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第十三章 保险


这方面在 SAJ 标准格式是 Article XII 如下:

“1 Extent of Insurance Coverage
From the time of keel–laying of the VESSEL until the same is completed, delivered to and
accepted by the BUYER, the BUILDER shall, at its own cost and expense, keep the VESSEL
and all machinery, materials, equipment, appurtenances and outfit, delivered to the shipyard
for the VESSEL or built into, or installed in or upon the VESSEL, including the BUYER’s
Supplies, fully insured with Japanese insurance companies under coverage corresponding to
the Japanese Builder’s Risks Insurance Clause.

The amount of such insurance coverage shall, up to the date of delivery of the VESSEL, be in
an amount at least equal to, but not limited to, the aggregate of the payment made by the
BUYER to the BUILDER including the value of the BUYER’s Supplies.

The policy referred to hereinabove shall be taken out in the name of the BUILDER and all
losses under such policy shall be payable to the BUILDER.

If the BUYER so requests, the BUILDER shall at the BUYER’s cost procure insurance on the
VESSEL and all parts, materials, machinery and equipment intended therefore against risks of
earthquakes, strikes, war peril or other risks not heretofore, provided and shall make all
arrangements to that end. The cost of such insurance shall be reimbursed to the BUILDER by
the BUYER upon delivery of the VESSEL.

2 Application of Recovered Amount

(a) Partial Loss:
In the event of the VESSEL shall be damaged by any insured cause whatsoever prior to
acceptance thereof by the BUYER and in the further event that such damage shall not
constitute an actual or a constructive total loss of the VESSEL, the BUILDER shall apply the
amount recovered under the insurance policy referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article to the
repair of such damage satisfactory to the Classification Society, and the BUYER shall accept
the VESSEL under this Contract if completed in accordance with this Contract and
(b) Total Loss:
However, in the event that the VESSEL is determined to be an actual or constructive total
loss, the BUILDER shall by the mutual agreement between the parties hereto, either
(i) proceed in accordance with the terms of this Contract, in which case the amount
recovered under said insurance policy shall be applied to the reconstruction of the VESSEL’s
damage, provided the parties hereto shall have first agreed in writing as to such reasonable
postponement of Delivery Date and adjustment of other terms of this Contract including the
Contract Price as may be necessary for the completion of such reconstruction; or
(ii) refund immediately to the BUYER the amount of all Instalments paid to the BUILDER
under this Contract without any interest, whereupon this Contract shall be deemed to be
rescinded and all rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations of each of the parties to the other
shall terminate forthwith.

If the parties hereto fail to reach such agreement within two (2) months after the VESSEL is
determined to be an actual or constructive total loss, the provisions of sub–paragraph (b) (ii)
as above shall apply.

3 Termination of BUILDER’s Obligation to Insure

The BUILDER’s obligation to insure the VESSEL hereunder shall cease and terminate
forthwith upon delivery thereof and acceptance by the BUYER.”

这方面在 NEWBUILDCON 是 Clause 38 如下:

“38 Insurances
(a) Builder’s Insurances
From the time of first steel cutting or equivalent (or delivery of the Buyer’s Supplies,
whichever is earlier) until the Vessel is completed, delivered to and accepted by the Buyer,
the Builder shall (in the joint names (as assureds) of the Builder and the Buyer) effect and
maintain at no cost to the Buyer, Builder’s Risk Insurance for the Vessel and Buyer’s
Supplies. Such Builder’s Risk Insurance shall:
(i) be provided by insurers reasonably acceptable to the Buyer; and
(ii) be on terms no less than Institute Clauses for Builder’s Risk terms (1/6/88) including
Institute War and Institute Strike Clauses; and
(iii) be in an amount not less than the aggregate of the payments made by the Buyer to the
Builder plus the value of the Buyer’s Supplies at the Shipyard.

If specifically requested by the Buyer, the Builder shall increase the amount insured under the
policy to cover the rebuilding costs of the Vessel or such other amount as the Buyer may
request. Any additional premium charged for this shall be paid by the Buyer.

The Builder shall provide the Buyer with copies of the insurance policy as placed.
The Buyer shall notify the Builder of the value of any subsequent changes in the value of the
Buyer’s Supplies for insurance purposes. Upon receipt of notice of change in value the
Builder shall amend the insured value for the Buyer’s Supplies accordingly.

