Book Reading Group Rev A

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Books & Bottles

Nomads Reading Group

Canggu / Pererenan area

🗓 Date : Tuesday 25 April

🕖 Time: 1:00 PM

📍First meeting point :

Duration: 2 hours

💸Restaurant fee: 150k plus tax per person for 5 wines. Yes there is food available from the regular
menu at an additional cost. Each person pays their individual fee to the restaurant.

📞 RSVP via WhatsApp host link. This is a members only event, and because of restaurant
arrangements, showing up without a reservation is not allowed. Total participants for this first event
is 6, and that number may be adjusted for future meetups after we get our footing.

What to bring:

-One book that you truly love, in hard-copy or on tablet format.

The plan for this group is to get together and share our favourite books with each other (and maybe
get a little wine education from the establishment we are visiting).

In a traditional “book club” everyone reads the same book at the same time, but coming up with a
bunch of identical copies here is tough to do. Instead, lets share the books we carry with us, or
recent finds, with each other. The plan is to read a random passage from each book out loud (the
wine should help with this) and discuss before going onto the next one.

The plan is to try this either every other week, or once a month, on Tuesday at 1pm, and try a series
of establishments as we go along. One week it might be wine along the ricefields, another it might
be cocktails in a beach bar, a third might be craft beer or Saki, or Arak. Trying to avoid all the other
local events I've initially picked a mid-day time when less is going on, but that might change
depending on group dynamics.

1) Of course things can happen, but if we're reserving this with an establishment they are going
to be unhappy if half the people don't show up.
2) Everyone needs to be a participant and be willing to share.
3) Respect.

*I don't receive any benefits from this event: Be kind, nobody is doing this for a living. I do not
work for anyone in Indonesia, but I do like books... how about you?

Tom R.

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