第十八章 完整合约条文

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第十八章 完整合约条文

1. 概述

完 整 合 约 条 文 在 英 语 中 有 好 几 种 叫 法 , 除 了 entire agreement clause 外 , 也 被 称 为

merger clause 或 integration clause,该条文内部分内容也被称为是 non-reliance clause。反
文(boiler-plate clause)。在 SAJ 是没有这条条文,但在 NEWBUILDCON 就有在第 47
“47. Entire Agreement
This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and no promise,
undertaking, representation, warranty or statement by either Party prior to the date of this
Contract stated in Box 1 shall affect this Contract. Any modification of this Contract shall not
be of any effect unless in writing signed by or on behalf of the Parties.”

同 样 的 条 文 也 出 现 在 Norwegian Standard Form Shipbuilding Contract , 是 在 Article


(misrepresentation),不恰当引导(undue inducement)或/与附带保证/协议(collateral

笔者先去简单介绍什么是在订立合约之前双方在谈判中会出现的误述与附带保证 /协议,

2. 误述

是 令 合 约 在 一 开 始 就 无 效 ( void ab initio ) , 但 前 者 的 情 况 是 令 合 约 可 变 为 无 效

到了 1967 年,英国还立了《误述法》。立法对什么是构成误述没有改动,但去把误述的
(negligent misrepresentation)。在立法之前与贵族院的 Hedley v. Byrne Co Ltd v. Heller
& Partners Ltd (1964) AC 465,法院把疏忽的误述归类在无辜的误述内。立法也去针对

2.1 什么是误述

法 律 , 不 存 在 对 法 律 的 误 述 : Beattie v. Ebury (1872) L.R. 7 Ch.App 777 ; Beesly v.
Hallwood Estates Ltd (1960) 1 WLR 549。但这方面也有了改变。

2.1.1 以行动作出的误述

客观去看就是意图诱导对方相信一个不真实的事实:Walters v. Morgan (1861) 3 De G.
F. & J. 718。另一个例子可以是房东的代理人带租客或买方看房时,房屋有严重的缺陷 ,
述:Gordon v. Selico Co. Ltd (1985) 2 E.G.L.R. 79。针对船舶的买卖,也曾经有过同类的
先例,这是在 Schneider v. Heath (1813) 3 Camp 506,案情涉及了卖方故意让船舶(木


一个中性的行为,不能说这也是作出了误述。在这方面,《Chitty on Contracts》29 版的
6-013 段这样说:
“The general rule is that mere non-disclosure does not constitute misrepresentation ,for there
is, in general, no duty on the parties to a contract to disclose material facts to each other,
however dishonest such non-disclosure may be in particular circumstances.”

但这一方面也有例外,第一就是有一些 立法去要求作出披露,例如是 1985 年的

《Housing Act》之 Section 125 (4A)。对海事人士熟悉的就是英国 1906 年《海上保险法》之
Section 18 (1)如下:
“Subject to the provisions of this section, the assured must disclose to the insurer, before the
contract is concluded, every material circumstance which is known to the assured, and the
assured is deemed to know every circumstance which, in the ordinary course of business,
ought to be known by him. If the assured fails to make such disclosure, the insurer may avoid
the contract.”

此外,在普通法下也有一些合约要求绝对善意(uberrinae fidei),主要是涉及一些信
托关系(fiduciary relationship),也会有要求不能去不披露或保持缄默。

2.1.2 以口头或以文书作出误述

2.1.3 意见的表述

“sales talk”或“sales bluff”。这种手法,主要是表现在给意见(statement of opinion)
造成误述。这里又是一个分水线怎样划分的问题,考验是在 De Beers Abrasive Products
Ltd v. International General Electric Co. of New York Ltd (1975) 1 WLR 972 中的“一个合
理的人听了对方所说会否把它严肃地当一回事”(whether a reasonable man would take
the claim as being a serious claim or not)。

例如在一个陈述前以文书写明“在我的意见”(in my opinion)或“根据我所最相信
的”(to the best of my belief),这只是形式。

例如在 1906 年的《海上保险法》,它的第 20 (5)条文说:“A representation as to matter
of expectation or belief is true if it be made in good faith.”。

意见方所给的意见才不会被默示为对事实的陈述。这方面著名的说法是 Bowen 大法官
在 Smith v. Land & House Property Corp. (1884) 28 Ch. D. 7 先例所说如下:
“it is often fallaciously assumed that a statement of opinion cannot involve the statement of
fact. In a case where the facts are equally well known to both parties, what one of them says
to the other is frequently nothing but an expression of opinion. The statement of such opinion
is in a sense a statement of fact, about the condition of the man’s own mind, but only of an
irrelevant fact, for it is of no consequence what the opinion is. But if the facts are equally
known to both sides, then a statement of opinion by the one who knows the fact involves very
often a statement of a material fact, for he impliedly states that he knows facts which justify
his opinion.”

《Chitty on Contracts》29 版的 6-005 段总结这先例说:

“Thus, if it can be proved that the person who expressed the opinion did not hold it, or could
not, as a reasonable man having his knowledge of the facts, honestly have held it, the
statement (of opinion) may be regarded as a statement of fact.”
Smith v. Land & House Property Corp. 先例中,案情是卖方在出售他的一家酒店时向买
金 400 英镑,租期 27 年半,是‘一项一流投资’。”在上述这一句话,既有事实的内

另可介绍 Esso v. Mardon (1976) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 305 先例,案情涉及了 Esso 去将一个加
油站卖给 Mardon 先生,在订约前 Esso 告诉 Mardon 先生车会经过加油站的流量与预计
会有的汽油销售量。但 Mardon 买了过来发觉根本不是这么一回事,导致亏大本 。
Mardon 先生向 Esso 起诉索赔,但 Esso 抗辩的理由是他不过是对于将来的汽油销售量
给了一个意见而已。但法院判是 Esso 对加油站的汽油销售量的估计的意见也可构成误
述,因为 Mardon 先生是没有办法知悉或估计汽油的销售量,完全依赖 Esso 在这方面

在同样的原则下,可去介绍另一个相反判法的先例。在 Bisset v. Wilkinson (1927) AC

177,Bisset 先生想卖出一块在新西兰的土地,他告诉 Wilkinson 先生这块地上能养
2000 只 羊 , 但 双 方 知 道 之 前 根 本 没 有 人 在 这 块 地 上 养 过 羊 。 在 买 下 这 块 地 后 ,
Wilkinson 先生发觉它根本没法容纳与养活 2000 只羊。但枢密院判这 Bisset 先生只是意

2.1.4 对将来意图的表述

这种情况下一般不会构成误述。 Saville 大法官在 Bank Leumi Le Israel B.M. v. British
National Insurance Co. Ltd (1988) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 71 说:
“A statement as to a future state of affairs can in itself neither be true or false at the time it is
made, since the future cannot be foretold.”

没有这个计划,这将来意图的表述就有可能是欺诈性的误述了。例如是在 Edgington v.
Fitzmaurice (1885) 29 Ch D. 459 先例,某公司出了一份邀请认购债券说明书声明说公司
被用于还债。法院判是公司董事要负责侵权的欺诈误述责任(tort for deceit),上诉庭
的 Bowen 大法官讲了几句名言如下:
“This is an action for deceit, in which the plaintiff complains that he was induced to take
certain debentures by the misrepresentations of the defendants, and that he sustained damage
thereby …
A mere suggestion of possible purposes to which a portion of the money might be applied
would not have formed a basis for an action of deceit. There must be a misstatement of an
existing fact; but the state of a man’s mind is as much a fact as the state of his digestion
… A misrepresentation as to the state of a man’s mind is, therefore, a misstatement of

《Chitty on Contracts》29 版的 6-008 段总结这方面先例说:
“With regard to a statement of intention, this may be looked upon as a misrepresentation of
existing fact if, at the time when it was made, there was not the will or the ability to put the
intention into effect; for the promisor’s state of mind was not what he led other party to
believe it to be.”

Bowen 大法官也说到要去证明一个人在表述将来的意图时的一刻,脑袋里是想去作出
“the state of a man’s mind is as much a fact as the state of his digestion. It is true that it is
very difficult to prove that the state of a man’s mind at a particular time is, but if it can be
ascertained it is as much a fact as anything else. A misrepresentation as to the state of a man’s
mind is, therefore, a misstatement of fact.”

