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Bulletin on the effectiveness
of health service interventions
Health Care
for decision makers

Acute and chronic

This bulletin summarises
the research evidence
low back pain
on the effectiveness of
■ Low back pain is very ■ Muscle relaxants
the most common
common in developed (benzodiazepines) are
conservative (non- countries, especially in adults effective at reducing pain for
surgical) treatments for of working age. The costs of patients with acute low back
acute and chronic low back pain to society are pain but can have harmful
back pain. huge. In 1998, the direct side-effects. Different
health care costs of back pain benzodiazepines appeared to
in the UK were estimated at be similarly effective.
■ There is strong evidence that
■ For acute low back pain,
exercise therapy may help
advice to continue ordinary
chronic low back pain
activity can give equivalent or
patients return to normal
faster symptomatic recovery
daily activities and work.
from the acute attack and
lead to less chronic disability
and less time off work. Bed ■ Multidisciplinary treatment
rest should not be programmes, involving
recommended as a treatment components such as
for acute low back pain. education, active exercise
programmes, behavioural
■ Non-steroidal anti- treatment, relaxation
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exercises, and work-place
are effective for short-term visits, can improve long-term
symptomatic relief in patients outcomes for pain, functional
with acute low back pain. status and sick leave
Several types of NSAIDs compared with other
appear similarly effective, but treatments for chronic low
can have harmful side-effects. back pain.


A. Background There are a number of conservative
(i.e. non-surgical) pharmacological
studies published before 1990
appeared to be of good quality,
Low back pain is very common in and non-pharmacological treatments compared to 58% of studies
developed countries, especially in of acute and chronic low back pain. published in or after 1990. Van
adults of working age. Low back pain The principal aims of these Tulder et al. suggest that the reason
is characterised by a range of treatments are usually to reduce more recent RCTs are of higher
symptoms which include pain, pain, teach patients strategies on quality, may in part be the fact that
muscle tension or stiffness, and is how to cope with the pain they many systematic reviews have been
localised between the shoulder experience and improve patients’ published in the past decade, in
blades and the folds of the buttocks, daily functioning including return to which the methodological
with or without spreading to the legs work. This issue of Effective Health shortcomings of earlier RCTs on low
(sciatica). Low back pain is Care summarises the research back pain are comprehensively
commonly categorised into acute, evidence on the effectiveness of the discussed. For a more detailed
sub-acute and chronic. Acute low most common conservative (non- discussion of the methodological
back pain is usually defined by a surgical) treatments for acute and quality of RCTs in each area, the
period of complaint of six weeks or chronic low back pain. reader is referred to the original
shorter, sub-acute low back pain as a reviews.
period between six and twelve weeks
B. Nature of
and chronic low back pain as a
C. Acute low
period of complaint longer than
the evidence
twelve weeks.1 Low back pain is
often self-limiting so may resolve Most of the information summarised
back pain
with or without treatment.2 in this bulletin has been extracted C.1 Advice to stay active
from systematic reviews undertaken A systematic review of advice to stay
In 1998, a national survey reported by the Cochrane Back Group. For a
that 40% of adults said they had active found eight RCTs (n= 1784) of
more detailed discussion of each which six were of good quality.18 The
suffered from back pain lasting more area, the reader is referred to the
than one day in the previous 12 advice to stay active was compared
original reviews which are regularly as a single treatment or in
months, the same level as reported updated in the Cochrane Library.13
in 1996.3 The survey also reported combination with other
Additional information has been interventions, such as back schools
that 15% of back pain sufferers said taken from three recent overviews of
they were in pain throughout the (a gradually increasing programme
systematic reviews, undertaken by of activity and behaviour therapy).
year, and that nearly 40% of back reviewers from the Cochrane Back
pain sufferers consulted a GP for All eight RCTs showed positive
Group, of the most common results. Advice to stay active made
help; 10% visited a practitioner of interventions for acute and chronic
complementary medicine no difference to pain or to initial
low back pain.14-16 recovery but increased patient
(osteopaths, chiropractors and
acupuncturists).3 The costs of back satisfaction. Three RCTs showed that
Reviewers from the Cochrane Back
pain to society are huge, and for the advice to stay active led to a faster
Group report that approximately
UK, the NHS expenditure has return to work; one showed no
two-thirds of the randomised
previously been estimated to be significant difference. Chronic
controlled trials (RCTs) which were
between £265million and disability (three RCTs) and
included in the various reviews, were
£383million per annum.4 It has healthcare use for back pain in the
small and of mediocre or poor
recently been reported that the next year (one RCT) were reduced.
methodological quality.17
direct health care cost of back pain Three RCTs showed that time off
Pharmacological RCTs were in
in 1998 was £1632million, of which work in the next year was reduced.
general of better quality than the
approximately 35% relates to Two RCTs that compared advice to
RCTs of non-pharmacological
services provided in the private stay active with bed rest were both
treatments. Van Tulder et al. report
sector.5 The scale of the problem has of high quality and showed that
that the most common
led the Faculty of Occupational ordinary activity produced faster
methodological shortcomings of
Medicine to publish guidelines for recovery. There was no evidence
included RCTs were an inadequate
the management of low back pain at that early activity had any harmful
randomisation procedure, the lack of
work.6-8 The Royal College of General effects or led to more recurrences. A
blinding of patients, therapists and
Practitioners has also produced Cochrane review is currently being
outcome measurements, and an
guidelines for the management of prepared.19
inadequate description of drop-outs.17
acute low back pain.9 The Swedish
Council on Technology Assessment Van Tulder et al. also report a clear C.2 Exercise therapy
in Health Care has recently trend that methodological quality of A systematic review has found
published a review dealing with RCTs published after 1990 was strong evidence that exercise
back and neck pain.10 The impact of considerably higher than earlier therapy is not effective for the
psychosocial factors in low back pain RCTs.17 As an example the authors treatment of acute low back pain.20
has been the subject of two recent highlight the Cochrane Review on Eight RCTs (n=1149) compared
reviews of the literature.11,12 exercise therapy where only 13% of exercise therapy with other

