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No : FRM/Project Code/DP-001
Rev : 00
Date : 14.07.2016
Page : 1/3


DIVE PLAN NO: 01 DATE : 16/01/2017

DP DSV Altus Exertus

Distribution : Dive Control/Dive Supv/SPEC,IOEC,POGC Reps/Deck Team/On Shore Client/Offshore Client

Project Number
Location SPD 19C Trunk line - 26 52N 052 06E
Dive Team (Day’s) Kundan Singh Sat Supv
Dive Team (Nights) Pratap Singh Sat Supv
Water Depth -70 msw
Work Depth -70 msw
Diver Deployment On the damage piece of the trunk line.
Present Weather Moderate sea swell , easing wind speed ,
Forecasted Weather The low pressure area will move over northern Gulf and weaken on Monday. A trough of low
pressure will again from from southern Iran towards eastern Iraq on Monday. A ridge of high
pressure will run from northern Saudi Arabia towards central Saudi Arabia on Monday. The trough
and ridge will weaken by Tuesday evening. Chance of rain over northern Gulf waters. Pressure
gradient will strengthen again over northern and central Gulf later Monday.
Present Sea State Max Sustained Wind (Ws10): 12 kts
Max Significant Wave Height (Hs): 3.3 ft
Forecasted Sea State Rising in the early Tuesday morning
Vessel Heading TBC
Movement of Air lift from Centre deck to the Sea Bed with crane.
Brocco Hot cut movement from bell hanger to the Tool station
Down Line Installation
Requirement Attachment of Crane on damaged piece

 Un-Stable crane movements while equipment transfer.

 Air lift operations right underneath vessel.
Potential Hazards  Brocco hot cut , unstabled load on last cut out.
 Oxygen and grounding issues on Hot cut

Contingency Planning Use of secondary equipments , 10” Air lift and 150 Mtr spare Broco
Team Size 1 Super
9 Men sat team
(Manning Level)
2 Sat Supv
5 Deck crew

24 Knts wind
Vessel Limitations 6 ft wave height Max
4 mtr aside to the Air lift Operations on port side

Hot work permit , Underwater TBI by Super and C/O after the complete broco “Manufacturers”
standard compliances .
Crane load to be tackled by tag line , Underwater and surface , 2 Attach points .
PTW Limitations Tag lines to be tied with minor weights/Small shackles for the weightage underwater and surface.
Pressure test certificates for the Air Hoses to be in place.
Rigging certificates
Doc.No : FRM/Project Code/DP-001
Rev : 00
Date : 14.07.2016
Page : 2/3



This Dive Plane is a Guideline to the proposed work / tasks to be undertaken during a single twelve
(24) hour period and as such is intended to ensure continuity and safe responsibility of the intended
work scope.

However changes to this dive plan may arise without notice due to operational circumstances. Any
changes made for operational reasons must be noted in the Dive Log, with the heading: “Operational
Change to Dive Plan No.”

All major or significant deviations from the Dive Plan will be subject to a Job Safety Analysis

All Personnel associated with the intended work scope are required to familiarise themselves with the
project procedures

Task/ Scope Overview

1. GVI & CVI on the 32” Trunk line

2. Recover 32” Trunk line parted Leaning pipe , with extra precautions and handling.


 Suction on the pipeline to be checked prior any operations.

 Air Lift to be clear from the Vessel keel .
 Water jet movements by diver
 Broco Hot cut , Grounding & Oxygen in water handling
 On load movements with crane and weather conditions.
 ROV and diver sim ups.


1. GVI On the offshore & Shore parted trunk lines . 250 metres each side . Record the and log the
2. Connecting the 15T wire sling on the leaning pipe . and secondary wire as well . TBC for the
location on leaning P/L.
3. Start the air lift on the TDP , 3 metre away on the offshore side .
4. Make 2 m x 2 m x 1 m ditch area with 6” Air lift for the Hot cut .
5. Water Jet on the concrete section , 0.5 mtr concrete to be taken off and wire mesh to be cut off.
6. Bitumistik removal on 3’O – 4’O clock position.
7. Attach crane
8. Start the Hot cut from 3’O – 6’O clock pos. Relocate towards 6’O – 9’O pos by changing the other
9. Once the half clock pos is cut , relocate diver on the top half shell for the cut.
10. With continuation on cutting , on end diver to leave 1 mm spot and move away from the area .
11. Launch ROV for the monitoring the load
12. Take load on crane and once the spot attach is clear , lift the piece 2 mtr from sea bed , and
Doc.No : FRM/Project Code/DP-001
Rev : 00
Date : 14.07.2016
Page : 3/3


move the vessel 50 mtr away from 32” & 4” line. TBC upon on site situation.
13. Rest the piece on sea bottom and deploy diver on site to connect the secondary sling on the
crane for horizontal lift .
14. Connect tag lines on both ends.
15. Recover Pipe line piece on surface with ROV monitoring till -30 Msw .

Equipment List

Item Description QTY Notes

1. Air Lift 6” 1 Deeper depth , pressure rating of the hose
to be more than 20 Bar .150 mtr minimum
2. Broco 1 Ground plate , and minimum length 150
3. Wire sling 15T 10 mtr 2 Choking required , wire sling to be used
Single time only , to be scrapped later
recovery of the parted Pipe line piece

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