Application and Use of Different Aluminium Alloys

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Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to

workability, strength and welding parameter optimization
Deekshant Varshney, Kaushal Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SOET, K R Mangalam University, Gurugram, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aluminium alloys are widely used in the fields of electric module packaging, electronic technology, auto-
Received 14 November 2019 motive body structure, wind and solar energy management, due to the advantages of high specific
Revised 23 April 2020 strength, high processability, predominantly anti-erosion, increased conductivity, eco-friendly nature
Accepted 25 May 2020
and recoverability. The objective of the study is to review the previous papers on aluminium usages,
Available online xxxx
application, and workability parameters. The methodology adopted for the study is to use the structure
literature review technique, and the time period selected for the study is 2008–2019 from the Scopus
database. The findings of the study concluded that there are various types of aluminium alloys has been
Aluminium Alloy
Activated flux
used by the previous researchers, and only 6061 is least explored aluminium alloy among all of them. The
Welding future scope of the study is to investigate using distinct activating fluxes for raising penetration & to
TIG welding understand consequences on mechanical components & rust behaviour of TIG-welded aluminium metal
Systematic review welds.
Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction army now. In the conclusion of the First World War brand, new
welding methods have been a tightly guarded secret into the boat
Since forge welding has been used, it is a straightforward pro- repair market [1].
cess which requires a couple of parts of metal and the joint regions
are heated. After the metal is hot enough that you merely hammer
1.1. Current situation
them together till, they fuse. This worked well enough before 1886.
In 1886 an inventor that had been granted more than 700 patents
Aluminium alloys are widely used in the fields of electric mod-
from the title of Elihu Thomson came up using resistance welding.
ule packaging, electronic technology, automotive body structure,
He was a person whom the contemporary world ought to be grate-
wind and solar energy management, due to the advantages of high
ful to not only did he create resistance welding potential, but we
specific strength, high processability, predominantly anti-erosion,
nevertheless profit from several the other electric inventions. This
increased conductivity, eco-friendly nature and recoverability.
is the beginning of the contemporary welding era sparking inven-
Sadly, processes of aluminium fusion soldering lead to heat crack-
tor’s heads about the best way best to combine metals in distinct
ing, heavy welding distortion and poor weldability. Due to its high
ways. This is the start of the end because of its bulk usage of rivets,
conductivity, poor strength at high temperatures and a propensity
screws, and bolts to combine metals. What a lot of don’t under-
to degrade the electrodes, aluminium alloys can hardly be com-
stand is how significant these welding processes were into the
bined with resistance spots welding. The advantage of stir spot
welding is that it is long (i.e. 2–5) welding cycle. The advantages
of ultrasound spot (USW) soldering are pollution-free, high effi-
E-mail addresses: (D. Varshney), ghanghaskaush- ciency, short solder time (typically < 0.5 s), insensitive and hetero- (K. Kumar).
geneous conductivity. 2219 high-resistance aluminium alloy is an
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
effective structural material for aerospace. This is the promising
construction material that is used in space launch vehicles and
other components. Nonetheless, 2219 aluminium alloy soldering
processes are difficult: high soiling porosity, low joint strength,
Production and hosting by Elsevier
weak welding rear and large welding deformations. High-density
2090-4479/Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
2 D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

