Arab countries
It aims to strengthen and coordinate the political, cultural, economic, and social programs of
its members and to mediate disputes among them or between them and third parties.
Agreement of joint defence and economic agreements on 13th April on 1950

18. Arab Spring, Syria and Yemen, Yom Kippur, and Six-Day War
19. Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
- Azerbaijan launched a military operation in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region,
resulting in casualties. The operation is part of a long-standing dispute between Azerbaijan
and Armenia over the region
- Nagorno-Karabakh, known as Artsakh by Armenians, is a landlocked mountainous area in
the Caucasus region. It is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but its inhabitants
are predominantly ethnic Armenians.
- The first war erupted between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the territory, which ended with
a ceasefire in 1994, leaving Nagorno-Karabakh and some surrounding areas under
Armenian control.
- In 2020, Azerbaijan launched the Second Karabakh War, winning a resounding victory and
retaking seven surrounding districts and about a third of Nagorno-Karabakh.
20. Artemis Accords
21. Article 370- all current information
- Had provided temporary special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir
- Union Home Minister argued that Article 370 had only led to corruption and secessionism,
and its removal was very important to end terrorism in J&K.
- Article 370
On October 17, 1949, Article 370 was added to the Indian constitution, as a 'temporary
provision', which exempted Jammu & Kashmir, permitting it to draft its own Constitution and
restricting the Indian Parliament's legislative powers in the state.
Introduced into the draft constitution by N Gopalaswami Ayyangar as Article 306 A.
Clause 3 of the article 370 gives the President of India the power to amend its provisions
and scope.
Article 35A empowers the Jammu & Kashmir legislature to define the permanent residents of
the state, and their special rights and privileges.
On 5th August 2019, President of India in the exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1)
of Article 370 of the Constitution had issued the Constitution (Application to Jammu and
Kashmir) Order, 2019. Through this, the Government of India has made modifications in
Article 370 itself (not revoked it).
- Development projects in J&K:
The government has launched various development projects in J&K, such as road and rail
connectivity, health and education infrastructure, tourism and heritage promotion, sports and
youth empowerment, etc.
The government has sanctioned 54 projects under the Prime Minister’s Development
Package (PMDP) for J&K.
Flagship schemes of the central government in J&K, such as Ayushman Bharat, Ujjwala
Yojana, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, PM Awas Yojana, etc.
Government hosted the G20 Tourism Working Group meeting in Srinagar.
June 2022- Global Investors Summit in J&K
District Development Council Elections since December 2020

22. Article 371 Special Status for Other States

23. Asian Games and Staple Visa (international sports event)
24. Assam-Arunachal Border Dispute
25. Ayushman Bharat - PM Abhiyan and World Bank Loan
26. Ban on Sale of Gold Jewelry - HUID
27. Biodiversity Act
28. Biodiversity GK
29. Black Sea Grain Deal
30. Bretton Woods Leaders
31. BRICS Summit
32. BRICS, ASEAN, SCO, SAARC, and BIMSTEC (international organisations and
33. Burkina Faso
34. Calipso Mission
35. Canada-India Dispute
36. Capitol Riots (referring to the US Capitol)
37. CBI General Consent of States
39. Celebration of Indira Gandhi's Assassination in Canada (Operation Blue Star
and Black Thunder)