(b) Allocation of Insurance Proceeds

(i) In the event that the Vessel is at any time prior to or at delivery damaged by any insured
cause and provided such damage does not constitute an actual or constructive total loss of the
Vessel, the Builder shall make good such damage and shall apply any amounts recovered
under the insurance referred to in Sub-clause (a) to the costs of any repair or replacement,
including repair or replacement of lost or damaged Buyer’s Supplies. Such damage shall be
made good so as to comply with this Contract and all repairs shall be carried out in
compliance with the requirements of the Classification Society and Regulatory Authorities as
appropriate without qualification.
(ii) Should the Vessel become an actual or constructive total loss from any insured cause:
(1) the Builder and the Buyer may agree that a new vessel is build or the Vessel
reconstructed in accordance with the terms of this Contract provided agreement is reached in
writing to an extension of the Delivery Date and/or other necessary amendment to the
Contract, in which case any amounts recovered under the insurance referred to in Sub-clause
(a) will be applied to the Construction or reconstruction of the Vessel if appropriate; or
(2) if the Builder and Buyer are unable to agree within a reasonable time on an extension to
the Delivery Date and/or any other necessary amendment to the Contract as provided for in
Sub-clause (b)(ii)(1) the Builder shall:

(i) promptly refund to the Buyer the full amount of sums paid by the Buyer to the Builder
together with interest thereon at a rate per annum as stated in Box 30 from the date of
payment to the date of refund; and
(ii) make payment to the Buyer of the insured value of the Buyer’s Supplies or alternatively,
at the Builder’s cost, deliver the Buyer’s Supplies to the Buyer in undamaged condition.

Once all payments have been made by the Builder to the Buyer in accordance with Sub-clause
(b)(ii)(2) this Contract shall be deemed terminated and all future rights and obligations of
each of the Parties to the other shall cease whereupon the guarantees provided under this
Contract shall be returned.”

2. 船舶建造中的各种风险







3. SAJ 标准格式所针对的保险

在 SAJ 标准格式 Article XII 只是去针对上小段(i)(a)的风险类别。

3.1 要求投保造船风险的原因


3.2 谁是受保人

在 SAJ 格式,Article XII (1),它是放一个合约责任在船厂自费投保。这一来,受保人


3.2.1 保单中的损失支付条文

加一条“损失支付条文”(Loss Payable Clause),把船舶保险利益(主要就是出了事

International Hull Clauses 01/11/03 的第 48 条文为例,如下:
Claims payable under the insurance shall, subject to the terms of any assignment, be paid to
the loss payee or, if no loss payable has been agreed, to the Assured or as they may direct in
writing. Such payment, whether in account or otherwise, when made shall be a complete
discharge of the Underwriter’s obligations under this insurance in respect of the amount so

另一个版本可以是 The “Angel Bell” (1979) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 491,该损失支付条文如下:

“It is hereby noted and agreed that Dillespie Bros & Co Ltd ( 船东融资银行) are interested
in this Insurance as Assignees. All claims for Total Loss and/or Constructive Total Loss to be
payable to their order.”

银 行 就 能 够 以 受 让 人 ( assignee ) 去 以 自 己 名 义 向 保 险 商 索 赔 了 。 这 可 以 去 节 录
Donaldson 大法官在 The “Angel Bell”所说如下:
“I agree … that a loss payable clause gives no rights to the loss payee unless it also
constitutes or evidences an assignment of the assured’s rights under the policy or evidences
the fact that the designated person is an original assured. But it may not be without its value,
for it authorises and requires underwriters to pay losses to the loss payee on behalf of the
assured and, in the circumstances of a transaction such as this, this authority is probably
irrevocable by the shipowner. In fact, it has not been revoked. In the light of its existence – all
other factors being ignored – moneys received by Brandts (保险经纪人) would be received
on behalf of Gillespies ( 船东融资银行). Gillespies in their turn would hold the moneys on
behalf of Arcepey (船东). Whether at that stage Gillespies would be entitled to set off their
liability to pay Arceoey against Arcepey’s liability to repay Gillespies, does not arise …”