standard TIG 2219 aluminium soldering plate requires both the use 1.1.3. Aluminium alloys
of the large soldering system and the use of a multi-pass soldering Aluminium delivers a rare mixture of properties that are valu-
device [2–5]. The joints of the aluminium alloy 2219 have signifi- able. It’s just one of the lightest metals on earth: it is nearly 3 times
cantly reduced their welding strength and increased the welding lighter than iron but is still quite powerful, exceptionally flexible
deformation. To address these constraints, several researchers and rust-resistant since its surface is coated in a very thin yet very
have developed AC TIG soldering, VPTIG welding and plasma solv- powerful layer of chromium film. It will not magnetize, fantastic
ing variable polar. Nevertheless, these innovations have not electricity conductor and types alloys with almost the other metals
removed the cycle of AC welding instability and weak welding [7,8,22].
back. A successful solder needs a keyhole if the variable polarity
plasma soldering device is used. The requirements for soldering Properties. Properties that are valuable : It is one of the
large aluminium alloy sheets with a high thickness indicate very lightest metals on earth: it is nearly 3 times lighter than iron but
high soldering current. While the soldering current is less than in addition, it is quite powerful, exceptionally flexible and rust-
the usual soldering current from AC TIG, the current remains rela- resistant since its surface is constantly covered in a very thin and
tively strong [6–8]. very powerful layer of chromium film. It does not magnetise, it
has an excellent electricity conductor and creates alloys with
1.1.1. Activating flux almost the other metals [6,23–25].
Before doing any welding process the foundation unless those
oxides are eliminated using a suitable flux. The expression Flux 1.1.4. TIG welding
describes a substance used to decode oxides and release trapped Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding is the most used application
gases and slag (impurities) in the bottom metal like the filler mate- and process in the welding industry. It is used for non-ferrous met-
rial and foundation material could be fused together. The expres- als. It imparts higher grade quality of weld with lower sensitivity to
sion Flux is derived from Latin term Fluxus which signifies a flow joints and lower cost. A TIG welding methodology was approved by
[9–11]. It’s a chemical cleansing agent, flowing broker and purify- the British Institute of Welding in 1990 s which confirmed the
ing agent. Even the activator influx can be utilised to lessen pollu- applicability of the process. The quality of steel to be welded is also
tion effect in the room temperature and boost the temperature of considerable for the strength of the weld. Higher purity steel
occupation in a particular degree. The flux part of the connective imparted improved properties of weld like its resistance to crack-
processes is usually doubled: dissolving the oxides into the metal ing and plasticity. If a lesser amount of sulphur and oxygen is used
surface facilitates wetting by molten metal and acting by coating in the metal then it would be more prone to crack formation
the surface to avoid oxidation as an air barrier. Fluxes come from nearby the welded zone. The efficiency of the weld can be
the Kind of powder, paste or What’s more, the flaws susceptibility increased in this way by the use of activating fluxes and purer form
of these as-welded joints additionally is decreased producing of steel [14,26–29].
improved tensile strength and girth. The usage of surface-active
flux significantly raises the penetration from GTA welds, decreas- 1.2. Studies on aluminum alloys, welding flux and different
