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TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................i
LIST OF TABLE.........................................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................iii
A. Background of the Problem............................................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem..........................................................................5
C. Limitation of the Problem...............................................................................5
D. Formulation of the Problem...........................................................................5
E. Purposes of the Research................................................................................6
F. Significances of the Research..........................................................................6
G. Definition of Operational Variables...............................................................7
H. Theoretical Description...................................................................................8
1. Vocabulary..........................................................................................................8
a. Definition of Vocabulary................................................................................8
b. Vocabulary Knowledge................................................................................10
c. Teaching Vocabulary....................................................................................11
d. Learning Vocabulary....................................................................................12
e. The Kinds of Vocabulary..............................................................................14
2. Duolingo Game App.........................................................................................15
a. Duolingo Game.............................................................................................15
b. The Purpose of Duolingo..............................................................................17
c. Advantages of Duolingo...............................................................................17
d. Disadvantages of Duolingo...........................................................................18
e. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo...................................19
I. Review of Related Findings..................................................................................21
J. Framework of Thinking........................................................................................22

K. Hypothesis.............................................................................................................24
L. Research Methodology.........................................................................................24
1. Place and Time of Research.............................................................................24
2. The Research Design........................................................................................24
3. Population and Sample.....................................................................................25
4. The Instrument of the Research........................................................................26
5. Technique of Collecting Data...........................................................................28
6. The Validity and Reliability Instrument...........................................................29
7. Technique of Analyzing Data...........................................................................31
M. Outline of the Research.......................................................................................33

Table 1 Table of design instrument.............................................................................25

Table 2 Sample of research.........................................................................................25
Table 3 The topics vocabulary mastery test Pre-test and post-test..............................27


A. Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides

much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. 1 Based on

the explanation about vocabulary above, A crucial part of language ability is

vocabulary, which forms the foundation for how successfully the four skills.

Vocabulary, in addition to grammar and pronunciation, is one of language

elements considered necessary for language mastery. 2 Because of that vocabulary

is the one of basic and very important knowledge for students in their lives order

to communicate well.

We have seen that learning vocabulary is a challenge for learners, partly

because of the size of the task, and partly because of the variety of vocabulary

types to be learned, including single words, phrases, collocations, and strategic

vocabulary, as well as grammatical patterning, idioms, and fixed expressions. 3

From what Jeanne said in the book we can see that learning vocabulary is a

challenge and there are many things we need to pay attention to, face these

Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An anthology
of Current Practice, 1st ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), p.255.
Bambang Yudi Cahyono and Utami Widiati, “The Teaching of EFL Vocabulary in the
Indonesian Context: The State of the Art,” TEFLIN Journal 19, no. 1 (2008).
Jeanne McCarten, Teaching Vocabulary : Lessons from the Corpus, Lessons for the
Classroom (United States Ameica: Cambridge University Press, 2007), p.18.

challenges, such as using learning methods or learning media that can make it

easier for someone to learn vocabulary.

Without mastering grammar, there is only a small portion of language that

can be acquired, but without vocabulary, there is nothing we can convey. 4 It

means that vocabulary is the basic of language and must be mastered first.

Considering the importance of the role of vocabulary mastery, especially

for EFL students, the teacher should find method, technique, and media that can

help the students to learn vocabulary. Many students spend their time to learn

new vocabulary, but they still complain that it is not easy to remember the

English words and there is no way to avoid forgetting. It means that the

students will not be able to speak, to read, to write even to listen in English. In

other words, mastering the right method and technique in vocabulary

learning is crucial for successful learning of the English language.5

The technology of today has advanced quickly to the point where it is now

required in many different contexts. It means that technology can facilitate our

needs, particularly by providing opportunities and supporting students to improve

their level of learning a language. Technology can be used as an engaging,

supplementary tool to foster vocabulary learning for ELLs. 6 But the

technology certainly has a role or a positive impact is also a negative

Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary (Middlesex: Longman Pearson Education,
2002), p.13.
Xue Shi, “Application of Multimedia Technology in Vocabulary Learning for Engineering
Students,” iJET Journa 12, no. 1 (2017): p.2.
Megan Clark, “The Use of Technology to Support Vocabulary Development of English
Language Learners” (St. John Fisher College, 2013), p.2.

impact. Therefore, many students are unaware of the advantages of technology.

