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non other educational between


amongin of of
programmes monitoring sets
trade and
awareness the
and awareness environment
and (b)
educational in
industrial environment,
environmentalEXERCISE the
and with
educatión; public
such built
in fostering
field environment,
opinion-builders encouraging
of fostering
the human not
for organizations,
for and
for natural
campaigns campaigns :Studies
Envionmental Studies
and above
CHOICE methodically
decision-makers for the psychology
gOvernmentalprogrammes the
of educational
Organizing includes
Organizing Organizing MULTIPLE ethics
Inclusion an of
is all
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(A) 1.
2 An aganism s nironment is the surrounding conditions that affect that organis
a) True (bj False
4Political decision are made with respect to political jurisdictions, environmental pro
() often transcend these jurisdictions
b) respect political boundaries
fc) often have littie to do with regional economic decisions
(d) none of the above.
5. Evironmentalist who usesan ecosystem approach to comprehend environmental
into consideration which of the following?
(a) human activity (b) the interactions betveeen organisms
(c) geography (d) all of the above
(e) none of the above
Abiotic environment does not include :
(a) soil (b) water
(c) air (d) plant
7. Van Mahotsavis an annual tree-planting festival in India, celebrated on :
(a) 2 June (b) 1" July
(c) 1 December () 15 September
Biotic environment includes:
(a) producers (b) consumers
(c) decormposers (d) all the above
9. Outcomes of Rio Conference do not include :
(a) The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(b) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
(c) Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
(d) Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
10. Which of the following follow the concept of sustainable
(0) Fishingthe mature fish instead of the young fish.
() Using wing power instead of burning coal to generate electricity
( ) Theprahibition of trading endangered species
(a) (1) and (2) only (b) (1) and (3) only
s) 2) and (3) only (d) (1), (2) and (3)
The evidence that the worid is experiencing an environmental crisisis
of the world. highly visible in
(a) True (b) False
12 The natural world uses resources
efficiently. while humans tend to waste resources more
(a) True (b) False
13 The Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987 and
strengthened in 1990.
a) attains the global optimal level of comman
property resource
(b) relies oninternationally tradable emissian permits
c minimizes free riders of public goods.
14S reduces ozone depletion througn the cutting of
chlorofluorocarbon production.
Environnental Studies 1.29 Environment

14. The main outcome of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was
(a) it produced a blueprint intended to guide development in sustainable directions.
(b) a global agreement on a framework for environmental legislation.
(c) a report entitled Our Common Future.
(a) it raised awareness of the need to preserve biodiversity in the Amazon River Basin
15. The nation of environmental justice refers to
(a) grassroots activities that monitor environmental conditions and work toward equal
distribution of environmental impacts and benefits.
(b) rewarding those who work hard for environmental improvement, such as grassroots
(c) environmental racism, where waste sites and other hazardous facilities are more likely to be
located in nonwhite neighborhoods.
(a) prosecution of environmental offenders by government agencies.
16. Which of the following global trends is of great concern for the future of our environment?
(a) degradation of fertile soils
(b) changes in the global atmosphere
(c) species extinction leading to the loss of biodiversity
(a) population growth and increasing per capita consumption of resources
(e) all of the above
17. Introduction of chemicals into atmosphere is known as
(a). air pollution (b) radioactive pollution
(c) atmospheric pollution (d) dense pollution
Second highest layer of Earth's atmosphere is
Va) stratosphere (b) mesosphere
() troposphere (a) thermosphere
19. Re-processing material to make another product:
(a) Reduce (b) Reuse
(c) Recycle (d) Recovery
Most recycling focuses on four major categories of products. Which one of these is NOT one of themn?
(a) Chemicals (b) Paper
(c) Plastic (d) Glass
21. The following is an example of reusing:
(a) Using less napkins at eateries.
(b) Using waste plastic bags as garbage bags
(c)-Bringing plastic bottles/bags at recycle facility
(d) Using again the plastic/cloth bags for shopping
22. The following is an example of reducing :
(a) Using less water while brushing teeth (b) Using recycled plastic bags
() Bringingnewspaper at recycle facility (d) All of the above
23. Which of the following iterms cannot be recycled?
(a) Food items (b) Plastic
(c) Paper (d) Batteries
Plantation (4 Madslides c
eruptions Volcanic b) Fiching (a) REE the neactars
ke per ucear tieste antie the
warming? global case folcwing
can anang
the Which
Oxyeen () four hadstatian poer Cheaby TTe S6tappeetin tGt
Methane (b) dicide Sulptur la)
gas? folowing
is the Whiof
ch 36
Oxygen () fumes Acid c
dioxide Carbom b) ciear hor ctanges
infuttametal antyatie uta
cride momo Carba a themigced ageiyintiusy uear ute etspprs
gas? followimg
is the AWichof
function. mot could ystems cooling comproised
the and
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crk? cool fuelmuclear the keep designedto Fakushiaplamt
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again set and whe heg aetht cs
hat is the t e r
(b) Reuse Environmentaf Studies 131 Emviroment