了,卖方也不必去理会到底有否误述,反正根据买卖合约与 1979 年《货物销售法》他都
脑袋根本不是这样想的:Shackleton Ex p. Whittaker; Re (1875) L.R. 10 Ch.App. 446 ;
Ray v. Sempers (1974) A.C. 370;Re Gerald Copper Chemicals Ltd (1978) Ch. 262。如果卖

厂表述如果在订约后拿不到还款担保(refund guarantee),他没有意图去向船厂索赔,
这导致了后来的造船合约中船厂去承诺在 30 天内取得还款担保,但没有进一步去说明
件,现在去把条文改为是一个船厂的严格责任。但 30 天后,在船厂无法取得还款担保



2.1.5 法律的误述

并不是一个借口或抗辩的理由(Ignorance of the law is no excuse or defence)。配合这个
说法有 Ellenborough 勋爵在 Beattie v. Ebury (1872) L.R. 7 Ch.App 777 所说的“每个人都
应该被当作熟悉法律;否则会有太多以无知作为理由”( every man must be taken to be
cognizant of the law; otherwise there is no saying to what extent the excuse of ignorance
might not be carried. It would be urged in almost every case.)。这一句话也带来了另一个

因为有太多订约人士其实不了解法律,或是订约双方有同等程度的了解。正如 Atkin 勋
爵在 Evans v. Bartlam (1937) A.C. 473 中说的:
“I am not prepared to accept the view that there is in law any presumption that any one, even
a judge, knows all the rules and orders of the Supreme Court.”
不清,例如在 Wauton v. Coppard (1899) 1 Ch. 92,案情涉及了一个地产代理对买方陈述
该物业的地契(deed of covenant)条文并不限制买方的用途,这一个陈述并不正确。但
“The agent was not asked by the claimant as to the construction of the deed, or on any
question of law, but merely whether as a fact there were any covenants affecting the property,
having regard to the purpose for which the plaintiff wanted it.”

这方面作出区分,包括在“Unidroit Principles”与欧共体合约法原则。

在这方面英国法律已经有了改变,其中主要的就是 Kleinword Benson Ltd v. Lincoln City

Council (1992) 2 AC 349。贵族院在此先例废除了事实与法律误述的区别对待,判原告
约有效)支付的金钱。Goff 勋爵在案例中全面考虑了有关这一方面并建议法院不再接受
“… that the mistake of law rule no longer forms part of English law … English law should
not recognise that there is a general right to recover money paid under a mistake, whether of
fact or law, subject to the defences available in the law of restitution.”


2.2 侵权的误述

作出的陈述或误述。正如 Morris 勋爵在 Hedley Byrne Co Ltd v. Heller & Partners Ltd
(1964) AC 465 所说的:
“if in a sphere in which a person is so placed that others could reasonably rely upon his
judgment or his skill or upon his ability to make careful inquiry, a person takes it upon
himself to give information or advice to, or allows his information or advice to be passed on
to, another person who, as he knows or should know, will place reliance upon it, then a duty
of care will arise.”
合约的产生或信托关系,以前没有这方面的先例。所以在高院, McNair 大法官判是原
“I am accordingly driven to the conclusion by authority binding upon me that no such action
lies in the absence of contract or fiduciary relationship. On the facts before me there is clearly
no contract, nor can I find a fiduciary relationship.”

但在贵族院有了改变,法院认为如果一方有特别的技能(special skill)与知识,用来协
(duty of care)。如果有疏忽,破坏了这责任,他(比方是银行)应附上侵权的责任
(liability in tort)。

在 Hedley Byrne 一案,银行毕竟最后胜诉,是靠了他在提供给原告的文件(所谓 bank

reference)中有一条免责条文说明本文件是“机密而且银行不负责任”( Confidential:
For your private use and without responsibility on the part of this Bank and its officials)。这

要多说一句的是只要有这种关系,即一方有小心的责任(duty of care),则他收不收
费用并不是免责的理由:Mutual Life and Citizen’s Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Evatt (1970) 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 441。所以,虽然有不少人来问笔者有关海事方面的意见,笔者一般也会免

害方的人士必须去局限。为此,贵族院在 Hedley Byrne 定立了以下的三个大精神:
告会去依赖这份 Bank reference,但如果这份文件被原告给了其他不知名的朋友拿来参
(ii)误述方与受害方之间有足够的密切关系(necessary proximity)。
(iii)客观环境上看要求误述方向受害方尽“小心的责任”(duty of care)是公平与合
理的(just and reasonable)。

在以上(ii),关系要密切到什么程度在 Caparo v. Dickman (1990) 2 WLR 358 有详论。

原告 Caparo 先生本来已是一家公司的小股东,他在看了 Dickman 先生(是核算师)的
Caparo 先生投资损失。案中的问题是:双方有否足够密切的关系?

上诉庭说有,因为 Caparo 先生是股东之一,不是一些不知名的外来投资者,Dickman

先生应充分预见到他的报告会被 Caparo 先生参阅。但案子到了贵族院,这上诉庭判决
被 推 翻 , 而 这 “ 密 切 关 系 ” ( proximity ) 被 进 一 步 收 紧 。 Oliver 勋 爵 说 误 述 方
( Dickman 先 生 ) 在 陈 述 时 ( 给 意 见 或 出 报 告 时 ) , 必 须 知 道 依 赖 他 的 受 害 方
(Caparo 先生)要此陈述的目的,而他也乐于受害方为此目的而依赖他,甚至受害方
不会再去另作调查。Jaucey 勋爵也说这依赖(即受害方依赖这报告或这意见)去达致某
一目的必须是“极有可能”(highly probable)而不光是“会有可能”(possible)才可

换言之,若要 Dickman 先生负责,情况应是 Caparo 先生想去收购公司的控制股份而变

为大股东,在进行收购前,先指示 Dickman 先生来评核一下公司经济状况与前景。而如
果 Dickman 先生在此报告有错,他对 Caparo 先生就有误述责任。但如果 Dickman 先生
只是例行公事地每年出一个账目报告,如给股东大会所用,他是不必对 Caparo 先生私



族院的著名先例 The “Nicholas H” (1995) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 299 看出。该案例是货方起诉日
本船级社(NKKK),案情是该船舶在装满了铅铝精矿(lead and zinc concentrates)后,

疏忽的。货方在起诉船东并获得互保协会赔偿 50 万美元后(这金额是《海牙规则》下的
限额),对余下赔不到的 550 万美元向日本船级社追偿。

在高院,Hirst 大法官判日本船级社负责,认为在本案特殊的情况下有“足够的密切关
系”(necessary proximity),因为:

但这案子到了上诉庭与贵族院(The “Nicholas H” [1995] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 299),日本船

(a)主要在公共利益大前提下不应去强加船级社一个对货方“小心的责任”( duty of
整体对全球航运非是好事。所以,在政策上是不是公正( just)、公平(fair)与合理
的 1976 年《伦敦公约》,等。如果允许船级社被货方起诉,将来船级社又会在替船东检


2.3 导致合约产生的误述针对的时间

会变成一个欺诈性的误述。而无辜的误述与欺诈性的误述会带来不同的后果与救济 。
Blackburn 勋爵在 Brownlie v. Campbell (1880) 5 App. Cas. 925 说:
“when a statement or representation has been made in the bona fide belief that it is true, and
the party who has made it afterwards comes to find out that it is untrue, and discovers what he
should have said, he can no longer honestly keep up that silence on the subject after that has
come to his knowledge, thereby allowing the other party to go on, and still more, inducing
him to go on, upon a statement which was honestly made at the time it was made, but which
he has not now retracted when he has become aware that it can be no longer honestly
preserved in.”

2.4 误述与合约产生及造成损失之间的因果关系

会是受害方去听取了一个错误的陈述,说这堵墙是非常坚固,令受害方放胆去走过它 ,

一方根本没有去看这份年报:Re Northumberland and Durham District Banking Co, Ex P
Bigge (1858) 28 LJ Ch 50。或是,一辆二手车的卖方对二手车的里程表动了手脚,但买
方根本没有去看或去理会就购买:Horsfall v. Thomas (1862) 1 H & C 90。

析,到底受害方订约时在想些什么,正如在 Cranworth 勋爵在 Reynell v. Sprye (1852) 1
De G. M. & G. 660 所说:“it is impossible to analyze the operations of the human mind as
to be able to say how far any particular representation may have led to the formation of any
particular resolution, or the adoption of any particular line of conduct. No one could do this
with certainty, even as to himself, still less as to another.”

