Name Peu Saha, Sec B, Roll No. 101

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“y mame. = PRU Sana rey) 0 s Assignment = Ty) ‘ a ; ehorite. OO Sherk noe. on. manaqacial Peralls « {7 [Th meth tse moony demmonds of Perfaomingy their _ dane! pn mMANogtYs _Asiume. mnivitifie woils, ae + ip roi is ee af bebovic ae mind harp = = ~~ 2 aaa RESO. 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Jeune, quorlt i i logical topobiitits, eb These elements lie uitlr dn onganizalion | i suceess” of tet bunineas. som tees tlhe pda toga toon operate ta} B ic co props vadior neste jue hinbiors ‘of 4 ob ar ssenawirodl oie ; + Jo huAinnd hike isd eclarunah sopovlunilits ond we \ freiors Khowre 62 SWOT prakidls are le [ [eae | # the sustem gl gun ty —— b frootrol al proper auluosity > awk officiel dali lewis of en a Locenuntable. | pesdexaioun. i Mhanager Simi pou Ww nck wt euerusee management trfwltdae anc tdurotion. oclbere te provers tode. ob. on olired anch | Bence’. The -manosemend foelnigue ewtall, various actiwiiv, 4 a ar _Servites simedk tovannds in specie gota, _ 4) Write down tlt fineiians af _marngemeects The. following. delinatinn ef management provicles Abe Hontine: of Pedant of my rt ig n peotens uted io meeornplishel 1 i gon _ibvough planning, eqawisingyy —Slafélngs, Lenel ing conivalling people alien nmaonitalionk: wesosl ores. fhe. moor ob Plowing “includa awtinipading add cre ¢ 2 hank pleted Other p rqo, Ok Oh goahs and odje of 3 i 3 cxeg ini sorhion {op we ee motile re 1% 30 nave a 4 olf tnenedoP. just ee busines unagement function” depends Wweavily + isshil netensary_to_heep —_tinployees forced on {he Df tan task fesse eaeryenercneenanees aah lS — cha nds BAA tals $+ meant mensusdlngs “he Heeoe, ] Be dawas Loagets. 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