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第九章 协会战争险/罢工险条文(货物)与有关协会货物条文(B)与(C)的承保

1 协会战争险条文(货物)承保风险

为三大类,其中第 1.1 条针对从战争(war)直至叛乱(insurrection)的一连串涉及有
暴力的列明风险。而第 1.2 条针对从捕获(capture)直至羁押(detainment)的一连串不
一定涉及暴力的列明风险。而第 1.3 条就针对一些和平的时候都会面对的,如弃置了的

1.1 第一类战争险

这条承保由于“战争、内战、革命、造反、叛乱或由于这些原因引起的民变”( “War
civil war revolution rebellion insurrection or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act
by or against a belligerent power”)所引致的损失。

针对这些列明风险的解释,曾经有个说法用由上至下的阶梯型(ladder) 去对这一类型
最低层次的叛乱。这种说法可见 Farwell 大法官在 Republic of Bolivia v. Indemnity Mutual
Assurance Co Ltd (1909) 1 KB 785 在第 801 页所说的。但这个说法不被后来的一些著名
先例所接受,例如 Mustill 大法官在 Spinney’s (1948) Ltd v. Royal Insurance Co Ltd (1980)
1 Lloyd’s Rep 406 中所说的,如下:

“reliance was placed on a number of judgments (such as that of Lord Justice Farwell in the
Republic of Bolivia case) in which Courts have identified various stages through which civil
strife can pass as it becomes progressively worse: the suggestion being that if one can
establish an order of ranking with civil war at the top, and if the characteristics of a peril
lower down the list can be established, it can safely be assumed that a civil war must possess
all these characteristics together with some others. I have not found this approach very
productive. Even if a ranking could be devised, it would not be invariable. In certain
instances, some of the steps would be omitted. Furthermore, I am not convinced that all
the listed perils lie in a straight line with riot at the bottom and civil war at the top.
Some appear to stand rather to one side….”(Mustill 大法官不认为这个说法很有建设性,

另外,Rix 大法官在 Kuwait Airways Corp v. Kuwait Insurance Co (No 1) (1996) 1 Lloyd’s

Rep 664 中有同样的说法,说:

“... as to the ladder approach, or as to the approach to the effect that the terms found in pars.
(a) to (f) (these are insured perils with (a) war, invasion, foreign enemies, etc to (f) hi-jacking)
should be construed so as to permit of no overlap between them, or some of them, I am
distrustful of the usefulness of such general maxims, save in limited circumstances… The fact
is, that the ladder approach and the no overlap approach may be able to grade a list of perils in
a descending or ascending order of gravity, but that is not to say that some terms of greater
gravity may not embrace, rather than be distinct from, other terms of lesser gravity; and some
terms may be more general, others more specific. The no overlap approach, however seeks to
give each peril or groups of perils an exclusive meaning...”(Rix 大法官也不接受这些一般

在 Kuwait Airways Corp v. Kuwait Insurance Co 先例中,要去区分在该保单中是哪一种


“It is noted and agreed that the indemnity provided by this Policy other than Par.(a) of Section
1 is extended to include loss of or damage to Aircraft Spares and equipment which is the
property of the Assured or for which they are responsible….”。

而承保风险(a)的列明风险有战争、外国侵略、外国敌意行为、内战,等( war,
invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities [whether war be declared or not], civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, attempts at usurpation of power.)。显然,针对 1996 年

“(c) Any act of one or more persons, whether or not agents of a sovereign power, for
political or terrorist purposes and whether the loss or damage resulting therefrom is accidental
or intentional.(由于政治或恐怖的原因,部分人士不论是否属于主权国家的代理人,意

(e) Confiscation, nationalisation, seizure, restraint, detention, appropriation, requisition for

title or use by or under the order of any Government (whether civil military or de facto) or

public or local authority.(没收、国有化、扣押、拘禁、羁押、征收,等根据某些政府的命

另外去介绍的是 National Oil Company of Zimbabwe v. Nicholas Collwyn Sturge (1991) 2

Lloyd’s Rep 281 , 案 情 涉 及 一 个 非 法 组 织 名 为 Mozambique National Resistance
(Renamo),由于想推翻 Frelimo 政府(莫桑比克解放前线),将莫桑比克的油库炸毁。
争议是要去看该行为是属于内战、革命、造反、叛乱或民变(“loss damage or expense
caused by … civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife therefrom …”)还是
恐怖行为(“Any terrorist or person acting from a political motive”),因为前者的风险被
排除在承保范围外,而后者是在承保范围内。非法组织 Renamo 是受到白人政府的支持,
去推翻 Frelimo 政府。而 Frelimo 在 1974 年从葡萄牙独立的时候就已经是掌握合法政权 。
Saville 大法官认为这些被排除的战争险的定义在一个商业合约中应该尽量从商业人士
用进一步去考虑阶梯中更高的造反或者是内战,因为保险人已经可以拒赔。Saville 大法
“In the context of a commercial contract such as the policy under discussion, the expressions
‘civil war’, ‘rebellion’ and ‘insurrection’ bear their ordinary business meaning. In this
context, ‘civil war’ means a war with the special characteristic of being civil – ie being
internal rather than external – see Spinney’s (1948) Ltd v. Royal Insurance Co Ltd (1980) 1
Lloyd’s Rep 406. ‘Rebellion’ and ‘insurrection’ have somewhat similar meanings to each
other. To my mind, each means an organised and violent internal uprising in a country with, as
a main purpose, the object of trying to overthrow or supplant the government of their country,
though ‘insurrection’ denotes a lesser degree of organisation and size than ‘rebellion’ – see
Home Insurance v. Davila (1954) 212 F. 2d 731. Underwriters accept that if they cannot
establish insurrection then they must necessarily fail on rebellion.”。

在该先例根据专家证人和其他证据, Saville 大法官接受当时莫桑比克是有一个叛乱



1.1.1 战争(war)

该列明风险针对海上货物运输保险是在 1982 年首次被引入协会货物保险条文。可能由


(commercial)与常识性(common sense)的解释,而不会根据一些技术性的解释,例

在 Kawasaki Kisen Kabushiki Kaisya v. Batnham Steamship Co Ltd (1939) 63 LLP 155 的先
的发展,例如是在 1937 年 8 月 23 日,美国国务卿呼吁中日双方不要以战争解决问题。
在 8 月 25 日日本海军封锁中国海岸,不准中国船舶进出,并在 9 月 2 日把封锁延伸到
所有的船舶。8 月 30 日中国政府向当时的“联合国”(League of Nations)投诉日本侵
略,当时的蒋介石总统要求国际社会插手干预中日间没有宣战的战役( undeclared
Sino-Japanese War)。在 9 月 2 日,日本外相说在中国的一切行动都是为了逼使中国变
停止。在 9 月 6 日,美国罗斯福总统命令所有在中国的美国人必须马上离开。在 9 月 15
所指的侵略是扭曲事实。至于在 Kawasaki Kisen Kabushiki Kaisya v. Batnham Steamship
Co Ltd 先例中,案情是租约中有条文说明如果有战争爆发是涉及日本(注意承租人是
日本公司),船东或者承租人有权利可以中断该租约,而船东也是在 9 月 18 日向承租
人宣告中断该租约。船东的立场显然是在 9 月 18 日前中日已经发生战争,而租约内
能说死中国已经发生了战争”( that the current situation in China is indeterminate and
anomalous and His Majesty’s Government are not at present prepared to say that in their view
a state of war exists.)。承租人认为这种是否属于战争的情况最好是由英国政府说了算,
上诉庭都不支持承租人的说法,也不同意“战争”一词会有什么技术性。其中 Greene

