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Transitive Dependency

Transitive Dependency: In the context of databases, a transitive dependency

occurs when the value of one attribute in a table depends on another attribute
through a chain of dependencies. For example, if attribute A determines
attribute B, and attribute B determines attribute C, then attribute A indirectly
determines attribute C. This is known as a transitive dependency. Transitive
dependencies can lead to data redundancy and can be eliminated through
normalization techniques.

Functional Dependency
Functional Dependency: Functional dependency refers to the relationship
between attributes in a database table. It specifies that the value of one or more
attributes determines the value of another attribute. In other words, if attribute A
determines attribute B, we say that B is functionally dependent on A. Functional
dependencies are used to ensure data integrity and eliminate data redundancy in
database design.

Referential integrity
Referential integrity: in DBMS refers to the consistency of data relationships
between tables. It ensures that foreign keys in one table match the primary keys
they reference in another table. In Java, you can use frameworks like Hibernate
or plain JDBC to enforce referential integrity rules when interacting with a
DBMS. However, the actual enforcement is typically handled by the DBMS

Session management
Session management in advanced Java programming involves creating and
tracking sessions for users in a web application. A session is created when a
user visits the application, and a unique session ID is assigned. During the
session, data can be stored and retrieved as session attributes. Sessions can
expire after a period of inactivity or based on a set time limit. Sessions can be
explicitly invalidated when a user logs out or when the session is no longer
needed. Advanced Java programming provides additional features like session
listeners and session clustering for scalability. Session management is important
as it maintains user state and allows for personalized experiences in web

Session management in advanced Java programming typically involves the

following steps:
1. Session Creation: When a user visits a web application, a session is
created to track their interactions. In advanced Java programming, the
HttpSession interface from the javax.servlet.http package is commonly
used to create and manage sessions.
2. Session Tracking: Once a session is created, a unique session ID is
assigned to the user, usually in the form of a cookie or appended to
URLs. This ID allows the server to identify and associate subsequent
requests with the correct session.
3. Session Attributes: Sessions can store data in the form of attributes.
These attributes can be set, retrieved, and modified during the user's
session. Examples of session attributes may include user preferences,
shopping cart contents, or authentication details.
4. Session Expiration: Sessions have a duration, and they can expire after a
period of inactivity or based on a specified time limit. In advanced Java
programming, the session timeout can be configured in the deployment
descriptor file (web.xml) or programmatically using the
HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval() method.
5. Session Invalidation: Sessions can be explicitly invalidated when a user
logs out or when their session is no longer needed. This ensures that
resources associated with the session are properly released.
JavaServer Pages (JSP)
JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology used in advanced Java programming for
dynamic web content generation. It allows developers to embed Java code
within HTML pages, making it easier to create dynamic web applications.
1. Dynamic Web Content: JSP enables the creation of dynamic web content
by combining HTML with Java code. It allows developers to embed Java
code snippets, expressions, and declarations directly into HTML pages.
2. Server-Side Execution: JSP pages are executed on the server, where the
embedded Java code is processed and generates dynamic content. The
resulting HTML is then sent to the client's web browser.
3. JSP Lifecycle: JSP pages go through a lifecycle that includes translation,
compilation, initialization, and execution. During this process, the JSP
engine translates the JSP page into a Java servlet, which is then compiled
and executed.
4. Scripting Elements: JSP provides various scripting elements to include
Java code within the page. These include scriptlets (<% ... %>),
expressions (<%= ... %>), and declarations (<%! ... %>).
5. Tag Libraries: JSP supports the use of tag libraries, which provide
reusable components and custom tags. Tag libraries enhance code
modularity, simplify development, and promote code reusability.
6. Implicit Objects: JSP provides several implicit objects that are available
for use within JSP pages without explicit declaration. Examples of
implicit objects include request, response, session, and application
7. Integration with Servlets: JSP can be seamlessly integrated with Java
servlets, allowing for a combination of dynamic content generation and
complex business logic implementation.
8. MVC Architecture: JSP is often used in conjunction with the Model-
View-Controller (MVC) design pattern to separate the presentation logic
(view) from the business logic (model) and user interactions (controller).
1) Register the driver class

The forName() method of Class class is used to register the driver class. This
method is used to dynamically load the class.