ing welding time and raising productivity. Activating fluxes helped experiments
improve the work characteristics of the TIG process significantly,
particularly with wider penetration depth, greater welding speed Aluminum alloys in many industries, including chemical ves-
and decreased sensitivity to throw material variants [1,10,12,13]. sels, the aircraft and aerospace industries as well as ships and vehi-
When industries focus on the benefits of causing fluxes for their cles, electrical power etc., are increasingly extensive because of
particular products, the advantages of arc building, and the scope their light weight, their high strength and resistance to corrosion.
of industrial applications are now re-evaluated. Activating flux is Aluminum alloys possess high thermal conductivity coefficients,
made up of inorganic material mixed with a volatile medium. high heat efficiency and large welding capability. They therefore
Fluxes become conducting when are in the molten state. In Acti- require high power welding, such as TIG welding, electron beam
vated Tungsten Inert Gas welding, although the depth of penetra- welding, laser welding and TIG solding in AC mode in particular.
tion can be increased, there was one issue which affected the But the penetration of the soil is still weak. Additional welding
overall efficiency i.e., tungsten electrode used to get oxidized at methods such as preheating for aluminum alloys should be
that time only. So, to refrain it to happen, another method was employed with increasing tool complexity, rising welding costs
evolved i.e., advanced ATIG method in which double shielding and lower welding performance. The welding system A-TIG (Acti-
gas was used. In the inner side, the pure inert gas is used while vating Flux TIG) attracts worldwide attention by using the surface
to the outer side as shielding one, oxide or carbon dioxide is mixed fluxes in order to increase the soil penetration dramatically by
with inert gas to protect the tungsten electrode from oxidization reducing the arc root or adjusting fluid flow in soldering pond.
[14,3,9,15,16]. The mechanics of activating flux rising weld pene- Most researchers have used A-TIG [1–8] in stainless steel, titanium
tration of AC A-TIG welding that may be broken to two compo- alloy, mild steel etc., but no study has been performed on alu-
nents DCEN & DCEP for aluminium metal (3003), additional minum alloys. Recently, two French writers, S. Sire and S. Sire
mentioned that the effect of polarity and forced arc constriction and S. Sire and S, Sire and S. Marya [9] has proposed a solder tech-
on weld penetration whereas particular analysis on welding slag nique known as FBTIG (Flux Bounded TIG) based on aluminum
was conducted where the association between slag supply and alloy soldering properties that applied the center of a sold bead
weld penetration was analyzed with the addition of aluminium with a flux gap and welding arc burning on the uncovered central
powder to flux AF305 [17–19]. metal with a small surface triggering flux. Soldering from FBTIG
will increase the penetration of solder in your work with just
1.1.2. Alloy SiO2 flux.
Metal alloy made up of two or more elements, either as a com-
pound or as a solution. Alloy materials are typically metals them- 1.3. Studies on type of material and level of evaluation
selves, but wood, a non-metal, is an essential component of iron.
Catalan boiler and forge used until relatively recently to smelt iron Due to their advantages such as low density, high specific
ore. The method of charging fuel and ore and the approximate strength and corrosion resistance, aluminum alloys are commonly
position of the airborne nozzle [5,20,21]. used in modern manufacturing sectors. The alternating current

