Demand Letter

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9 November 2022


Temporarily residing at
Shangri-La Residences The Fort
30th Street, corner 5th Ave,
Taguig, Metro Manila

Re: Recall of Loan in the amount of SGD 125,000.00

Dear Mr. Bakhtiar

I write on behalf of my client, Vlademer Lagman Castillo (“Mr.

Castillo”), who is the lender in a Loan Agreement he entered into with you as
the borrower, last March 2021.

As you are aware, said Loan Agreement provides that as consideration

for the amount loaned by the lender, Mr. Castillo, he is expected to be paid
“100% profits based on the IPO profits on the listing date based on the value of
the loan less any capital gains tax payable from the IPO of Columbus Capital,
Consortia Group Holdings or any new holding company that is set-up for the
purpose of the IPO listing…”1 Further, Section 1(d) of said Loan Agreement
provides for the conditions in case of default by the borrower, to wit:

“d) In the event that either Consortia Group Holdings Pty. Limited,
Columbus Capital Pty Limited or any holding company that is set up for
this listing does not IPO by the end of 2nd quarter 2022, the Lender has the
right to recall the loan…”2

Thus, considering that neither Consortia Group Holdings Pty. Limited nor
Columbus Capital Pty Limited, or any holding company for that matter, has
undergone IPO within the Term of the Loan Agreement or by the end of the 2 nd
quarter of 2022, Mr. Castillo has the option to withdraw the amount he loaned to
you, amounting to One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Singapore Dollars
(SGD 125,000.00).

Section 1(b) of the Loan Agreement.
Section 1(d) of the Loan Agreement.
In view of the significant amount of time that has lapsed since the prescription
of the term provided in the Loan Agreement (March 2022) within which you are
supposed to pay Mr. Castillo the proceed from the agreement, and due to your
non-payment of the principal amount despite numerous discussions Mr.
Castillo has made with you regarding his intent to recall the loan, a DEMAND
is hereby made on you to pay Mr. Castillo, within FIVE (5) days from receipt of
this letter, the amount of One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Singapore
Dollars (SGD 125,000.00) covering the principal amount loaned under the Loan
Agreement. Should you fail to comply with our just demand, we will be
constrained to file, without further notice, the necessary CIVIL and/or
CRIMINAL action against you to protect Mr. Castillo’s interest, within the
Philippine Courts, or any other Court of Jurisdiction.

Thus, we advise that you settle the amount due immediately.


Atty. Roberto Martin S. Buenaventura

Counsel for the Lender


Vlademer Lagman Castillo
The Lender

Received by:

Adam Warren Bakhtiar

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