但有了 1999 年的《Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act》的立法(该课题在笔者所著的

《国际商务游戏规则—英国合约法》一书的第四章之 4.3.5 段有介绍),船东的融资银行
他的一个合约利益(confer a benefit),不必去要求船厂帮助,自己能去以自己的名义

3.2.2 船东作为共同受保人

另 一 个 做 法 可 以 去 把 船 东 与 他 的 融 资 银 行 也 加 上 去 作 为 “ 共 同 受 保 人 ” ( co-
assured)。这在 AWES 格式就是这个安排,写明在 Article 9 要求保险应是共同列名
(joint names)。这样做对船东有好有坏。好处是船东对这重要的保险更好控制(如有

船厂也要留心把有长远关系或同一个集团内的包工(分包商)与供应商 也业加入作为
共同受保人,让后者也一并享受到保险的好处。一般所用的文字会是:“Agreed include
… sub-contractors as additional co-assured for their respective rights and interests. Without
recourse against any co-assured.”。这一个作用是在包工疏忽造成船舶损坏,船厂也有得
contract ) 的 责 任 。 这 情 况 在 Stone Vickers v. AS (1991) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 288; (1992) 2
Lloyd’s Rep. 528 发生,因为螺旋桨设计有问题,在试车时发出不可接受的噪音。保险
商在赔偿了船厂 70 万英镑后代位去起诉螺旋桨供应商,指后者有疏忽。Colman 大法官
“Where a policy is effected on a vessel to be constructed and it is expressed to be for the
benefit of sub-contractors as co-assured, if a particular sub-contractor negligently causes loss
of or damage to the whole or part of the vessel which has been insured under the policy and
the sub-contractor has an insurable interest in the vessel, it is not open to underwriters who
have settled the insured shipbuilder’s claim to exercise rights of subrogation in respect of the
same loss and damage against the co-assured sub-contractor. To do so would be completely
inconsistent with the insurer’s obligation to the co-assured under the policy.”

这也是 NEWBUILDCON 的做法,它在第 38 (a)条文就在括号内说明“in the joint names

(as assureds) of the Builder and the Buyer”,并接下去说船东不必承担有关的费用或保
费(and maintain at no cost to the Buyer)。当然,这是在造船合约的协议,就是保费要
1906 年《英国海上保险法》之 Section 52),而船东就要另去根据造船合约的条文下向

3.3 保单条文与范围

在 SAJ 标准格式,是要求船厂投保的保单条文是“与日本造船风险保险条文一致”
(under coverage corresponding to the Japanese Builder’s Risks Insurance Clause)。这实是
Special Clauses for Builder’s Risks (1/12/77)。

谓学会造船风险条文(Institute Clauses for Builder’s Risks [1/6/88])。有关条文是在本书
附录 5,而该英国学会保单条文也是世界上最广泛使用的,虽然还有其他稍有不同的保
单条文如美国、挪威与德国都有自己国家的样式或格式。1988 年版本的英国学会保单条
样。在 NEWBUILDCON,就在第 38 (a)(ii)条文就说明是用英国学会保单条文。

3.3.1 英国学会保单条文属一切险

英国学会保单条文(针对造船风险)所保范围十分广泛,在 5.1 条文是说明赔偿船厂

修理…”(Clause 5.1 … all risks of loss … or damage to the subject-matter insured caused
and discovered during the period of this insurance including the cost of repairing replacing or
renewing any defective part condemned solely in consequence of the discovery therein during
the period of this insurance cover the cost of renewing faulty welds.)

大家可以注意这属“一切险减去除外责任”(all risks minus exceptions),与一般的船

壳保险只是承保“列明风险”(named risks insured against)不一样。它们之间的不同在
《英国海上保险条款详论》一书多处有介绍,不再重复。只去节录入 260 页所讲的有关货
物保险说:“B 条款和 C 条款皆采用‘列名风险’方式,同时列明了一些除外责任,
赔;而根据 A 条款,被保险人只需初步证明其损失属于某种意外即可,无需证明具体
是什么风险所引致。可见在举证责任方面,按 B 条款和 C 条款投保是对被保险人很不

此外,英国学会保单条文也在第 19 条文承保了互保协会类别的风险,即受保人(船
这可去节录 Hazelwood 的《P & I Clubs Law & Practice》一书第三版 108 页内容如下:
“These persons generally look to the traditional marine insurance market for their P & I
insurance cover. While a vessel is in the custody of a shipbuilder, before she is delivered to
the shipowner, she could, during trials, or in shifting around the builder’s yard, cause damage
to other vessels or harbour installations. In order to protect builder from the legal
consequences in such situations, a Protection and Indemnity clause has been added to the
Institute Clauses for Builder’s Risks.”


