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Media Regulation in Singapore:

 Explain the guiding principles behind film classification in Singapore (e.g., cultural
sensitivity, moral values).
 Discuss considerations such as violence, nudity, language, and thematic elements.
 Provide detailed information on elements that influence the classification process (e.g.,
explicit content, drug use, mature themes).
 Not Allowed for Ratings (NAR): Discuss the criteria that lead to a film being designated
as NAR, emphasizing the potential threat to national interest or moral values.

Media Regulation Critical Essay

I. Introduction of Films Act

What is the Films Act?

The Film Act is imposed by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to classify films
meant for distribution and broadcasting on Singapore media platforms. The IMDA website
states, “The classification is based on content standards and guidelines drawn up in consultation
with the community and industry.” (IMDA, n.d.).

What are the different ratings under film classification?

There is a total of 6 different ratings under film classification, they are respectively:
 G (General) – suitable for persons of all ages
 PG (Parental Guidance) – suitable for all persons of all ages but parental guidance is
recommended for younger viewers
 PG 13 (Parental Guidance for Children below 13) – suitable for persons aged 13 and
above but parental guidance is advised for children below 13
 NC 16 – no children below 16 years of age. Restricted to persons aged 16 and above
 M18 (Mature 18) – restricted to persons aged 18 and above
 R21 (Restricted 21) – restricted to persons aged 21 and above

The purpose of the classifications established by IMDA is to align with specific community and
societal goals. These goals include:
 Protecting the Young from Mature Content:
Lower ratings, which involve refraining from displaying imitable behavior, aim to foster a more
cohesive environment. This approach ensures that young audiences are shielded from content
unsuitable for their age.
 Allowing More Viewing for Adults:
As stated in an IMDA report, the diverse range of ratings serves the purpose of allowing greater
flexibility for adult viewers. Each rating caters to different age groups, ensuring that content is
appropriately matched to the intended audience (IMDA,n.d.).

II.Introduction of Films Act

What are the guiding principles behind film classification?

IMDA classifies its films based on different content standards and guidelines drawn up in the
community and the industry. Categorizing their content helps to represent the society's general
thoughts and feelings as a multi-racial society (IMDA, n.d.).

IMDA examines and classifies its films based on accessing these different areas before having
them grouped up in different film classification ratings to be aired:

1. General considerations
Social Norms and values widely accepted by society
 The content should obey prevailing social norms, and the values depicted in the films
must be acceptable to the public.

Protection of the Youth

 The content shown should be appropriate for a younger audience, avoiding content that
is easily imitated and may lead to significant consequences.

Promoting Racial/Religious Harmony

 Singapore is a diverse society; therefore, concerns may arise based on different races or
religions, increasing sensitivity to the content aired. Films offering a more in-depth
perspective on any race or religion involved will receive higher ratings. However, films
portraying negative discrimination against any race or religion will be refused
classification by IMDA and are prohibited from being used or aired.

Maintaining Public Order and Upholding National Interest

 The film is to be in line with Singapore's general film interest by depicting a clear and
realistic story with technical details.

2. Concerns arising from the content

Theme and Messages

 The classification of content is determined by the elements and messages a film aims to
convey. Films with mature content receive higher ratings (e.g., NC16, M18, or R21) to
prevent negative effects on young viewers. This ensures a safe viewing environment for
the youth.

 The extent of violence showcased in a film influences its rating. With children being part
of the audience, it is crucial to showcase only suitable or mild violence. Highly violent
content calls for a higher rating for the appropriate age group. However, the approval of
violence shown in a film depends on the degree of its portrayal. Extreme methods or
excessive violence result in the film being unclassified and not approved for airing.
 The types of scenes containing nudity are categorized based on the nature of the
depiction, with more intense nudity receiving higher ratings. However, films displaying
an excessive and inappropriate amount of nudity will not be classified.

 The portrayal of sexual activity determines the rating. More explicit content results in a
higher rating and topics like homosexuality can be broadcasted under the highest rating
of R21. However, content involving extreme sexual activities such as pedophilia,
bestiality, and necrophilia will not be classified.

 The use of coarse language influences the assigned ratings. It's important to note that G-
rated films should not include coarse language, as such behavior can be easily imitated
by young children, leading to a negative impact.

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