约:Attwood v. Small (1838) 6 Cl. & Fin 232;Smith v. Kay (1859) 7 HLC 750;Mathias v.
Yetts (1882) 46 LT 497;Edgington v. Fitzmaurice (1885) 29 Ch. D. 459, CA;Bristol and
West Building Society v. Mothew (1998) Ch. 1, CA。

这个误述,正如 Baggallay 大法官在 Redgrave v. Hurd (1881) 20 Ch. D. 1 CA 中说的:
“The person who has made the misrepresentation cannot be heard to say to the party to
whom he has made that representation, ‘You chose to believe me when you might have
doubted me, and gone further.’ The representation once made, releases the party from any
investigation, even if the opportunity is afforded.”

交易,买方通常会在订约前会来一个“尽职合理努力”(due diligence)的查询/查帐,
一点说得很清楚,它是 New York Life Insurance Co v. Strudel 243 F 2d 90 (5 Cir 1957),
“The mere fact that in order to test the truth of the representations some independent inquiry
is made, which necessarily is really in the nature of a fishing expedition rather than a
systematic search that will necessarily reveal the truth if carried out with reasonable
thoroughness, does not indicate lack of reliance; to hold so would enable a liar who falsifies
facts peculiarly within his own knowledge to subject [a representee] to an unconscionable
squeeze play: if [the representee] makes any independent checks he would claim that it isn’t
‘relying’ and thus [the contract] is not voidable … the only alternative for the company would
be to indicate 100 per cent faith and reliance by making no investigation whatsoever, at the
risk of having a court later determine that inconsistencies in the application or information
otherwise brought to their attention should have caused them to make at least such an inquiry
as a prudent man would have made.”

这方面可以节录 Jessel 大法官在 Mathias v. Yetts 所说如下:
“if a man has a material misstatement made to him which may, from its nature, induce him
to enter into the contract, it is an inference that he is induced to enter into the contract by it.
You need not prove it affirmatively. The man who makes the material misstatement to induce
the other to enter into the contract cannot be heard to say that he did not enter into it, to some
extent, at all events, on the faith of that statement, unless he can prove one of two things:
either in fact that the man did not rely upon it, and made inquiries and got information which
showed that the misstatement was untrue, and still went on with the contract, that is one thing;
or else that he said, expressly or impliedly, ‘I do not care what your representations are; I
shall not inquire about them. I shall enter into the contract taking the risk.’”

至于这个陈述是否有一定的重要性,Mansfield 勋爵在 Mcdowell v. Frasel (1779) 1 Doug

KB 260 给的定义是:
“A representation is material when its tendency, or its natural or probable result is to induce
the representee to act on the faith of it in the kind of way in which he is proved to have in fact
acted. The test is objective.”(一个陈述是有一定的重要性,如果该陈述是有一个倾向,

2.5 法院对误述的救济

撤销此合约,主要是在 19 世纪发展起来的,这是衡平法院所作出的救济,因为衡平法

2.5.1 撤销合约

撤销合约的权利是为了去恢复到没有这一份误述所导致的合约的地位( status quo

但欺诈性的误述(在 1967 年《误述法》下疏忽的误述也会是一样),地位就不一样了。
这在 Newbigging v. Adam (1886) 34 Ch. D 582,Bowen 大法官这样说:
“It is said that the injured party is entitled to be replaced in status quo. It seems to me that
when you are dealing with [non-fraudulent] misrepresentation you must understand that
proposition that he is to be placed in status quostatus quo with this limitation – that he is not
to be replaced in exactly the same position in all respects, otherwise he would be entitled to
recover damages, but is to be replaced in his position so far as regards the rights and
obligations which have been created by the contract into which he has been induced to

这个选择的权利是在受害方,他可以去撤销( rescind)合约,但他也可以去确认
(affirm)合约:Reese Silver Mining Co v. Smith (1869) LR 4 HL 64;Hackender, Hill &
White v. Feldia AG (1966) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 449。在后者的情况是如果合约替受害方带来很

允许的。Jenkins 大法官在 Leaf v. Internaitonal Galleries (1950) 2 KB 86 说:
“contracts such as this cannot be kept open and subject to the possibility of rescission
indefinitely…. I think that, at all events, it behoves the purchaser either to verify, or, as the
case may be, to disprove the representation within a reasonable time, or else stand or fall by
it. If he is allowed to wait five, ten, or twenty years and then reopen the bargain there can be
no finality at all.”


Crompton 大法官在 Clarke v. Dickson (1858) El. Bl. & El. 148 中说的:
“When you enunciate the proposition that a party has a right to rescind, you involve in it the
qualification, if the state of things is such that he can rescind. If you are fraudulently induced
to buy a cake you may return it and get back the price; but you cannot both eat your cake and
return you cake.”

辜 第三者 的权利会 受到影响 。或是一 个 仲裁协议会有不同的地位,这在 Harbour
Assurance v. Kansa General International Insurance (1992) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 81,Steyn 大法官
“a widely drawn arbitration clause will survive avoidance of the contract. When the
arbitrator declares that the contract is avoided it operates retroactively, i.e. it operates ab
initio. [Nonetheless, having] declared the contract avoided, the arbitrator may proceed in the
same or a subsequent award to unscramble the monetary consequences in the light of claims
and cross claims.”

Toomey v. Eagle Star (1995) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 88,在出争议的再保保单中,就有一条这样
的条文说:“(a) This contract is neither cancelable nor voidable by either party.”。由于被
这样做。Colman 大法官是这样判:
“I have come to the conclusion that it is indeed possible to write a clause into a contract
which does in fact exclude the right to rescind the contract for material misrepresentation or
material non-disclosure.
Does the wording of cl. (a) achieve this? In my judgment it does. It seems to me that the
express use of the words ‘neither cancelable nor voidable by either party’ clearly comprehend
that the parties have contracted out not only of terminating the contract by giving notice by
way of cancellation, but also of terminating the contract by seeking remedies in Court which
would avoid the contract either for misrepresentation or non-disclosure.”
但 Colman 大法官认为只是针对无辜的误述不可以撤销合约,不包括疏忽或者欺诈性的
辞。而如果涉及欺诈性,更是超越一切,无法去包括在内。而 Colman 大法官这样判其实

无效(voidable),后者就是令合约一开始就自动无效(void ab initio),不存在需要

去这样取巧。所以,在 1967 年的《误述法》已经在 Section 2(2)说明在一些非欺诈性的误

2.5.2 损失赔偿

类别的误述,即使是无辜的误述。无辜的误述也要面对损失赔偿,是因为 1967 年《误述
法》的规定。但这损失赔偿的计算与欺诈性或疏忽的误述是不一样的,本来在 1967 年的
立法就已经说明不针对欺诈性的误述,而针对疏忽的误述,有关的条文是 Section
“2. Damages for misrepresentation
(1) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him
by another party thereto and as a result thereof he has suffered loss, then, if the person making
the misrepresentation would be liable to damages in respect thereof had the misrepresentation
been made fraudulently, that person shall be so liable notwithstanding that the
misrepresentation was not made fraudulently, unless he proves that he had reasonable ground
to believe and did believe up to the time the contract was made that the facts represented were

但针对无辜的误述,有关的条文是 Section 2(2),赔偿是由法院或仲裁庭去根据公平合

“(2) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to
him otherwise than fraudulently, and he would be entitled, by reason of the misrepresentation,
to rescind the contract, then, if it is claimed, in any proceedings arising out of the contract,
that the contract ought to be or has been rescinded, the court or arbitrator may declare the
contract subsisting and award damages in lieu of rescission, if of option that it would be
equitable to do so, having regard to the nature of the misrepresentation and the loss that would
be caused by it if the contract were upheld, as well as to the loss that rescission would cause
to the other party.”

