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Episode 1: Let You Have a Condition

Emma Green opened her eyes to a very dark room. She couldn’t see her fingers in front of her eyes.
She could only hear a man's heavy breathing and feel some unfamiliar pain. She tried to push the
man away, but it was like sending her fist through cotton. It was all useless. She couldn’t shout. She
could only pray in her heart that the pain would stop.
When she woke up again, she saw the morning sun outside. Emma looked around the unfamiliar
room. The scene from last night appeared in her mind. She sat up abruptly and felt a burst of pain.
When she got out of bed and saw the spots of red on the sheets, she clenched her fists. It wasn’t a

The bathroom door opened, and a man walked out. When she saw his face, she fell onto the bed.
Mortified. How could it be him?
The man wore only a towel. He glanced at her and said casually, "You're awake?"
Emma swallowed hard. She was nervous and uneasy as she struggled to stand up. "Robert... Mr.
The man casually dried the water from his hair. "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later.
You go in and wash up first."
She lowered her eyes. "No need. I... I still have things to do; I have to go first."
"Emma, don't you want to talk about what happened last night?"

Emma blushed. How could she explain something like this? Did she really need to explain to him
that she had too much to drink and didn’t remember what had happened?
She exhaled and looked up at Robert. "Mr. Erickson, listen, this was my first… And I don’t have any
diseases, alright. Furthermore, I don’t think that you suffered any loss last night. So, can you just
pretend this didn’t happen?" Even though she sounded very confident, her last sentence felt very
"I know you’re clean. After all, I have heard all about you."
She blushed harder. Did he have to say it out loud like that? So awkward.
"I just wanted to ask you if there's anything I need to do for you. I didn't think you’d want me to use
money to get rid of you."
Emma was stunned. "I don't need anything like that. Just need you to keep this a secret."
"That's all?"
"Yes," Emma replied seriously.
Robert raised his eyebrows and looked at the slim girl in front of him. In the end, he nodded
Emma grabbed her clothes and bag and left the hotel room quickly.
Robert smiled a confident smile. This woman... Interesting.
Emma Green had only one thought in her mind. She wanted to leave Robert Erickson's presence
In Northern City, that 27-year-old CEO of the Erickson Emblem Corporation represented power,
wealth, and... danger. If you listened to the rumors, in order to become the CEO of the Erickson
Emblem Corporation, Robert killed his oldest brother and crippled his other brother. With no other
inheritors, he took over the position easily.
If there was a person in this world that Emma didn't even dare to think about, it him, Robert
Erickson. The person that she had foolishly slept with. The person who was now standing in front of
her in nothing but a towel. If only she had retained her senses the previous night because the
Erickson Emblem Corporation was the biggest business rival of the Meyer Group of Industries.
If it was up to her, she wouldn't have anything to do with the Meyer family for the rest of her life.

After leaving the hotel, she kicked herself.

"Are you crazy? A needle in a haystack is easier to find than Robert Erickson. Why did you..." If
anyone from the Meyer family found out about this, she would be beyond embarrassed. She really
didn't want to think about the consequences. Then, her phone rang. She looked at the ID. It was
Her fingers trembled. He has never called her phone before. Why was he calling her now? If she
didn't answer the phone, would she look guilty? A long moment passed before she finally picked up
the phone. "Mr. Erickson."
"As compensation for unintentionally being your first, I will give you a condition. You can ask me to
do something for you at any time…except to make me fall in love with you."
Emma was stunned for a moment and then said coldly, "Mr. Erickson, I think you misunderstood. I
did not go out to give myself away."

Robert raised his eyebrows.

Emma continued, "So I don't need to trade my first time for anything. In fact, I plan now to officially
quit working, because from today onwards, I will be busy with my graduation thesis. So I won’t be
available to tutor your brother anymore. We will not see each other again. So, I’m going to wish you
a prosperous business and a good life. Goodbye." After she finished speaking, she ended the call.

On the other end of the phone, Robert's mouth twitched.

We won't see each other again? Was this woman telling him what to do? Heh, did she think she
would really have the final say?
He moved his phone away from his ear and stared at the screen.
Emma Green, you are the first woman to ever hang up on me.

Emma wanted to run away from this luxe villa area where she did not fit in. But she only managed
to take one step before she almost fell down.
Damn it, what did Robert do to her last night? Did he give her something? This was... too painful.
In the afternoon, she received a call from the principal of her university. After that, she walked into
the principal's office with a serious expression.
The principal looked sophisticated, classy, wearing a proper dress and looking down at a thin,
exhausted Emma.
"Emma, I know you are a talented girl and also very smart. But the Smith family has a certain image
to uphold. Can we really take in an orphan as our daughter-in-law? So, the decision I’m asking you
to make is quite important. You chose our dear Ted once, but you have lost your job. Forcing you to
give up on Ted to stay in school."
Emma's expression stayed calm. Speaking at the same time as the principal, she said, "I am not an
"Technically, but to us, it doesn't really make any difference."
She clenched her fists. Even though her mother had passed away, being considered an orphan was
much better than being the illegitimate daughter of the Meyer family, wasn't it?
Without thinking, she said, "I choose to stay in school."
Miranda Smith was very surprised by Emma's answer this time. This choice was different from her
previous three answers.
"You won't go back on your word after getting your job, will you?"
"If you are afraid that I will go back on my word, I can write you an agreement right now. I will
break up with Ted."
"Good, very good. These two years, I have given you enough support. I have never tried to break up
you and Ted. But now that you are both graduating, Ted has his own path to take. So, from here on
out, I hope you will remember your choice."
"I will."

When Emma left the office building, she found that it was raining. She rushed into the rain and
started running away from the building. She still had students to tutor. Now that her boyfriend was
out of the picture, and the Erickson family's work had gone to waste, she couldn't afford to lose
another job.
When she ran through the school gate, a familiar car stopped in front of her. The door opened, and a
couple stepped out. The man held an umbrella for himself and the woman next to him.
Emma stopped in her tracks, even though she wanted to turn and hide, but the woman called out
her name.
"Emma." The woman ran towards her from under the umbrella and took hold of her hand tightly.
"Emma,” she said. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Be mad at me; yell at me."
Behind them, the man quickly stepped forward and held his umbrella over their heads. He looked at
Emma with guilt. "Emma, I really don't know what happened yesterday, I..."

She looked at the two people in front of her and did not know whether to laugh or cry. This felt like
the same old story, without any new meaning. But she thought it only happened in vulgar novels.
One of them was her boyfriend, and the other was her roommate and best friend. This whole
tragedy started with them, making love behind her back… Until she walked in on them yesterday.
That was why she got drunk last night and ended up committing the biggest mistake of her life.
Emma paid no attention to the woman. She only looked at Ted. Her expression went cold. "Ted," she
said. "Do you know why I chose you as my boyfriend out of all the other guys?"

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