(d) Recovery
Recycle (a) They are very different.
25. Whaat does it mean ifan item is biodegradable 2 (b) The Soviets stole from the French,the British, the Americans, and the Japanese The RBMK is a
ah ne that it will eventualy break down completely in nature mix of all of these and, therefore,alike in some ways to each but not exactiy like any
for the environment
bt t mneansthat it is bad (c) Since the Soviet Union stole the Western reactor designs, they are very simnilar
eans that it is pertect for composting (d) The Soviet design was unique and incorporated many advanced features not included in Western
) vultures
eans that it can be eaten by designs
Mile Island accident happen: 31. In addition to the lack of containment what other feature of the REMK design magnified the
26. When didthe Three radioactive material releases from Chernobyl?
(b) March 28, 1979
(a) March 11. 1979 (a) Water shooting from broken pipescarried radioactive material away from the plant.
(d) July OS, 1967
d May 04, 2011Island (b) The graphite caught fire and the thermal plume of the fire pushed radioactive material high
accident happened in Pennsylvania. The reactor had a number of
27 The Thrve Mile into the atmosphere.
safety systems CCleearty. all did not go as the designers expected. What went
automated safety systems? WrOngautwithomattheed (c) The other three reactors at the site were damaged by the event in Unit 4 and released additional
radioactive material.
(a Generally, they worked as designed. However, the operators overrode several of (d) The workerswere afraid and did nothing to even try to contain the event
systems and made the accident much worse than it wouldotherwise have been. these 32. The radiation releases from the Chernobyl accident are expected to be the major cause of death in
) There was alightningstrike at the plant and the electronic systems were fried. the surrounding population for years to come.
The designers did not account for a loss of feed water to the reactor so there was no backup whe (b) False
(a) True
control of the power
that supplyof water was cut off. 33. Now the Fukushima reactors in Japan. How did the earthquake cause a loss of
(d) The backup supplies of coolingwater were insufficient to cool the nuclear fuel. level of the operating reactors?
reactors and they could not be
(a) The earthquake jammed all the control rods out of operating
28 There was alot of debate on theradiation releases from the accident atThree Mile island. what shutdown.
the inal conclusionon the magnitude of the public exposure? Those operating shutdown
(b) It didn't. The reactors that were shutdown stayed shutdown.
(a) The public were not exposed to dangerous levels of radiation from the accident w. automatically.
discernible health effects occurred. (c) The automated systems tried to shutdown the reactors, but the operators.
concerned for the need
(b) Thousands of people were seriouslyexposed to high levels of radiation as aresult of the aceident: for electricity after this national disaster, kept them running at fuil power.
at Three Mile lsland. whiletracking deaths is difficult, it is estimated that hundreds died due t high power like the
(d) The earthquake caused the reactors at Fukushima to run up to very
their exposures Chernobyl reactar
) The radiation exposure wouldhave been very high since the releases were large. However, with 34. Why didn't the Fukushima plant systems which were designed to keep the nuclear fuel cool work?
the prompt evacuation, no lethal exposuresoccurred. (a) They were poorly designed and didn't have the necessary capacity.
Hunreds of people were seriouslyexpased to high levels of radiation as a result of the accident (b) The reactors were so badly damaged that there were no pipes let to carry cooling water into the
at Three Mile lsland. While tracking deaths is difficult, it is estimated that more than ten died reactor.
due to their exposures (c) The operators, like those at Three Mile 1sland, misunderstood what was going on and they shu
29 Hoe much response was there from the government and nuclear industry regarding the Three Mile down key all the key systems
andaccisent? (d) Between the earthquake and the tsunami, all the sources of electrical power were
Neher the government or industry did much as the event quickly fell out of the public eye compromised and the cooling systems could not function.
he govement made alot of serious propasals, but the naclear industry largely ignored them Which of the following is greenhouse gas?
(a) Carbon mono oxide (b) Carbon dioxide
Boch che goversment and the muclear industry made fundamental changes in how nuclear (c) Acid fumes (d) Oxygen
power wasregulated and how plants were operated.
4 The povermment was istracted by the ran hostage crisis but the nuclear industry seeing the loss 36. Which of the fllowing is greenhousegas?
of abuge imvestment took cm a big effort to prevent furture similar events (a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Methane
90 Let s bun e the Chernobyl accident ehich happened in 1986 The Chernobyl power station had four je) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen
BRNIK ectns RRNK IS a Russiam acroym The accident ocourred in Unit 4 the newest of those at Which among the following can cause globalwarming?
he aion oe mc are the normal modern Western nuclear power reactors like (a) Fishing (b) Volcanic eruptions
the RRMK
(c) Mudslides (d) Plantation
S n c e eandslides b Etra Volcanic eruptions
Mone udslides () Sea level rise Ee Snudis
39. What does a gre hoase gas do? Ncbel peace prize in 2054 for comtribrtion toeards mmeta toseaon wasa e t
a) causes mire heait to be kept out of the Earth laj Ratan Tata
Wangari Maaha
b tcaoses the sun's igit to be kept out of the Earth
9 Eartt sumnit, the niferene on Enrirt
a eiopmt eid at s de janies in
() tsbsorbs and holds in heat (aj 1832 b) 1992
14) t casses acid rain
B0. The Tajmahal is affected by. 10.Worid sunit on sustainatile develagnent helid at johamnesberg in
(a) Soll Poillution (b) Water Poliution (a) 2001
) Air Pollution (6) Fog
41 How to preverit Acid Rair 11 He is popularly know as the Creen jutige
fag By inicreasing the enission of S0, and NO, (a) Mr.Marimihan Sing
(Mangal Sinigh ( Mr. Sethimalani
b) By decreasinz the emission of S0, and NO, 12. He is knwn as Green Aducate
( By increasinzthe enission of HCL and Phosphate 3 (a) Mr.KP Raghav fb) Mr. P.Chidarmibaram
(d) By decreasing the enission of HCL and Phosphate (3 MrS.D. Ra 4) MrMCMehta