下就会根据 1945 年的《The Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act》下要受害方与误
戏规则—英国合约法》一书的第十四章第 13 段。

还有是欺诈性误述的损失索赔是可以根据合约或侵权(tort of deceit),这里就会有分
的地位,也就是著名的复原原则(restitutio in integrum):Hadley v. Baxendale (1854) 9
Ex. 341。但是在侵权,计算是去把受害方所有的损失去要回来,将他回归到这个虚假的
分别,假设 A 把一辆二手车卖给 B,但对该车辆的车龄作出了虚假陈述,说是 2 年,
实际已有 5 年的车龄。B 买下了该二手车,并支付了 50,000 元,而当时一辆 2 年车龄的
同类二手车的市场价格是 55,000 元,但一辆 5 年车龄的同类二手车就只值 35,000 元。
这一来,根据合约法的计算,A 要赔偿 B 去让他回归到合约没有被违反(误述)的钱
是 20,000 元。但根据侵权去作出计算,就是要去看 B 如果没有去买下该辆二手车的地
位,就是他不必去付给 A 车价 50,000 元。但问题是他没有去撤销合约的话,就必须在
计算损失的时候把他得到的利益计算在内,就是他手中有了一辆值 35,000 元的二手车。
这一来,A 根据侵权要赔给 B 只是 15,000 元。这看来是索赔以合约计算比侵权更为有利,
但这是因为 B 买这辆二手车买得划算,是以 50,000 元买了一辆市值 55,000 元的汽车。
但换种情况,又会有不同的计算了。例如是在同样的例子下,一辆 2 年车龄的同类二手
车的市场价格不是 55,000 元,而是 45,000 元。这情况会是 B 买该车买贵了,也有可能
是市场下跌了。这一来,以侵权的计算仍是不变,损失是 15,000 元,但如果以合约法的
计算,就只能得到 10,000 元的赔偿,就足够去把 B 回归到合约如果没有被违反(误
然这不影响受害方去把两种计算不同的办法都作为是替换的索赔(alternative claims)。

2.6 误述的类别
误述。这情况到了 1967 年的《误述法》才通过立法分为三种,多了疏忽的误述。在早期的
陈述,陈述方就会是被指称他没有采取合理小心令陈述正确。这直到 Derry v. Peek
(1889) 14 App. Cas. 337 贵族院才对何谓欺诈性误述有了一个定义如下:
“First, in order to sustain an action of deceit, there must be proof of fraud, and nothing short
of that will suffice. Secondly, fraud is proved when it is shewn that a false representation has
been made (1) knowingly, or (2) without belief in its truth, or (3) recklessly, careless whether
it be true or false. Although I have treated the second and third as distinct cases, I think the
third is but an instance of the second, for one who makes a statement under such
circumstances can have no real belief in the truth of what he states. To prevent a false
statement being fraudulent, there must, I think, always be an honest belief in its truth. And
this probably covers the whole ground, for one who knowingly alleges that which is false, has
obviously no such honest belief. Thirdly, if fraud be proved, the motive of the person guilty of
it is immaterial. It matters not that there was no intention to cheat or injure the person to
whom the statement was made.”

这一个准则,可以说也是在欺诈侵权(tort of deceit)下的准则。在上述说法的欺诈性误
( reckless ) 去 作 出 一 个 陈 述 , 这 一 个 定 义 在 Angus v. Clifford (1891) 2 Ch 449 与
Thomas Witter Ltd v. TBP Industries Ltd (1996) 2 All ER 573,是指陈述方根本不关心与
到 刑 事 的 不 诚 实 , 这 在 一 个 著 名 的 倒 签 提 单 日 期 先 例 Standard Chartered Bank v.
Pakistan National Shipping (2000) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 218 中,Evans 大法官说:
“… it is not necessary that the maker of the statement was ‘dishonest’ as that word is used in
the criminal law. The relevant intention is that the false statement shall be acted upon by a
person to whom it is addressed. If the false statement was made knowingly and that intention
is proved, then the basis for liability for the tort of deceit is established.”

作为雇主就会要对此负上责任,即使他本人在代理人或雇员误述时并不知情:Lloyd v.
Grace, Smith & Co (1912) AC 716 HL;Alliance & Leicester Building Society v. Edgestop
Ltd (1993) 1 WLR 1462 ; Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland N.V. (now General Bank
Nederland N.V.) v. Export Credits Guarantee Department [2000] 1 AC 486 HL。


还要知道的是 1967 年的《误述法》并不针对欺诈性的误述。这表示一涉及欺诈性的误述,

欺诈性误述一被发现是肯定可以去撤销合约,不受 1967 年立法的约束,在损失计算方

至于 1967 年《误述法》所带来的疏忽的误述,它的准则就是在该立法 Section 2(1),要求

陈述方去证明他的误述或陈述是在有合理基础的情况下作出的(unless he proves that he
had reasonable ground to believe and did believe up to the time the contract was made that the
facts represented were true.)。这里的举证责任比侵权下去指称对方疏忽更有利受害方,

是一 个 无辜的误述了。但可 另去 举 一个著名先 例 Howard Marine v. Ogden (1978) 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 334,Ogden 有一个在英国 Tyneside 港口的挖泥合约,而为了这工程,他
要去租进两条挖泥船。Howard Marine 手上有两条挖泥船,很想租给 Ogden。Ogden 对船
Marine 派 出 他 的 经 理 O’Loughlin 先 生 去 Ogden 的 办 公 室 。 而 在 谈 到 装 载 量 时 ,
O’Loughlin 先生说每一艘挖泥船应可装载 850 立方米,重约 1,600 吨的污泥。这 1,600 吨
是 如 何 得 来 的 数 字 呢 ? 这 是 O’Loughlin 先 生 去 查 了 劳 合 社 的 记 录 ( Lloyd’s
Register),说是该船载重量(deadweight)是 1,800 吨,故在去掉油、水等后确应能装
载污泥大约 1,600 吨。

误。该挖泥船的真正载重量是 1,194.94 吨,非是 1,800 吨。结果在交船后,Ogden 发觉只
能装载 1,055 吨,等于挖泥的效率要降低与要多开航几次出去大海倾倒污泥,于是去减
付租金。Howard Marine 因此而撤船,并起诉要回欠下的 9 万多英镑租金。但 Ogden 反索
赔 60 万英镑的损失,指是 Howard Marine 的误述所引起的。在第一审,高院判 Howard
Marine 胜诉,可得回 9 万多英镑租金。但去了上诉庭,结果被推翻。上诉庭判是 Howard
Marine 虽没有对 Ogden 在装载污泥的重量上有任何附带保证(collateral warranty),但
他曾作出无辜的误述。而在 1967 年《误述法》下,无辜的误述再也不必去依赖有否附带
保证,受害方可直接在 Section 2(1)之下索赔损失。

照说,O’Loughlin 先生根据劳合社的记录而作出误述,应属无辜,应可以免除赔偿责
任。但在上诉庭,仍是在这一点上以 2 比 1(Denning 勋爵是少数意见,认为可免赔偿
责 任 ) 判 Howard Marine 败 诉 , 因 O’Loughlin 先 生 手 上 有 其 他 船 舶 文 件 ( German
Shipping documents)可去看到船舶的正确载重量,判是一个疏忽的误述。至于 Denning
勋爵认为是无辜误述,原因在 Ogden 两次问及挖泥船的载重量都是以电话的方式,所
以 O’Loughlin 先生只是随意地根据劳合社船舶记录来回答,而没有去对照船舶档案。如
果 Ogden 是要一个查得清清楚楚的准确陈述,他应该是用信函作出查问,而不是以口
头形式在电话交谈中查问。所以 Denning 勋爵认为在该情况下,Howard Marine 作出的
误述是有一个合理基础(reasonable ground)而不必负责。

在本案还有一重要之处,是租约内有一条第 1 条文说明挖泥船在交船时被承租人
(Ogden)接受,即表示已对船舶检验过并对一切满意:“ On handing over by the
owners, the vessel shall be tight, staunch and strong but charterers’ acceptance of handing
over the vessel shall be conclusive evidence that they have examined the vessel and found her
to be in all respects seaworthy, in good order and condition and in all respects fit for the
intended and contemplated use by the charterers and in every other way satisfactory to