40. Central Bank Currency
41. Central Empowered Committee on Environment
42. CERT-IN (Indian Computer Emergency Response Team)
43. Chagai Test (Nuclear tests by Pakistan)
44. Chandrayaan 3 (Indian lunar mission)
45. Chess World Cup
46. Child Marriages in India and Crackdown in Assam
47. China and Russia Meeting
48. China Renaming 11 Places in Arunachal Pradesh
49. China-Pakistan Nuclear Deal
50. Chinese Spy Balloon Fiasco
51. Competition Amendment Bill Act 2023
52. Constitutional Crisis in Israel
53. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) - World Wildlife Day
54. COP 15 (Convention on Biological Diversity COP15)
55. CoWin Data Breach
56. CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi
57. Creation of Industrial and Defense Corridors
58. Crew 7 Mission to International Space Station
59. CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty)
60. Dadasaheb Phalke Award (Indian cinema award)
61. Dam in Ukraine
62. Data Protection Act
63. Data Systems in Important Banks
64. Death of Swaminathan and Green Revolution
65. Death of the Head of the Wagner Group and Relevant Facts
66. Deepfake and Generative AI
67. Delhi vs. Center
68. Demonetization Supreme Court Verdict (related to India's demonetization
69. Disqualification of Members of Parliament
70. Drones in Pakistan, US, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, and India
71. Duties on US Products.
72. East Asia Summit
73. ECI CEC (Election Commission of India, Chief Election Commissioner)
Appointment Bill
74. ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States)
75. El-nino, La-nina and ENZO
76. Electoral Bonds
77. EU and NATO Membership- European Union Digital Services Act and
E-commerce Guidelines
78. Extension of ED (Enforcement Directorate) PMLA (Prevention of Money
Laundering Act) - Crypto
79. Extra-Judicial Killings
80. FEMA Against BBC India
81. Fighter Pilots
82. First Interstellar Space Object
83. Foreign Law Firms and Universities in India
84. Foreign Ministers Meeting
85. Forest Conservation Bill
86. Fugitive Economic Offenders Act of 2018
87. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
88. G20 Summit
89. G7 Summit
90. Gabon Coup
91. GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)
92. GDBR
93. Geneva Convention
94. GI Tags (Geographical Indications)
95. Global Biodiversity Framework Fund
96. Global Biofuels Alliance
97. Global Buddhist Summit 1st
98. Global Partnership on AI
99. Global Unicorn Index
100. Government of Delhi's NCTC Amendment Bill 2023
101. Governors role in state legislation
102. Green Hydrogen (renewable energy topic)
103. Grievances Appellate Convention - GAC Portal Rules
104. Havana Syndrome (not specified)
105. Hayabusa 2 and Ryugu (Japanese space missions)
106. HeLa Cells (biological reference)
107. Higher Seas Treaty
108. Hindenburg Report
109. Honour Given to the President by Suriname
110. Honours Given to Modi
111. Hubble and Chandra X-ray Observatory
112. IAF Tarang Shakthi
113. 113
114. ICC (International Criminal Court) and ICJ (International Court of Justice) -
Putin Arrest Warrant
115. 114 IMEC
116. 115
117. Immunity of MPs and MLAs (Members of Parliament and Members of
118. Legislative Assemblies)
119. 116 India Banning Basmati Export
120. 117 India Justice Report 2022
121. 118 India Space Policy (ISRO, NSIL, Department of Space)
122. 119 India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline
123. 120 India-Canada Relations
124. 121 India-Egypt Relationships
125. 122 India-Nepal Relationships
126. 123 India-Saudi Strategic Partnership Tige
127. 124 India-UK Free Trade Agreement
128. 125 India's First ATM and UPI
129. 126 India's First International Cruise
130. 127 India's First Private Space Launchpad in Chennai
131. 128 India's New Spaceport
132. 129 Indian Science Congress
133. 130 Indian Telecom Bill 2022
134. 131 Indian-Bhutan Relationship and King's Visit to India
135. 132 Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
136. 133 Indus Water Treaty and Cauvery
137. 134 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
138. 135 International Day for Biodiversity on 22nd May
139. 136 International Day of Zero Waste by UNEP and UN-Habitat
140. 137 International Tiger Day
141. 138 Internet Shutdown
142. 139 Interoperable Criminal Justice System
143. 140 Iran and Afghanistan - River Helmand
144. 141
145. Iran Hijab Issue and Expulsion from UNWC (United Nations Women's
146. Committee)
147. 142 Israel-Palestine Conflict
148. 143 JADA P Summit
149. 144 James Webb Space Telescope
150. 145 Jammu and Kashmir Delimitation Commission