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

(AC) tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process for aluminum alloys [34] presents the outcomes of research Regarding the Effect of
is the most common process. Further applications of this method electrical Arc activation onto driveway welding electricity and
are therefore limited due to poor sudden penetration, low welding metal weld heating rate. It’s verified that triggered tungsten inert
efficiency and low production performance. A modern welding gas welding and also triggered metal inert gas welding procedures,
method called TIG (A-TIG) welding [1] has attracted growing atten- based on metal depth, single-pass weldability and chemical
tion in recent years, which significantly increases sold penetration makeup of tripping flux, empower the decrease of welding power
using a thin surface activation layer on the sold floor before begin- by 2–6 times compared to traditional welding.
ning traditional TIG welding. A-TIG was developed by the Paton [12] examine the Literature printed with regard to (a) progress
Welding Institute of Ukraine (PWI), which was developed in the of different hypotheses to describe the explanations for high pen-
sixties and evolved into a modern form of soldering method in etration attained with A-TIG, (b) impact of input process parame-
the nineties, as a result of TIG flux layer welding. The method is ters associated with GTAW and A-TIG.
being studied by other renowned welding research institutes such [12] the main aim of the ATIG-welded joint has been made
as the Welding Institute, TWI, the Japan Welding Research Institute using 10-millimeter depth of 316LN stainless steel plates in one
(JWRI) and the Edison Welding Institute (EWI). Two topics are pass.
focused: one is the production of fluxes for different metal materi- [10] the ripening of stainless-steel welding methods, alongside
als and the other is the mechanism which improves the penetra- mechanization and robotization, is studied by performing new
tion of the solder. The first is the production and application of models of different welding procedures in addition to the execu-
triggering fluxes for stainless steels, carbon steels, nickel-base tion of conventional welding machines and the implementation
alloys, cobalt-based alloys, and titanium alloys. Three hypotheses of welding consumables.
have been suggested, including arc restriction [2], change in the [9] this research was conducted to determine how multi-
temperature gradient for surface tension [3] and increase in heat component fluxes of specific oxides influence the look of the layer,
input [4]. No consensus has yet been reached on the central mech- weld morphology and Ś-ferrite content were obtained using all the
anism [5–6]. And the few studies establish the triggering flux and tungsten inert gas (TIG) method used for the austenitic stainless-
research the aluminum alloys mechanism. Only French scientists steel plates (AISI 316L) welding thickness. Applications before
Sire and Marya [7] investigated a soldering mechanism known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) have been demonstrated to
FBTIG. maximize weld penetration and boost the credibility of the pro-
cess. The value of the stream post, its homogeneity and its mor-
phology are more important in determining the ratio of soil
1.4. Previous studies on results of using GMA welding and SiO2
thickness to the width of soil reservoirs.
[35] activating flux comprises acidity and chromium, which
The GMA welds coated with flux generates better geometry of
has been coated onto the workpiece surface prior to welding.
similar welds and there has been a substantial increase in tensile
The experimental results reveal that the triggering flux can effi-
strength as well as the hot cracking susceptibility of aluminum
ciently enhance the absorption of CO2 laser power and boost
metal welds using actuated GMA welding procedure [22,23]. The
the sum of the molten bottom metal. The progress in the
findings demonstrated that the 3 fluxes raise the weld penetration
absorption of laser energy from bile sparking flux is higher than
nevertheless SiO2 had been the most effective on the opposite
that by simply fluoride triggering flux or two-component
hand grain dimensions of both without and with oxide fluxes were
triggering flux, but also the slag detachability generated from
intermittent and also the tensile strength of the welded combined
the only triggering flux and two-activating flux is inferior. The
with flux was significantly lower compared to minus flux
gas pore blockage together with chromium activating flux is a
[9,23,26,30]. The major mechanism which was shown after the
lot greater compared to the pus triggering flux in CO2 laser
experimentation for the rise in penetration was the laser energy
welding of 6013 Al alloy.
was consumed by the flux jacket and sent into the specimen
[36] improve the mechanical components and cut back the sexy
fracture susceptibility of aluminium welds. The intention of this
research is thus to ascertain the minimal material of Ti/B grain refi-
2. Literature review ner, that will be required to attain a little grain size by 100% Nom-
inal grains of this weld metal for various welding requirements,
[32] While the DCEP application to solder aluminium alloy especially in regard to high welding rate and cooling speed by laser
removes oxide films from the aluminium alloy surface, the thermal welding. The results demonstrate that, regardless of the high cool-
performance and extreme burning of tungsten electrodes are ing and excellent melt overheating, The WDX research has verified
important, it only uses small soldering current. Therefore, the soft- the titanium aluminides will be the nucleation site for equiaxed
ware has no practical value. DCEN soldering is the ideal process for grains.
2219 aluminium soldering. Stable arc fixes unstable aluminium [30] studied the results of the GMAW initiating stream in order
welding using the DCEN process. The method by DCEN to solder to assess the effects of welding bead geometry, angular stimulus
aluminium alloys allows the base material to be heated exces- and mechanical components only around AISI 1020 carbon steel
sively, improves penetration depth and heat usage rates and where Taguchi was used to evaluating the most efficient process
decreases soaking energy, thereby saving power. The main chal- parameters more ANOVA plus an Opti reaction table. Results show
lenge, however, is the removal of the aluminium oxide film. DCEN that the triggering flux led to the increase of weld area and pene-
A-TIG allows aluminium alloy folding, removes aluminium alloy tration by GMAW, further improving the tensile strength and
oxide film and improves the solder output under DCEN conditions diameter of their GMAW joint, while flux deformity was mini-
with an active agent introduces the effects of flux The sample mea- mized by the GMAW.
surements were 300́ 50 mm, also commercially accessible busy [37] studied numerous articles and written publications in
flux Quick TIG was utilized for testing committed this research to order to understand the effect of the Tig solving parameters such
the Within this analysis, two varieties of foundation material sur- as the welding speed, gas flow frequency, electrical angles on reac-
face state specifically organic and oxidized surface were used. tive performance parameters such as sold penetration, solder D / W
Sodium silicate glue (commercial grade) was used as a sparking ratio and solder toughness in accordance with the use of the opti-
flux. mization doctrine. The austenitic shape of stainless steel with tier