Some of them only make use of technology or talking about smartphones just for

entertainment or playing game. Because of that, in order to maximize the

outcome, teachers must find a solution to this issue and take on the task of

learning how to use smartphone technology in a beneficial and suitable way.

To make the vocabulary learning fun and interesting, we can use

media. The media are commonly used as an additional support in teacher-

centered teaching. The media that can be applied in teaching vocabulary is

by using Duolingo application. Duolingo itself offers superior features,

including: spaced repetition, namely the use of an algorithm that can decide for

itself when and what students need to review, which has proven to be effective

for the foreign language learning process, especially regarding learning new

vocabulary.7 It is an educational mobile application that consists of many

activity such as vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, grammar, and also


A research that was conducted by Musa Nushi and Mohammad

Hosein Eqbali the researchers from Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, in his study

stated that Duolingo is a useful language application that can provide

learners with practical and systematic steps to learn a new language on

their own.8 Furthermore, there have been a study conducted by Natanael

Daniel Ginting et al., Literasi Digital Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Di Abad Ke-21 (Malang:
Media Nusa Crative, 2021), p.74.
Musa Nushi and Mohammad Hosein Eqbali, “Duolingo: A Mobile Application to Assist
Second Language Learning,” Teaching English with Technology 17, no. 1 (2014).
and Byron, in his study stated Duolingo is a practical and useful application

that could be used in English as a Foreign Language courses to improve

students‟ language skills.9 It means that Duolingo application can provides the

opportunity to the students to expand their vocabulary knowledge.

Ahmad Ridha Fauzi the student from State Islamic University

Antasari Banjarmasin in his research about “The Effectiveness of Duolingo in

Improving Vocabulary Ability” stated that the students who used Duolingo

application can increase their vocabulary ability. 10 His research result stated that

using Duolingo application is more effective than not using Duolingo

application. Sausan Nafis Amin the student from State Islamic Institute

Tulungagung, in her research about “The Effectiveness of Duolingo on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery” stated that Duolingo application is more effective and

interesting than the conventional teaching in teaching English about vocabulary

to the students.11

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested and need to

introduce this media in teaching with the title “The Effect of Duolingo Game

Application on Student’s Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade of MTsN 2


Natanael Mauricio and Bayron Gioanni, “Duolingo: An Useful Complementary Mobile Tool
to Improve English as a Foreign Language Learning and Teaching” (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a
Distancia, Colombia, 2017), p.39.
Ahmad Ridha Fauzi, “The Effectiveness of Duolingo in Improving Vocabulary Ability at the
Sixth Grade of MI Darul Ilmi Banjarbaru School Year 2017/2018” (Banjarmasin: Antasari State
Islamic University, 2018), p.69.
Sausan Nafis Amin, “The Effectiveness of Duolingo on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the
Seventh Grade of MTsN 3 Tulungagung” (Tulungagung State Islamic Institute, 2019), p.63.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the identification discussed previously. It can be seen the

identification of the problem are:

1. Student thinks that learning English is difficult because they lack vocabulary

and easily forget them.

2. Sometimes students are not interested in the material because the traditional

learning methods deliver material to students.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The limitation of the research will be based on the identification of

problems, the study focuses on the effect of using Duolingo application on

students’ vocabulary knowledge in adjective synonym and antonym at seventh

grade of MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problems of the research are formulated as follows :

1. Does Duolingo game application significantly affect the students ability

vocabulary mastery at seventh grade of students’ MTsN 2


2. How does Duolingo game application significantly effect the students ability

in vocabulary mastery at seventh grade of students’ MTsN 2

E. Purposes of the Research

The objectives of this research are to find out :

1. To know the effect of Duolingo game application to students’ vocabulary

mastery at seventh grade of MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan.

2. To examine how the significant effect of Duolingo game application to

vocabulary mastery at seventh grade of MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan.

F. Significances of the Research

The result of this study is significant for : The teacher, students and other


1. For teacher, as an alternative for conventional learning, the Duolingo

program can be used to enter teaching materials. Additionally, it improves

teachers' abilities to carry out the educational process in a way that is


2. For students, to improve student motivation for classroom learning and

support students in developing their language skills.

3. For the researcher as a reference, the results of this study have the potential

to give new perspectives about how to conduct research on the use of

Duolingo in vocabulary teaching and learning.

