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The Power of Geography

Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human
activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and
resources, land use, and industries.

GEOGRAPHY matters because of: global differences in cultures, resources, capital, spatial
organization, and territoriality.

Study of Geography

- examines how natural forces shape the earth.
● e.g. climate, weather.

- studies spatial relationships between human communities, cultures, economies, and
their interactions with the environment.

-combines both physical and human approaches and the holistic examination of territories.

Geographic study helps people to;

1. Appreciate the variety of the world’s people and places

2. Understand the relationship between the world's communities
3. Help with regional, national, and global development

Large size territories that encompass many places, all or most of which share a set of attributes
of places that make up a different region.

A political process characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination among

Regions are dynamic, changing;

1. Two way process of people's activities changing their environment and people being affected
by their environment.
2. Created by people responding to the opportunities and constraints presented by their


Regionalization: Classification

● Logical Division
● Grouping
● Homogeneity

● Formal (UNIFORM) Region
○ Area where everyone shares common one or more distinctive characteristics
○ High degree of homogeneity (e.g. language, religion, geographical location)

● Functional (NODAL) Region

○ Area organized around a node or focal point.
○ a defined geographical area centered around a specific focal point with a specific
○ A functional region is distinguished by a centralized hub with surrounding areas
and structures that relate to a common activity. For example, a trade route,
transportation hub, or a shopping center would all be considered functional
● Perceptual (VERNACULAR) Region
○ An area that people believe to exist as part of their cultural identity.


“The tangible partitioning of space within which different process operate.”

● Geography: cause earth has different features then countries have different
specializations as well example: we import rice.. china imports many things, middle east
imports oils.. dahil sa technology and globalization, the parts of the world are getting
more connected that we became interdependent to one another(countries).


The term Global Divide connotes to disparities in income and living conditions between
advanced and developing countries.
Treaty of Tordesillas
This is when the newly discovered lands outside Europe were divided into two. The
East belonging to the Portuguese Empire and the West belonging to the Crown of
Castile which is now a part of Spain.
The Treaty of Tordesillas was a way to ease the tension between King John II of
Portugal and King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabela of Spain who were at that
time arguing whether the newly discovered continent of Christopher Columbus should
belong to. It was made by Pope Alexander IV to determine which part of the world will
be free for Spain to colonize and explore and which belong to the Portuguese Empire.

The Cold War

The cold war between U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. created a division between the
Capitalist/Democratic States and the Communist States. After the WWII America is
gaining prominence in terms of economy and politics. This created a tension between
U.S.A. and U.S.S.R.
It is called cold war because there is no physical war that conspire, what happened is
the war of ideologies. The Capitalist Economist was referred to as the First World
and the Communist Economist referred to as the Second World. But there are
countries who did not fit the description of the first and second world, it refers to poor
countries who can be capitalist and economist and it is referred to as the Third World.

The North and South Divide

After the Cold War, many saw primary global division as being between North and
South. Global North referring to developed societies of Europe and North America
while Global South refers to developing countries which represent mainly mainly
agrarian economies in Africa, India and Latin America.
The Brandt Line was developed by Willie Brandt in the 1980’s as a way of showing
how the world was geographically split into relatively richer and poorer nations.
According to the model richer countries are almost all located in Northern hemisphere,
with the exception of Australia and New Zealand.
Global North

● North America, Western Europe, Australia and Japan

● First world and Second world countries
● Home to all members of G8 and P5 members of the United Nations Security
● Richer and developed region
● 95% has enough food and shelter and functioning education system as well
● Economy was based on industries and major business, commerce and finance

Group of 8

Refers to the eight highly industrialized nations that hold an annual consensus on global
issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, energy and
terrorism. The countries who belong to this group are:
● Canada

● U.S.A
● United Kingdom
● France
● Germany
● Italy
● Russia
● Japan

Permanent 5
Posses the power to veto any resolution, they determine ever issue of importance and
are visually above the law. The countries who belong to this group are:
● U.S.A

● China
● United Kingdom
● Russia
● France

Global South

● Africa, Latin America and Asia

● Third world countries
● Poor and less developed regions
● Only 5% has enough food and shelter
● Source of raw materials of the North

Issues of North and South

1. Standard of living
2. Distribution of income around the world
3. Economic competition worldwide

Major Differences in North and South Divide

North South
Less population Higher population
High health Low health
High standard of living Low standard of living
High industrial development Low industrial development
Industries Agriculture

Comparison Between North and South Divide

North South
Political External threat- The internal affair of the
widespread of terrorist nations
activity in the worldwide.