3.3.2 内在缺陷与设计不妥的情况

英国学会保单条文的第 5.1 条文也承保船舶的内在缺陷(除了焊接不妥),但这一定要

在承保期间发觉,而承保期就只是针对建造船舶的期间。看来,在交船后 12 个月保证
保险”(Guarantee Insurance),去保障船厂了。这种保险在 The “Red Sapphire” (2006)
2 Lloyd’s Rep. 35 先例有提到,并在本书第十章有介绍。

有一点不太明确的是内在缺陷是否包括设计不妥。在 The “Carribean Sea” (1980) 1

Lloyd’s Rep. 338,Goff 大法官看是没有分别。这问题在英国学会保单条文没有太大分歧,
因为它专门有第 8 条文针对,说明在承保期间发生的损坏,因设计不妥(或内在缺
“Clause 8 Faulty Design: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained
in the Policy or the clauses attached thereto, this insurance includes loss or damage to the
subject-matter insured caused and discovered during the period of this insurance arising from
faulty design of any part or parts thereof but in no case shall this insurance extend to cover the
cost or expense of repairing, modifying, replacing or renewing such part or parts, nor any cost
or expense incurred by reason of betterment or alteration in design.”
这种例子发生在著名的 Jackson v. Munford (1902) 8 Com Cas 61,船舶在试车时,因为
主机的连接杆(connecting rod)设计不妥而断开,打坏了汽缸盖,并导致 8 人死亡。

但注意是设计不妥导致事故,第 8 条文只是说赔的是因此带来的“损失或损坏”(loss
or damage),但在最后一句说明不赔偿修理,修改,更换或更新这设计不妥的部分。
这表示在 Jackson v. Munford,保险商赔的只是打坏了的气缸盖或主机其他部分,但不
赔偿连接杆(不管是去修理或去替换)。 这在 Stone Vickers v. AS (1991) 2 Lloyd’s Rep.
288 有详细解释,Colman 大法官举例说“试车时发觉尾轴因设计不妥导致船舶其他部
设计不妥的尾轴。”(It would be otherwise if, for example, in the case of trials a design
defect in the tailshaft caused damage to some other part of the vessel. The cost of repairing
the damage and of re-running the trials should be recoverable, but not the cost of remedying
the design defect itself.)

外花费也在最后半句话说明是不赔。Colman 大法官是这样说:
“If the only reason why trials are unsuccessful and have to be re-run is that a part has been
found to have design defects, the additional expenses cannot be recovered under this clause

3.3.3 不保的风险

在风险而言,这方面最重要的除外责任是在英国学会条文第 6 条文说:
“Clause 6 Earthquake and volcanic eruption exclusion: In no case shall this insurance cover
loss damage liability or expense caused by earthquake or volcanic eruption.”(即地震与火

另外不保的是第 21-24 条文的战争险,罢工险,恶意行为险以及核武器险。这是要去分

开投保,战争险会是涉及不同的保险商。在 NEWBUILDCON 第 38 (a)(ii)条文也规定了

这方面 SAJ 格式有不明确之处,这在 SAJ 的 Article XII (1)最后一段有说明,就是船东

船厂。这不像 NEWBUILDCON 说明是船厂自己必须去投保战争险与罢工险,保费也就
文(Institute War Clauses For Builders’ Risks),在第一条文说明:
“1. Attachment
This insurance shall not attach to the subject-matter insured until the Vessel is launched and
then shall attach only to such part of the subject-matter as is built into or is in or on the Vessel
at the time of the launch. The insurance against the said risks shall attach to the remainder of
the subject-matter insured only as it is placed in or on the Vessel subsequent to the launch.”