Syntax of forName() method

1. public static void forName(String className)throws

Note: Since JDBC 4.0, explicitly registering the driver is optional. We just need
to put vender's Jar in the classpath, and then JDBC driver manager can detect
and load the driver automatically.
Example to register the OracleDriver class

Here, Java program is loading oracle driver to esteblish database


1. Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
2) Create the connection object

The getConnection() method of DriverManager class is used to establish

connection with the database.

Syntax of getConnection() method

1. 1) public static Connection getConnection(String url)throws

2. 2) public static Connection getConnection(String url,String
name,String password)
3. throws SQLException

Example to establish connection with the Oracle database

1. Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(
2. "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe","system","password");

3) Create the Statement object

The createStatement() method of Connection interface is used to create

statement. The object of statement is respo to execute queries with the

Syntax of createStatement() method

1. public Statement createStatement()throws SQLException

Example to create the statement object

1. Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

4) Execute the query

The executeQuery() method of Statement interface is used to execute queries

to the database. This method retur object of ResultSet that can be used to get
all the records of a table.
Syntax of executeQuery() method

1. public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)throws SQLException

Example to execute query

1. ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");

3. while({
4. System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2));
5. }

5) Close the connection object

By closing connection object statement and ResultSet will be closed

automatically. The close() method of Conn interface is used to close the

Syntax of close() method

1. public void close()throws SQLException

Example to close connection

1. con.close();
Primary Key
Primary Key: The primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table. It
ensures that no two records have the same key value. Primary keys are used for
data retrieval, indexing, and establishing relationships between tables.

Foreign Key
Foreign Key: A foreign key is a field in one table that references the primary
key of another table. It establishes a relationship between the tables, ensuring
referential integrity. Foreign keys maintain consistency and enable data retrieval
across multiple related tables.

Other key
1. Candidate Key: A candidate key is a field or combination of fields
that could serve as a primary key. It possesses the unique identification
property but may also have other characteristics, such as minimal
2. Super Key: A super key is a set of one or more fields that can uniquely
identify a record in a table. It may include more fields than necessary to
form a primary key.
3. Composite Key: A composite key is a key that consists of two or more
fields together forming a unique identifier. It is used when a single field
cannot uniquely identify a record.
4. Unique Key: A unique key ensures that the values in the field(s) are
unique across the table. Unlike the primary key, it allows null values.
5. Surrogate Key: A surrogate key is an artificially created unique identifier
assigned to each record, typically generated using an auto-incrementing
number or a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). It is often used when
there is no suitable natural key available.
Art of indexing
The art of indexing refers to the practice of creating and optimizing indexes
in databases to improve the performance of data retrieval operations.
Indexing plays a crucial role in database systems by allowing efficient access
to data, especially in large and complex datasets. Here are some key points to
understand about the art of indexing:

1. Purpose of Indexing: Indexes are data structures that provide quick access
to specific data within a database table. They work similar to an index in a
book, enabling faster lookup of information based on specific criteria. By
creating indexes on frequently queried columns or attributes, database
systems can locate and retrieve data more efficiently, reducing the need for
full table scans.

2. Types of Indexes: Different database systems support various types of

indexes, including B-tree indexes, hash indexes, bitmap indexes, and more.
Each index type has its advantages and trade-offs, depending on the nature of
the data and the query patterns.

3. Index Design Considerations: When designing indexes, several factors

should be taken into account, such as the columns to index, cardinality
(uniqueness) of data, selectivity of queries, and the overall database
workload. Careful analysis of the data and query patterns helps identify the
most suitable columns for indexing and determine the optimal index

4. Indexing Strategies: The art of indexing involves choosing the right

indexing strategies based on the specific requirements and characteristics of
the data. This includes considering single-column indexes, composite
indexes (multiple columns), covering indexes (including all necessary
columns), and partial indexes (covering specific subsets of data). The choice
of index strategy depends on the query patterns and performance goals.

5. Index Maintenance: Indexes need to be properly maintained to ensure

optimal performance. This includes updating indexes when data is inserted,
modified, or deleted, and periodically reorganizing or rebuilding indexes to
optimize their structure and eliminate fragmentation.