“But I must not be taken as in any sense disagreeing with the further view expressed by the
learned Judge, that in the particular context in which the word ‘war’ is found in this charter-
party, that word must be construed, having regard to the general tenor and purpose of the
document, in what may be called a commonsense way. If one had asked the owners of this
vessel on the relevant date, if this charter-party had never existed, or if one had agreed any
shipowner what he thought about the then present position between China and Japan, as to
whether or not a war existed, I cannot imagine any commercial person with any common
sense answering that question in any other way than that in which the arbitrator has answered
it. … It seems to me that to suggest that within the meaning of this charter-party war had not
broken out involving Japan on the relevant date, is to attribute to the parties to it a desire to
import into their contract some obscure and uncertain technicalities of international law rather

than the common sense of business man.”。

Mustill 大法官在 Spinney’s v. Royal Insurance (1980) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.406 也是有同样的说

业合约中对战争的解释(去判断黎巴嫩在 1976 年的时候是否处于内战的情况)并不是
去根据英国政府的承认与否。Mustill 大法官认为除非法院满足英国政府对保单中战争这
一词的解释是与法院的解释完全一致,才会去考虑接受英国政府的说法。Mustill 大法官

“I did not accept the plaintiffs’ application. There are, of course, well-recognized situations
in which it is the practice of the Court to consult the Secretary of State, and on which his
response is treated as conclusive. There are mainly, if not exclusively, cases in which the state
of the United Kingdom’s diplomatic relations forms an integral part of the issue in suit. Such
cases include those where the issue is whether the United Kingdom recognizes a person as a
foreign sovereign, or whether the United Kingdom is at war with a foreign state, or whether
the United Kingdom has recognized the existence of a state of belligerency between two
foreign nations. By analogy, the Court will consult the executive of a foreign state where the
issue is whether that state is at war with another: Dalmia Dairy Industries Ltd v National
Bank of Pakistan (1978) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 233.

The present case is not in this category. The issue is not whether the events in Lebanon were
recognized by the United Kingdom as amounting to a civil war in the sense in which the term
is used in Public International Law with the corollary that this country would, if the occasion
had arisen, have accorded to the participants the rights and demanded of them the duties
appropriate to belligerents. The question here is whether there was a civil war within the
meaning of the policy. The two questions are not the same, and a pronouncement by the
Secretary of State on own will not suffice to decide the other…

Answering the question would require the Secretary of State to ascertain the meaning of the
words used in the policy, and unless the Court could be sure that the Secretary of State and the
Court were adopting the same interpretation, the exercise would serve only to confuse…”。

接 下 去 介 绍 的 是 一 个 美 国 上 诉 庭 的 先 例 : Pan American v. Aetna Casualty (1975) 1

Lloyd’s Rep 77。案件涉及在 1970 年,泛美航空公司的一架波音 747 飞机从布鲁塞尔开
两名巴勒斯坦人是属于一个名为 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)的组

人提出索赔,要求赔偿该 747 飞机的损失共达 25,000,000 美元。泛美航空公司投保的是
险,或民间暴乱(civil commotion)等,而这些都是属于除外条文中的事项。这都被法

“The term ‘war’ was defined as an employment of force between governments and the
phrase ‘warlike operations’ could not be extended to include infliction of international
violence by political groups (neither employed by nor representing the government) upon
civilians and their property at places far removed from the locale or subject of any warfare;
and the avowed purpose of the destruction was not coercion and conquest but the striking of
spectacular blows for propaganda effect.”。

1.1.2 内战(civil war)

内战与战争不同的地方,看来内战主要指发生在国家内部而不是对外的战争。 这可去
看 National Oil Company of Zimbabwe v. Nicholas Collwyn Sturge (1991) 2 LLR 281 中
Saville 大法官给内战的定义,如下:

“In this context, ‘civil war’ means a war with the special characteristic of being civil – i.e.
being internal rather than external…”。

在 Spinney’s (1948) Ltd and others v. Royal Insurance Co Ltd (1980) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 406 中,
Mustill 大法官认为考虑是否属于内战必须要针对 3 个问题,如下:

(一)可否说敌对的双方或多方之间发生冲突? (Can it be said that the conflict was

between opposing ‘sides’?)
(二)敌对各方的目的是什么与他们有什么计划去实现这个目的?(What were the
objectives of the “sides”, and how did they set about pursuing them?)
(三)冲突的程度与它有否影响公共秩序与居民的生命?( What was the scale of the
conflict, and of its effect on public order and on the life of the inhabitants?)

该先例的案情是原告在黎巴嫩的贝鲁特开了一间超级市场,并在 1975 年向作为被告的


反、叛乱等的战争风险。在 1976 年初,有一群暴民冲进该超级市场大肆破坏与抢掠,造
成损失高达 1,400,000 英镑。原告向被告的保险人提出索赔,但被告拒绝赔偿。而针对内
战与造反等,Mustill 大法官认定当时黎巴嫩十分混乱,可以说大家在混战,所以不构

“…there were no ‘sides’ which could be identified as being engaged in a civil war in the
more usual sense of the term, i.e. in a struggle by one side to wrest power from the other;
although the fighting in Lebanon was nothing to suggest that by January, 1976, matters had
advanced beyond massive civil strife and virtual anarchy to the stage of a civil war; and if the
other characteristics of a civil war had been present, there would have been a finding for the
defendants on this issue.”。

就是民间暴乱,其严重 程度 变了是一个 集体 的行动( civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to a popular rising)。Mustill 大法官认为黎巴嫩在 1976 年初

1.1.3 革命、造反、叛乱(revolution, rebellion, insurrection)

去把这 3 个战争风险放在一起讲是因为它们有共通点 ,一般而言它们有 2 个要求:

即使不是全国范围内的也是在国家的部分地区。这里可以先去节录 Mustill 大法官在
Spinney’s v. Royal Insurance (1980) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.406 中针对“造反”一词说:

“As regard ‘rebellion’ I adopt the definition in the Oxford English Dictionary (Murray): -
‘..organised resistance to the ruler or government of one’s country; insurrection, revolt.’

