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Claim: The sum of the reciprocal of the squares of the values on the whiteboard is increasing or
staying the same.
Proof: Consider switching r with a and b such that 2r2 = ab.
Then, we have r
1 1 1 2 2 1
+ 2 ≥2 2 2
= = 2 = 2
a b a ·b ab 2r r
. This shows the the desired result.
Then, note that the sum of recipricoals of squares at the beginning is r12 . Then, the sum of squares
at the end is ≥ r12 . By the pigeonhole principle, there is at least one value with the recipricoal of
its square ≥ r21k2 . This means that the value itself is ≤ kr. This completes the proof.

We claim that any great side AB has at least one side that is part of AB but not part of any other
great side.
Now, we consider great triangle ABC, and we WLOG AB and BC to be the congruent good sides.
Note that an odd number of sides is part of AB, since it is a good side.
Note that for any great triangle with at least one point on minor arc AB, say △P QR has P on arc
AB, that the other two points Q and R must also be on arc AB. This is because if at least one of
Q and R are on the other side of the arc, then P Q or P R would intersect with AB.
Then, note that for each great triangle on arc AB, there are an even number of sides that are part
of it. Then, since there are an odd number of sides belonging to arc AB, there must be at least one
side that is not part of another an arc of another great triangle.

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