42 The appropriate way to reduce the effect of acid rain on soil. 13. He is known for his Chipko Movernei
(a) AtalBihari Bajpeyi b) Ara Hajare
(a) By adding hydrochloric acid to the soil (b) By adding limestone to the soil
() Sundarial Bahuguna (6) Pandit Nehira
( By adding nitrogen to the soil (d) By adding oxygen to the soil 14. He got the Magsaysay award for water conservation effor
(a) Rajender Singh b) Ashok Singh
(B) ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS ( Narna Patekar (d) Anil Agrawal
yl The wortdevironment is derived from French word 15. Wild life week is celebrated in the period of
(a) Environner (b) Environnering (a) 1-7 October (bj 11-18 Novernber
( EEnvironner (d) Envo ( 1-8March (d) 1-8 April
2 As per the French word ENVIRONNER nesns 16. Worid Forest day is on
(a) atmosphere (b) earth and sun (a) 11 March (b) 12 March
(c) encirde and surround (d) earth and energy ( 13 March (d) 21 March
3. Worid Environment day is on 17. Edaphic means
(a) June5 (b) June 11 (a) Related to water (b) Related to soil
(d) July 11 (o Related to air (d) Related to sun
Worid day of water is orn 18. The environment which has been modified by human activities iscalled
(a) April 22 (b) March 23 (a) Natural environment (b) Modern environment
() March 24 (4) March 22 (c) Anthropogenic environment (d) Semi-natural environment
S. Earth day is on
19. The term Ecology was introduced by
(a) Janmary 22 (b) February 22 (a) Haeckel (b) Newton
( March 22 (a) Tansley
(d) April 22 () S.S. Rao
6. Ecomark of our country is 20. The ecological factors related to soil and substratum are called ...factors.
(a) Earthen pitcher (b) Water drop (a) Edaphic (b) Somatic
(e) Sun (c) Air borne
(d) Ashoka tree (d) Egis
7. Environmental friendly productsare given 1S0 certification called ISo 21. The inter governmental conference on environmental education in 1977 was held in
(a) 12000 (b) 13000 (a) Tbilisi (USSR) (b) Delhi (India)
(c) 14000 (d) 15000 (c) Albita (a) Newyork (USA)
34. 32.33 30. 28 26.
31. 29. 27 24.
Expost(C) (a) The development
sustainable 25.
Developments (c) Primefrost
(c) (a) meet to forestspring () (a)
(a) Pernafrost (a) (c) b) (a) OCED Fungi
Noroviruses ( (a) layer
(a) Macro Micro
() (a) Mumbai
Tokiyo(a) 23. Erviroentsf
22. Studies
Area ()Greenhouse (c (a) The layersO,(cozone
scientific March1- Organisation
Organisation Deplete non-living
) layer(a) artifcial
CFCS (a)
( Abiotic
Mahotsav Organisation
in Organisation stands are CH, co, major
the on are that
cryotic the protocol animals CH, CH4,
interface of
method is for most ozone gases CH, N,0
green contributes components
an that
soil for for for for is that house
annual their between is common are
of meets Environmental
Environmental Economic layerrelated
soil have regulated to are
dating own gases
tree-planting at the
the land or cause to no depletionof..
Co-operation are
based need below Co-operation backbone
and of under
on is Company viral
called of river theCompany
the festival
present freezing
gastroenteritis and the
analysis as..... or and
Ecology ydevelopment
(d) (b) JulMarch b) 2natural
(d) 2(developmentd) (b)
in (stable forest
riparian stream
land(d) Thermofrost and and and are UN
(d) Frost
Department Bitaviruses Cartoon
Yeasts(d) (b) Sulphur
layer (b)
(d)layerNon-macro n(ib)protocal
) framework
India, without point
(d) Mivisible cartoon
(d) (bmethane
) layer (dlayer
) (b) living
d) (b)
of CO, 1.34
patterns is co,
celebrated called of without
water in CO,, O2,
compromising human. convention
climate on
of as O,SO2
tree-rings 0°C magnification
is the for
called two
as more change
and t
years Envire