To this I would add that the purpose of the resistance must be to supplant the existing rules or
at least to deprive them of authority over part of their territory.

The dictionary defines ‘insurrections’ in a similar manner, but also suggests the notion of an
incipient or limited rebellion…”。

以上 Mustill 大法官提到“造反”与“叛乱”是同义,只是在程度上不同。至于“造

有关它们是同一理念(包括内战)但程度不同,也可以去看美国的 Pan American v.
Aetna Casualty (1975) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 77,Hays 大法官说:

“‘Insurrection’ presents the key issue because ‘rebellion,’ ‘revolution,’ and ‘civil war’ are
progressive stages in the development of civil unrest, the most rudimentary form of which is

在 National Oil Company of Zimbabwe v. Nicholas Collwyn Sturge (1991) 2 LLR 281 中
Saville 大法官认为保险人如果证明不了是“叛乱”(而这也是拒赔的理由),也就自

“‘Rebellion’ and ‘insurrection’ have somewhat similar meanings to each other. To my mind,
each means an organised and violent internal uprising in a country with, as a main purpose,
the object of trying to overthrow or supplant the government of that country, though
‘insurrection’ denotes a lesser degree of organisation and size than ‘rebellion’…”。

接下去介绍两个比较近期的先例,第一个是特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad & Tobago)上

诉庭的 Grell-Taurel Ltd v. Caribbean Home Insurance Co Ltd (2002) Lloyd’s Rep. IR 655,
并同时攻占议院,杀死了 6 人,并扣留了 16 个人质,其中一个人质是该国的首相。之
后,Muslimeen 也攻占了电视台并作出宣布说千里达政府被推翻。在该案例,特立尼达

同样判法的另一个先例是裴济群岛最高院判的 Tappoo Holdings Ltd v. Stuchbery (2008)

Lloyd’s Rep. IR 34。在该先例,是有必要去区分到底是“叛乱” (因为保单把这一个风
险排除在外) 或是“民间暴乱或暴动”(civil commotion or riots)(因为保单承保这一
风险)。 案情是在 2000 年 5 月 19 日,一位 George Speight 先生与他的同谋武力占领了

“The cases established that (i) an ‘insurrection’ was an attempt by force to overthrow the
established government, which depended on the objective of those involved, particularly the
leaders, but not on their prospect of success; and (ii) the number taking part did not need to be
large, and there did not need to be a high level of planning, so that an ‘insurrection’ could be a

loose affair

…The number initially involved in the coup and Parliament House was not too small for the
enterprise to be characterized as an ‘insurrection’. The statements of Mr. George Speight and
his confederates at Parliament House … on 19 May 2000 made their intention to overthrow
the established Government (‘this is a civil coup’) very plain and their actions spoke as loudly
as their words.”。 区分什么是“叛乱”与“民间暴乱”的重要性

分重要,而这两种风险是不容易区分。首先在 2009 年协会货物条文(一切险)中,叛
乱是被第 6.1 条文排除,民间暴乱是被第 7.1 条文排除。而这些被排除的风险如果要去
投保的话,叛乱是以协会战争险条文(货物)之第 1.1 条文作出承保,但民间暴乱则是
以协会罢工险条文(货物)的第 1.1 条文作出承保。所以,要去区分的第一重要性是在

为战争险受到 Waterborne Agreement 的约束(有关 Waterborne Agreement 请参阅本书第
八章 9.2 段的介绍),不会去承保岸上的风险。换言之,战争险只承保货物装上远洋船
舶直到货物在卸港卸下这个期间,或者该保单在该船舶到了卸港 15 天之后(不论有否
仓库,也就是在第 5 条的运输条文(Transit Clause)。毕竟,货物受到叛乱或民间暴乱
果受到损失能够说明是民间暴乱造成的话,这个损失就会得到赔付。 如何区分“叛乱”与“民间暴乱”?

有关“叛乱”与“民间暴乱”的区分,最详细的解释是在 Spinney’s v. Royal Insurance

(1980) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.406 中,Mustill 大法官针对以前分得不是很细的先例 (主要是
Mansfield 勋爵在 Langdale v. Mason [1780] 2 Park on Ins. 965 说民间暴乱与叛乱有关联并

“civil commotion connotes something considerably more serious than a mere leaderless
mob… The most recent, and most authoritative, discussion of civil commotion is to be found
in Levy v. Assicurazioni Generali (1940) 67 LLP 174, where Lord Justice Luxmoore said: ‘…
an insurrection of the people for general purposes, though not amounting to rebellion; but it
is probably not capable of any very precise definition. The element of turbulence or tumult is

essential …’

…. Quite plainly, these cases do not equate civil commotion with rebellion. But is it necessary
for there to be an ‘insurrection’ in the narrower sense, to which I have already alluded: so that
the exception does not apply unless the persons engaged in the disturbance have some degree
of common purpose to bring down the government? It would be odd if this were so, since the
policy already specifically excludes insurrection. But does the language employed by Lord
Mansfield nevertheless compel this interpretation? I do not think that it does. My reasons for
this opinion are so exactly expressed by the judgment of the Court in Lindsay & Pirie v. The
General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd. (1914) SAR (App.D.) 574,
delivered by Mr. Justice Solomon …:

‘… I do not think that he (Lord Mansfield) could possibly have used the word ‘insurrection’
in its ordinary sense of a rising of the people in open resistance against established authority
with the object of supplanting that authority. On the contrary, it would appear from the rest of
his language that he used the word in its strictly etymological sense of ‘rising’, and that the
effect of his direction to the jury was that a rising of the people (by which I presume he meant
a considerable number of the population), for purposes of general mischief amounted to civil
commotion within the sense of the exception to the insurance policy… For the history of the
period makes it clear that the Gordon Riots, which began as a rising against Roman Catholics,
eventually degenerated into mere destruction and plunder, and that there was never an
insurrection with the objection of overthrowing the Government of the country.’

