Which Has The Larger Atomic Radius Phosphorus or Sulfur Explain.

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! Science

Which has the larger

atomic radius: phosphorus
or sulfur? Explain.

Which has the larger atomic radius:
phosphorus or sulfur? Explain.

Atomic Radius:
The size of the atoms can be predicted based
on their location in the Periodic Table of
Elements. The size of atoms is usually
expressed in terms of the ionic radius which is
the distance of the outermost electron from
the nucleus.

" Answer and Explanation:

Phosphorus has a larger atomic radius
than Sulfur.

This is
+due to theadi!erence
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Learn more about this topic:

Atomic Radius: De!nition, Formula & Example

Chapter 5 / Lesson 11

% 31K
The atomic radius is simply half the diameter of the
atom itself, but is not as intuitive as it may seem, as
an increase of atomic mass does not always
correspond with a larger radius or size. Explore
these nuances by learning to calculate the formula
behind atomic radii.

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