The48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. Environmental
35. Studies
0.74(c) 100(a) ozone oxygen
(c) (vapor,
a) By3.(5c) 1.(a5) The (c) (a) Theeleven(c) agriculture four(There
a) Lithosphere
(c) (a) phenomenon. effect
) lightglobal TheBright(c) (a)LayerStratosphere
0zone(c) (a) Osulphates(cO,
) (a) The (c50 ) (a) 1The (c12) (a) 1TheBiotop
Riparian () (a) Biotop Habitat
(c) (a)Place
global their biosphere lifebiosphere zone rain yellow accumulation Ultra stratospherestratosphere
carbon are lowest .iS or
in of
percentage environment of ........ water ozone Called type
temperature light light violet
life provides layer,
dioxide, is of
postulated onalso is harvesting effect absorbs....known contains
types as site
light contains is the area
earth of ..... where
contribution called of us carbon troposphere, which
has methane the
increased to as a kilometer an
have soil dioxide of layer isorganism
and........ ... for ...... interface
to evolved of is
........ greenhouse and to . thick.
cause between or
other .which population
degree at
least cancer.
11.72(d) 200(b) sulphur H,(Sd) (b) 4.(d5) 2.(b5) two(d) si(xb)
(d) (b) non-agriculture gases carbon
(d) (b) co,+(O; ) (b) Habitat
2Biosphere(d) Biosphere (d) (b)
(b) landCollapse 1.35
effect (d) wildlife(b) effect
solar(d) (b) Super
light(a) (b) water d) Co,(b) is 100(d) (b) 2 (d20
Celsius some life zone instrumental
green Beta naturally
cause...... and
in on....ilion years ago. earth of violet thick. river
earth, wild house
light or occurs.
years.100 and life in in stream.
effect the
the the
moon on formation
four earth atmosphere
gases that rain.

are leading
eomponents are (b) living
22. Abiotic
(a) non-living (d) earth living Environmental Studies 1.35 Envirosrnent