151. 146 Janvishas Amendment of Provisions Bill
152. 147 Japanese Private Mission Hakuto-R (Japanese space mission)
153. 148 Joshimath relevant
154. 149
155. Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and Guidelines for Minors Khalistan Movement -
156. Important Aspects
157. 150 Khalistan Movement - Important Aspects
158. 151 Khalistan Violence on 26th January
159. 152 Kim and Putin Meeting (leaders of North Korea and Russia)
160. 153 King Charles Coronation
161. 154 Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council
162. 155 Lagrange Point (astronomical reference)
163. 156 Lambani Art
164. 157 Last Year's Cento
165. 158 Libya Flooding (environmental or humanitarian event)
166. 159 LIGO Project in India
167. 160 Live Streaming of Supreme Court Proceedings
168. 161 LOC Clashes with China (Line of Control, India-China border tensions)
169. 162 Lord Nataraja at G20
170. 163 Lucy Mission
171. 164 Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant
172. 165 Major Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, and Morocco
173. 166 Manipur Violence
174. 167 Maritime Security Pact376
175. 168 Maternity Benefit Act 1961
176. 169 Media One Ban
177. 170 Mediation Bill of 2023
178. 171 Meeting Between Iran and Saudi Arabia - China
179. 172 Mekong-Ganga Partnership
180. 173 Migration Crisis in the EU and the UK Migrants Bill - Rwanda
181. 174 Military Exercises Involving India
182. 175 Missions of the European Space Agency
183. 176 Misti, PM Pranam, Amrit Dharohar
184. 177 Modern Prison Act of 2023
185. 178 Modi's Visit to the US and Agreements
186. 179 Most Populated Nation
187. 180 MS Swaminathan
188. 181 MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières)
189. 182 Multidimensional Poverty Index
190. 183 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
191. 184 National Data Judicial Grid and Portal
192. 185 National Food Security Act - COVID-19 and NSA (National Security Act)
193. 186 National Security and Savers India in Central Asia
194. 187 National Supercomputer Machine
195. 188 NATO Membership for Finland
196. 189 NATO Summit
197. 190 Nayana Bandhu Program
198. 191 New Election in Maldives
199. 192 New Parliament Building
200. 193 New Proposals for IPC, CPC, and Evidence Act
201. 194 New Tiger Reserve in MP (Madhya Pradesh)
202. 195 NJAC (National Judicial Appointments Commission) Collegium 3 Judges
203. 196 No Confidence Motion
204. 197 Nobel Prize Winners
205. 198 Norman Borlaug Award (agricultural award)
206. 199 North Sea Drilling
207. 200 North Sea Route - Murmansk (shipping route)
208. 201 NSA, UAPA, Public Safety Act, AFSPA, Sedition
209. 202 NSO - SC Apt 3 Member Technical Committee
210. 203 OBC Subcategorization Report
211. 204 Odisha Train Accident
212. 205 Office and Power of Speaker and Deputy Speaker
213. 206 Officials Secrets Act
214. 207 ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce)
215. 208 One Nation, One Election
216. 209 One Rank, One Pension (OROP)
217. 210 Online Gaming Rules
218. 211 Operations Undertaken by India
219. 212 OSIRIS-REx (NASA mission to asteroid Bennu)
220. 213 Oslo Accords
221. 214 Paris Club (group of creditor nations)
222. 215 Parliament Panel on New Education
223. 216 Party Status Name and Powers of the Election Commission
224. 217 Pegasus Case (referring to the use of Pegasus spyware)
225. 218 Performance Tax (Anushka Sharma)
226. 219 Permanent Representative of India to the UN and Commission
227. 220
228. Personality Rights of Anil Kapoor- connect to Hollywood writers and actors
229. 221 PFI (Popular Front of India)
230. 222 Photography of Black Hole
231. 223 PM Cares Fund
232. 224 PM Gati Shakti (Infrastructure development initiative)
233. 225 PM Modi's Visits
234. 226 PM Mudra Yojana (Indian financial program)
235. 227 PM Vishwakarma Scheme
236. 228 PM Visits
237. 229 PMLA and ED and Cryptocurrency
238. 230 Pokhran 2 Nuclear Test
239. 231 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (Indian Diaspora Day)
240. 232 Presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC) - Static Information
241. 233 Privilege Motion in Parliament
242. 234 Project Cheetah
243. 235 Project Sky Canvas by a Japanese Space Company
244. 236 Project Tiger (conservation programs)
245. 237 Proposal to Ban Polygamy in Assamsupr
246. 238 Protest Against Wrestlers
247. 239 Protests in France
248. 240 QUAD Summit 2023
249. 241 QUAD, NATO, and AUKUS (international defence and cooperation
250. 242 Rahul Gandhi Defamation Case
251. 243 Rajasthan Right to Health Bill
252. 244 Rajya Sabha New Panel of Women - Names, etc.
