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Another approach to leader’s behavior was developed in the late 1930s by Kurt Lewin and
colleagues. They claimed there were three key styles of leadership; autocratic, democratic, and

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The Autocratic Style emphasizes command and control. All decisions are made by the
leader, with little input from the group, one step at a time, so that the followers never
know for certain what the next step will be. The leader is personal in his praise and criticism of
the followers, but aloof from the group unless demonstrates what the next step is.

While this approach is good for rapid decision making it tends to be dysfunctional, creating
discontentment, hostility, scapegoating, and aggression within the group, and a lack of relation to the
least one of submission or persistent demands for attention.

Laissez - Faire

In many senses, the Laissez-Faire Approach offers the complete opposite perspective. The
group has complete freedom to act without any participation of the leader. The leader
provides the resources and information but does not participate or interfere outside of this. Lewin et
al. (1939) state that the laissez-faire approach is highly inefficient and unproductive, producing
discontent, hostility, scapegoating, and aggression as the groups feel they lack direction.


The Democratic Approach makes all policy matters a subject for group discussion. The
leader facilitates group discussions but does not dominate. The aim is to involve all the
group members and allow them to make decisions, as they will implement them and be
impacted by them. The democratic approach is the most effective. There is less aggression, change is
more easily accepted, relations between the group members are friendlier, and the group is more
creative. It creates a sense of belonging and participation within the group.

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