This interpretation of what Lord Mansfield said is consonant with the opinion of Mr. Justice
Bucknill, approved by Lord Justice Vaighan Williams, in London and Manchester v. Heath
(1913) 3 KB 411that the Gordon Riots involved: ‘a general rising up of the people to do
terrible things.’”。

最后 Mustill 大法官得出一个结论就是民间暴乱是不必有目的去推翻政府,只需要暴民

“I find nothing in the authorities compelling the Court to hold that a civil commotion must
involve a revolt against the government, although disturbances must have sufficient cohesion
to prevent them from being the work of a mindless mob. Confused and fragmentary as the
violence in the Lebannon may appear, this requirement is satisfied, and I hold that in January
1976, and for months before, a state of civil commotion prevalent in Lebannon.”。

John Dunt 在其 2009 版的《Marine Cargo Insurance》中 10.40 段对民间暴乱的定义也有以


“‘Civil commotions’ seems to fill the gap left by the technical meaning given to riot. What
an ordinary business person might well consider a riot, could well be civil commotions. It is
further submitted that in Clause 1.1 of the Strike Clauses the phrase ‘strikers, locked-out
workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbance’, should be read together with the
words ‘riots or civil commotions’ and contrasted to the excepted perils under Clause 3.10
beginning with ‘insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom’. The key to the covered perils
is a state of unrest, starting with a strike, and rising to a civil commotion, but not
directed at overthrowing the government which, by way of contrast, is the determining
characteristic of insurrection.”。(加黑部分是笔者的强调)

1.2 第二类战争险

这 1.2 条文承保的是由于“捕获、扣押、扣留、拘禁或羁押”( “Capture seizure arrest

restraint or detainment, arising from risks covered under 1.1 above, and the consequences
thereof or any attempt thereat.”)所引致的损失。

1.2.1 被一切险排除的拘禁或羁押风险比战争险承保的范围广而带来货物被拒绝进口的

这主要要注意的是上述 1.2 条文规定的列明战争风险必须是由第 1.1 条文承保列明

战争风险所引致的捕获或扣押等才被承保。这与协会货物条文(一切险)第 6.2 条
排除了货物的损失是由于“捕获、扣押、扣留、拘禁或羁押”所造成的后果(6. In no
case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense caused by :6.2 capture seizure
arrest restraint or detainment (piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any
attempt thereat)相比产生一个重要的空档,就是一批货物如果被敌对国家捕获或造
会货物条文一切险在 6.2 条排除后,也并没有在协会战争险条文 1.2 条文承保,因
为这种扣留或羁押与第 1.1 条文的列明战争风险无关,所以就不能得到赔付了。以

也有被报道,例如是英国贵族院的 The “Giannis NK” (1998) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 337。这方面

较早被报道的著名先例是一个英国案例:Miller v The Law Accident Insurance Co (1903)
1 KB 712,案情涉及一批活牛从利物浦运到布鲁诺斯艾利斯,但在卸港检查后说是该
该批活牛投保,而保单是以前的劳合社标准 S.G 保单,其中包括的列明风险有“捕获、

目前是在一切险的水险保单或是战争险都不去承保。这方面可去参考本书第三章第 3.8

1.2.2 加保货物被拒绝进口的风险

这导致了在英国伦敦的保险市场 1955 年推出了对这种风险的加保,名为“货物被完全

拒绝进口的保险条文”(Full Rejection Clause)。这种保险是有一些明示的保证,就是

先例是 Berns v. Koppinstein Inc (1959) AMC 2455, confirmed on appeal (1960) AMC 1379。
案 情 涉 及 印 度 花 生 进 口 去 纽 约 , 但 被 美 国 的 有 关 部 门 ( US Food and Drug
查的明示保证没有被严格遵守。纽约法院的 William B. Herlands 大法官说这种保险承保

“The risk insured by the full rejection insurance was not a deterioration of the quality or loss
in quantity (as is the case in the ‘all-risk’ clause), but an act of the United States Government
or Departments thereof, including but not limited to the US Food and Drug Administration,
‘for any reason whatsoever’. The peril insured against by the rejection insurance was not the
presence of a putrid substance but the act of the Government. Arbitrary rejection or
detention, miscarriage of administrative determination in rejection or detaining was just as
fully covered as justified rejection and detention because the Clause refers to ‘any reason
whatsoever’. The act of the Government was the ‘peril’, not the condition of the goods. One

bug in any bag would have justified rejection under the language of the Food, Drug &
Cosmetic Act.”。

之 后 , 在 美 国 也 有 相 关 的 案 例 : Continental Sea Foods Inc v New Hampshire Fire

Insurance Company (1964) AMC 196.(案情涉及巴基斯坦冻虾运到美国,但半途腐烂导
致在美国被拒绝进口)与 Schwartz & Co v Hepburn 302 F 2d 576 (1962)。在后一个先例,

到了 1975 年 5 月,伦敦市场推出了另一条大致相同的保险条文,名为“ The London

Rejection Risks Clauses 1975”。它把承保的范围(针对进口国家拒绝货物或销毁货物)

“Subject always to the following conditions and exclusions this policy is extended to cover
the risk of rejection or condemnation by the government of the country of import or their
agencies or departments during the period of this insurance.”。


“It is a condition of this insurance that the interest insured is produced, prepared and packed
in accordance with the regulations of the Government or Country of Origin and it is fit for
export to the importing country.”。

这个条件相当于承诺性保证(promissory warranty),但由于 1906 年《英国海上保险

法》之 Section 33(3)对保险合约中的承诺性保证有过度严厉的规定,即一旦不严格遵守 ,
及两个美国先例:SSC International Inc v Cornhill Insurance Company Limited No. 77 Civ
5490 (MP) (SDNY 5 December 1978)与 Snyder International Inc v Dae Han Fire & Marine
Insurance Company Limited (unreported) District Court of Massachusetts, Civ 77-2579-S of
14 September 1981。前一个先例是涉及进口冻虾与甲鱼片,判受保人有遵守条件。但在


1.3 第三类战争险

mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war)所引致的损失。这种列明风险在
的时候。遗弃的水雷或鱼雷带来的风险在第二次世界大战后是特别严重,根据 1958 年
美国货物战争险再保交易所(American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance Exchange)发布的
报告,二战后已经有 446 艘船舶因为遗留下来的水雷爆炸而被损坏或是沉没;而在之
前的两年有 250 个漂浮的水雷被过往船只或是岸上的监察站发现。尽管存在的被遗弃的

例是 The “Naussau Bay” (1979) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 395,涉及挖泥船在疏浚的时候吸入了海床
令船舶沉没。Walton 大法官判这不是战争风险,把炸弹遗弃实际上是一个追求和平的行

所以现在在做法上是先去协会货物条文(一切险)的 6.3 条文把这一连串的列明风险明

示排除,然后在协会战争险条文(货物)的 1.3 条文去明确加上作为承保的列明风险,
这等于改变了 The “Naussau Bay”的默示法律地位。

2 协会战争险条文(货物)排除的列明风险


协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.1 条文是类似协会货物条文(一切险)之 4.1 条文,排除

的是受保人货方之蓄意恶行;协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.2 条文是类似协会货物条文
(一切险)之 4.2 条文,排除的是正常的泄漏、正常的重量/体积减少、正常的磨损引起
的货物损失;协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.3 条文是类似协会货物条文(一切险)之
4.3 条文,排除的是包装不足或不适带来的损失或损坏;协会战争险条文(货物)之
3.4 条文类似协会货物条文(一切险)之 4.4 条文,排除的是固有缺陷或保险货物的本
质所造成的损失或损坏;协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.5 条文类似协会货物条文(一切