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
4 D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

E21 was chosen in the literature review of various documents of

study as well as the SiO2 and TiO2 surge.
[22] The results demonstrated the GMA welds coated with flux
generates better geometry of similar welds and there has been a
substantial increase in tensile strength as well as the hot cracking
susceptibility of aluminium metal welds using actuated GMA
welding procedure.
[38] analyzed the analysis of A-TIG welding utilizing austenitic
stainless steel where the effect of this activated flux welding
mechanics, the flux substance composition, depth of this flux, flux
powder dimensions, welding present, the arc voltage and arc
length and welding rate and the makeup of protecting gas onto
weld geometry are clarified in detail. Results revealed that through
A-TIG welding using chromium fluxes te oxides decompose along
with the oxygen molecules move into the liquid weld pool, there-
fore, altering the management of their Marangoni convection, on
the other hand, a few halides present from the flux along with
other metallic atoms trigger arc constriction. The depth of penetra-
tion acquired was the primary benefit of these procedures generat-
ing less welding and greater weld strengths.
[23] findings demonstrated that the 3 fluxes raise the weld pen-
etration nevertheless SiO2 had been the most effective on the
opposite hand grain dimensions of both without and with oxide
fluxes were intermittent and also the tensile strength of the
welded combined with flux was significantly lower compared to
minus flux. The major mechanism which was shown after the
experimentation for the rise in penetration was the laser energy
was consumed by the flux jacket and sent into the specimen.

a. Summary of previous studies in aluminium alloy flux weld-

ing and the tests performed, joint efficiency, and summary

Fig. 1. Methodology adopted (SLR).

3. Research methodology adopted
3.2. Thematic linkage between power, composition, and gender &
Systematic literature review technique has been used for this
study. Systematic reviews are a form of literature review that uses
systematic methods to collect secondary data, critical assessment
see Table 1.
of results, and qualitative or quantitative synthesis of findings. Sys-
tematic reviews formulate large or narrow-scale study questions
4. Data analysis
and define and synthesize studies that are specifically relevant to
the systematic analysis issue. These are intended to provide a sys-
The data is analysed and the following trends were identified:
tematic, detailed and documented overview of the existing facts,
which is ‘‘methodical, accurate, consistent and replicable.” System-
1. Affiliations with the maximum number of articles
atic assessments are strongly recommended to practitioners who
2. Author’s ranking on the basis of an article published
are interested in health care, public health, Science and engineer-
3. Country ranking on the basis of articles published
ing, social science and public policy [51–56]. The Scopus database
4. Top ranking funding agencies
is used as a reference point and to identify and shortlist the most
5. Number of articles year wise.
relevant literature papers in the field of mechanical engineering.
The keyword used for the string search at Scopus database was:
4.1. Number of documents author wise
‘‘Aluminium alloy flux welding” in the title and the keywords of
the articles. And a total of 129 was identified at the Scopus data-
see Fig. 2.
base. The second condition applied on the string search is to limit
the search from 2008 to 2019 and the final number of papers pub-
4.2. Number of documents affiliation wise
lished in this time duration is 92 only. The search results were fur-
ther shortlisted using the third condition of limiting the search to
see Table 2 and Table 3.
only article published in English, which reduced the number of
articles to 68. The last condition applied on the database is to select
4.2.1. Country-wise ranking based on the number of publications
the papers from the top journals (list attached) only, which reduces
see Fig. 3.
the number of identified papers to 40. The top ten journals selected
for the study is listed in Fig. 5.
4.2.2. Year-wise number of documents
see Fig. 4.
3.1. Systematic literature review methodology adopted for activated
flux a. Number of documents subject wise

see Fig. 1. see Fig. 5.

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Table 1
previous studies for the material used, thickness, and findings.