Economy Manufacturing- cheap Agriculture- hard labor

Social Determined by life in the Determined by the upper
cities class
-Both religion and -Plantation owners and
education were organized. their families.
-There are schools and -Only children of plantation
churches in most towns. owners received any
-College were reserved for education.
the wealthy. -Small farmers had little to
no education.
-The culture of South
revolves around plantation

Your countries geographical location has nothing to do with whether you are in the
Global North or the Global South. If a country from the North suddenly dropped and
cannot compete economically in the global standard it may be labeled as a part of the
Global South and vice versa if a country from the Global South competes economically
in the global standard and will be managed well by its leaders the country can be
labeled as a part of the Global North.


● pertains to the evident gap between the rich (more economically developed)
countries and poor (less economically developed) countries.

CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES (according to economic development)

● Developed Countries - high-income countries characterized by industrialization

and advancements in technology, telecommunication, education, healthcare, etc.
● Emerging Countries - possesses some qualities of a developed country but
does not fully meet all its standards yet. These refer to countries that are
normally classified as developing; yet, a significant and extreme boost in
economy is being witnessed.
● Developing countries- low-income countries with low level of industrial and/or
economic development, which leads directly or indirectly to social, political,
economic, and environmental challenges that significantly impede quality of life in
that country.


● Physical causes - rooted in the difference of the amount of natural resources,
overall environment, and climate
● Historical causes- countries with a history of exploitation are mostly flourishing
because of the assertion of dominance to dependent former colonies. History of
war or terror attacks can also hinder economic progress, thereby increasing
development gap.
● Socio-economic causes - disparities in education and healthcare system,
dense population coupled with high unemployment, unsustainable government
debt, and over reliance on imports.


● Political instability
● Extreme poverty and lack of social opportunities
● More international migration



-Asian Regionalism is the product of economic interaction, not political planning. An

Interaction between Asian countries.
-As a result of successful, outward oriented growth strategies, Asian economies have
grown not only richer, but also closer together.

-Asian economies are becoming closely intertwined not because the region's
development strategy has changed but because it remains predominantly
nondiscriminatory and outward-oriented.


● It could help sustain the region's growth

● Underpin its stability
● And with the help of right policies-- it can reduce inequality.

-Is the process of dividing an area into smaller segments called REGIONS.

-a process by which the people of the world are unified together into a single society
and function together.

Why did they form organizations/associations?

- They formed organizations/associations because it is their way of coping with the

challenges of globalization.

Other reasons:
● Military Defense (e.g. North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
● Economic crisis (e.g. Association of South East Asian Nations)
● Resources (e.g. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Difference between globalization and regionalization:

- promotes integration of economies across state borders all around the world
- dividing an area into smaller segments.

- allows many corporations to trade on an international level; it allows free market.
-Monopolies are more likely developed.
(Monopolies means one producers controls the supply of a good or service, and where
thee entry of new producers is highly prevented or restricted
- acceleration to multiculturalism through free and inexpensive movement of people.
- does not support multiculturalism.

-Globalized international communities are more willing to aid countries sickened by
-Regionalized areas do not get involved in the affairs of other areas.

-Has driven the great advantages of technology
- Advanced technology is rarely available in one country or region.


● The center of gravity of the global economy is shifting to Asia. The region's
economy is already similar in size to those of Europe and North America, and its
influence in the world continues to increase. And Asia is now so important to the
world economy that it must also play a larger role in global economic leadership.


● Regional economic cooperation is an important means for creating new trade.

Investment and employment opportunities enhancing economic security, and
addressing broader socioeconomic and environmental issues.

● Regional economic cooperation makes it possible to bring a large part of the

population out from poverty. Thus, it is a means to enhance economic
development; and to improve the living conditions of people.

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)

● The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program is a

partnership of 11 countries and development partners working together to
promote development through cooperation, leading to accelerated economic
growth and poverty reduction.

Economic Cooperation Organization or ECO

● The Economic Cooperation Organization or ECO is an Asian political and
economic intergovernmental organization which was founded in 1985 in Tehran
by the leaders of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.
● It provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote
trade and investment opportunities.

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