险)之 4.5 条文,排除的是延误造成的损失或损坏;协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.6 条
文类似协会货物条文(一切险)之 4.6 条文,排除的是船东、船舶经理人、承租人或船
舶营运人的破产或经济困境带来的损失或损坏;协会战争险条文(货物)之 3.8 条文类
似协会货物条文(一切险)之 4.7 条文,排除的是核战争武器直接或间接所造成的损失

协会战争险条文(货物)之 4 条文类似协会货物条文(一切险)之 5 条文,排除了受

文(货物)多出了 3.7 条文是协会货物条文(一切险)所没有的,名为受阻条文
(frustration clause)。在本书第七章第 5.3 段已经有介绍,作用是为了使战争保险人不
用为续运费用(forwarding charges)负责。去部分重复一下,协会货物条文(一切险)
是承保了航程终止(loss of the adventure)的风险,即使是货物没有实质性的损坏:
British & Foreign Marine Insurance Company, Limited v. Samuel Sanday & Co (1916) 1 AC
650 (HL) , Forestal Land, Timber & Railways Company Ltd v. Richards; Middows Ltd v.
Robertson and Other Cases (1941) 70 Lloyd’s Rep. 173 (HL)。所以这也带来了协会货物条
文(一切险)之 12 条文,承保货物转运到目的地的续运费用。这在战争险所导致的航
程 终 止 , 普 通 法 也 是 有 同 样 的 地 位 , 这 方 面 的 先 例 是 是 British & Foreign Marine
Insurance Company, Limited v. Samuel Sanday & Co,案情是有关在一战期间,有两艘英

是可以获得赔付。这是在二战期间发生的 Forestal Land, Timber & Railways Company Ltd
v. Richards; Middows Ltd v. Robertson and Other Cases,案情涉及了德国船舶装运了英国

最后去一提的是在伦敦保险市场也有一条协会条文明为 Institute Additional Expenses

Clauses (Cargo-War Risks) 1/7/85,它是去超越受阻条文,为了让货方的受保人可以因为
战争险导致航程终止需要把货物转运到目的地港花费的续运费用(forwarding charges)


罢工的风险也是最早在 1912 年与战争险同时去在劳合社标准 S.G 保单被一条明示条文


“Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions Clause

Warranted free of loss or damage caused by strikes locked-out workmen or persons taking
part in labour disturbances or riots or civil commotions.”。


3.1 何谓罢工?

先可以去介绍立法的定义,这是在英国的《雇佣合约法》(Contracts of Employment Act


“The cessation of work by a body of persons employed acting in combination, or a

concerted refusal under a common understanding of any number of persons employed
to continue to work for an employer in consequence of a dispute, done as a means of
compelling their employer or any person or body of persons employed, or to aid other
employees in compelling their employer or any person or persons employed, to accept
or not to accept terms or conditions of or affecting employment.”。

只局限在工资的纠纷,估计在那些年代是没有什么福利与人权可言。这些先例有 King
& Parker (1876) 34 LT 887 与 Stephens v. Harris & Co. (1887) 57 LJQB 203,在后一个先
例,Coleridge 大法官判是小工由于害怕霍乱疫症而停工,并不是罢工,说:“ When
one hears of persons striking, it does not mean a refusal to work because the weather happens
to be hot, but a standing out for higher wages.”。

罢 工 的 定 义 在 接 下 去 的 案 例 就 开 始 比 较 宽 松 。 在 Williams Brothers (Hull) Ltd v.

Naamlooze Vennootschap W H Berghuys Kolenhandel (1915) 21 CC 253,案情是有关一艘
以罢工去作为免责。Sankey 大法官不接受罢工只针对工资,认为可去包括工人因为有

“A strike does not depend on merely upon the question of wages. At the same time, I do not
think it would be possible to say the abstention of a workman from mere fear to do a
particular thing or perform a particular contract would necessarily constitute a strike. I think
the true definition of the word ‘strike’, which I do not say is exhaustive, is a general
concerned refusal by workmen to work in consequence of an alleged grievance.”。

下一个是 Seebery v. Russian Wood Agency (1934) 50 Lloyd’s Rep. 146 先例,案情是俄罗
解释;(二)罢工的港口工人本身没有任何不满,只是为了去同情其他类别的工人 /工
会;(三)罢工只影响装了煤炭的少数船舶,而其他与拉脱维亚无关的船舶 /货物装卸
正常。MacKinnon 大法官判这也是罢工。MacKinnon 大法官这样说:

“… that is the curious incident of this strike, work was going on in this port and ships of
many nationalities were being loaded with all due diligence, but the stevedores did not in fact
load any cargo on Latvian ships, and it was said that it was a strike in sympathy with some
labour grievance of some alleged unions or other workers on or connected with Latvian ships
in Latvian and other ports. That was the nature of the strike.”。

接下去是另一个与 Seebery v. Russian Wood Agency 类似案情的 The “Laga” (1966) 1

Lloyd’s Rep. 582 先例,McNair 大法官特别提到罢工的定义应去根据时代的改变而作出

“Strikers in every sense of the word occur today which are not concerned directly with
wages. They are concerned, for instance, with working conditions; and so I think one has got
to bear in mind that the meaning of the term ‘strike’ must change with the progress (if that is
the right word) if industrial history and it may have a different meaning today from the
meaning given to it a century ago.”。

但 McNair 大法官判是属于罢工。从这里看来罢工的定义自此变了是十分广泛了。

最后去一提的是 The “New Horizon” (1975) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 314 先例,上诉庭的 Denning
勋爵所作出的定义如下:“I think a strike is a concerted stoppage of work by men with a
view to improving their wages or conditions, or giving vent to a grievance or making a protest
about something or other, or supporting or sympathizing with other workmen in such
endeavour. It is distinct from a stoppage which is brought about by an external event such as a
bomb scare or by apprehension of danger.”。(罢工是一个集体的停止工作,为了去改善

3.2 “资方停工”(lock-out)

这个方面的定义在英国几个有关的立法都有提及,如 1978 年《Employment Protection

(Consolidation) Act》之 Section 15 (1)和 Schedule 13, 24 段,1982 年《Employment Act》之
Section 20 (1) 和 Schedule 2, 7 (1) 段 与 1992 年 《 Trade Union an Labour Relations
(Consolidation) Act》之 Section 235 (4)。另可去节录 John Schofield 在他所著的《Laytime
and Demurrage》一书第五版之 4.379 段,如下:

“‘Lock-out’ has been defined as the closing of a place of employment or the suspension of
work or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed
by him in consequence of a dispute, done with a view to compelling those persons, or to aid
another employer in compelling persons employed by him, to accept terms and conditions of
or affecting employment. This definition is, however, not comprehensive, for a lock-out may
be instituted for purposes other than compelling workers to accept terms and conditions of or
relating to employment.”。


3.3 什么是工人骚乱(labour disturbances)?