2 EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain NOVEMBER 2000
conservative treatments (standard resulted in worse outcomes in pain, compared manipulation with some
treatment by GP, manipulation, back functional status, recovery and sick kind of placebo therapy (detuned
schools and NSAIDs). Only one RCT leave. Bed rest appeared to be no shortwave diathermy or sham
reported better outcomes for the more or less effective than no manipulation) and found
exercise therapy group on primary treatment or a type of placebo contradictory results on pain
outcomes, i.e. pain and return to treatment. Two good quality RCTs reduction.
work, compared to a mini back found no significant differences
school. Two RCTs reported better between seven days and two to three Manipulation can provide short-term
recovery and more improvement in days of bed rest in patients with low improvement in pain and activity
spinal flexion with manipulation back pain of different duration with levels and higher patient satisfaction.
than with exercise. The other five and without radiating pain. The optimum timing for this
RCTs did not find significant intervention is unclear. The risks of
differences on pain intensity, Overall, the review suggests that, at manipulation are very low if carried
functional status or overall best, bed rest as compared with out by people competent in
improvement between exercise and advice to stay active will have small manipulation. A Cochrane review
other active treatments. Four RCTs positive effects, and at worst might updating spinal manipulation for low
(n=888) compared exercise therapy have small harmful effects on acute back pain is currently being
with some type of inactive treatment low back pain. prepared.25
(bed rest, placebo ultrasound/
shortwave diathermy, patient C.5 Spinal manipulation C.6 Traction
information). Two of the RCTs A systematic review of 36 RCTs A systematic review including 17
reported no differences in pain or assessed the efficacy of spinal RCTs found inconclusive evidence
functional status, whilst one other manipulation for patients with low that traction is an effective therapy
RCT reported better outcomes for back pain.24 Manipulations included: for back and neck pain.26 Included in
the control group. osteopathic, chiropractic, rotational, the review were two poor quality
Cyriax, Kaltenborn, Lewitt, Janda, RCTs (total n=225) in which traction
There was also evidence that specific Stoddard and Maitland. Twelve RCTs was compared with a corset and
exercises for back complaints are not (n=899) compared spinal infra-red therapy. One RCT found
useful in the treatment of acute low manipulation with other treatment more overall improvement after one
back pain. These include flexion, modalities in acute low back pain. and three weeks, but the other RCT
extension, aerobic and muscle Comparison treatments included found no difference in overall
relaxing exercises.14 Studies are in exercises, massage, back school, improvement after two weeks. Side-
progress into the effectiveness of the analgesics, shortwave diathermy and effects were not reported in the
strengthening of specific abdominal NSAIDs. Contradictory results were trials.
muscles (transversus abdominus and reported with five RCTs reporting
multifidus). One small trial (n=39) on positive effects, four RCTs reporting C.7 Non-steroidal anti-
a subgroup of patients with acute, negative effects and three RCTs
first-episode, unilateral low back
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
reporting positive effects in sub- A systematic review including 51
pain and unilateral, segmental groups. Five studies (n=383), of RCTs (total n=6057) suggests that
inhibition of the multifidus muscle which one was of good quality, NSAIDs are effective for short-term
has been carried out.21