Howard Marine 指出既然 Ogden 已无条件接受了挖泥船的交船,也作了检验,并使用了

6 个月之久,不能在此条文下提出对载重量的异议。在这一点,上诉庭也以如下两个理
由判 Howard Marine 败诉:
(1)合理去解释第一条文,它也只应包括在交船时 Ogden 可从表面检验看得见的项目,
(2)更重要的是,1967 年《误述法》的 Section 3 不承认这种条文,除非它是“公平与
合理”(fair and reasonable)的。而上诉庭不认为这第一条文对载重量误述可去免责是
公平合理。这 Section 3 是这样说:
“If any agreement … contains a provision which would exclude or restrict – (a) any liability
to which a party to a contract may be subject by reason of any misrepresentation made by him
before the contract was made; or (b) any remedy available to another party to the contract by
reason of such a misrepresentation; that provision shall be of no effect except to the extent (if
any) that, in any proceedings arising out of the contract, the court or arbitrator may allow
reliance on it as being fair and reasonable in the circumstances of the case.”
3. 不恰当引导

这一种情况就是如果 A 与 B 订一个合约或达成一些协议,而 B 是受到了 A 的不恰当引

导(这主要表现在被 A 逼迫、欺骗或误导),并非是有一个自由与独立的判断(a free
and independent judgment),该合约或协议就会被判无效。这甚至也包括了 B 受到 A 的
不恰当引导去与 C 或 D 订立合约。这是其中一个与误述不同的地方,而另一处不同之
处是不恰当引导并非针对 A 对 B 作出不正确的事实陈述而导致了合约的产生。在一定

有关不恰当引导的定义是早在 Allcard v. Skinner (1887) 36 Ch. D 145,上诉庭的 Lindley

“Is it that it is right and expedient to save persons from the consequences of their own folly?
Or is it that it is right and expedient to save them being victimized by other people? In my
opinion the doctrine of undue influence is founded on the second of these two principles … It
would obviously be to encourage folly, recklessness, extravagance and vice if persons could
get back property which they foolishly made away with, whether by giving it to charitable
institutions or by bestowing it on less worthy objects. On the other hand, to protect people
from being forced, tricked or misled in anyway by others into parting with their property is
one of the most legitimate objects of all laws.”(法律是想去分开两种情况,一种就是由

贵族院在 Barclays Bank plc v. O’Brien (1994) 1 AC 180 去把不恰当引导分为是两大类,


在第一类,这种真正的不恰当引导通常是涉及一些道德上的敲诈(moral blackmail),
一种情况是一位年老的 B 与其住在一起的年轻的 A,A 跟 B 说如果 B 不这样做(例如
同意把财产转让给 A),A 就今后不照顾 B:Langton v. Langton (1995) 2 FLR 890。在商
业的情况是,如果银行 A 对客户 B 表示如果后者不同意一些财物安排,就会乐意看到
他的孩子(不是 B 本人)因为提供 给银行一些伪造的文件而被起诉: Williams v.
Bayley (1866) LR 1 HL 200。在另一个同样事实的先例,名为 Mutual Finance Ltd v. John
Wetton & Sons Ltd (1937) 2 KB 389,Porter 大法官是这样说:
“it extend to any case where the persons entering into the undertaking where in substance
influenced by the desire to prevent the prosecution or possibility of prosecution of the person
implicated, and were known to be intended to have been so influenced by the person in whose
favour the undertaking was given.”

Barclays Bank plc v. O’Brien 先例,Browne-Wilkinson 勋爵所说如下:
“the complainant only to show, in the first instance, that there was a relationship of trust and
confidence between the complainant and the wrongdoer of such a nature that it is fair to
presume that the wrongdoer abused that relationship in procuring the complainant to enter
into the impugned transaction. In Class 2 cases therefore there is no need to produce evidence
that actual undue influence was exerted in relation to the particular transaction impugned:
once a confidential relationship has been proved, the burden then shifts to the wrongdoer to
prove that the complaint entered into the impugned transaction freely, for example by
showing that the complainant had independent advice. Such a confidential relationship can be
established in two ways, viz,
Class 2(A)
Certain relationships (for example solicitor and client, medical advisor and patient) as a
manner of law raise the presumption that undue influence has been exercised.
Class 2(B)
Even if there is no relationship falling within Class 2(A), if the complainant proved the de
facto existence of a relationship under which the complainant generally reposed trust and
confidence in the wrongdoer, the existence of such relationship raises the presumption of
undue influence. In a Class 2(B) case therefore, in the absence of evidence disproving undue
influence, the complainant will succeed in setting aside the impugned transaction merely by
proof that the complainant reposed trust and confidence in the wrongdoer without having to
prove that the wrongdoer exerted actual undue influence or otherwise abused such trust and
confidence in relation to the particular transaction impugned.”


4. 附带保证/协议

在《Chitty on Contracts》29 版的 12-033 段总结这先例说:

“Collateral Warranties. Undertakings may be given that are collateral to another contract.
They may be considered to be independent of that other contract either because they cannot
fairly be regarded as having been incorporated therein, or because rules of evidence hinder
their incorporation, or requirements of form or is made between parties other than those by or
to whom the undertaking is given. Such undertakings are often referred to as collateral
contracts, or ‘collateral warranties’.”

例如在上述 2.1.4 段举的船厂的例子,就很难界定到底是船东对船厂保证不会因为船厂


就是著名的“口头证据规则”(parol evidence rule)。所以法院对这附带保证/协议说法
合约的要求。首先,就是订约双方有意图去成立这法律关系,这方面可举 Heilbut,
Symons & Co v. Buckleton (1913) AC 30 为例,Moulton 勋爵说:
“Such collateral contracts, the sole effect of which is to vary or add to the terms of the
written contract, are therefore view with suspicion by the law … Not only the terms of such
contracts but the animus contrahendi (拉丁文,指订约意图 ) on the part of the parties to
them must be shown.”

一方就不会去签署主合约,但也可以是其他的形式。Moulton 勋爵在同一案例也有提到
“It is evident, both on principle and authority, that there may be a contract the consideration
for which is the making of some other contract. ‘If you will make such and such a contract I
will give you one hundred pounds,’ is in every sense of the word a complete legal contract. It
is collateral to the main contract, but each has an independent existence, and they do not
differ in respect of their possessing to the full the character and status of a contract.”

比较近期的先例可举 The “Nile Rhapsody” (1992) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 399,Hirst 大法官说:

“It is well established that the Court is prepared in some circumstances to regard a statement
intended to have contractual effect as a separate contract to the main transaction, in particular
where one party refuses to enter into the contract unless the other gives him a assurance on a
certain point (Chitty on Contract 26th ed., vol. I, par.774)”

以下去举一个早期的有关说法的先例,名为 De Lassalle v. Gildford (1901) 2 KB 215。案


作出改变。但这说法看来并不正确,在 City & Westminster Properties Ltd v. Mudd (1959)
Ch 129,就涉及了一个附带保证/协议导致主合约中的一个权利变为无效。案情是涉及
约中加多一条条文说明店铺只能作为商业用途使用。但作为租客,Mudd 先生说是他一
直住在店铺内,所以不能接受这一条多加的条文。结果是房东告诉 Mudd 先生他可以继
在店铺内居住。但后来,房东要去执行该租赁合约,不准 Mudd 先生住下去。但 Harman
“There was a clear contract acted upon by the defendant to his detriment and from which the
plaintiff [could not] be allowed to resile.”