Author Parameter Field Data Method Field (thickness/welding type) Summary/Target Field
[39] AZ31B Magnesium alloy AC-TIG welding Utilizing flux, even extremely simple formulation, can greatly
enhance welding penetration into TIG welding Only when
laser welding is carried out in conduction mode has
substantial penetration been improved.
[9] Aluminum alloy 3003 TIG welding The most effective method of A-TIG is to increase the
penetration of weld up to three times as traditional.
[32] Stainless steel 304 12 mm/TIG welding Changes in the surface tension gradient of the soil bath are
known to be two times the main mechanism for increased
penetration of EBW welding depth and the D / W soil ratio
with the flux of cadmium chlorides.
[37,40] 10 mm/TIG welding The AC welding weld penetration is greater than the DC
[16,32] Stainless steel 316 7 mm/GTAW/FCGTAW Arc energy affects the geometry of the sold beads in TIG and
A-TIG welding.
[23,41] Autogenous TIG/A-TIG Both sold penetrations are significantly increased by SiO2 and
TiO2, but their reasons are not identical.
[42] Austenitic Stainless steel (3 0 4) TIG/A-TIG This procedure therefore induces deep penetration in the FC
wire weld through arc constriction.
[26] Mild steel 16 mm/GMA /Activated GMA The GMAW optimum system parameters were set at arc
voltage 23.3, 220A, welding speed 454 mm / min and joint
gap 2 mm The findings indicated that the TIG welds’s surface
appearance creates residual slag produced by oxide flow.
[21,43] Austenitic Stainless steel (3 0 4) 10 mm/GMA /Activated GMA A review paper helps identify the direction to be explored by
further studies.
[44] SAF 2205 Duplex stainless steel 5/GMA /Activated GMA The difficult issue of simultaneous increase of solder
penetration and improvement of weld appearance can be
solved using the FZ-TIG process.
[45] Aluminum alloy 3003 Traditional/Double shielded/Mixed gas TIG In comparison to traditional TIG soldering, this process not
welding only provides a high welding efficiency but also produces
better solder impact properties.
[40] Austenitic Stainless steel (3 0 4) 10 mm/TIG/A-TIG/FBTIG The austenitic stainless steel E321 and fluxes SiO2 TiO2 were
chosen in order to obtain the desired results and the
literature analysis in various research papers. The CA-TIG
welding method was developed and penetration depth
during welding was significantly improved by the simple
nozzle cap.
[46] Austenitic Stainless steel (304L) GTAW/FCGTAW The results showed that this technique could increase the
penetration depth and the soldering aspect ratio leading to
lower angular distortion.
[18] Stainless steel, Copper plate TIG/A-TIG/FBTIG Full penetration of A-TIG welds with TiO2 and ZnO fluxes was
[16] Magnesium AZ31B alloy GTAW/A-GTAW In this study, only three parameters play a major role in
obtaining optimum weld bead geometry. The angle of the tip
of the electrode was the most important.
[47] 1020 carbon steel 5 mm/ Automatic TIG/A-TIG GTA welding with use of activated flux consisting of FeS /
FeF2 mixes has potential benefits of a sufficient soil surface,
maximum penetration and low deformation of the airplane.
The experimental GMA welding process activation has
significantly increased the tensile strength and increased the
susceptibility to hot cracks.
[48] G3131 mild steel, SUS 316L stainless 6 mm/GTA/Activated GTA Improved weld penetration and the D / W ratio also enhances
steel. the material and mechanical properties of the Delta Ferrite.
The reducing flow distance increases penetration depth, due
to three main mechanisms: Insulation effect, reverse
Marangoni effect, arc-root constriction.
[49] Austenitic Stainless steel 304 8 mm/GTA/Activated GTA When welding in other locations heat output should be
increased to completely penetrate the optimum process
parameters were found to be 140A current, 100 mm / min
speed, and a mixture of SiO2 and TiO2 flows. The gravity in
the direction from welding apples to toe improved
penetration depth.
[37] Carbon steel (SA516Gr70)/ stainless 6 mm/Automatic TIG/A-TIG/FBTIG The penetration depth in the A-TIG welding process is up to
steel (3 0 4) 200 times greater than traditional welding with different
types of channels.
[19,40,32] Without flux 0.3, SiO2 + MoO3- 0.6 The varestraint test – evaluate hot cracking, and In order to increase the efficiency of the process, the A-TIG
Taguchi and Anova methods process is also ideal for every place welding process to
achieve better mechanical properties.
[32] Without ionic compound-0.2, 75% Coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy – The grain sizes of the VP-TIG welding area are coarser than
FeS + 25% FeF2, 0.8 50% FeS + 50% for chemical composition Dry sieving process – those in the DCEN A-TIG welding area, which could achieve
FeF2 0.6 25% FeS + 75%FeF2 0.4 for estimating particle size distribution. the same VP = TIG mechanical efficiency index.
[19,50] MgO 0.47, NiO-0.37, ZnO-0.46, SiO2 Spot VA restraint test – for hot cracking Grey The application of oxide surfactant decreased the DOP and
0.87, and TiO2 0.58 relational analysis – to obtain better weld bead reduced bead length, DOP decreases with the rise in soldering
geometry current, and the tensile strength of solders is lower than the
base metal.

