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+ Appraisal Total score - 0


A. Conduct

(a) Sobriety (score either 10 or 0} 10 / 10

A. Conduct

(b) Integrity, Accountability (Accept responsibi lity &

Be Accountable) & Loyalty 10 / 10

A. Conduct

(c ) Self Confidence and Ability to accepts crit i cism or

challenge constructively 10 / 10

B. Attitude

(a) Positivity, Enthusiasm, Willingness, Self -

Motivation and act independently without stimulus 9 / 10

B. Attitude

{b) Self-discipline, Initiative to learn and upgrading

own skill. Time Management • Punctuality, 9 / 10
B. Attitude

(c) Team Player - Ability to work well in a team,

Cooperati1on & effect on others. inter-department 10 / 10

C. Judgement and Common Sense

(a) Decision Making & Analytical ability - Ability to

arrive at logical and correct conclusions. 9 / 10

C. Judgement and Common Sense

(b) Ability to issue, understand/ comprehend and

follow inst ructions. 9 / 10

C. Judgement and Common Sense

(c) Ability to perform under stress in any

circumstances. 9 / 10

D. Personnel Management

(a) Ability to control, direct, lead and train officers

& ratings 9 / 10
D. Personnel Management

(b,J Abiliit y ta inspire, m,a inta in high moria le and handle


gr1ev,a nces.

Details 221 / 240 Ratings

Knowledge of and Compliance with company's Health,

Safety, Security and Environmental requirements (This 9 / 10
includes integration to company requirements and policies)
and International regulations and Class / Flag requirements -
if any comments, specify in the comments section. Initiative
and efforts in improving onboard safety and compliance.

Knowledge and compliance with VECP (Voluntary

Environmental Compliance Program) as per Technical 9 / 10
circular T-30.

Standard of Safety Consciousness: Implementation onboard

of the Safety culture, cleanliness and hygiene, Standard of 9 / 10
Uniform & Dress Code, security measures, open reporting
system and Work & Rest Hour (Close & regular monitoring,
Planning in advance and ensuring effective compliance) in
line with company guidelines and industry standards.
a. With Company's other staff - Shore staff (during ship visit,
etc), shipboard departments (Seniors & Juniors) and inter- 9 / 10
department b. During emergencies and crisis situations -
Conduct and Response. c. With third parties - Owners,
Charterers, Local authorities, flag inspectors, PSCO, Vetting
inspectors, surveyors, port authorities and / or other stake
holders etc.

Knowledge and performance in a. Audits/ Inspections by

Shipboard team and Company's (Internal) staff. 9 / 10

b. Operation and maintenance of onboard Equipment and

machineries for LSA, FFA & pollution prevention. 9 / 10

c. Their regular job responsibilities for: - 2nd, 3rd or Junior

Officer- effective planning, anticipation and execution in 9 / 10
Navigation (including ship handling skills), Cargo work
(includes cargo knowledge, planning, stowage, port
operations, tank cleaning, cargo carriage, etc.), mooring,
commercial business, port documentation, control of terminal/
stevedore labour, etc. - 3rd. 4th or Junior Engineer or
Ability/ Skill in: a. Problem-solving - pro-activeness,
innovative, taking initiative and result oriented 9 / 10

b. Leaming and performing the role of the next rank,

including taking extra efforts. 10 / 10

c. Take over from next senior level officer/ Engineer's role in

case of his absence or incapacitation. 9 / 10
Prompt and timely completion and submission of reports.
Standard of documentation (reports and record keeping) in 9 / 10
Phoenix and paper.

Ship's operational performance during his tenure on board

against Key Performance Indicators (refer Q5 form) set by the 9 / 10
Company in Navigation, health & safety, environmental,
security, cargo, mooring, machinery/ equipment, etc.
Assessed for his positive contribution towards the ship's
performance in: a. External Audits/ inspections (PSC, SIRE,
CDI, Class, Terminal, etc.)

b. Accidents Prevention and commercial operations.

9 / 10

Any training and development

recommendation to improve
knowledge and/ or skills (If Yes,
please include details in the below
List of Training and Development
Recommended Courses: ( I

Guidelines for the

recommendation, when any of the
scores is 1 - 2: Classroom based
course; 3 - 4 : EPSS based course; 5
or above: Not required)

Has the training done since last

employment been effective?

Training Remarks

Has the Appraisee been exposed to

duties and responsibilities of higher

If above is yes, do you recommend

for his promotion .

Any instance of environmental non-

compliance during his tenure, If so,
specify 0
Number of visits to the doctor: 0

Fit for Reemployment Yes

To be counselled prior
next assignment

Warning Remarks

Not to be Re-employed No

NTBR Remarks

Reason For NTBR/Warning - -Select- -

Would you like to work with him

in Future?

Comments by Appraisee, if any :

(This report must be discussed THANK YOU SIR FOR THE
with the appraisee and signed by APPRAISAL. I WILL CONTINUE
him. If the appraisee is in LEARNING AND KEEP A GOOD
disagreement with any part of his APPROACH TOWARD WORK.
assessment, then his remarks may
be reflected accordingly in the
comments box below from the seaf ...

Comments by Appraiser:
If an Officer requires
improvement in a particular work
area, Assessing Officers should
prepare some constructive
suggestions which may include
Training and development
Mas·t er

He is hard~worklng and ,s incere

He1a dl of the Departmein t: towards !his job, Will l·i ke to work
wit h him1again.

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