6. Performance Trade-offs: While indexes can significantly improve query

performance, they also introduce overhead in terms of storage space and
maintenance costs. Creating too many indexes or unnecessary indexes can
impact write performance and increase storage requirements. Therefore, it's
essential to strike a balance between the benefits of indexing and the
associated trade-offs.

Error Handling in JSP

Error handling in JSP involves handling and displaying errors that occur
during the execution of a JSP page. It is important to gracefully handle errors
to provide a better user experience and to aid in troubleshooting and
debugging. Here are some key points to note about error handling in JSP:

1. Exception Handling: JSP provides a mechanism to catch and handle

exceptions that occur during the execution of a JSP page. You can use the
`try-catch` block to catch exceptions and handle them appropriately. For
example, you can display a friendly error message or redirect the user to an
error page.

2. ErrorPage Directive: JSP allows you to define a custom error page that
will be displayed when an uncaught exception occurs. The `errorPage`
directive is used to specify the error page. This page can be a static HTML
page or another JSP page.

3. ErrorHandling Options: JSP provides different options for handling errors:

- Including an error page using the `include` directive. The error page will
be included within the current page, and both the error page and the current
page's content will be displayed.
- Forwarding to an error page using the `forward` action. The error page
will be displayed as a new response, replacing the current page's content.
- Redirecting to an error page using the `response.sendRedirect()` method.
This will result in a new request to the error page.

4. ErrorObject: JSP provides an implicit object called `exception` that

represents the exception thrown during the execution of a JSP page. You
can access this object within the error page to obtain information about the
exception, such as its type and message. The `exception` object can be
used to customize the error page based on the specific exception that

5. ErrorHandling Best Practices:

- Provide meaningful error messages: Display user-friendly error messages
that help users understand the issue and provide guidance on how to resolve
- Log errors: It is important to log errors to a server log or a separate error
log file for future analysis and debugging.
- Graceful error pages: Design error pages that are visually appealing and
provide relevant information to the user about the error. Avoid displaying
technical details that might confuse the user.

Overall, error handling in JSP involves catching and handling exceptions,

defining custom error pages, and providing appropriate feedback to users
when errors occur. Proper error handling enhances the user experience and
simplifies troubleshooting and maintenance of JSP applications.
JDBC Objects
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Java API that provides a set of
classes and interfaces for accessing relational databases. JDBC objects are
key components of the JDBC API and are used to establish connections with
databases, execute SQL statements, and retrieve and manipulate data. Here
are the main JDBC objects:

1. Driver:
The JDBC Driver is responsible for establishing a connection between a Java
application and a database. It implements the JDBC API and provides the
necessary methods to connect to a specific database. Each database vendor
typically provides its own JDBC driver, which needs to be loaded and
registered in the Java application before establishing a database connection.

2. Connection:
The Connection object represents a connection to a specific database. It is
obtained from the
DriverManager class by providing the necessary database connection URL,
username, and password. The Connection object allows the execution of
SQL statements, manages transactions, and provides access to other
database-related functionalities.

3. Statement:
The Statement object is used to execute SQL statements and retrieve results
from the database. There are three types of Statement objects:
- Statement: Used for executing simple SQL statements without parameters.
- PreparedStatement: Used for executing precompiled SQL statements that
may contain parameters. It offers better performance and security compared
to regular statements.
- CallableStatement: Used for executing database stored procedures.

4. ResultSet:
The ResultSet object represents the result of a database query. It
encapsulates the data retrieved from the database and provides methods to
navigate through the result set, retrieve data, and perform operations on the
data. The ResultSet object is obtained by executing a SQL query using a
Statement or PreparedStatement object.

5. ResultSetMetaData:
The ResultSetMetaData object provides information about the structure and
metadata of a ResultSet. It allows the retrieval of information such as the
number and names of columns in the result set, the data types of the
columns, and other details about the result set.

6. DatabaseMetaData:
The DatabaseMetaData object provides information about the underlying
database itself. It allows the retrieval of information such as the database
name, version, supported SQL syntax, supported features, and other
database-specific details.

These JDBC objects are used together to establish connections, execute SQL
statements, retrieve data from databases, and perform various database
operations in Java applications. They provide a standardized way of
interacting with databases, regardless of the specific database vendor being

By utilizing these JDBC objects, developers can efficiently handle database

operations, manage transactions, and retrieve and manipulate data from
relational databases within their Java applications.

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