C.3 Multi disciplinary treatment Box 1 Summary of the effectiveness of conservative treatments for acute low back pain
programmes (adapted from Van Tulder et al. 2000)14
Two poor quality RCTs were Evidence for Advice to stay active
included in a review examining the effectiveness NSAIDs *
effectiveness of multidisciplinary Muscle relaxants*
rehabilitation for sub-acute low back Analgesics*
pain (pain that lasted for more than Unclear effectiveness Acupuncture
four weeks but less than three (no, limited or contradictory Back schools
months).22 The review found that evidence for effectiveness) Behavioural treatments
there was limited evidence of a Colchicine
positive effect and that Electro myographic biofeedback
multidisciplinary rehabilitation that Epidural steroid injections*
Facet joint injections
included workplace visits led to a
Ligamental injections
faster return to work.
Lumbar supports
Multidisciplinary programmes
C.4 Bed rest Physical treatments
A systematic review found nine Spinal manipulation
RCTs (n=1435) comparing bed rest Traction
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
with other treatments, like exercise
‘Trigger point’ injections
therapy, physiotherapy,
manipulation and NSAIDs.23 Either Evidence for Bedrest
no difference was found, or bedrest ineffectiveness Exercise therapy
*Please see text for a discussion of the side-effects of these medications.

2000 NOVEMBER EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain 3
symptomatic relief in patients with Because there are no important C.11 Epidural steroid injections
acute low back pain.27 Several types differences in efficacy between the A systematic review of 15 RCTs
of NSAIDs appeared similarly different types of NSAIDs, Henry et evaluating the effects of epidural
effective. In the nine RCTs (total al. recommended the use of the steroid injections included two RCTs
n=1135) comparing NSAIDs with lowest effective doses of drugs that assessing their effectiveness for
placebo, NSAIDs increased the seem to be associated with a acute low back pain.30 One RCT (n =
number of patients who improved comparatively low risk of serious 57) compared epidural steroid
(pooled OR after 1 week was 2.00; gastrointestinal complication.28 injections with subcutaneous
95% CI: 1.35, 3.00) and reduced the lidocaine injections in patients with
additional use of analgesics (pooled C.8 Analgesics lumbar radicular syndrome. This
OR: 0.64; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.91). The The recent overview of reviews RCT found no differences after one
review also found that there is found six RCTs (n=329), of which month, but more pain-free patients
conflicting evidence as to whether three compared the effectiveness of in the corticosteroid group after
NSAIDs are more effective than analgesics with NSAIDs.14 three months. The other RCT (n=63)
paracetamol, and that there is Paracetamol appeared as effective as compared epidural steroid injections
moderate evidence that NSAIDs are meptazinol and diflunisal in terms of with epidural saline, epidural
not more effective than other drugs. pain reduction, but less effective bupivacaine and ‘dry needling’
No difference was found in pain and than mefenamic-acid. Aspirin was punctures and found no difference
overall improvement between found to be equally as effective as in the number of improved or
NSAIDs and muscle relaxants and indomethacin and phenylbutazone. recovered patients. No major
opiates, and no differences were The studies mentioned side-effects complications were reported in the
found in pain and mobility between of analgesics (constipation and RCTs presented in the review, but
