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Step 2.

Answer to the following questions

1. What is your competitive advantage over your competitors? How can you defend and
maintain this competitive advantage? What barriers to entry can you erect that can ward
off future competitors? For example, this could be your technical secret sauce, your
product, your branding and customer support etc.
Our competitive advantage lies in high level of customer interaction digitalization. It includes
such killing/unique features like:
a. Autotmated payment
b. QR-code based queue
c. Real-time stations availability information
d. Current battery status remote monitoring and notifications
e. Map of stations
f. Kaspi QR payments
g. Subscription plans
Such options significantly enhances user experience of our clients, makes perfect first
impression on them and increases return rate. Listed functions will be unique peculiarity of our
service and make it stand out on the current market, as to the current time no one has such
high-level technological solution.
2. What about your company's competitive landscape has changed?
The competitive environment in the market for infrastructure for electric vehicle charging
has changed significantly in recent years. Our business is adopting a multifaceted strategy to
strengthen our market position and fulfill the changing needs of electric vehicle consumers in
order to successfully address these changes.
The competitive environment in the market for infrastructure for electric vehicle charging
has changed significantly in recent years. Our business is adopting a multifaceted strategy to
strengthen our market position and fulfill the changing needs of electric vehicle consumers in
order to successfully address these changes.
A crucial shift in our strategy is also providing 24/7 service. We understand the significance
of 24-hour accessibility because electric vehicle customers frequently need charging services at
all times. In addition to meeting the needs of a larger user base, we also help to lessen range
anxiety, a prevalent worry among owners of electric vehicles, by offering 24/7 support.
Another important component of our evolving competitive strategy is the choice of strategic
locations. We are continually looking for locations for our charging stations that are close to
parks, sizable apartment buildings, and other busy areas. This strategy is in line with the
evolving desires and habits of drivers of electric vehicles, who frequently wish to combine
charging with other activities like outings for dining, shopping, or pleasure. We want to
distinguish our infrastructure project in the market by making our charging stations accessible
and a natural part of the experience in these places.
In conclusion, our business is adjusting to the altering competitive scene by giving queue
optimization top priority, providing round-the-clock support, and strategically placing our
charging stations. These activities are a part of our commitment to offering a more effective,
approachable, and accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which will, in our opinion,
distinguish us in the market and satisfy the evolving needs of electric vehicle users.

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