危险的停工,正如 Denning 勋爵在 The “New Horizon” (1975) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 314 先例所
of labour)。这里的工人骚乱应该就是好像工人停工去扩大罢工以外工人所带来的问题 。

3.4 什么是暴动(riots)?

针对“暴动”,它的定义在 Field v. Receiver of Metropolitan Police (1907) 2 KB 859 有介

绍,即要构成暴动就必须有 5 个要素。就是它必须要至少有 3 个人以上,大家有一个共
戒 。 ( To constitute a riot there must be at least three people engaged in the execution or

inception of a common purpose with an intent to help one another, by force if necessary,
against any person who may oppose them and in so doing the force or violence must be such
as to alarm at least one person of reasonable firmness and courage.)

在美国的 Pan American v. Aetna Casualty (1974) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 207 ,一审的地方法院
Frankel 大法官也给了暴动一个类似的定义,如下:“A ‘riot’ for insurance purposes, is a
gathering of three or more persons with a common purpose to do an unlawful act, with overt
acts to accomplish that purpose, with an apparent intention and ability to use force if
necessary against any person who may oppose them in the execution of their common
purpose, and with force or violence displayed in such manner as to deter from opposing them
at least one person of reasonable firmness or courage who might otherwise oppose them. A
riot exists if three or more persons, with a common object and intent to help one another, use
force or violence or threaten force or violence in such a manner to cause alarm.”。

另也可以去一提的是美国的上诉庭先例 Pan American v. Aetna Casualty (1975) 1 Lloyd’s

Rep 77 也有很大篇幅提到针对一家波音 747 飞机在开罗被摧毁是否是属于暴动(或其
(tumult),Hays 大法官说:“Under this formula, a riot occurs when some multitude of
individuals gathers and creates a tumult. A substantial weight of authority supports this
formulation. It is the definition of riot that most accords to common sense.”。美国上诉庭也
提到了好几个先例,其中一个是 Hartford Fire Insurance Co v. War Eagle Coal Co 295 F.
663 (4th Cir. 1924),涉及了 5 个偷偷摸摸的人在夜间放火并判这不是暴动,因为没有造
成骚动与混乱,甚至在放火前没有示威( for there was no tumult nor disturbances, nor
even a demonstration before the fire)。这显然是一般人接受的定义,就是暴动要对和平

The “Andreas Lemos”(1982)2 Lloyd’s Rep 483,案情涉及了船舶是在孟加拉的吉大
5,000 美元),但后来在走的时候被船员发觉,于是小偷就拿出刀指吓船员以利于逃走 。
由于同类案件很多,所以该先例虽然涉及的金额不大,但还是以“test case”的形式看
看法律是怎样说。其中要针对的包括这一个损失是否属于海盗或是暴动。Staughton 大法
以 Staughton 大 法 官 认 为 该 案 中 的 情 况 是 完 全 符 合 Field v. Receiver of Metropolitan
Police (1907) 2 KB 859 先例中的 5 个条件。但之前上船偷偷摸摸偷东西,由于不涉及任
海上接应他们的小艇,所以在出现暴动之前就已经造成的损失,保险人是不用赔付 。

Staughton 大法官是这样说:

“If one takes the word in its current and popular meaning, nobody but a Sloane Ranger
would say of this casualty : ‘It was a riot’. The word today means the sort of civil disturbance
which has recently occurred in Brixton, Bristol or Wormwood Scrubs. Mr. Saville (保险人
代表大律师) referred me, in this connection, to the case of Pan American v. Aetna Casualty
(1974) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 207, decided in the United States District Court for the Southern
District of New York. There an aircraft had been hijacked and blown up by members of the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The insurers denied liability on the ground that
this was a loss by ‘riots’, and therefore excluded. District Judge Frankel expressed some
forthright criticism of English jurisprudence on this point, and declined to depart from the
current and ordinary meaning of the word. That approach attracts considerable sympathy, at
any rate from me, and at any rate in theory. But on further examination it cannot be adopted
for an English policy of marine insurance…. A riot did occur. But it was not complete until
after the loss; the loss was not caused by the riot.”。

3.5 什么是民间暴乱(civil commotions)?

与叛乱的不同有过详述。重述如下: 有关“叛乱”与“民间暴乱”的区分,最详细的
解释是在 Spinney’s v. Royal Insurance (1980) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.406 中,Mustill 大法官得出

“I find nothing in the authorities compelling the Court to hold that a civil commotion must
involve a revolt against the government, although disturbances must have sufficient cohesion
to prevent them from being the work of a mindless mob. Confused and fragmentary as the
violence in the Lebannon may appear, this requirement is satisfied, and I hold that in January
1976, and for months before, a state of civil commotion prevalent in Lebannon.”。

“民间暴乱”,就必须有一定程度的“骚动与混乱”(turbulence or tumult),但它不

另在 Pan American v. Aetna Casualty (1974) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 207,一审的 Frankel 大法官曾
“civil commotion” for insurance purposes, describes a situation similar to a riot but involving
either a more serious disturbance or one that is a part of a broader series of disturbances)。

3.6 协会货物条文对罢工险的排除与加保


在协会货物条文(A),去排除罢工险的是第 7 条(注意[B]与[C]条文也是类似写法),

“In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense

7.1 caused by strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances,
riots or civil commotions
7.2 resulting from strikes, lock-outs, labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
7.3 caused by any act of terrorism being an act of any person acting on behalf of, or in
connection with, any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the
overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence, of any government whether or not legally
7.4 caused by any person acting from a political, ideological or religious motive.”。

这里要特别注意的是 7.1 条与 7.2 条所排除的是所有是罢工险造成(caused by)或导致

(resulting from)的损失、损坏或费用(loss, damage or expense)。但在协会罢工险条文
(货物)(Institute Strikes Clauses [Cargo] 1/1/09 )所承保的在第 1 与 1.1 条只是说:
“ This insurance covers…loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by 1.1
strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil

失与损坏(loss or damage),而不包括费用。另外它也是讲明只是由罢工险 “造成”
(caused by)而没有“导致”(resulting from)一词。

为了更清楚显示这方面的意图,协会罢工险条文(货物)更在 3.7 条去明确排除:

“loss damage or expense arising from the absence shortage or withholding of labour of any
description whatsoever resulting from any strike, lockout, labour disturbance, riot or civil
commotion. ”。

另 外 , 好 像 战 争 险 一 样 , 协 会 罢 工 险 条 文 ( 货 物 ) 在 3.8 条 有 一 条 受 阻 条 文

(Frustration Clause),这好像战争险的 3.7 条受阻条文一样,是不承保航程终止(loss
of the adventure)的风险,正如在本章上述第 2 段提到的。反正是罢工险好像战争险的
加保一样,但与协会货物条文(一切险)不一致,就是它没有包括第 12 条的货物转运
到目的地的续运费用(forwarding charges)。



4 恐怖行动(terrorism)为什么要投保?