G. Definition of Operational Variables

The writer will explain about terms, to avoid misunderstanding of the

research as followed :

1. Duolingo Game Application

Duolingo is a useful language application that can provide learners

with practical and systematic steps to learn a new language on their own.12

Based on the explanation above, A research that was conducted by Musa

Nushi and Mohammad Hosein, the Duolingo application can improve

language skills.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is one aspect of language, which is very important for

language competence mastery.13 As one of the language factors, vocabulary

can help someone to understand genuinely in conversation. Via the process

of recognizing the phrases in English, the students advantage the statistics

easily based totally on their very own words. While college students build

vocabulary mastery, they are able to more efficaciously communicate their

thoughts, knowledge, and voice.

H. Theoretical Description

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Nushi and Eqbali, “Duolingo: A Mobile Application to Assist Second Language Learning.”
Irawan Ari, Wilson Agus, and Sutrisna, “The Implementation of Duolingo Mobile
Application in English Vocabulary Learning” 5, no. 1 (2020): p.9.
Vocabulary is one aspect of language, which is very important for

language competence mastery.14 As one of the language factors, vocabulary

can help someone to understand genuinely in conversation. via the process

of recognizing the phrases in English, the students advantage the statistics

easily based totally on their very own words. while college students build

vocabulary mastery, they are able to more efficaciously communicate their

thoughts, knowledge, and voice. According to Oxford advanced learner’s

dictionary, vocabulary can be defined all the words that a person knows or

uses or all the words in a particular language; the words that people use

when they are talking about a particular subject.15

Vocabulary is the basic component that must be mastered by learners

so as to develop other language proficiencies like listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.16 To realize their meanings of the English phrases,

one has to recognize additionally how in English sentence the phrases work


If the students have mastered of vocabulary, it'll help the students to

talk with anyone, make the students understand all information from

different use, and vocabulary additionally assist the students to can talk and

Ari, Agus, and Sutrisna, “The Implementation of Duolingo Mobile Application in English
Vocabulary Learning,” p.9.
A. S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2000), p.1506.
Pangkuh Ajisoko, “The Use of Duolingo Apps of Improve Vocabulary Learning,”
Intenational Journal of Emeging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15, no. 7 (2020): p.149,

concentrate English sincerely with native speaker, after which the students

understand when they study the English phrases from newspaper, e-book,

magazine, and many others. It could be stated that the vocabulary as one in

all facilities to provide and get hold of the oral or written records in English

is needed.

Based on the definition, it can be concluded that vocabulary is part of

language learning and it is very important in a second and foreign language

acquisition. Without knowing a lot of vocabulary, student will not be able

to convey their idea. Moreover, vocabulary should be taught since young

students who learn English first. Vocabulary is a key which the students

can understand all about English subject such as the students can speak

English fluently and can listen or writing or reading the English easily.

b. Vocabulary Knowledge

Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second

language learners because of a limited vocabulary in a second language

impedes successful communication.17 Because of that, without knowing

vocabulary, students cannot express what is on their mind and will

encounter some obstacles and difficulties in developing the four English

Mofareh Alqahtani, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to Be
Taught,” International Journal of Teaching and Education 3, no. 3 (2015),
It is also plays an important role to the know-how of written and

spoken text. However, the students are not just know about how plenty

vocabularies understand, but also know the comprehension of the ideas

related to the phrase. Additionally, vocabulary is one indicator of a

learner’s background knowledge.18

Understanding in vocabulary has a huge have an effect on at the

capability to understand what is learned in the language. it is necessary for

one's ideas and so as to understand other people's saying. The effect can be

neither direct, such as the potential to remedy problems while meaning is

misplaced, nor direct, such as understanding of the subject. Vocabulary

knowledge can be successful when students can experience the benefits of

mastering words with the aid of experiencing.

Moreover, getting to know vocabulary means that absolutely recognize

the know-how of the words. The students are expected to understand

approximately a part of speech of the phrase like a noun, verb, pronoun,

and so forth as their expertise. So, the students are required to recognize

how the word used in a sentence appropriately with the context. it could be

said the vocabulary information is a large aspect of their learning process.

So, that is the reason why vocabulary knowledge is important.

c. Teaching Vocabulary

Douglas Fisher, Vocabulary and Background Knowledge: Important Factors in Reading
Comprehension (McGrawHill Education, n.d.), p.3.