253. 245 RAW's New Chief Ravi
254. 246 Red Crescent
255. 247 Red Cross
256. 248 Renaming India to Bharath
257. 249 Renaming of Kerala
258. 250 Reservation for Tribes in Jammu and Kashmir
259. 251 Restrictions on Laptop Imports
260. 252 Review Petition and Curative Petition in Legal Context
261. 253 River Tourism
262. 254 Rooppur Nuclear Plant in Bangladesh - Russia Collaboration
263. 255 Ruchira Kumbhoj
264. 256 SAFAR System for Air Quality and Stubble Burning
265. 257 Sagar Setu Act and National Logistics Portal
266. 258 Same-Sex Marriage
267. 259 Scheduled Tribes Status
268. 260 SCO Summit (Shanghai Cooperation Organization)
269. 261 Section 69A of IT Act and Information Act
270. 262 Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award (Indian scientific award)
271. 263 Special Session of Parliament
272. 264 START Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
273. 265 State of World Population Report 2023
274. 266 Stereo A Spacecraft
275. 267 Strait of Hormuz
276. 268 Submarines under P75 Project - Kalvari/Scorpene Class
277. 269 Sudan Crisis
278. 270 Suez Canal (historical context)
279. 271 Summit for Democracy in the US
280. 272 Supercomputer in Pune
281. 273 Supreme Court of Mexico Legalised Abortion
282. 274 Supreme Court Upholding Laws Allowing Jallikattu and Kambala
283. 275 Taiwan Strait
284. 276 Third Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation
285. 277 Tipraland Demand (territorial demand in India)
286. 278 Titan Submersible
287. 279 Tropical Cyclones in 2023
288. 280 Turkey Election
289. 281 Twitter Files (possibly related to Twitter's policies or actions)
290. 282 Ukraine-Copenhagen Meeting
291. 283 UN Peacekeeping Missions
292. 284 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
293. 285 UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
294. 286 Union Budget and Its Important Parts
295. 287 UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Artificial Drugs
296. 288 UPI (Unified Payments Interface) in India
297. 289 US Debt Ceiling Crisis
298. 290 US Rejoining UNESCO
299. 291 US Space Force and South Korea
300. 292 US-Palau (relationship between the United States and Palau)
301. 293 Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme
302. 294 Voice of Global South Summit
303. 295 Volcano in Hawaii - Kilauea
304. 296 Washington Declaration - US and South Korea
305. 297 WHO Launches IPSN (International Platform on Sports and Nutrition)
306. 298 Wimbledon
307. 299 Windsor Framework and North Ireland Protocol
308. 300 Women in the Armed Forces
309. 301 Women's FIFA and Spain Controversy
310. 302 Women's Reservation Bill
311. 303 World Election Bodies Meeting Chief Election Commission (CEC)
312. 304 World Press Freedom Index
313. 305 Wrestlers' Protest
314. 306 WTO Ruling Against India on Import Duties for IT Products

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