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Lesson 1: Getting started – Household chores


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
 Describe about the topic Family life;
 Attain vocabulary to talk about household chores.
2. Competence Students will be able to practice listening and reading the conversation
between Minh and Nam about Household chores;
 Develop communication skills and creativity.
 Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
 Join actively in class activities.
3. Qualities:
 Love talking about their household chores.
 Having awareness of responsibilities towards family.
 Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work, cooperative
 Vocabulary: do the laundry, put out the rubbish,…
 Grammar and Structure/Sentence pattern: the present simple and the present continuous
 Teacher: Grade 10 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards..…
 Students : Text books, studying equipment…
 Computer connected to the Internet.
 Sach


Performance tasks Performance products Assessment tools

Do task 2 Ss’ answers Observation
Do task 3 Ss’ answers Observation, questions and
Do task 3 Ss’ answers


Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Deliver the task.
* Implement the task.
* Discuss.
* Give comments or feedback.

Time Stages/ Procedure Interactions

6’ Lead-in/Warm- * Aim:
up - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the
- To lead into the new unit
* Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a
friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to T <--> Ss
the subject and new lesson.
* Outcome: Introducing themselves to make more new
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions …
Greeting + Asking question:
- T may introduce some warm-up activities to create an
active atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and
new lesson…
* Before open their books,T asks Ss about what their favorite
household chore is.
What do you do to help your mum or dad?
Do you prefer doing household chores alone or with
someone else?
+ Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do the tasks.
- Answer the teacher’s questions.
Summarise Ss’s answers and ask them what these activities
* S+s answer the question individually.
* T sets the context for the listening and reading text: Write
the title on the board Household chores.
* Ask Ss to guess what the conversation might be about
- Elicit the word “household”-”chores”
- Ask Ss to open their book and start the lesson.
12-15’ Presentation/ ACTIVITY 1:
new lesson * Aim: To set the context for the introductory conversation;
* Content: Learn some new words in context . Read the
conversation and find out new words.
* Outcome: Practice reading the conversation Knowing
more new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of
the lesson. T <--> Ss
* Organisation :
- Listen and read: /P. 8
+Ask Ss to open their book and start the lesson.
*Teach vocabulary:
+ Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab
(situation, realia, translation.)
+ Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary by
-T gives instructions:
+T divides all Ss into 2 group(A-B)
+Show the pictures about vocabulary
+While T show the picture if S in group A knows raise your
hand and shout out “runggg” ,S in group B knows raise your
hand and shout out “renggg”
+Correct answer :+1 point
+Wrong answer : keep the score and find another group will
+Where is group A? T <--> Ss
+ What do you do when you know the answer?group A say
what? And group B say what?
+ Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.
+ Check vocabulary: R & R
* Vocabulary
- Homemaker (n) : người nội trợ
- Breadwinner (n) :trụ cột gia đình
- Shop for (v) mua
-The heavy lifting (n) :mang vác nặng
- The laundry (n): đồ giặt là
- The washing - up (adj): rửa chén bát
- Put out (v) :vứt, đi đổ
-The rubbish (n):rác
+Can you give me some example?
+Do you usually do it?
+Who is the homemaker/breadwinner in your family?
+ Take note
+Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 8-9 and answer the
questions below: T <--> Ss
1. Can you guess who they are?
2. Where are they in the picture ?
3. What are they doing?
-Ss do the task individually
- checks their answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
1.two boys- the boy with yellow t - shirt named Minh and the
boy with red and white t-shirt named Nam
2. They are at Nam Home
3. Minh is going to play football ; Nam is cooking
- Play the recording twice for the Ss to listen and read along.
- Have Ss underline the words that are related to the topic of
the units while they are listening and reading.
- Invite some pairs of Ss to read the conversation aloud.
- Have Ss say the words in the text that they are related to the
topic household chores.
- Quickly write the words on one part of the board.
- Comment on Ss’ answer.
7’ Practice 1 ACTIVITY 2:
* Aim:To help Ss understand the conversation.
* Content: Listen and read the conversation. True/ False
*Outcome: Know more new words. Understanding the
conversation; topic of the lesson, vocab.
* Organisation :
Read the conversation again and write T (True) or F
(False) T <--> Ss
-T asks Ss to work individually to read the statements and
underline the key words, then share their ideas with a partner S <--> S
who sits next to them.
- Ss do Task 2 individually first.
-Ss share and discuss with their partners about the key words
- T corrects their answers as a class.
1. Nam’s mother is cooking now.
2. Everybody in Nam’s family does some of the housework.
3. The children in Minh’s family don’t have to do any
- T asks Ss to ask the sentences and decide if they are true of
false without reading conversation again. Allow them to
share their answers with a partner before discussing as a S <--> S
Work independently.
- Ss may read the conversation again to confirm their
answers before giving T the answers. T <--> Ss
Ss have 2 minutes to finish the task
+Do you work in pair or individually?
+what do you do if you choose True or False?
+How much time do you have?
- Elicit from Ss. Have them correct the false sentences.
- Write the correct answers on the board.
- Give the answers
* Key :
1. F (Nam is cooking now)
2. T
3. T

7’ Practice 2 * Aim: To revise some collocations for household chores
consisting of a (phrasal)verb and a noun (phrase)
* Content:
* Outcome: Ss understand more the use some ome
collocations for household chores .
* Organisation :
Write the verbs/verb phrases that are used with the words
or phrases in the conversation in 1. (p.9)
- T has Ss locate the verbs or phrasal verbs in the
conversation, find the nouns or noun phrases after each verb/
phrasal verb to do the matching. T <--> Ss
Ss work individually
- Ss share their answers with a partner S <--> S
-T gives instructions:
+ T divides all the Ss into 2 team(A-B)
+ Each team choose 3 Ss to go to the board and stick your
cards to correct answer
Which team faster is the winner
+Where is group A?
+where is your team’s cards?
-Check the answer , and has them say the meaning of each
1. put out the rubbish
2.Do the laundry
3. shop for groceries
4. do the heavy lifting
5. do the washing-up

* Aim: To help ss identify the present simple and the present
continuous and how they’re used in the sentences
* Content:
* Outcome: Ss’ application of forms and meaning in
communicative activity
* Organisation:
- Complete the sentences from the conversation with the
correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (p.9)
- T has Ss read each sentences, try to think of a verb or an
auxiliary verb that will complete the gap.
Ss do the task individually T <--> Ss
- Ss share the answers with a peer. S <--> S
- T asks the whole class to call out the verb forms first, then
calls on individual students to read the complete sentences.
1. ‘m preparing
2. does – ‘s working
5’ Homework -* Aim: consolidating what Ss have learned
* Content:reading for specific information
* Outcome: Some lexical items about household chores
* Organisation
1. Exercises in the workbook
2. Project preparation
- Have Ss look at the last page of Unit 1, the Project lesson
and ask them
what topic of the project is.
- Tell them the project requirements: Do research on Family
Day in Viet Nam
or other countries in the world S <--> S
+ suggest activities, provide the reasons and expected results
of the
+ present their plans in the last lesson of the unit.
- Remind Ss that besides brainstorming activities, they:
+ can search for ideas on the Internet, in the newspaper, etc.
+ should use photos/pictures to illustrate their ideas.
- Put Ss into groups and have them choose their group leader.
Ask them to
assign tasks for each member, making sure that all group
contribute to the project work.
- Help Ss set deadlines for each task

Audio script- track 2

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