In teaching English vocabulary teaching is clearly important, because

vocabulary is the main part to support students' communicativeness. Once

the students do not master vocabulary well, the goal cannot be reached. The

teaching of vocabulary must be taught first to help the students to learn the

English language. It was also known that without mastering English

vocabulary, they cannot speak, read and write it. Therefore to be, a good

teacher should prepare himself or herself with various and up-to-date

techniques.19 also in teaching vocabulary the teacher can the use of an

appealing media, technique, and strategy in teaching English in an effort to

make students complete increase within the classroom.

When teaching is to facilitate and also guide students to go through the

learning process, then a teacher must be able to deliver it well. The teacher

should be concern that teaching vocabulary is something new and different

from student’s native language.20Also the teacher has

to inspire students what they need to consciousness on. The

students cannot study English vocabulary nicely without motivation.

d. Learning Vocabulary

Learning is something of which all students have an understanding

and in which they have all participated.21 Vocabulary learning programs

Alqahtani, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to Be Taught.”
Alpino Susanto, “The Teaching of Vocabulary: A Perspective,” Jurnal KATA 1, no. 2 (2017):
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Lucy Norris, and Jim Donohue, Mobile Pedagogy for English
Language Teaching: A Guide for Teacher (London: British Council, 2015), p.13.
need to include both an explicit, international learning component and a

component based around maximizing expouse and incidential learning.22

Sometimes their time to improve understanding and skills occurs in

formal education system settings, such as schools. When learning students

must make an effect on their own potential. Students who are more active

in the learning process will be more successful in achieving success.

According to Brown and Payne, there are five essential steps in vocabulary


1) Encountering new words is the first step, essential step, for vocabulary

learning is encountering new words, that is, having a source for words.

The student strategies here included “learning new words by reading

the book,” “listening to TV and radio,” and “reading newspapers and


2) Getting the word is the second step essential to vocabulary learning

appears to be getting of a clear image – visual or auditory or both – of

the form of the vocabulary item.

3) Getting the word meaning is the third essential step in the learner’s

reported strategies is the one which is most often associated with the

idea of vocabulary learning: having the word meaning.

Norbert Schmitt, “Review Article Instructed Second Language Vocabulary Learning,
Language Teaching Research” 12, no. 3 (2008): p.329-363.

4) Consolidating word form and meaning in memory is the fourth

necessary step revealed by Brown and Payne’s analysis requires the

consolidation of form and meaning in memory.

5) Using the word is the final step in learning words is using the words.

Some would argue that this step is not necessary if all that is desired is

a receptive knowledge of the word.23

In this section, when all students had finished one of the five important

steps students take in learning vocabulary. They sense confident about the

vocabulary being examined. Despite the fact that there are several activities

and techniques that students use at each step, the need for those steps must

be constant. The students need all five essential steps to have complete

understanding of the word they want to learn. As a consequence, learning is

something that takes place naturally. The students will most possibly no

longer have one style, but because the teacher can be able to see their

personal mastering style. Many people admit that each student prefers a

different learning style. It is important to develop their potential to apply as

many gaining knowledge of styles as possible, assisting them to succeed.

e. The Kinds of Vocabulary

1) Adjective

Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p.372-390.
2) Synonym

3) Antonym

From the explanation above it can be said that the vocabulary words

we need to know. To understand how students learn language, they must

understand how language is essential for communication through both

spoken and written language. Communication in a foreign language,

especially English, does not only understand grammatical forms but also

needs to know vocabulary mastery. Without vocabulary, the

communication will not provide a good understanding.

2. Duolingo Game App

a. Duolingo Game

Educational games are very critical in the classroom, regardless of

what age the students are. Due to the fact the principle consciousness of

using games within the classroom is to help students analyze and have fun.

While playing, students can loosen up, exercising, and tease their friends.

Apart from having fun, the students study at the same time, they acquire

new vocabulary along with its spelling and pronunciation. Students start to

comprehend that they must speak or pronounce words clearly if they want

others to apprehend what they are saying.

As one of the most enjoyable way of learning a foreign language,

online games (Duolingo) can be used while teaching vocabulary.


According to Korkmaz enlists several advantages of integrating games in

learning vocabulary:

1. Games are useful because they encourage learners to make an effort

and sustain their interest and work when learning a language.

2. Games help learners experience language with several opportunities

to negotiate meaning rather than only study it, which enables them

to develop language skills more rapidly when compared to the

students who do not play games.