方并没有直接的主合约关系。这是在 Shanklin Pier Ltd v. Detel Products Ltd (1951) 2 KB
854,案情是有关一个码头所有人想去对其进行重新油漆。他收到一个厂家名为 Detel
Products Ltd 的保证,说他们的油漆是非常优质,可以维持 7-10 年的寿命。根据这个保
证,码头所有人就与其油漆包工在协议内规定使用 Detel 的油漆。但油漆使用后发觉质
量很有问题,3 个月后已经出现掉漆现象。码头所有人于是控告 Detel Products Ltd 要求
赔偿,但问题就是订购油漆的合约实际上是油漆包工和 Detel Products Ltd 签订的。但法
院认为这不影响 Detel Products Ltd 与码头所有人之间的附带保证/协议,并且 Detel 需

再接下去介绍一个比较近期的先例 The “Nile Rhapsody” (1992) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 399,有关

的合约涉及一家英国办旅游的公司(Thomas Cook)与一家埃及旅游公司有关尼罗河的
观光项目合约,其中涉及了英国公司协助埃及公司去取得融资建造旅游船 “Nile
Rhapsody”并在交船后去租给英国公司营运。双方是在 1988 年 2 月底签署了协议,但其
去以明示条文加在有关的合约内。最后 Hirst 大法官根据双方的口头证据接受了有这方
有关附带保证/协议,最后笔者可去节录 Furmston 教授的《The Law of Contract》一书第
三版之 2.152 段,有对这个课题有完整介绍如下:
“Inference of contract from undertaking. Where one person gives an undertaking to
another which that other relies upon a court may be willing to infer a contract between the
parties on the terms of the undertaking. The act of reliance is then interpreted as both
acceptance of and consideration for the offer contained in the undertaking. This is the basis
of the so-called ‘collateral contract’ where an undertaking is given to induce the person to
whom it is given to enter into a contract, either with the person giving the undertaking or with
some other person. Thus, for instance, a contract may be inferred if a manufacturer or
producer of a product gives an assurance about the product to a potential purchaser who, on
the strength of it, enters into a contract to buy the product from a third party supplier. A
contract may also be inferred on this basis where an assurance is given by A to B which
induces B to enter into a contract with A, even though that assurance is not incorporated into
the resulting contract.

The inference of a contract in such a case is relatively straightforward. It has been said that
its basis is simply an undertaking as to the future which is intended to be binding. The crucial
requirement, therefore, is to establish that the promisor’s assurance was intended to be
contractual, bearing in mind that the evaluation of contractual intention will be made on an
objective basis. If there is evidence that the assurance was important to the promisee in
influencing his decision to enter into the ‘main’ contract, and that that fact was apparent to
the promisor, it will be relatively easy to infer that the promisor intended his assurance to be

5. 完整合约条文的写法与后果

一条完整合约条文是去约定有关“口头证据规则”(parol evidence rule)必须严格遵守,

不允许意图去引入在谈判中好像误述或附带保证 /协议等的指控以扭曲一份签署了的合
在什么样的情况下被双方所同意,这也应该加以考虑,而不是光去看条文的文字 /措辞。
这种保留在英国法律委员会的报告(Law Comm Rep. No. 154,2.15 段)是这样说:
“[An entire agreement clause] may have a very strong persuasive effect but if it were proved
that notwithstanding the clause, the parties actually intended some additional term to be of
contractual effect the court would give effect to that term because that was the intention of the
但从目前的大量案例看来,法院是承认一条完整合约条文,并且根据它的文字 /措辞去

这种条文在订约自由下是可以有不同的写法,也会带来不同的后果。例如好像在 Alman
and Benson v. Associated Newspapers Group Ltd. Ch D (Unreported, 20 June 1980) 案例中
一条比较简单的完整合约条文:“ This agreement, when taken together with the agreed
drafts or the executed engrossments of them, constitutes the entire agreement and
understanding between the parties with respect to all matters therein referred to.”。

又或是好像 Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corp v. ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd.
(1999) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 387, CA.先例中的:
“Entirety of agreement
This CONTRACT comprises the entire agreement between the PARTIES, as detailed in the
various Articles and Annexures and there are not any agreements, understandings, promises
or conditions, oral or written, expressed or implied, concerning the subject matter which are
not merged into this CONTRACT and superseded hereby. This CONTRACT may be
amended in the future only in writing executed by the PARTIES.”。

另是 Inntrepreneur Pub Co v. East Crown Ltd (2000) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 611 先例中的:
“Any variations of this Agreement which are agreed in correspondence shall be incorporated
in this Agreement where the correspondence makes express reference to this Clause and the
parties acknowledge that this Agreement (which the incorporation of any such variations)
constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties.”。

“This agreement constitute the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject
matter of this Agreement. Each of the Parties acknowledges and confirms that in entering into
this Agreement, it is not relying upon any statement or representation made by or on behalf of
any other Party, whether or not in writing, at any time prior to execution of this Agreement
which is not expressly set out herein. Each of the parties expressly agrees that it will not have
any right of action in relation to any statement or representation, whether oral or written,
made by or on behalf of any of the other Parties in the course of any negotiations which
preceded the execution hereof. This agreement may be varied or modified only by the written
agreement of the Parties.”。

粗 略 的 说 , 完 整 合 约 条 文 可 分 为 3 大 类 。 ( 一 ) 是 上 述 Deepak Fertilisers and

Petrochemicals Corp v. ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd.的条文,它是一条典型的完整合约
诺与约定全部作废,例如是 Fontana GB Ltd v. Fabio (unreported, 4 July 2002)中的条文说:
“This Agreement shall be in substitution for any previous letters of appointment, agreements
or arrangements, whether written, oral or implied.”。

这种条文的本意都是想去局限或排除在合约内明示条文 /文字以外的争议,例如是附带
保 证 / 协 议 ( collateral warranty/contract ) 、 默 示 条 文 ( implied terms ) 、 误 述
的共同责任(concurrent liability in tort)等。换言之,如果这种条文被法官/仲裁员接受

这种条文还可以带来另外一个重要的后果,就是对一些不喜欢在最近 30 年来英国法院
在 解 释 文 书 合 约 时 从 传 统 的 字 义 上 解 释 ( literal method ) 走 向 广 泛 本 质 上 解 释
(expanded contextual method)的趋势中去以一条明示条文扭转方向。

6. 完整合约条文的本质


早在 1959 年 Wedderburn 勋爵在《Collateral Contracts》(1959) CLJ 58,85 一文中就讲到为

“In a society in which people are daily led to enter into written contracts which they do not
understand on the basis of oral promises which they do understand, the value of this weapon
of justice is likely to increase.”。(在我们的这个社会里每天都有人被引导去订约,但他

其 1986 年名为“The Parol Evidence Rule”(Law Com 154) 的报告之 2.15 段有说道这种
条文如果是去排除或减免对误述的责任,是无效的。另针对附带保证 /协议,该报告说,
“Without legislative provision such a clause cannot, we think, have conclusive effect. It may
have a very strong persuasive effect but if it were proved that, notwithstanding the clause, the
parties actually intended some additional clause, the court would give effect to that term
because such was the intention of the parties.”

在判例中,也有不同的说法。例如是 McGrath v Shah (1987) 57 P&CR 452, Ch D. 中,

John Chadwick 大法官就不认为这条文有违反 1967 年《误述法》与 1977 年《不公平合约
法》。但 Jacob 大法官在 Thomas Witter Ltd v TBP Industries Ltd (1996) 2 All ER 573 中持

一方面可去节录 Gerard McMeel 教授的《The Construction of Contracts—Interpretation,
Implication and Rectification》一书之 24.08 段,如下:
“Secondly, given their proximity to, and often close relationship with, exemption clauses,
the question arises whether either the entire agreement clause or the non-reliance clause are
within the scope of the restrictions on exemption clauses introduced by principally the Unfair
Contract Terms Act 1977 and section 3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967. Whilst there is
authority both for and against statutory regulation, it is submitted that as a matter of principle
and as a matter of statutory construction both clauses are vulnerable to the argument that they
are regulated exemption clauses.”

另也可去介绍上诉庭的 Chadwick 大法官在 EA Grimstead & Son Ltd v. McGarrigan 中认

“There are, as it seems to me, at least two good reasons why the courts should not refuse to
give effect to an acknowledgement of non-reliance in a commercial contract between
experienced parties of equal bargaining power—a fortiori, where those parties have the
benefit of professional advice. First, it is reasonable to assume that the parties desire
commercial certainty. They want to order their affairs on the basis that the bargain between
them can be found within the document which they have signed. They want to avoid the
uncertainty of litigation based on allegations as to the content of oral discussions at pre-
contractual meetings. Second, it is reasonable to assume that the price to be paid reflects the
commercial risk which each party—or, more usually, the purchaser—is willing to accept. The
risk is determined, in part at least, by the warranties which the vendor is prepared to give. The
tighter the warranties, the less the risk and (in principle, at least) the greater the price which
the vendor will require and which the purchaser will be prepared to pay. It is legitimate, and
commercially desirable, that both parties should be able to measure the risk, and agree the
price, on the basis of the warranties which have been given and accepted.”