NSAIDs and physiotherapy or drowsiness) in approximately 50% of the authors do state that some
manipulation. patients. Another systematic review serious side-effects have been
has shown that the addition of reported (epidural abcesses, bacterial
Side-effects of NSAIDs (in particular meningitis, intraocular
codeine to analgesics increases such
with high dosage and/or use in the haemorrhage).30
side-effects.29 No RCTs were found in
elderly) can be serious. In the RCTs
which analgesics were compared to
presented in the review, side-effects
placebo for acute low back pain. C.12 Unknown effectiveness
were also frequently reported,
Insufficient evidence of effectiveness
including abdominal pain, diarrhoea,
C.9 Muscle relaxants was found for several interventions.14
oedema, dry mouth, rash, dizziness,
(benzodiazepines) No RCTs were found for
headache, tiredness etc.27 Most side-
Of the 14 RCTs (total n = 1160) acupuncture, anti-depressants,
effects were considered to be mild to
found by Van Tulder et al. nine RCTs electro-myographic biofeedback,
moderately severe according to the
(n=762) compared a muscle relaxant facet joint injections, ‘trigger point’
authors of the studies. However, the
(tizanidine, cyclobenzaprine, injections, ligamental injections, or
sample sizes of most of the studies
dantrolene, carisoprodol, baclofen, lumbar supports. Interventions for
were relatively small and, therefore,
orfenadrine and diazepam) with which only one RCT was found were
the authors state that no clear
placebo.14 Seven of the RCTs showed physical treatments (e.g. ice, massage
conclusion can be drawn from these
that muscle relaxants were effective etc), behavioural treatments, and
studies regarding the risks for
with a significant reduction in pain, colchicine.
gastrointestinal and other side-
effects of NSAIDs.27 Although muscle tension and increased
statistical pooling of all side-effects mobility after one and two weeks.
of NSAIDs compared to placebo for The different medications appeared
acute low back pain showed an to be similarly effective. However,
the side-effects, especially
D. Chronic low
increased RR, more sophisticated
analyses of the risks of upper and dependence and risk of falls for the
elderly, can be serious.9
back pain
lower gastrointestinal side-effects
and central nervous system side- D.1 Behavioural treatments
effects separately are needed. C.10 Transcutaneous electrical A systematic review, in which
nerve stimulation (TENS) various types of behaviour therapies
Henry et al. reported the results of a Two RCTs (n=98) examining the were compared (cognitive, operant
meta-analysis of controlled effectiveness of TENS were identified and respondent treatments), found
epidemiological studies on the by the recent overview of reviews.14 that behavioural treatment has a
relative risks of serious One RCT comparing TENS to a moderate positive effect.31 Results
gastrointestinal complications due to rehabilitation programme found no from the 20 RCTs included in the
NSAIDs.28 The authors concluded differences in pain or functional review showed that behavioural
that ibuprofen was associated with status. The other RCT reported a treatment has a positive effect on
the lowest relative risk of serious significant improvements at six pain intensity, general functional
gastrointestinal complications. weeks in pain and mobility for TENS status, and behavioural outcomes
However, this was mainly when compared to paracetamol. No when compared to waiting list
attributable to the low doses of information on adverse effects was controls or no treatment, although
ibuprofen used in clinical practice. reported. the effects were only moderate or