(Waterborne Agreement),原则上保险商不承保陆上的战争风险。这是因为陆上的战
办法就是每个人民收紧裤腰带过苦日子。因此海上保险商于 1938 年达成一个“水运战
争条文”(Waterborne War Risks Clauses),同意不承保陆上的战争险,仅在海上才作
“(International Marine Insurance Union)在其 1946 年、1947 年与 1948 年的年会上,皆
建议海上保险市场恢复 1938 年达成协议的水运战争条文,并得到伦敦海上保险商协会

3.4 船东供应物料与船用设备

造船合约船东要求船厂投保原因之一是船东的供应(buyer’s supplies),很可能已经装
置上船,也必须得到保障。但要小心英国学会保单条文不一定去包括,因为第 19.3.5 条
文讲明哪一些是不赔,其中包括:“loss of or damage to property, owned by the builders
… or for which they are responsible, which is on board the vessel.”这一条文下,船东的供

NEWBUILDCON 第 38 (a)条文有很全面地针对船东供应的保险问题。第一就是它说明
船厂投保的金额不能少于船东支付给船厂的预付船价,并加上船东的供应(be in an
amount not less than the aggregate of the payments made by the Buyer to the Builder plus the
value of the Buyer’s Supplies at the Shipyard)。另是说明船东可以去通知船厂有关供应的
应了主机,但在期间主机的售价涨了 15%,船厂在收到船东的通知后就要去作出调整
3.5 投保金额

失(如果遇上全损)。另在 NEWBUILDCON 之第 38 (a)条文,有一条非常细致的条文
要支付额外的保费,就由船东去承担(If specifically requested by the Buyer, the Builder
shall increase the amount insured under the policy to cover the rebuilding costs of the Vessel
or such other amount as the Buyer may request. Any additional premium charged for this
shall be paid by the Buyer.)。这会是针对一种情况,就是船舶重建费用涨价了,例如钢
所以船东如果根据 NEWBUILDCON 的写法与十分警觉,就可以在市场的船价上涨与
钢材等材料涨价的情况下,去要求船厂提高保险金额。这些十分细致的情况,SAJ 标准

3.6 保险赔偿金额的处理

这在 SAJ 标准格式 Article XII (2)与 NEWBUILDCON 第 38 (b)条文有针对。首先,它们


看好,就不会想去重建了。由于这个原因,双方如果不能达成重建的协议(在 SAJ 标准
格式内规定了 2 个月期限去进行这方面的谈判),船厂就要去归还给船东所有预付的
船价加上利息。另外,在 NEWBUILDCON 写得很细,针对船东供应说明是要把保险商

著名定义是在 Davis Contractors Ltd v. Fareham UDC (1956) AC 696 中 Radcliffe 勋爵所
“Frustration occurs whenever the law recognises that without default of either party a
contractual obligation has become incapable of being performance because the circumstances
in which performance is called for would render it a thing radically different from that which
was undertaken by the contract. Non haec in foedera veni. It was not this that I promised to

Taylor v. Caldwell (1863) 3 B & S 826,涉及了租用一个音乐厅作为音乐会的场馆,但在
Assicurazione Generali v. The SS Bessie Morris Co (1892) 2 QB 652 ;Carras v. London &
Scottish Assurance (1936) 1 KB 291。

例如以明示条文规定在遇上一些受阻的情况下,双方应该怎么办。这方面在 The “Playa
Larga” (1983) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 171 有针对,其中上诉庭的 Ackner 大法官是这样说:
“The theory of dissolution of a contract by the frustration of its commercial object rests on
an implication which arises from the presumed common intention of the parties. Where the
contract makes provision (that is full and complete provision so intended) for a given
contingency, it is not for the court to import into the contract some other and different
provision for the same contingency called by a different name.”