遭受恐怖行动的风险是在一切险条文的 7.2 与 7.3 被排除在承保范围之外,再通过罢工

险条文的 1.2 与 1.3 可以进行加保。讲到恐怖行动,历史上主要是针对飞机被劫持,而
船舶被劫持的恐怖行动相对是比较罕见。想得到的比较著名的也只有 1985 年一艘名为
Achille Lauro 的意大利客轮被 4 个巴勒斯坦的恐怖分子劫持,但该事件并不涉及货物。
而这不代表船上的货物不会受到恐怖行动的威胁,其中最著名的是在 2002 年 10 月 6 日
一艘名为 Limberg 的法国超级油轮被阿尔盖特(Al-Qaeda)恐怖分子用装满炸药的小船

4.1 恐怖行动的法律定义以及它与战争风险的区别

力 行 动 例 如 是 类 似 战 争 的 行 为 ( warlike operation )、 敌 对 行 为 ( hostilities )、 骚 乱
例如在一些巴勒斯坦所谓的“恐怖分子”的眼里,他们从事的是 类似战争的行为,但

在英国,为了针对爱尔兰共和军的恐怖行动,在 1993 年有立法名为《Reinsurance (Acts

of Terrorism) Act》,定义是在 Section 2(2),如下:“In this section ‘acts of terrorism’
means acts of persons acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation which
carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence,
of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom or any other Government de jure or de

能是属于协会罢工险条文之 1.3 条。

至于在二战之前 1937 年一个名为《League of Nations Convention for the Prevention and

Punishment of Terrorism》的国际公约给的定义是“Acts of terrorism mean criminal acts
directed against the state and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of
particular persons, or a group of persons or the general public.”。

在美国先例 Pan American v. Aetna Casualty (1974) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 207 中,法院有去区分
战争行为、类似战争行为以及恐怖行为。Frankel 大法官引述了美国国务卿有关恐怖行动
与战争行为区别的讲话,如下:“This issue is not war - war between states, civil war, or
revolutionary war. The issue is not the strivings of people to achieve self-determination and
independence. Rather, it is whether millions of air travellers can continue to fly in safety each
year. It is whether a person who receives a letter can open it without the fear of being blown-
up. It is whether diplomats can safely carry out their duties. It is whether international
meetings - like the Olympic games, like this Assembly-can proceed without the ever-present
threat of violence.”(问题不在战争,这也不是国与国之间战争或是内战,或是革命战

Frankel 大 法 官 总 结 是 恐 怖 行 为 是 不 可 接 受 , 因 为 它 对 国 际 秩 序 的 攻 击 , 说 :
“ Certainly the terrorist acts I have cited are totally unacceptable attacks against the very
fabric of international order. They must be universally condemned, whether we consider the
cause the terrorists invoke noble or ignoble, legitimate or illegitimate. We must take effective
steps to prevent the hijacking of international civil aircraft.”。

另 有 关 恐 怖 行 动 的 定 义 是 在 英 国 的 先 例 P&C Insurance Limited (PUBL) v. Silversea

Cruises Ltd (2004) Lloyd’s Rep. IR 696 (CA)中提到,该先例是与 911 事件有关的其中一
个案例。在针对有关战争或武力冲突(armed conflict)与恐怖行为的分别,Ward 大法官
是这样说:“Men of business, the underwriters and the insured, would not have said that 11
September was an ‘act of war’ but rather that it was terrorist action from extremist groups. To
have declared ‘war on terror’ was a rhetorical response serving only to emphasise that there
was no identifiable ‘side’ against whom the war could be waged. Further, an ‘armed conflict’

had an air of continuity about it, and what were essentially random attacks did not carry for
ordinary businessmen, the sense of present and persisting fighting between military groups
which was the hallmark of armed conflict.”。

Rix 大法官虽然原则是表示同意,但他说话比较小心,他说“the fact that everyone could

agree that 9/11 was an example of a terrorist attack does not to my mind itself answer the
question of whether it amounted to something more”。



4.2 什么是任何人士的行动具有政治、意识形态或者是宗教的目的?

接下去谈的是有关罢工险的 1.3 条有关承保列明风险的任何人士的行动具有政治、意识

过英国 1993 年立法《Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act》的定义是恐怖行动必须是代表
工条文之 1.3 条,反正也能够被承保。措辞也是非常广泛,只要该行动的人士有政治、
Newmarket Investment Corporation v. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company 774 F. Supp. 909
(1991), US District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania。案情涉及了美国在智利的大使
成 的 破 坏 或 恶 意 行 为 。 该 保 险 名 为 “ Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions
Endorsement” , 有 关 内 容 如 下 : “ Destruction of or damage to the property insured
directly caused by vandalism, sabotage or malicious act, which was deemed to encompass the
act or acts of one or more persons, whether or not agents of a sovereign power, carried out for
terroristic or ideological purposes.”。结果该案例的陪审团判恐怖行动是造成受保人损失

4.3 保险人愿意承保恐怖行动的限度之一:不承保岸上

伦敦的保险市场对恐怖行动带来货物的损失或损坏好像上述所讲的法国油轮 Limberg
是愿意作出承保,所以是包括在协会罢工条文的 1.2 与 1.3 条。但保险人愿意对船舶与
性的损失或损坏,911 事件就是一个最典型的例子。而对海上货物运输的风险如果比较
罢工险投保,而不是在战争险,所以不受到 Waterborne Agreement 的约束。相反,罢工
险的第 5 条是与一切险一样,有一条所谓仓库到仓库的运输条款。所以,好像战争险一
这带来了一条名为 JC56 的条文,以首要条文的形式去附加在协会罢工险条文中,而它
的全名是“Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism) 2009” (JC 2009/056 01/ 01/2009),

“This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this
insurance inconsistent therewith.

1 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the contract of insurance or the
Clauses referred to therein, it is agreed that in so far as the contract of insurance covers loss of
or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by

any act of terrorism being an act of any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with,
any organization which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or
influencing, by force or violence, of any government whether or not legally constituted
any person acting for a political , ideological or religious motive,

such cover is conditional upon the subject-matter insured being in the ordinary course of
transit and, in any event, SHALL TERMINATE:

1.1 as per the transit clauses contained within the contract of insurance,
1.2 on completion of unloading from the carrying vehicle or other conveyance in or at the
final warehouse or place of storage at the destination named in the contract of insurance,
1.3 on completion of unloading from the carrying vehicle or other conveyance in or at any
other warehouse or place of storage, whether prior to or at the destination named in the

contract of insurance, which the Assured or their employees elect to use either for
storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution,
1.4 when the Assured or their employees elect to use any carrying vehicle or other
conveyance or any container for storage other than in the ordinary course of transit,
1.5 in respect of marine transits, on the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge
overside of the subject-matter insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of
1.6 in respect of air transits, on the expiry of 30 days after unloading the subject-matter
insured from the aircraft at the final place of discharge,
whichever shall first occur.