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
6 D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Number of documents author wise.

Table 2 Table 3
documents affiliation wise. list of journals selected for the study.

Sr. Affiliation of the publishing authors No. of Sr. Journal title No. of
No. articles No. articles

1 Harbin Institute of Technology 6 1 Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining 5

2 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology 4 2 Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China 4
3 Ministry of Education China 3 English Edition
4 Dalian University of Technology 2 3 Advanced Materials Research 3
5 Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, 2 4 Journal Of Materials Processing Technology 3
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 5 International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing 2
6 National Chiao Tung University Taiwan 2 Technology
7 AGH University of Science and Technology 2 6 International Journal Of Machine Tools And 2
8 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2 Manufacture
9 Shandong University 2 7 Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 2
10 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 8 Journal Of Physics Conference Series 2
11 Miami University 2 9 Materials And Design 2
12 National Kaohsiung Normal University 2 10 Materials Science And Engineering A 2
13 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and 2 11 Welding In The World 2
Planning 12 Aerosol Science And Technology 1
14 Army Academy R.O.C. 1 13 Applied Mechanics And Materials 1
15 International Environmental Consultant Co. 1 14 Applied Thermal Engineering 1
16 Corporación Mexicana de Investigación en Materiales 1 15 Journal Of Laser Applications 1
17 Panasonic Welding Systems Co., Ltd 1 16 Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 1
18 Instituto Tecnológico de 1 17 Journal Of Nuclear Materials 1
19 Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial 1 18 Materials Science Forum 1
20 Panimalar Engineering College 1 19 Measurement Journal Of The International 1
Measurement Confederation
20 Steel In Translation 1
21 Welding International 1
22 Welding Journal 1

5. Discussion

In recent years, global attention has been drawn to A-TIG (ac- AC soldering. Active agents like SiO2 have the biggest effect on
tive agent TIG) technology for soldering TIG. The surface of the welding penetration depth. The oxide is nevertheless bound to
metal is protected, as opposed to traditional TIG welding, by an increase welding oxidation and reduce application to increase sol-
active flood layer before using conventional TIG welding. The acti- dering process efficiency and to reduce soil formation
vated flux has no negative effect on the performance or life of the [9,23,31,33,60]. Aluminium and its alloys are commonly used
electrodes. Residues are easily removed from the ground during because of their size, low density and corrosion resistance. How-
welding. The A-TIG soldering significantly increases solder pene- ever, sometimes additional protection is required. Aluminium
tration under a specific welding condition without increasing the alloys can then be preserved easily by organic or electrochemical
length of the soldering surface. It also eliminates welding and pro- oxidation. The latter generates passive oxide layers that offer
duction cost fluctuations and increases efficiency dramatically excellent corrosion resistance in highly aggressive environments.
[21,57–59]. Wide range of A-TIG welding applications. A-TIG weld- However, different types of corruption, especially pitting and inter-
ing is used recently mainly in stainless steel, carbon steel, nickel- granular attack, can occur as a result of different thermomechani-
basic alloy. This concentrates principally on the AC soldering of cal treatments used to achieve mechanical properties [61,62] (see
active agents which improves aluminium alloy penetration via Fig. 6).