果不重建,在 NEWBUILDCON 要求船厂支付给船东他所供应物料/设备的价值(会与
阻的课题,读者可以参阅《国际商务游戏规则—英国合约法》一书第 12 章。

4. 船厂发生重大意外/事故导致无法建造或完成建造的风险
去投保,是投保一笔金额称为“额外费用保险”(Additional Expenses Insurance)。保
“This insurance to pay a Total Loss of the sum hereby insured in the event of physical loss
and/or damage through Civil Commotions, Riots, Strikes, Lockouts, Labour Disturbances,
Malicious Damage, Sabotage and/or Fire and/or Lightning and/or Explosion and/or Storm
and/or Tempest and/or Flood and/or Ice and/or Earthquake and/or Volcanic Eruption and/or
Tidal Wave and/or Impact of vehicles, and/or Aircraft occurring to and/or at Builders and/or
other Contractors and/or Sub-Contractors yard and/or premises and in consequence thereof
construction of the vessel is not commenced or is abandoned.
If for any other reason whatsoever the above vessel becomes a Total and/or Constructive
and/or Arranged and/or Compromised Total Loss (as per conditions of applicable Builders’
Risks Policy) whilst under construction, fitting out, launching and whilst on trial trips,
endurance trials and until finally handed over to and accepted by Owners, this Insurance to
pay amounts as above (投保的金额).
Including War etc. Risk from time of launching as per Institute Clauses.”

5. 延误交船或无法交船导致租金损失的风险

订立了一个高利润的期租合约,这会导致船东损失租金( loss of hire)。这种租金损失
的保险在伦敦市场可去投保,是船东自己投保,与船厂无关。它一般有 14 天的免赔期,
即如果船厂修理的延误是 15 天,船东就可以得到 1 天延误的赔偿,而赔的每天金额是
这全额赔偿可能会是以 180 天的延误为准。


在伦敦市场,这种租金损失的保单条文是用一种“Clause W”,措辞如下:
Under Construction for (船东名字) at (船厂名字) but to exclude all machinery Materials etc.
construction and/or supplied by others Contractors from (日期)
This Insurance to cover only the risks mentioned in the following clauses and is free from any
other claim of any description whatsoever. If in consequence of an accident covered under
Builders Clauses as attached, including damage through strikes etc, as clauses attached
(including sabotage) and/or fore occurring at Builders Yard and/or other contractors yards
and/or premises, delivery of vessel is delayed beyond the due delivery date for a period in
excess of 14 consecutive days in respect of any one accident, then this Policy shall pay ( 每天
会赚取的租金金额) per day for each day delivery of vessel is so delayed – for not exceeding
a further 180 days in all in respect of any one accident or loss.
In the event of Total and/or Constructive Total Loss of Vessel, this Policy to pay 100% loss
of sum incurred.”

1 Norwegian law and the Norwegian plan
This insurance is governed by Norwegian law and shall be subject to Part One of the
Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan of 1996, version 2007 or subsequent versions as they
become applicable for the insurance periods in question.

2 Scope of cover
This insurance covers loss due to the vessel being deprived of income as a result of delayed
delivery from the Builder of the newbuilding(s) specified in the policy, provided the delayed
delivery is caused by damage to the newbuilding recoverable under the Builder ’s risk
insurance taken out by the Builder and/or the assured pursuant to the Building Contract
between the assured and the Builder.

3 Total and compromised total loss/abandonment of the construction

The insurer is not liable for any delay resulting from a casualty which gives the Builder
and/or the assured the right to compensation for total loss or constructive total loss of the
newbuilding under the Builder’s risk insurance taken out by the Builder and/or the assured.
The same applies if the construction of the new building(s) is abandoned.

4 Calculation of the liability of the insurer

The insurer’s liability shall be calculated on the basis of the time during which the vessel has
been deprived of income (the loss of time) and the loss of earning per day (the daily amount)

5 Calculation of the loss of time

The loss of time shall commence from the agreed delivery date in the Building Contract until
actual delivery has taken place. If the assured and the Builder should agree to defer the
delivery date, the loss of time shall commence from the deferred delivery date until actual
delivery has taken place.
Otherwise §16-4 of the Plan shall apply correspondingly.

6 Daily amount/Assessed daily amount

§16-5 and 16-6 of the plan shall apply correspondingly.