4 EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain NOVEMBER 2000
small. The review also reported outcomes with exercise therapy for other treatments (like physiotherapy
conflicting evidence on the sick leave, pain intensity and and group training).
effectiveness of behavioural functional status. Six RCTs (n=587)
treatment compared to other compared exercise therapy with an D.5 Spinal manipulation
conservative treatments. It was ’inactive’ treatment (like hot-packs Four RCTs (n=514) comparing
unclear what type of patients benefit and rest, placebo, waiting list controls) manipulation with placebo, and
most from what type of behavioural and reported conflicting results for eight studies (n=545) comparing
treatment. pain, functional status and overall manipulation with other
improvement. Three small, less good conservative treatments (for instance
D.2 Multidisciplinary treatment quality RCTs (n=153) compared standard treatment by the GP,
programmes extension with flexion exercises and exercise therapy, back schooling,
Van Tulder et al. identified ten RCTs found contradictory results. medication, ultrasound treatment)
(n=1691) assessing multidisciplinary were found.15 The results of these
treatment programmes, of which A recent trial (n=187), yet to be RCTs were contradictory for pain,
four were of good quality.15 included in the Cochrane review, functional status and overall
Multidisciplinary treatment compared a progressive exercise improvement. A Cochrane review is
programmes aim to improve programme with usual primary care currently being prepared.25
function and help patients to cope management for patients with low
with their symptoms. They involve back pain.32 Participants were aged D.6 Traction
several different health professionals 18-60 years with mechanical low Two RCTs (total n=176) were found
and mainly consist of intensive back pain of four weeks to six in which traction was compared with
physical and psychosocial months’ duration. This appears to be placebo-traction of a maximum of
programmes which include a heterogenous group and the 25% of body weight.15 Both RCTs
education, active exercise findings should therefore be found no differences in overall
programmes, behavioural treatment, interpreted with caution. The improvement, pain and functional
relaxation exercises, and work-place exercise programme, led by a status after five and nine weeks. The
visits. The RCTs provided strong physiotherapist in the community authors concluded that traction is not
evidence that up to one year after and based on cognitive-behavioural effective for chronic low back pain.
treatment, multidisciplinary principles did not seem to influence
treatment programmes had better the intensity of pain but did affect D.7 Lumbar supports
results on pain, functional status and the participants’ ability to cope with In a systematic review of 11 RCTs
sick leave than other conservative the pain in the short term and even and two non-randomised controlled
treatments. The duration of more so in the longer term. trials, there was no clear evidence
multidisciplinary treatment that lumbar supports were better
programmes was mostly three weeks D.4 Back schools than other interventions for chronic
and they were given to groups of 10 Nine RCTs were included in a low back pain. Most studies included
to 12 patients. systematic review assessing back participants with both chronic and
schools for chronic back pain.33 acute low back pain. Only one small
D.3 Exercise therapy A back school was defined as RCT (n=19) assessed the use of
A systematic review of exercise consisting of an education and skills lumbar supports and corsets for
therapy for low back pain concluded programme, including exercises in chronic low back pain.34 The RCT
that exercises may help chronic low which all lessons are given to groups found that patients wearing a
back pain patients return to normal of patients and supervised by a lumbar support with a rigid insert
daily activities and work.20 All types paramedical therapist or medical showed significantly more global
of exercises subscribed or performed specialist. Five RCTs (total n=861) improvement (measured
in the treatment of low back pain compared back schooling with subjectively) than patients without
(specific back exercises, abdominal, exercise therapy, manipulation, the rigid insert.
flexion, extension, static, dynamic, NSAIDs and physiotherapy and
strengthening, stretching or aerobic found that back schools were more D.8 Transcutaneous electrical
exercises) were included. Additional effective with respect to pain nerve stimulation (TENS)
treatment modalities, such as reduction and functional Van Tulder et al. report
ultrasound or shortwave diathermy improvement in the short term (up to contradictory evidence from four
were allowed. Nine RCTs (n=1105) six months). However, no differences RCTs (n=253) with regard to the
compared exercise therapy with were found at one year. Six RCTs effectiveness of TENS in the
other conservative treatments (total n=425) comparing back treatment of chronic low back pain.15
(standard treatment by the GP, schools with no treatment, waiting One RCT (n=42) found greater pain
conventional physiotherapy, back list controls or placebo ultrasound reduction with TENS after one week,
schooling or behaviour therapy). The treatment, found contradictory but not after three and six months,
three RCTs in which exercise therapy effects with respect to pain, and one other RCT with a cross-over
was compared to conventional functioning and sick-leave. Finally, design (n=33) found slight overall
physiotherapy found no differences, five RCTs (total n=880) found that improvement with TENS. The
but the three RCTs in which exercise back schools in occupational settings remaining two RCTs (n=178) found
therapy was compared to ‘usual were more effective than no no differences in pain, functional
treatment’ by the GP found better treatment, but not in comparison to status and mobility.

