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Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi

Odlar Yurdu Universiteti

Sərbəst iş

Fənn: Xarici dil

İxtisas: İngilis dili müəllimliyi
Müəllim: Nafilə Məmmədova
Tələbə:Əliyeva Aysu
Mövzu: Truimphal comander-in-chief

Truimphal comander-in-chief
Ilham Aliyev was born on December 24, 1961 in Baku In 1967-1977, he
studied at secondary school No. 6 in Baku. In 1977, he entered the Moscow State
Institute of International Relations. After graduating from there, he was admitted to
the institute's postgraduate course, and in 1985 he defended his thesis and received
the scientific degree of candidate of historical sciences. In 1985–1990, he worked
as a teacher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations . Worked in
private business in 1991–1994. He headed a number of production-commercial
enterprises. From 1994 to August 2003, he was the vice-president and first vice-
president of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Actively
participated in the implementation of Heydar Aliyev's oil strategy. Suveren is the
author of a number of research works on the geopolitical aspects of Azerbaijan's oil
policy. He is a doctor of political sciences.
In 1995 and 2000, he was elected a deputy to the Milli Majlis of the
Republic of Azerbaijan . In 2003, in connection with his appointment as the Prime
Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he terminated his powers as a
deputy. Since 1997, he has been the president of the National Olympic Committee
of Azerbaijan . He was awarded the highest order of the International Olympic
Committee for his great services in the development of sports and the Olympic
movement . In 1999, he was elected the deputy chairman of the New Azerbaijan
Party , in 2001 he was elected the first deputy chairman, and in 2005 he was
elected the chairman of the party. In 2001-2003, he was the head of the
delegation of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe . In January 2003, he was elected the deputy
chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a member of
the Bureau of PACE.
In April 2004, he was awarded the PACE honorary member diploma and the
PACE medal for his active participation in PACE activities and loyalty to
European ideals. On August 4, 2003, after being approved by the Milli Majlis, he
was appointed the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He was elected
the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 15, 2003. More than 76%
of voters voted in favor of Ilham Aliyev in the presidential elections. He started his
duties on October 31, 2003. He was re-elected president in 2008. He was elected
president for the third term in 2013. In 2018, he was elected the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan for the fourth term, having collected 86.03% of the votes,
and is currently serving as the President.
He knows Azerbaijani , Russian , English , French and Turkish languages.
He is married. He has three children and five grandchildren.
In 1999, Ilham Aliyev was elected the deputy chairman of the New
Azerbaijan Party (YAP), and in 2001, at the second congress of the YAP, he was
elected the first deputy chairman of the YAP. On March 26, 2005, at the third
congress of YAP, President Ilham Aliyev was unanimously elected as the
chairman of YAP. Ilham Aliyev's presidential candidacy was unanimously
supported at the fourth and fifth congresses of YAP held in 2008 and 2013. During
his presidency, the number of party members exceeded 700 thousand people. At
the 7th congress of the New Azerbaijan Party (March 5, 2021), he was elected as
YAP Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors.
The Patriotic War turned into a celebration of the national pride of the
Azerbaijani people and resulted in the liberation of our lands from occupation and
the restoration of the territorial integrity of our republic. Under the Supreme
Commander-in-Chief of Ilham Aliyev, our heroic army put an end to the 30-year
Armenian occupation in just 44 days, signed a great Victory that honors our history
and shines a light on our future.
In this war, the political parties that put national interests above all else
expressed their support for the Commander-in-Chief. However, even after the end
of the war with the victory of our people, people who consider themselves to be
oppositionists continued to overshadow the success of Azerbaijan. Instead of
sharing and sharing the great victory, they still stick to their old ways and try to
tarnish this victory. These are the people whose lands were once occupied as a
result of the treachery of the government they represented. They fought for power
and caused the occupation of Shusha and Lachin. "The loss of Shusha on May 8,
1992 was a great tragedy. The culprits of this tragedy are AKP-Musavat
couple. Everyone should know this, no one should forget this. At that time, there
was a struggle for power in Azerbaijan. AKP-Musavat couple was striving for
power, they committed this provocation to overthrow the current government, they
actually handed over Shusha to the enemy," said President Ilham Aliyev.
Yes, the occupation of Shusha and Lachin was the result of provocation and
treachery. It is no coincidence that the AKP-Musavat couple, who were the cause
of the betrayal, had seized power at that time in a coup d'état. Later, our other
regions were occupied as a result of the treacherous and new policies of their
government and the political crisis they were in.
Ilham Aliyev liberated our regions and cities, which they caused their
occupation. He cleared our history of the black spots caused by those
traitors. Ilham Aliyev took away the stigma of defeat that the APC-Musavat couple
had on our people.
In addition to the Patriotic War as a whole, the liberation of every city and
village from occupation is a separate page of heroism. This page was written by
Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the glorious Azerbaijan
Army led by him. The release of Shusha has a special place among them.
President Ilham Aliyev answered a journalist's question during an interview
with Turkey's "A Haber" television channel during the war days - on October 16,
and said, "Of course, without Shusha, our work will be incomplete." With this
answer, Ilham Aliyev conveyed to the people that Shusha will definitely be freed
from occupation . It is impossible to imagine Karabakh without Shusha. Shusha is
the temple not only of our national culture, but also of our national pride, and the
glorious Azerbaijan Army should have freed it from occupation. Therefore, when
our army liberated our cities and villages, all eyes were directed to Shusha, every
Azerbaijani eagerly awaited the news of the liberation of our native city from
President Ilham Aliyev's announcement of the liberation of Shusha to our
people on November 8 was met with great enthusiasm all over Azerbaijan. The day
of Shusha's liberation was engraved in our history as Victory Day. The liberation
of Shusha by our heroic soldiers also went down in history as the most unique
military operation of the Patriotic War. "Shusha operation will live forever in the
hearts of the Azerbaijani people. The dear memory of our heroic children who died
in the battles for Shusha will live forever in our hearts. During the liberation of
Shusha, Azerbaijani soldiers and officers showed heroism, professionalism,
physical strength, and high national spirit. He climbed up from the Dashalti
direction, from other directions, from the steep rocks, destroyed the invaders and
freed Shusha, he fought against the cannons and tanks, almost like an invalid, with
bayonets, knives, light weapons in his hands," said Ilham Aliyev.
Used literature:
 Rashad Jafarli. Ilham Aliyev - the celebration of determination.
Article, Baku-2021

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