7 Deductible period
The deductible period shall be as stated in the policy §16-7 of the Plan shall apply

8 Survey of damage
§12-10 of the Plan shall apply correspondingly.

9 Miscellaneous
§§16-9 to 16-15 of the plan shall not apply. §16-16 shall apply correspondingly.

10 Insurer’s right of Subrogation

The insurer shall subrogate into the assured’s right to claim against the Builder for penalty or
any other compensation the assured may be entitled to under the Building Contract and/or the
law governing this contract. The assured shall on his own account render the insurer all
assistance required by them. The insurer shall be entitled to commence suit or arbitration, as
the case may be, against the Builder in their own name and/or the name of the assured as the
case may be, as required under the law governing the Building Contract. The costs of any
action against the Builder (including costs ordered to be paid to the Builder) shall be covered
by the assured and the insurer in proportion to their interests in the claim against the Builder.
Recovery of penalty or any other compensation or costs from the Builder shall be apportioned
in the same way.”

“Condition Non-Delivery (针对不交船)

1 Norwegian law and the Norwegian Plan
This insurance is governed by Norwegian law and shall be subject to Part One of the
Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan of 1996, version 2007 or subsequent versions as they
become applicable for the insurance periods in question.

2 Scope of Insurance
This insurance covers loss due to non-delivery of the newbuilding(s) specified in the policy
where the Builder’s obligation to deliver the newbuilding under the Building Contract
between the assured and the Builder no longer applies as a result of damage to or loss of the
newbuilding or parts of it.

3 Payment of compensation
The sum insured specified in the policy shall become due and payable on six weeks notice
upon proof that the Builder’s obligation to deliver the newbuilding no longer applies as a
result of the perils specified above and that the assured irrevocably have rescinded the
Building Contract.
Proof that the Builder’s obligation to deliver no longer applies as a result of the perils
specified above shall be established either by

agreement between the assured and the insured, or

agreement between the assured and the Builder provided this agreement is approved by the
insurer, or
final and binding judgement or arbitration award passed pursuant to the jurisdiction – or
arbitration clause of the Building Contract.

This insurance shall not cover any costs incurred by the assured in establishing such proof,
including costs incurred in litigation or arbitration.

4 Insurer’s right of subrogation

The insurer shall subrogate into the assured’s right to claim against the Builder for penalty or
any other compensation the assured may be entitled to under the Building Contract and/or the
law governing this contract. The assured shall on his own account render the insurer all
assistance required by them. The insurer shall be entitled to commence suit or arbitration, as
the case may be, against the Builder in their own name and/or the name of the assured as
required under the law governing the Building Contract. The costs of any action against the
Builder (including costs ordered to be paid to the Builder) shall be covered by the assured and
the insurer in proportion to their interests in the claim against the Builder. Recovery of
penalty or any other compensation or costs from the Builder shall be apportioned in the same

6. 错过租约销约期的风险
是交船延误了 5 天(这是指超出了 14 天免赔期限),但也错过了原先预定好的租约销
约期而被取消合约。在交船延误的 5 天,如果租金损失保的是每天 3 万美元,就可以从
该保险赔到 15 万美元。但原先订好的租约被取消,这里可带来船东数以百万美元甚至
险(Cancelling Risk Insurance)。在有了一个高利润的中/长期期租,船东的融资银行依
关的租约。在伦敦市场,有一种保单条文是叫“Clause Z”,如下:
New Building No (船舶序号) …
Information: About (吨位)… Tons
Delay Insurance.
Risk commencing from … inclusive G.M.T.
Builders: (船厂名字)
Including machinery materials at contractors and/or sub-contractors and/or elsewhere and/or
in transit and/or storage including shifts as required in tow or otherwise and docking and trials
and/or trial trips.
This insurance is against the risk of non-completion and/or non-delivery of vessel to Assured
by … (船厂名字) by reason of an accident covered under the Institute Clauses for Builders
Risks including shops and amended including damage through strikes, etc. as per Clause
(including sabotage) and/or through fire and/or lightning and/or explosion and/or storm and/or
tempest and/or flood wave and/or impact of vehicles and/or aircraft occurring to and/or at
Builders and/or other contractors and/or subcontractors yard and/or damage to vessel directly
caused by war risks as per clause and subject to Cancellation Clause 196 B. ‘Due delivery
date’ … Being the date at which, at attachment of risk hereunder, the Builders and/or
Purchasers, estimate the vessel will be delivered to Owners. This date to be advised to
Underwriters prior to attachment of risk hereunder and accepted by them as being the ‘due
delivery date’ for the purpose of this insurance.
However if through say shortage of materials, labour disputes etc. and/or any other cause
apart from delay due to an accident resulting in loss insured hereunder the ‘due delivery date’
which shall be advised immediately to Underwriters, who thereupon will consider
maintaining the insurance in force at a premium to be arranged.
INFORMATION: Keel expected to be laid …”