2000 NOVEMBER EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain 5
D.9 Acupuncture corticosteroid had complete relief of D.14 NSAIDs
A systematic review of 11 RCTs pain after three months compared to A systematic review identified four
(n=542) assessed the effects of 20% in the lidocaine group. The RCTs assessing the effectiveness of
acupuncture for the treatment of other RCT (n=81) compared NSAIDs for chronic low back pain.27
non-specific low back pain.35 Some ligamental dextrose-glycerine-phenol All four of the RCTs included
of the study populations contained injections with saline. The decrease different comparisons of NSAIDs
people with acute or unspecified low in pain and improvement in (naproxen vs. diflunisal vs. placebo;
back pain. Three RCTs compared functional status was larger with diflunisal vs. placebo; diclofenac vs.
acupuncture to no treatment, which phenol than with saline at one, three chiropractic manipulation vs.
were of low methodological quality and six months. physiotherapy; and piroxicam vs.
and provided conflicting evidence. indomethacin) and found no
Two RCTs found that acupuncture is D.12 Facet joint injections difference. One RCT (n=30) reported
not more effective than trigger point Van Tulder et al. identified two RCTs that NSAIDs were more effective
injection or TENS. Eight RCTs (n=206) comparing intra-articular than paracetamol, another (n=37)
compared acupuncture to a placebo corticosteroid injections with intra- found that diflunisal was more
or sham acupuncture. Of the two articular saline.15 Both RCTs found effective than placebo. For
RCTs of higher methodological no differences in pain, functional discussion of side-effects, see the
quality, one was neutral and one was status, and flexibility after one, three section on acute back pain.
positive although the positive one and six months. One other RCT
noted that the control group seemed (n=86) compared facet-joint- D.15 Antidepressants
to have more severe complaints at injections with facet-nerve-inhibitors A systematic review of nine RCTs
baseline. Five of the six remaining and found no differences in pain assessed the effectiveness of
lower quality RCTs indicated that reduction after two weeks, one antidepressants for chronic low back
acupuncture was not more effective month and three months. pain.36 Seven RCTs comparing
than placebo or sham acupuncture, various antidepressants with placebo
and in one study the overall showed that there was conflicting
D.13 Epidural steroid injections
conclusion was ‘unclear’. evidence that antidepressants were
A systematic review identified 15
RCTs evaluating the effects of more effective in relieving pain, and
D.10 Electromyographic epidural steroid injections.30 Of the there was strong evidence that
biofeedback seven RCTs of epidural antidepressants do not reduce
Five small RCTs (n=168) were found corticosteroid injection (n=216) for depression in patients with chronic
by Van Tulder et al. assessing the chronic low back pain, three used low back pain.
effectiveness of electromyographic epidural saline for comparison, and
biofeedback, where patients learn to the other four RCTs used epidural D.16 Unknown effectiveness
control the tension in their muscles bupivacaine, procaine, midazolam or Insufficient evidence of effectiveness
by receiving feedback on the lidocaine and morphine respectively. was found for the following
electrical activity of their muscles.15 The RCTs found contradictory interventions.15 No RCTs were found
Three of the RCTs found no results on pain reduction. for colchicine, advice to stay active,
difference between
electromyographic biofeedback and
placebo or waiting list controls with Box 2 Summary of the effectiveness of conservative treatments for chronic low back pain
respect to pain and functional status. (adapted from Van Tulder et al. 2000)15
Two studies (n=30) compared
Evidence for Back schools
biofeedback with progressive
effectiveness Behavioural treatments
relaxation training and found Exercise therapy
contradictory results for pain and Multidisciplinary programmes
functional status. NSAIDs *
Unclear effectiveness Advice to stay active
D.11 Trigger-point and (no, limited or contradictory Analgesics
ligamental injections evidence for effectiveness) Antidepressants
Limited evidence was found Bedrest
suggesting that a combination of Colchicine
Epidural steroid injections
corticosteroid injections and local
Ligamental injections
anaesthetic injections in trigger Lumbar supports
points and phenol-injections in Muscle relaxants
lumbar ligaments were effective in Physical treatments
chronic low back pain.15 One RCT Spinal manipulation
(n=57) compared ‘trigger-point’ Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
injections with methyl-prednisolone ‘Trigger point’ injections
plus lidocaine versus triamcinolone Evidence for Acupuncture
plus lidocaine versus lidocaine alone. ineffectiveness Electro myographic biofeedback
60-80% of patients with a Facet joint injections
combination of lidocaine and Traction
*Please see text for a discussion of the side-effects of these medications.