3. Learners learn English subjects better through games and learners

absorb the language better if language items are used repeatedly

within games.

4. Games are useful ways of eliciting social interaction, particularly

icebreakers and warmers games help learners be creative, risk-

takers, thoughtful, communicative and happy to work together with

other learners.

5. Games can increase motivation of the learners.24

Duolingo is the world’s largest online language learning platform. 25

Duolingo is a free platform that can be accessed via web page or

downloaded as an in-device application mobile. 26 Duolingo has organically

Ozlem Utku and Amrah Dolgunsoz, “Teaching EFL Vocabulary to Young Digital Natives,”
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching 5, no. 1 (2018): p.116.
R. Vasselinov and J Grego, Duolingo Effectiveness Study (New York, 2012), p.2.
Daniel Ginting et al., Literasi Digital Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Di Abad Ke-21 (Malang:
Media Nusa Crative, 2021), p.73.
become the most popular way to learn languages online in only a few

years. It was created by Luis Von Ahn, PhD, And Severin Hacker, PhD.In

November 2012. Its slogan is “free language education for the world”.

Doulingo is being as a future in learning language. It can easily access and

provides a lot of language, Soit so helpful to those who want to learn a new


Duolingo itself offers superior features such as interleaving in many

kinds of skills, such as pronunciation and translation of vocabulary through

many mediums kinds - for example listening then writing heard

vocabulary, guessing vocabulary through hints pictures, etc.

b. The Purpose of Duolingo

The purpose of Duolingo is the consumer can recognize a language and

they are able to use it. in the part of what it affords in gaining knowledge

of, the users will understand if Duolingo consciousness on learning

vocabulary. based totally on it, Duolingo can be a medium for students to

improve their vocabulary and instructors use it in classroom in coaching to

help their students in mastering vocabulary, one idea of the use of

Duolingo is it may assist students grasp new vocabulary via sport so they

may now not be bored in gaining knowledge of, and one recreation

particular that can be played for this cause is Duolingo.

c. Advantages of Duolingo

There are several advantages of Duolingo as medium of learning in

classroom. The Advantages include:

a) Duolingo is a language learning media which can be used to increase

levels of active learners in teaching learning process. It can be because

Duolingo incorporates some aspect in learning with it. It can motivate

and engage learners in learning with Duolingo. The material which

learning for game usually difficult to forget, it can be caused the

learners enjoy in learning.

b) Duolingo can create a homework so besides learning in classroom,

Duolingo also can support to make students practice to improve their

vocabulary with Duolingo at their home, based on research which done

by munday. shows that if the all students 84.8% agreed if homework

with Duolingo better that other types of homework

c) Duolingo can be accessed anywhere and everywhere, so teachers are

not difficult to implement it in indoor learning or outdoor learning. It is

a media learning language as well which allows the learners to learn

wherever they have internet connection and whenever they feel like it.

d. Disadvantages of Duolingo

Every Media for learning definitely have positive and negative side

according to situation and condition of learning. There are some

disadvantages of using Duolingoas media in learning vocabulary:

a. Duolingo is an online media learning, so it is hard to implement in

classroom if there is not internet connection.

b. If a teacher wants to use Duolingo in the classroom, they must use

projector. It will make students more active and they will participate

in learning teaching process.

c. It needs more preparation for the teacher for time allocation and

tools if it does in regular classroom, such as time, projector,

loudspeaker, and notebook.

d. In terms of grammar, Duolingo does not offer any explanation

whatsoever on grammatical use, for language learners, grammar is

an essential part of language learning and there are not direct

grammar lesson, there should be a way to incorporate it along with


e. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo

The core teaching in Duolingo games is extremely clear. The exercises

are solid and replicate some of the typical drills. Exercises build on one

another so that the learners are introduced to words and concepts at the

right point in the program. There are five types of activities that Duolingo

employs in learning, such as:


a. The first exercise which Duolingo give is a selecting picture

exercises for vocabulary where the learners are ordered to select the

right meaning of pictures or vice versa.

b. Next exercise is translating the sentence. There is the translation

from the learners’ native language to the target language and vice

versa. There are two kinds the way how to translate the sentences.

First, the learners just choose the right translation of the words

which provided and they must arrange those into the right sentence.

