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Providing Sufficient Health and Mental Health Support

1. Understanding the Importance of Health and Mental Health Support

● Workplace health and mental health support are crucial for maintaining employee well-
being and productivity.
● It involves creating a supportive environment that promotes physical and mental health,
providing resources for employees to manage their health, and implementing policies
that prioritize employee well-being.

2. The Need for HR Intervention

3. Proposed HR Interventions on Providing Sufficient Health and Mental Health Support

● Health and Wellness Programs
● Mental Health Resources
● Flexible Work Arrangements

4. Benefits of the Proposed Interventions

● Improved Employee Morale
● Increased Productivity
● Reduced Absenteeism
● Enhanced Company Reputation

5. Implementation Plan

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

Financial Counseling

1. Understanding Financial Counseling

● Financial counseling is a service that guides employees on how to manage their
finances effectively.
● It can cover a range of topics, including budgeting, debt management, retirement
planning, and investment strategies.

2. The Need for HR Intervention

3. Proposed HR Interventions on Financial Counseling

● Financial Education Workshops
● One-on-One Financial Counseling
● Online Resources

4. Benefits of the Proposed Interventions

● Improved Financial Literacy
● Reduced Financial Stress
● Increased Job Satisfaction Among Employees

5. Implementation Plan

6. Monitoring and Evaluation


Financial Counseling: Easing employee stress and boosting productivity | SPARK Blog |
ADP. (2023, March 22). SPARK.

Indeed Editorial Team. (2023, August 31). 10 Benefits of wellness programs in the

Leveling up: Supporting employees’ psychological well-being for maximum return. (2023,
April 21).

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