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Nama Lengkap: Mutiara

Asal Sekolah : SMPN Satu Atap Karya Utama

Mata Lomba : Speech
Tema : Stop Bullying
Judul : Let’s Create an Environment that Rejects Bullying!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb…
Good morning everyone, a very warm welcome to all present here. Honorable chief guest of the
day, all of the teachers and all of the students. Before I get started, let me introduce myself, my
name is Mutiara. I am from SMPN Satu Atap Karya Utama. I am profoundly joyous and honored
to have the opportunity to be here today.

Today I want to talk about Stop Bullying.

Bullying has somehow now become a pressing issue that is happening in many places, like
schools, workplaces, communities or maybe in online spaces. That pressing issue, bullying,
affects the lives of many individuals. However bullying is not just an individual problem, it’s a
concern that demands our attention. So how can we stop this? How can we put an end to this

Education. Education is our shield, education is our elly. School is not just a place we learn
about subjects, but we learn about empathy and respect. We learn about how we should treat
others, learn how important human relationships are. So, school plays an important role in this
matter. Schools should implement anti-bullying programs that teach not just the consequences
of bullying but also promote a culture of inclusivity and create an environment that rejects

The impact of bullying itself can make one being bullied feel constantly insecure, it leaves
lasting scars on the individuals involved, influencing their mental, emotional and even physical
well being. Bullying can make one feel isolated, unaccepted, angry and withdrawn, and that’s
what we call Emotional Damage.

Not only schools, Parents, and the community, all of us play a crucial role in stopping bullying. I
believe when we normalize a culture of respect, kindness and empathy we could create an
environment that rejects bullying. Imagine that someone has to suffer from someone’s action,
someone has to feel hurt, someone has to endure the pain that they don’t even deserve. No one
should endure such pain. Let’s stand together against bullying. Stop bullying!

I think that is all from me, thank you very much. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb..

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