7. 完整合约条文的好处

这条文的好处主要就是为了带来商业上的肯定性/稳定性(commercial certainty),只要
贵,而且带来结果不稳定。虽然有了完整合约条文,也不能完全避免对口头证据 /外来
证据的处理: Proforce Recruit Ltd v Rugby Group Ltd (2006) EWCA Civ 69 ;Air New
Zealand Ltd v Nipppon Credit Bank Ltd (1997) NZLR 218,224, BZCA。但显然法官/仲裁员
会有很大保留甚至敌意,正如 Longmore 大法官在 Reeds Solicitors (a firm) v Norwich
Union Insurance Ltd (2005) EWCA Civ 323 中所说的:
“As always when an oral agreement is relied on … and there are subsequent written
agreements with entire agreement clauses, any court would look at a claimant’s case with a
great deal of scepticism.”


程中对方是否曾经有误述,引导或作出附带保证 /协议以扭转劣势。只要是勉强能找到

8. 完整合约条文的坏处

这条文的坏处主要是令双方有此条文的文书合约变得至关重要,必须条文 /文字订得好
Wedderburn 勋爵在上述所讲的那样。唯一的分别就是英国法律不断想去提升进而保护


9. 完整合约条文的有关先例

在近 20、30 年来,开始有大量的先例针对完整合约条文的解释,内中也可以看到这条

9.1 案例之一:Alman and Benson v. Associated Newspapers Group Ltd.

Alman and Benson v. Associated Newspapers Group Ltd. (Unreported, 20 June 1980) 是近期
“11(1). This agreement, when taken together with the agreed drafts or the executed
engrossments of them, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties
with respect to all matters therein referred to.”
Browne-Wilkinson 大法官判是该条文会可以去抗辩一个附带保证/协议的索赔,但不足
“Clause 11 (1) provides that the written contract constitutes ‘the entire agreement and
understanding between the parties with respect to all matters therein referred to’. It is to be
noted that it does not in terms refer to representations. The defendants, however, submit that
the word ‘understanding’ covers the representation alleged in this case. I cannot accept this
submission. Although it is true that, in one sense, the common assumption by all parties that
the plaintiffs were to be in charge of the day-to-day running could be called ‘an
understanding’ between them, the plaintiffs are not suing on that bilateral ‘understanding’ but
on the representation of intention implicit in it. Clause 11 (1) plainly excludes any contractual
claim based a bilateral understanding, but it does not go further. In my judgment the word
‘understanding’ is directed to excluding any claims arising from warranties collateral to the
main agreement. If it were designed to exclude liability for misrepresentation it would, I
think, have to be couched in different terms, for example, a clause acknowledging that the
parties had not relied on any representation in entering into the contract. I therefore hold that
the word ‘understanding’ in this contract is not apt to cover representation, and accordingly
does not exclude the plaintiffs’ claim.”。(Browne-Wilkinson 大法官是说该条文只针对双

9.2 案例之二:Thomas Witter v. TBP Industries Ltd

Thomas Witter v. TBP Industries Ltd (1996) 2 All ER 573 这一个先例的案情是有关收购一

个地毯公司,收购价格是 400 万英镑,另加上利润分摊等的其他对价。之后卖方被指控
一笔可收取的帐款,说是 12 万英镑,但其实是夸大了 7 万英镑。该合约也是有一条完
“This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties or
any of them in connection with the Business and the sale and purchase described herein. In
particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Purchaser
acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representation
or warranty other than the statements contained or referred to in Schedule 6.”

但 Jacob 大法官判是该条文不足够去包括有关的不真实误述,说:
“The first thing to do is to construe the clause … in my judgment the first sentence does not
operate to exclude remedies for pre-contractual misrepresentations. It simply does not say it
does. If it said, for instance, ‘The vendor [scilicet purchaser] agrees he will have no remedy in
respect of any untrue statement made to him upon which he relied in entering this contract,
and that his only remedies can be for breach of contract’ the clause would probably have done
the job. Then, if he is sold a pup, he will have no remedy, unless it is a contractually
warranted pup … Unless it is manifestly made clear that the purchaser has agreed only to
have a remedy for breach of warranty I am not disposed to think that a contractual term said
to have this effect by a roundabout route does indeed do so. In other words, if a clause is to
have the effect of excluding or reducing remedies for damaging untrue statements, then the
party seeking that protection cannot be mealy-mouthed in his clause. He must bring it home
that he is limiting his liability for falsehoods he may have told.”

Jacob 大 法 官 上 述 的 解 释 与 原 因 被 后 来 的 上 诉 庭 先 例 EA Grinstead & Son Ltd v.

McGarrigan (Unreported, 27 October 1999)批评说:
“The acknowledgement in the present case are not acknowledgements as to what
representations were made to the purchaser; they are acknowledgements as to what
acknowledgements the purchaser relied upon. I can see no difficulty in an acknowledgement
by a purchaser that a representation which was made was not relied upon; but I cannot see
how a purchaser who has acknowledged that a representation was not relied upon can
afterwards say that that was nothing more than what he thought was the position at the time.
Put another way, I reject the contention that it is open to a purchaser to assert both that he did
not rely on a representation which was made to him and that he did rely upon that
representation. He must be taken to know, at the time when he enters in to the agreement,
what representations he is relying upon.”

9.3 案 例 之 三 : Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corp v. ICI Chemicals &

Polymers Ltd.

Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corp v. ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd. (1999) 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 387, CA 是一个重要的案例涉及技术转让,案情是有关在印度的 Deepak 计
划建造一个生产甲醇的工厂。生产是以一种名为 tube cooled methanol converters 的技术
进行,ICI 公司称这是一种经过很好验证的新技术并可由他在伦敦的许可商 Davy 去提
供。之后,Deepak 与 Davy 直接签署了一份技术转让合约并在 Davy 的协助下建起了工
生爆炸,导致工厂停产与后来需要重建,损失是高达 1 亿英镑。Deepak 于是向 ICI 与
Davy 索赔损失,其中一个争议是 Deepak 指称 ICI 与 Davy 共作出过 8 项误述,而有关
“Entirety of agreement
This CONTRACT comprises the entire agreement between the PARTIES, as detailed in the
various Articles and Annexures and there are not any agreements, understandings,
promises or conditions, oral or written, expressed or implied, concerning the subject matter
which are not merged into this CONTRACT and superseded hereby. This CONTRACT may
be amended in the future only in writing executed by the PARTIES.”

这一来,这一个争议就是 Deepak 认为上述条文并不排除误述或附带保证 /协议,但

Davy 说是上述条文有去排除, 所以 Deepak 不能以误述为由提出索赔。这就涉及了解释
该条文所用的文字,Rix 大法官同意 Deepak 的说法,认为该条文的文字并没有针对陈
述或误述。它所针对的四个字(agreements, understandings, promises, conditions)中前两
个已经在 Alman and Benson v. Associated Newspapers Group Ltd. Ch D (Unreported, 20
June 1980)有所针对并被 Browne-Wilkinson 大法官判是“理解”一词不包括误述。Rix 大
法官同意这一个判法,并指出在本案例的有关条文多了两个字 promises 与 conditions,
对要把误述也包括在内起不了任何作用,它们只适合去针对附带保证/协议。Rix 大法官
“I agree with Deepak’s submission so far as concerns misrepresentation. Thus the clause’s
language – ‘agreements, understandings, promises or conditions’ – is not apt, expressly or
impliedly, to include representations. This was the view of Mr. Justice Browne-Wilkinson in
Alman and Benson v. Associated Newspapers Group Ltd. June 20,1980, (unreported, Lexis
transcript at p. 30)…
When it comes to excluding liability for collateral warranties, however, I agree with Davy
that the clause effectively does so. That was the view, albeit obiter, of Mr. Justice Browne-
Wilkinson in the passage cited above from the Associated Newspapers Group case, when he
said that the word ‘understandings’ is directed to excluding any claims agreement. In the
present case the clause goes further and refers to ‘promises or conditions … which are not
merged into this CONTRACT and superseded thereby’. It seems to me that the words
‘promises or conditions’ are particularly apt to deal with collateral warranties, and that the
succeeding words make plain that all such collateral warranties have been merged into and
superseded by the final contract. They have been either excluded or discharged…”

9.4 案例之四:Inntrepreneur v. East Crown

Inntrepreneur v. East Crown (2000) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 611 案例的案情是涉及了一个伦敦酒吧

的 30 年租赁,租赁合约中有一条文要求租客去向一些房东指定的啤酒供应商购买啤酒。
开始的时候,在 1996 年,租客购买了 280 桶啤酒。但之后购买数量急跌,到了 1998 年
4 月后,租客根本停止了向指定供应商购买啤酒,显示租客是通过其他渠道购买。房东
说到了 1998 年 3 月,就会放开对租客这些购买啤酒的约束,这构成了附带保证/协议。
“14.1 Any variations of this Agreement which are agreed in correspondence shall be
incorporated in this Agreement where that correspondence makes express reference to this
Clause and the parties acknowledge that this Agreement (with the incorporation of any such
variation) constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties.”