Laycan 长短,船厂地点与租约交船地点的相隔,等。

7. 罢工等风险

这是去针对与上一段一样的问题,只是“Clause W”与“Clause Z”条文的保单并不包

罢工延误保险(Strike Delay Insurance)。

8. 互保协会与 F.D.D

这是本章第 2 段(i)(e)与(f)所介绍的风险,FDD(Freight Demurrage and Defence)保险

(security for cost),船东也很容易通过互保协会去提供保函,这通常会被仲裁庭接受,
第 19 条文承保了互保协会类别的风险,这在以上第 3.3.1 段已经说过。船厂与船东打官

9. 船厂问题的风险

这是本章第 2 段(ii)(a)到(c)所介绍的风险,正规去针对这问题是要求船厂提供“履约担
保”(performance bond),但这殊不容易。在这情况下,船东会可去投保,如由保险
在伦敦市场投保的风险,以及在 1990 年初所发生的大量东欧船厂毁约而导致许多船东
索赔,以及保险商再去向再保保险商要求赔偿的争议,可看 Walker v. Rowe (2000) 1
Lloyd’s Rep. 116。

10. 船价超值风险

这是本章第 2 段(iii)(a)所介绍的风险,如果在建造期间航运市场上升而导致船价急升变
为超值,变得原来投保的合约船价在造船风险保险(第 3 段所讲)或还款担保不足保
insurance against Total Loss of the vessel prior to delivery),即投保超值的一部分。

这一点在 NEWBUILDCON 另有针对,就是在第 38 (a)条文的第 5 段,说明船东可以要

“If specifically requested by the Buyer, the Builder shall increase the amount insured under
the policy to cover the rebuilding costs of the Vessel or such other amount as the Buyer may
request. Any additional premium charged for this shall be paid by the Buyer.”

这表示在 NEWBUILDCON 下,船东有了这个做法就可以避免自己另去买保险了。

11. 船厂工程师的风险

这一般可向船东自己的互保协会安排,根据造船合约的写法。这在 SAJ 的 Article IX (5)


12. 船厂的产品责任(product liability)

卖 方 不 可 以 自 己 没 有 过 错 作 为 抗 辩 的 理 由 。 涉 及 船 厂 , 可 以 举 美 国 在 2004 年 的
“Carla”轮沉没的案例。该船舶是在 1997 年从法国 Le Havre 去美国波士顿,途中船舶
关的工程是韩国现代船厂与船东订的合约,但真正的工程是分包给韩国 Mipo 船厂。与

“The Company will pr5ovide indemnity against legal liability for damages in respect of
accidental bodily injury (including death disease or illness) of any person other than an
employee and loss of or damage to material property arising out of or in the course of the
business and arising out of any claim or the notification of any circumstances which has
caused or is alleged to have caused injury or loss of or damage to material property which is
first made in writing to the Insured during any period of insurance and notified to the
Company during or within 30 days after the expiry of the same period of insurance happening
anywhere in the world other than at premises owned or occupied by the Insured and caused
by any products sold supplied repaired altered treated or serviced from or in Great Britain
Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

Where a series of losses, injuries or liabilities occur which are attributable directly or
indirectly to the same actual or alleged event, connection or causes, all such losses shall be
added together and treated as occurrence, irrespective of the period over which the losses
occur or the number of actual losses.

The liability of the Company for all damages in respect of all bodily injury loss or damage
happening in any one period of insurance shall not in the aggregate exceed the limit of
indemnity as set out in Schedule.

The Insured’s contribution (meaning the amount of amounts specified in the Schedule which
the Insured has agreed to pay) will be payable before the Company shall be liable to make any
payment. The Company may at any time pay the limit of indemnity (less any sums already
paid or incurred) or any less amount for which the claim or claims can be settled. The
Company will then relinquish control of such claim or claims and be under no further liability
in respect thereof.”

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