The second, learners must type the right translation based on the


c. There is also listening exercise where the learners must listen to a

sentence being spoken and types in what they heard. It is possible

for the learner to slow down the pace of the spoken sentence if they

do not understand all of it and it is also available to be listened to as

many times as they learner wishes. d. A speaking exercise is offered

as well, during in which learners have to read out loud a sentence in

the language they are learning.

d. The lastly, it has also the exercises fill in the blank. In exercise in

the form multiple choices. The learners must choose the right

answer among two or three choices.

One of the reasons what kept language learners going with Duolingo is

learning language with it is like playing a game. And we can take the
advantage of the sophisticated technology as media learning because one of

the benefits of technology as language learning is can make the learners

faster, easier, less painful, and more engaging to study the language.

There are a few notable aspects Duolingo that make its exercises

greats. One is that small typos are tolerated. If the learners accidentally

misspell a word, within reason, the exercises might still be marked correct.

Tough Duolingo will point out the typo, if the learners made a small typo,

Duolingo will mark it wrong regardless. The learners can know the fact

their answer should have been accepted although their answer not fully


I. Review of Related Findings

There are some researchs that related to this research. The First is by Cecep

the effect of using Duolingo application to develop students’ vocabulary

knowledge. The result of the research can be seen from the post-test results that,

teaching vocabulary by using Duolingo application is appropriate to be

implemented in the class.27 The researcher also state the answer of research

question is proven that Duolingo application is effective to develop students’

vocabulary knowledge.

For the second research is by Suwandi that has purpose to know the students’

vocabulary mastery on using Duolingo game application. The implementation of

Cece Abdul Fatah, “The Effect of Using Duolingo Application to Develop Students’
Vocabulary Knowledge” (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2019), p.44.

using Duolingo game application is very useful to increase students’ vocabulary

mastery. Therefore, from the result of the data analysis above, it can be concluded

that there are some significant differences in achievement of the studens before

and after being taught by using Duolingo application.28

The third related research is by Pangkuh in his research entitled the use of

Duolingo apps to improve English vocabulary learning, he said that Duolingo is

easy to use and more interesting so it will be comfortable to be one of the media

that used in teaching in classroom. 29 The researcher result after the implementation

the Duolingo game application is increase and the student more skillful.

Among all the related findings explained above, the conclusion there are some

differences about this research to the other research. This research focusing on the

effect of the duolingo game to the vocabulary mastery precisely in the adjective,

synonym and antonym while the other research does not really concerning in the

material instead of vocabulary mastery in common. The place taken for this

research is different from the other research even though the level of the education

is the same.

J. Conceptual Framework

Suwandi, “The Effect of Duolingo Application on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTs
Darul Ilmi Batang Kuis” (UIN Sumatera Utara Medan, 2020), p.48.
Ajisoko, “The Use of Duolingo Apps of Improve Vocabulary Learning,” p.150.
Vocabulary is the knowledge that important for the students to learn word as

many as possible. By possessing vocabulary, the students are able to create

sentences and share their ideas with each other in spoken or written from.

Duolingo is an application technology that can be used to support the students

in learning vocabulary. It is an application to make new learning environment and

increase the motivation of the students. The use of Duolingo can be practiced

anytime and anywhere individually. So, the students will be easy to remember the

new word. Thus, it is important for students to know the technology to facilitate

effective learning and interesting way.

The research design is quantitative particularly experimental research which

design of experimental research is quasi experimental with use pre-test post-test

control group design. Where a pre-test will be carried out before treatment, then

after treatment a post-test will be carried out, there will be two classes that will be

tested in this study which is one control class. The experimental class will using

Duolingo game application as a treatment while the control class dose not only

have conventional strategy, then the population of this study is seventh grade of

MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan where a total of 196 students with a sampling technique

that is simple random sampling conducted by researcher, the instrument will be

this research carried out a multiple choice test, after that for data collection the

researcher gave a pre-test to two classes with the difference that in the

experimental class there was treatment with Duolingo and for the control class

only the conventional strategy then the data collected was data from pre-test scores

and post-test, then the analysis will use the t-test formula.

So, the researcher conducts a research based on the framework bellow:

Vocabulary Mastery

Students think that learning English is difficult

because they lack vocabulary and easily forget

Sometimes students are not interested in the

material provided because the traditional learning
methods deliver material to students.