2 If the contract of insurance or the Clauses referred to therein specifically provide cover for
inland or other further transits following on from storage, or termination as provided for
above, cover will re-attach, and continues during the ordinary course of that transit
terminating again in accordance with clause 1.”。

4.4 保险人愿意承保恐怖行动的限度之二:核武器/装置、生化武器与电磁袭击的恐怖行

协会罢工险条文 3.9 有去排除核武器/装备所带来或导致的直接/间接损失:“In no case

shall this insurance cover loss or damage or expense directly or indirectly caused by or arising
from the use of any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and /or other like
reaction or radioactive force or matter”。这表示恐怖分子(不论是恐怖组织或者是个人
行动)是提升到使用核武器/装置的情况下是罢工险保险人不承保的。这里的 3.9 条文没

有关这些大规模杀伤性武器(massive destruction weapon)风险在本书第八章有详论,


5 有关协会货物条文(B)与(C)的承保

但是也并不是没有,例如在 Soya G.m.b.H. v. White (1983) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 122 先例。还有



协会货物条文(B)与(C)承保的列明风险都是在第 1 条,可去节录如下以更好的显

“Institute Cargo Clause (B)

1 This insurance covers, except as excluded by the provisions of Clause 4,5,6, and 7 below,
1.1 loss of damage to the subject-matter insured reasonably attributable to
1.1.1 fire or explosion
1.1.2 vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized
1.1.3 overturning or derailment of land conveyance
1.1.4 collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than
1.1.5 discharge of cargo at a port of distress
1.1.6 earthquake volcanic eruption or lightning

1.2 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by

1.2.1 general average sacrifice
1.2.2 jettison or washing overboard
1.2.3 entry of sea lake or river water into vessel craft hold conveyance container or place of

1.3 total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading on to, or unloading
from, a vessel or craft.”。


“Institute Cargo Clause (C)

1 This insurance covers, except as excluded by the provisions of Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 below
1.1 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured reasonably attributable to
1.1.1 fire or explosion
1.1.2 vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized
1.1.3 overturning or derailment of land conveyance
1.1.4 collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than

1.1.5 discharge of cargo at a port of distress

1.2 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by

1.2.1 general average sacrifice
1.2.2 jettison.”。

保的列明风险是少了 4 项,这包括是在(B)条文的 1.1.6 条的地震、火山爆发与闪电
( earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning ) ; 1.2.2 条 的 冲 入 大 海 ( washing
overboard);1.2.3 条的船舶、驳船、船舱、运输工具、集装箱或储存地点进水(海水、湖
水或河水);1.3 条的在船舶装卸时整件货物因为掉进大海或跌下的全损。

赔很少有听说,但不是没有。例如在 1995 年的神户大地震就有这种货物损失或损坏的
索赔,虽然没有任何有关的案例。更加接近的就是在 2004 年 12 月 29 日发生在泰国的
的 1.1.6 条是说明只要是地震风险合理引致(reasonably attributable)的货损货差都获得
承保,这“合理引致”的措辞显然是为了去扩大近因原则(这方面可去看第六章第 4.4


在甲板,否则把货物装在甲板是不会获得承保,除非有去加保,这里可参见 1906 年立
法的 Schedule 1 Rule 17。至于习惯性装在甲板的货物也经常听说在坏天气时被冲入大海,
第六章第 4.2 段)。

并不雷同)以前在劳合社标准 S.G 保单中承保的海上风险(peril of the sea)。这包括哪
一些事故可以去 节录 Wright 勋爵在 Canada Rice Mills Ltd v. Union Marine & General
Insurance Co. Ltd. (1940) 67 Lloyd’s Rep. 549 所说以得到一些启发,如下:

“Where there is an accidental incursion of sea water into a vessel at a part of the vessel and

in a manner where sea water is not expected to enter in the ordinary course of things and there
is consequent damage to the thing insured, there is prima facie a loss by perils of the seas. The
accident may consist in some negligent act, such as improper opening of a valve, or a hole
made in a pipe by mischance, or it may be that sea water is admitted by stress of weather or
some like bringing the sea over openings ordinarily not exposed to the sea, or, even without
stress of weather, by the vessel heeling over owing to some accident or by the breaking of
hatches or other coverings. These are merely a few among many possible incidences in which
there may be a fortuitous incursion of sea water. It is the fortuitous entry of the sea water
which is the peril of the sea in such cases.”。

天气所引起 ,虽然这个坏天气并不需要达到不寻常的程度 :请看 Merkin 教授在
《Marine Insurance Legislation》第三版之 114 页。这表示货物被雨水损坏则不属于这一个
是否定的,因为协会货物条文(B)之 1.2.3 条说明进水必须是进入船舶、驳船、船舱、
造成货物的损坏,在这种情况下这一个列明风险是承保的。最后去一提的是 1.2.3 条是
严格地适用近因原则,而不像上一部份的列明风险只需要“合理引致”( reasonably
损。这里可以去节录 John Dunt 在其 2009 版的《Marine Cargo Insurance》之 9.33 段所说:
“ It is submitted that the better view is that the (B) and (C) Clauses visualise immediate
contact between the cargo and water which causes damage and not condensation damage.”。

最后谈一谈协会货物条文(B)之 1.3 条的在船舶装卸时整件货物因为跌落而造成的全

如果在岸上发生的话举证比较困难:请看 O’May 之《Marine Insurance: Law and Policy》
之 183 页。笔者还怀疑另一个原因会否也有关系,就是岸上运输工具的装卸中掉下的货

与(C)承保的是共同海损与救助费用(第 2 条)、双方有责碰撞条文(第 3 条)、续运
费用(第 12 条)与施救费用(第 16 条)。有关这些非实质性损失方面的承保,在本书
第七章有详论,不去重复。去一提的是在几个方面。首先就是根据 1906 年《英国海上保

险法》Section 66(6)是说明在没有明示规定下,保险人是不负责共同海损的损失与分摊,
除非是为了避免承保的损失。但在协会货物条文(B)与(C),第 2 条针对共同海损
the avoidance of loss from any cause accepted those exclude in clauses 4,5,6 and 7 below)。
这等于是去改变了 Section 66(6)的说法,就是不明示承保的风险所导致的共同海损与救

的才获得承保。第 12 条是说:“Where, as a result of the operation of a risk covered by this
insurance…”。而第 16 条是说:“… in respect of loss recoverable hereunder”。


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