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 3. Country-wise ranking on the basis of the number of publications.

Fig. 4. Documents year-wise.

Corrosion from aluminium alloys is a complex process that can minium alloys. The literature suggests the application of rare earth
be influenced by a variety of experimental factors such as physical metals. Aluminium and aluminium alloys, such as 5083, 3003,
and chemical pH, temperature, anion solution nature, and passive 6063, 7075 and 8090, were successfully used as compounds. Salt
layer. In these imperfections, the adsorption, penetration and accu- with cerium and lanthanide [63,64–67].
mulation of aggressive ions such as Cl in protective film failures A lot of researches have been conducted to improve the Metal
are considered as one of the driving factors behind nuclear pitting. Inert Gas Welding (MIG) procedure which resulted in Activated
It was also suggested that a process of hydrolysis would lead to a Metal Inert Gas Welding (AMIG). In A MIG welding, the welding
local decrease in pH that would prevent the subsequent passivity. wire is used which give four times more penetration than MIG
Likewise, the electrochemical aspect of the intermetallic phase also welding. There is another metal naming Borated Stainless Steel
illustrates the resistance of aluminium alloys to localized corro- which is widely used in the nuclear industry. It is used to form
sion. Consequently, their corrosion behaviour is often linked to large tanks for storage of used nuclear fuel and their purpose is
the difference in potential between the matrix and the elements to absorb the radiations from used nuclear fuel. Borated Stainless
associated. Metal inclusions, which are nobler than the matrix, Steel is good in the absorption of radiations but it also affects badly
are used as cathodes by Nisancioglu to make the surrounding the toughness of steel tank and thus may build cracks [17]. Al-Mg-
matrix anodized. New environmental pressures have had a strong Si alloys, in particular, their rainfall characteristics during ageing,
effect on the surface treatment and metal finishing industry. have recently been extensively studied. As a general rule, Al-Mg-
Therefore, a great deal of work is being made into replacing Si Alloys ’ complex precipitation series is the following: SSSS is
chromate with more sustainable compounds for anti-corrosive alu- the supersaturated solid solution. GP zones are very small

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
8 D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Number of documents subject wise.

Fig. 6. documents by type.

1–3 nm particles. The areas are matrix-compatible and possess a which increases its peak hardness by 9 per cent. Electropulse has
spherical shape [68]. The process has a fine needle shape, typically been extensively studied in recent years. It was used for the ther-
4 to 4 to 50 nm3. It is fully in line with 0,0 to Al oscillation along the mal treatment of various metals and alloys [17,72,73]. In his paper
b-axis. The phase needle density of the maximum ageing alloy is [74], Conrad proposed the acceleration of the motion of atomic dif-
very high and the most active reinforcement stage in alloys is con- fusion and dislocation when electropulses are used in metals, and
sidered. The rod-shaped phases and the equivalent balance form in increasing the barrier of energy in phase transformation. [20] used
highly older alloys [69–71]. Since 6061 alloy has a mature peak age electropulse to successfully treat AZ61 alloy aged and found that
treatment, it is rare that new thermal treatments are reported to the electro pulse can greatly accelerate the spheroidization and
increase its strength except for Buha et al.’s T6I6 temperament, b-phase dissolution. Xu et al. [47] applied AZ31 alloy cold working

Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
D. Varshney, K. Kumar / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

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Please cite this article as: D. Varshney and K. Kumar, Application and use of different aluminium alloys with respect to workability, strength and welding
parameter optimization, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,

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