Pre-test Pre-test

Class Experimental A Class Experimental B

Duolingo Conventional

Post-test Post-test

Hypothesis Test

K. Research Methodology

1. Place and Time of Research

The located of the research is in MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan Jl.T. Rizal

Nurdin No.Km. 6,5 Gg. Pendidikan, desa/kelurahan PAL IV Koling, kota

Padangsidimpuan. This research will be conducted in September until finish.

2. The Research Design

This research was about quantitative research method by using quasi

experimental with pre test-post test control group design. Quasi experimental

design was to know the cause and effect between experimental class and

control class.

Research used two classes, the first class was experimental class who

have pre-test before applying Duolingo application as tool of treatment, and

the last is post-test to know effect Duolingo application after the treatment.

The second class was for control class that have pre-test without treatment. In

order word both of them get pre-test and post-test with the instrument.

Table 1 Table of design instrument

Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Control   

Experimental  Duolingo 

3. Population and Sample

The population of this research at seventh grade of MTsN 2

Padangsidimpuan it consist of six classes, with the following details:

Table 2 Sample of research


1 VII 1 37
2 VII 2 36
3 VII 3 30
4 VII 4 32
5 VII 5 30
6 VII 6 31
Total 196

The population in this study was all students at seventh grade of MTsN 2

Padangsidimpuan. So, the total population is 196 students.

The sample is part or representative of the population studied. In this

study, the determination of the sample will carry out using simple random

sampling, from the population with the results of differences in the of

intelligence of students from low, medium and high. The sample of this

research was two classes of seventh grade of MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan. Class

VII 2 consisting of 36 students, was the experimental class which received

Duolingo application as a treatment. The second class VII 3 consisting 30

students was the controlled class which did not receive any treatments.

4. The Instrument of the Research

Research instrument is a set of tool used to collect data according to

what is needed. In this study, the instrument of this research is test. The test

used is multiple choice 40 question, in which 20 for pre-test, and 20 for post-

test by choosing an answer from 4 options to prepare the students’ vocabulary

mastery. This test gave to both group, experiment and control class. To find

out the score of the students’ answer, the researcher give one question one

score and 5 weight. So from all the item 20 score, the maximum of test is 100.

The researcher will use test as the instrument of the research. The

researcher will do two tests, they are pre-test and post-test as follow:

a. Pre-test

The test is will be given by a series exercises that use for measuring

the students’ ability of English vocabulary. The pre-test will be

submitted before doing a treatment. The aim of pre-test is for

detecting how far the students ability in comprehending the lesson.

The type of the test is multiple choices. It is 20 items that are

appropriate with the students’ level. There are four topics in this test;

greeting, to be and pronoun, family, and occupation. Greetings are in

the test item number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. To be and pronoun are in test

item number 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Family is in test item number 11, 12,

13, 14 and 15. Occupations are in test item number 16, 17, 18, 19 and


b. Post-test

The post test is the test that will be given after treatment. It is used for

measuring students’ ability and to know whether there is any

improvement after doing the treatment. The result of the post test will

be used to answer the research question in this research. The type of

the test is same with pre-test, including difficult degree and the

number of test. There are four topics in this test; greeting, to be and

pronoun, family, and occupation. Greetings are in the test item number

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. To be and pronoun are in test item number 6, 7, 8, 9

and 10. Family are in test item number 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Occupation are in test item number 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

Table 3 The topics vocabulary mastery test Pre-test and post-test

Number of Number of Total

No Topics items for items for Score Weight score
pre-test post-test
1 Greetings 1,2,3,4 and 1,2,3,4and5 5 5 25
2 To be and 6,7,8,9 and 6,7,8,9and10
pronoun 10 5 5 25
3 Family 11,12,13,14 11,12,13,14
and 15 and 15 5 5 25
4 Occupations 16,17,18,19 16,17,18,19
and 20 and 20 5 5 25
Total 100

5. Technique of Collecting Data

The next step is collecting the data. The function of data collecting is

determined the result of the research. In collecting data the researcher use

some steps. They are:

a. Pre test

The pre-test was administered to the experimental and control classes

to find out the student's previous vocabulary knowledge.

The rule of pre-test

1) The researcher preparing the test

2) The researcher distribute the test paper to both class; experiment

and control class.

3) The researcher explain what students need to do.

4) The researcher giving the time for do the test.

5) The researcher answering the questions.

6) The researcher collecting the test.