( artificial depletion of
contributes to the (b) cartoon layer 35. Place or type of site where an organism or population naturaly occurs.
29. CFCs that (a) Habitat (b) Collapse
(a) ozone layer (d) methane layer (d) Biosphere
(c) Biotop
(c) so, layer is called as area which is interface between land and river or stream
house gases are
24. The major green (b) CO,. Oz, SO, (a) Riparian (b) Biosphere
(d) Habitat
(a) co,, CH4, N,o (d) cOz, CO3, O, (c) Biotop
kilometers thick.
CH. CH%, CH, 37. The lowest layer, the troposphere, is only
25. (c)
Greenhouse gases are regulated under the UN framework convention on climate change and
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 12 (d) 20
(b) Kyoto protocal 38. The stratosphere is kilometer thick.
(a) Tokiyo protocal (b) 2
(d) Narvey protocal (a) 1
(c) Mumbai protocal (d) 100
without magnification
26 are animals that have no backbone and are visible (c) 50
39. The stratosphere contains a
layer of. .....which is înstrumental in the forrmation of rain.
(b) Mini (b) CO,
(a) Micro (d) Non-macro invertebrates (a) sulphates
(c) Macro invertebrates (d) co,+O2
(c) O,
27. Montreal protocol is related to ..... 40. Stratosphere contains layer of. (b) carbon
(a) Deplete of ozone layer (b) Cartoon layer
(a) O (d) water
(c) so, layer (d) Sulphur layer (c) ozone
known to cause cancer.
28. ......are the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in human. 41. Layer of ozone absorbs
(a) Ultra violet light (b) Beta violet light
(b) Bitaviruses
(a) Noroviruses (c) Bright light (d) Super light
(c) Fungi (d) Yeasts other gases cause in the atmosphere that is leading to
42. The accumulation of carbon dioxide and
29. 0CED stands for *gann global warming phenomenon.
(a) Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (a) light effect (b) green house effect
(b) Organisation for Environmental Company and Development (d) solar effect
(c) yellow light effect
(c) Organisation for Environmental Company and Department 43. Lithosphere provides us the soil for
(a) rain water harvesting (b) wild life
() Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Department (d) non-agriculture
30. ..oncryotic soil is soil at or below the freezing point of water 0°C (32°F) for two or more years (c) agriculture
(a) Perma frost (b) Frost 44. There are ........t.ypes of lithosphere
(b) siX
(c) Primefrost (d) Thermofrost (a) four
(c) eleven (d) two
31. Area in the inter face between land andriver or stream is called as 45. The biosphere is also called as
(a) spring (b) riparian (a) zone of life on earth (b) zone of wild life on earth
() forest (d) forest land
(c) life in environment (d) life on earth and moon
32. Developments that meets the need of present without compromising the ability of futur:
generations to meet their own needs is called as 46. The biosphere is postulated to have evolved at least some billion years ago.
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.5
(a) sustainable development (b) stable development
(c) future development (c) 3.5 (d) 4.5
(d) natural development
33. Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival in India, celebrated on 47. By their percentage contribution to greenhouse effect on earth, the four major gases are water
(a) 1" March (b) 2nd March vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and.
(c) 1" July (a) oxygen (b) sulphur
(d) 2nd July
34. The scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of (c) ozone (d) H,S
tree-rings is called as 48. The global temperature has increased ... degree Celsius in last 100 years.
(a) Dendrochronology (b) Ecosystem
(c) Expost (a) 100 (b) 200
(d) Ecology (c) 0.74 (d) 11.72
Environmental Studies

sulphur dioxide and

A9 Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide,
(a) nitrogen oxides (b) 0zone
(c) oxygen (d) CO3 + 0Zone
50. ODS stands for
(a) Ozone depleting substances (b) Oxygen depleting substances
(c) Oxygen deposit substances (d) Oxygen developing substances
51. Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster took place on April 26, . .
(a) 1986 (b) 1900
(c) 2000 (d) 2001
52. WHOstands for
(a) World Health Organisation (b) World Human Organisation
(c) World Human Operations (d) Whole Health Organisation
53. Duringthe World War II, USAconducted twO
automic bombs against cities of Japan, Hiroshima and
(a) Fuketu (b) Fukeshima
(c) Tokiyo (d) Nagasaki
54. USA dropped bombin Nagasaki
(a) August 6
(b) August 9
() August 11
55. USA dropped bomb in (d) August 1
Hiroshima on .....1945.
(a) August 1
(c) August 9 (b) August 6
(a) August 11

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