6 EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain NOVEMBER 2000
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are effective at reducing pain for 14. Tulder M, van, Koes B, Assendelft W, et al. 30. Koes B, Scholten R, Mens J, et al. Epidural
patients with acute low back pain Acute low back pain: activity, NSAID’s steroid injections for low back pain and
and muscle relaxants effective; bedrest sciatica: an updated systematic review of
but can have harmful side-effects. and targeted exercise not effective; results randomised controlled trials. In: Tulder M,
Different benzodiazepines appear of systematic reviews. Ned Tijdschr van, Koes B, Assendelft W, et al., editors.
Geneeskd 2000;144:1484-9. The effectiveness of conservative treatment
to be similarly effective. of acute and chronic low back pain.
15. Tulder M, van, Koes B, Assendelft W, et al. Amsterdam: EMGO Institute, 1999:320-40.
Chronic low back pain: exercise therapy,
• There is strong evidence that multidisciplinary programms, NSAID’s 31. Tulder M, van, Ostelo R, Vlaeyen J, et al.
exercise therapy may help chronic back schools and behavioural therapy Behavioural treatment for chronic low
effective; traction not effective; results of back pain (Cochrane Review). The
low back pain patients return to systematic reviews. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd Cochrane Library. Oxford: Update
normal daily activities and work. 2000;144:1489-94. Software, 2000.
16. Tulder M, van, Koes BW. Low back pain 32. Klaber Moffett J, Torgerson D, Bell Syer S,
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Evidence. London: BMJ Publishing Group, exercise for low back pain: clinical
programmes, involving components ACP, ASIM, 2000:614-631. outcomes, costs, and preferences. BMJ
such as education, active exercise 1999;319:279-83.
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2. Evans G, Richards S. Low back pain: an 20. Tulder M, van, Malmivaara A, Esmail R, et effectiveness of conservative treatment of
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2000 NOVEMBER EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain 7
Acknowledgements ■ Bart Koes, Erasmus University
Effective Health Care would like to
■ Dee Kyle, Bradford HA
acknowledge the helpful assistance
Health Care of the following who commented on ■ Aileen McIntosh, University of
the text: Sheffield

■ Willem Assendelft, Dutch ■ Judy Mead, Chartered Society of

This bulletin is based on systematic Cochrane Centre Physiotherapy
reviews from the Cochrane Back
■ Mark Baker, North Yorkshire HA ■ Jennifer Klaber Moffett, University
Group. Additional information has
of Hull
been taken from three recent ■ Olivia Carlton, Department of
overviews of systematic reviews, Health ■ Colin Pollock, Wakefield HA
undertaken by reviewers from the ■ Jane Reeback, National Back Pain
■ Alison Evans, University of Leeds
Cochrane Back Group: Association
■ Gene Feder, St Bart’s and Royal
Maurits van Tulder, Bart Koes, London Medical and Dental ■ Stephen Singleton,
Willem Assendelft, Lex Bouter. School Northumberland HA

The bulletin was written and ■ Philip Helliwell, Bradford Royal ■ Maurits van Tulder, EMGO
produced by staff at the NHS Centre Infirmary Institute, Amsterdam
for Reviews and Dissemination, ■ Allen Hutchinson, University of ■ Gordon Waddell, Glasgow
University of York. Sheffield Nuffield Hospital

The Effective Health Care bulletins are Effective Health Care Bulletins
based on systematic review and Vol. 2 2. The prevention and treatment Vol. 5
of obesity
synthesis of research on the clinical 1. The prevention and treatment 3. Mental health promotion in
1. Getting evidence into
of pressure sores practice
effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and high risk groups
2. Dental restoration: what type
2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia 4. Compression therapy for
acceptability of health service 3. Management of cataract venous leg ulcers
of filling?
4. Preventing falls and 3. Management of
interventions. This is carried out 5. Management of stable angina
gynaeological cancers
subsequent injury 6. The management of
by a research team using established in older people colorectal cancer
4. Complications of diabetes I
5. Preventing unintentional 5. Preventing the uptake of
methodological guidelines, with Vol. 4 smoking in young people
injuries in children and
advice from expert consultants for young adolescents 1. Cholesterol and CHD: 6. Drug treatment for
6. The management of breast screening and treatment schizophrenia.
each topic. Great care is taken
cancer 2. Pre-school hearing, speech, Vol. 6
to ensure that the work, and 7. Total hip replacement language and vision screening
1. Complications of diabetes II
the conclusions reached, fairly 8. Hospital volume and health 3. Management of lung cancer
care outcomes, costs and 4. Cardiac rehabilitation 2. Promoting the initiation of
and accurately summarise the patient access 5. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in breast feeding
colorectal surgery 3. Psychosocial interventions for
research findings. The University of Vol. 3 schizophrenia
6. Deliberate self-harm
York accepts no responsibility for any 1. Preventing and reducing the 4. Management of upper
consequent damage arising from the adverse effects of unintended gastro-intestinal cancer
teenage pregnancies
use of Effective Health Care.
Full text of previous bulletins available on our web site:

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The contents of this bulletin are likely to be valid for around one year, by which time significant new research evidence may have become available.

8 EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE Acute and chronic low back pain NOVEMBER 2000

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