7) Then, The researcher checking the score.

b. Treatment

After conducting pre-test, the researcher give a treatment to students

who are in the experimental class. Experiment class treat through using

Duolingo game application. While the control class using the conventional

way. The researcher has some procedure in treat the class.

c. Post test

At the end of this meeting the researcher was conducted post-test to

the experimental class and the control class. This test is used to know

students’ achievement after the student receives treatment. This goal is to

realize the Duolingo application affect students' vocabulary knowledge.

There are some procedure for give the test, are:

1) The researcher prepare the test to the students

2) The researcher distribute the test paper to both class; experiment

and control class.

3) The researcher explain what students need to do.

4) The researcher giving the time to the students to answer the


5) The researcher collecting the test.

6) The researcher check the answer of the students and counts the

students’ score.

6. The Validity and Reliability Instrument

a. Validity

The researcher used multiple choice test to test students vocabulary

mastery. To get the test became valid so the researcher will apply

construct validity. To get the validity of an achievement test can be

used to ways. So, the researcher does the valid test with give the test in
another class in VII 4 MTsN 2 Padangsidimpuan and by using t-test

moment to valid the test.

1) Item Validity

In this research, the researcher use item validity to get

the validity is the most important characteristic a test or

measure instrument can process. To know the validity of the

each question will be refer to list r biserial with r t in 5%

significant: 0, 361 and 1% significant: 0, 463. So, if r account >r

table the test is classify valid.

To get the validity of the test, the formula can be use as


M p−M t p
r pbi =
SD t q

rpbi : number of index correlation point biserial
Mp : re-average of the score of the student answer correctly
Mt : re-average of the total score that achieved success by
number of the text
SDt : Standard Deviation of the total score
p : proportion of the students answer correctly
total of the student answer correctly
total of the student
q : proportion of the incorrect answer student

b. Reliability

An instrument of the research must be reliable. To get the

reliability of the test, Sudjiono state that K-R 20 is use to obtain the

reliability of the test, researcher can use the formulation K-20


s t − ∑ pi q i
r i=
( k −1 ) s t2

In which:
ri : Instrument reliability coefficient
k : Number of item in the instrument
pi : Proportion of the number of subject who answered on item 1
qi : 1 - pi
st : Total variance

7. Technique of Analyzing Data

a. Requirement Test

1) Normality test

The function of normality test is to know whether the data of

research is normal or not. In this research, the researcher use normality

test with using Chi-Quadrate formula, as follow:

x =∑
( f 0−f h
fh )

x2 = Chi-Quadrate
f0 = Frequency is get from the sample/result of observation.
fh = Frequency is get from the sample as image from frequency is
hope from the population.

To calculate the result of Chi-Quadrate, it is use sidnificant

level 5% (0,05) and degree of freedom as big as total of totak

frequency is lessen 3 (dk = k-3). If result. So, ti can be conclude that

data is distribute normal.

2) Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test is use to know whether control class and

experimental class have the same variant or not. If both class are same,

it can be call homogenous. To find the homogeneity, the researcher use

Harley test. The formula is follow:



Hypothesis is accept if F (count) > F (table)

Hypothesis is reject if F (count) < F (table)

Hypothesis is reject if F a ≤ F ( n1 −1 )( 1=n2−1 ), while if F

(count) > F (table) hypothesis is accept. It determine with

significant level 5% (0.05) and dk numerator is (n 1-1), while dk

dominators is (n2-1).

b. Hypotesis Test

The hypothesis is analyzed using repeated measures T-Test of

statistical package for social science (SPSS). The researcher used the level

of significance 0.05 in which the hypothesis is approved in sign < p. It

means that the probability of error in the hypothesis was only 5%.

L. Outline of the Research

This thesis divided into five chapters, each chapter consists of some sub

chapters with details as follow ;

Chapter I is about introduction of the research, consists of background of

the problem, objective of the problem, significances of the research, definition of

operational variables, and outline of the thesis. Chapter II is about theoretical

description, contained with some sub chapter, about Duolingo game application,

vocabulary mastery, review of related findings, conceptual framework, and


Chapter III is about research methodology, consists of some sub chapter,

place and time schedule of the research, research design, population and sample,

instrument of the research, validity and reliability of instrument, technique of

data collection, and technique of data analysis. Chapter IV is about the result and

discussion of the research. Chapter V is about the conclusion and suggestion.


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