的附带保证/协议。Lightman 大法官判是证据不足去证明曾经有作出过这种附带保证/协
议,所以严格来说是不必再去针对上述的完整合约条文作出解释。但 Lightman 大法官
“The purpose of an entire agreement clause is to preclude a party to a written agreement
from threshing through the undergrowth and finding in the course of negotiations some
(chance) remark or statement (often long forgotten or difficult to recall or explain) on which
to found a claim such as the present to the existence of a collateral warranty. The entire
agreement clause obviates the occasion for any such search and the peril to the contracting
parties posed by the need which may arise in its absence to conduct such a search. For such a
clause constitutes a binding agreement between the parties that the full contractual terms are
to be found in the document containing the clause and not elsewhere, and that accordingly
any promises or assurances made in the course of the negotiations (which in the absence of
such a clause might have effect as a collateral warranty) shall have no contractual force, save
insofar as they are reflected and given effect in that document. The operation of the clause is
not to render evidence of the collateral warranty inadmissible in evidence as is suggested in
Chitty on Contract, 28th ed. Vol. 1, par. 12-102: it is to denude what would otherwise
constitute a collateral warranty of legal effect.”

接下去,Lightman 大法官认为在本合约的条文中的文字是足够去包括附带保证/协议,
“That is the question raised in this case, where the formula of words used in the clause is
abbreviated to an acknowledgement by the parties that the agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between them. In my judgement that formula is sufficient, for it constitutes an
agreement that the full contractual terms to which the parties agree to bind themselves and
that what might otherwise constitute a side legal effect. That can be the only purpose of the

9.5 案例之五:Exxonmobil Sales and Supply Corp v. Texaco Ltd

Exxonmobil Sales and Supply Corp v. Texaco Ltd (2003) EWHC 1964 (Comm) 是一个有关
CIF 的买卖,货物是 15,000 吨柴油,根据买卖合约,在装港的时候委任了一位独立的
“…contains the entire agreement of the parties…and there is no other promise,
representation, warranty, usage or course of dealing affecting it…”

Nigel Teare 大法官判上述条文有效地去排除了习惯做法/惯例的默示条文的争议。但他

“It seems to me arguable that where it is necessary to imply a term in order to make the
express terms work such an implied term may not be excluded by the entire agreement clause
because it could not be said that such a term is to be found in the document or documents
forming part of the contract. The same cannot be said of an implied term based on custom or

(business efficacy),否则合约无法操作。这一来,不论是怎么广泛的完整合约条文都
不足以排除这种默示条文。另外,一些立法的默示,例如是英国 1979 年的《货物销售
条 文 写 得 足 够 清 楚 。 在 Gerard McMeel 教 授 的 《 The Construction of Contracts—
Interpretation, Implication and Rectification》一书中的 24.32 段对此有论述,如下:
“It is submitted that this case correctly excluded the custom or usage, which were expressly
referred to in the entire agreement clause. However other implied terms should be approached
more cautiously. It is clear that an entire agreement clause would be insufficient to exclude
the various statutory implied terms, as its language is insufficiently clear and express to meet
the strict tests for prima facie exclusion of those general default rules. It also appears to be
correct that the entire agreement clause is inapt to exclude those terms which are necessary to
make the contract work. This may be for the reason suggested by the Deputy Judge, or it may
be simply that the existence of the implied term contradicts the assertion in the entire
agreement clause that it represents the totality of the agreement. In those circumstances the
necessary implied term must trump.”

9.6 案例之六:Infiniteland Ltd v. Artisan Contracting Ltd

Infiniteland Ltd v. Artisan Contracting Ltd (2004) EWHC 955 (Ch) 案情是有关一个房屋承
建公司的买卖,在收购以前,买方曾经进行了一个全面的经纪上的尽职调查( financial
due diligence),包括可去全面检查的帐簿(books)。另在一个长达 7 个星期的时间内
不被 Park 大法官接受,认为不可能在上述的情况会在酒店喝咖啡时的一个短暂的交谈
“The purchaser has entered into this agreement on the basis of and in reliance on the
Warranties and the Purchaser acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into this
agreement by any representation or warranty other than the Warranties.”

9.7 案例之七:Proforce Recruit Ltd v. Rugby Group Ltd

本先例 Proforce Recruit Ltd v. Rugby Group Ltd (2006) EWCA Civ 69 不是去针对完整合
约条文的解释,而是关于有了该条文是否可以避免去针对外来证据 /口头证据。在该先
合约有一条完整合约条文,说道:“This agreement supersedes all prior representations,
agreements, negotiations or understandings”。在高院,Field 大法官认为有这样的条文下,
“The effect of the words…is that the things superseded are to have no bearing on the
meaning of the agreement.”

但这在高院被改变,认为该完整合约条文不应针对明示条文的解释,说道:“ …was
not apt to govern the construction of the written terms”。

9.8 案例之八:Peekay Intermark Ltd v. Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

这一个先例 Peekay Intermark Ltd v. Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.(2006)
EWCA Civ 386.是有关投资在 ANZ 银行推出的一种金融产品名为“Structured US Dollar
hedged Russian Treasury bill deposit”,它是与俄罗斯政府的债券挂钩。投资者是在 Isle
of Man 注册的一家公司,而背后真正的投资者估计是阿拉伯国家的一些富商。投资者的
代 表 在 ANZ 的 合 约 表 格 中 签 了 字 , 也 另 签 了 一 份 名 为 “ 风 险 披 露 声 明 ” ( Risk
Disclosure Statement)。声明中有说明是投资者确认已经阅读与明白有关风险的披露,
而在投资合约表格中也有各种风险的警告,包括俄罗斯政府的君主违约( sovereign
default)与新兴市场(emerging markets)的风险。后来,该金融产品出了事,发生了君
主违约。投资者起诉 ANZ 并指控他误述。在高院 Richard Siberry 大法官不认为投资合约
了字。至于误述方面,Richard Siberry 大法官认为有误述,认定 ANZ 曾经口头对投资者
说这是一个在俄罗斯债券的直接投资(direct proprietary investment in Russian bonds),
但事实上这一个金融产品是对冲基金(derivative)或 structure deposit contract,大家风

为 ANZ 有任何错误的引导(inducement),判是投资者自己误解了该投资产品的性质 。
Moore-Bick 大法官又这样说:
“it is common to include in certain kinds of contracts an express acknowledgment by each of
the parties that they have not been induced to enter the contract by any representations other
than those contained in the contract itself. The effectiveness of a clause of that kind may be
challenged on the grounds that the contract as a whole, including the clause in question, can
be avoided if in fact one or other party was induced to enter into it by misrepresentation.
However, I can see no reason in principle why it should not be possible for parties to an
agreement to give up any right to assert that they were induced to enter into it by
misrepresentation, provided they make their intention clear, or why a clause of that kind, if
properly drafted, should not give rise to a contractual estoppel of the kind recognised in
Colchester Borough Council v. Smith (1991) Ch 448; affd (1992) Ch 421. However, that
particular question does not arise in this case. A clause of that kind may (depending on its
terms) also be capable of giving rise to an estoppel by representation if the necessary elements
can be established.”

看来,上述先例与当前(2008 年 10 月底)在香港发生的雷曼兄弟[Lehman Brothers]所


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