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fe F + Space Hime dingram + The Lonente transformation equattens con be written at: é ck = 7 b+ PX) a amen ae) we = VRP) at = 1 (xp) ee pao es zk # =k go, to Apeafy any event! we nest 4 mnrnbers' ( tt x 9% x) ore Coty Dae | Rae dimeansct on al aca ae 4- dimemst on at ace crete da Sek he a 4-— domasional ARR cnet Yn ihe ineginadion. ef-in pwr mind. To. ts retine . the CRASS, We meppness VRE. or Ga Kl anes. Hen 4-4 pec wo meeo 27d. spece.. To dru the S-frram, Swe dequd two posters di Cefor anes aS and %, a Ahearn vn Stay ct. The’ position of a p rd wa a ees eee |r =3) Pe te Ae R Mey world peomt, ywotten of a2 podicle is net ie 7 by a anve mm Tas 3) ie duagnom, The, curve, emce ree tage) a Line, Thus ea Pore photon (Light Weve) the nord LU ul be a srwight Line pans ing thiteugh Mow organ Xo + Te mete of tke Arnaight lene is" pe 2 shewdtaee=eheni© ++» G) Where O & tke anghes m ey the Abaight Lines seth ies ass se / New, constr the 67 frame. biel, wo meving— uth ele ety vw 'ok erpech te frame S. Seb, m= 0 in eq ab>- 1. %(% sper) = 9 Oe Coe Pen bg >® Hence, “ra, Alepe— of Irena rot eager e: is t dam aa “hai Boake tea ee ae <> Sg Re New, sk of #o tn 2a Clad 3 ¥ (ck —pow) =o chy OOP SEES tid = ey > G Af: ¥ - 4, © 4% 24> 2 OT AsS> oO) tre Apace -dime nfexwel pp iwo events Ei (eh, Hy 21) and Eo! (ete, Me YZ) one Aaid tebe bine Uke peparode ok evenrs, @ 2 AS co, two es ane Aaid @ vy as=% ato? ever one Acted te ‘td od (ere red) Aeparotect— evercks . @ ee ee: : AS DO© = en Df, az m Be ee Fer prasent din — Cassi , Asy 44= On Oe cr) Bt indientes that such events wll Lie bitin the Upper Lghh tone. Thar, means @ Wat means, +, i Ihe fulune time, Se, ang everrt securts in ihe vppee Legh cone. We ebawltety in pubes relative +5 thea ort Ae ‘Oo! ea oe ee Scenes at. thot BS eA AS AER 5 ei ha ke cee cme ls frame an=o Ca eer! er. sp a, times Lika wrhowed, we may al ways eral ee sit Meferance Csay 7) fr which Awe events gecus a Aame pRarcr, : xAel4 Thus) we can always Gnd lke a MA rferau ce Frome $7 Csay) tr Sabah two evetta occur Atmettanseudl war pact d Qe f ehereberrriarmt That megud thene-U% nO absolutes time ordore of tha, ovenh © and Hie bub a rebhhe onclex. The region. Sud SiS 2 the. ght auc. & called present; go, all Wire events cecure Hmuttencourly Note that Praper time. CUntenve | ys aefined eS S$ ds 2 (QO> WO" 3 @y =o= 424) de = Por Ren Hime dhe repation, cats 4% ° eS ee) Bye Space Uke Pe Aton AM > <46, en, dz is imaginary. Hyeee ae eee — t) Val of occurance tio And Ax PEM ene trut eye events F, 4 E,. = ()- (A) fs the tme . C @ @) } to eommundote, inberva)l of Lght Atapral twee Vents . means War 4+wo evoids er Tran thi time taxon by : DY \ to tbavel $hom x, to Lane ine nw ocuu Bis ia nok pPessible ke comar FLO tom Materivnf paordicle. & The, Pincers es af Causalty states Wate He cauin ( he EB, ) Ahould te alurays precede Hee effect Che “e,). Wiat meane We can moe Ay i f i Dosen ae Can oy modiat frome, Ber. Comiteler dirs events e.:(5 ) and €: (io S,. 5m) ‘observed tn & frame. ue aera ne Eten Oe Areata es Sceevn ih spat oh, mefeaned duro eventg eccwe 3 - Shame $s fume. AX = aS Ga 22,5 Tf events £ and & Visine CSCW Aimul taneruchy = 5m. Wn frame ca Grdaey way) “= 7CK-F ax) = 0 Or, ¢ At — Wyn ~o = 3am, $ OW rerace eC ee aston. Here, Ax deat BE We preawe 25, rc re ee Events £, and EB ane APace tka et at rv, = SS t tae ae = Gx)? x 06? 5: = Lee xID He ¢e7 ; RY = Pe Obysect/ particle Ga /* wie des Sra adits, Neloeky, v2 wo mot >», ti = 288m < 2 Aree ocean EON A aad Vay 1 1 Me, sag ae a a eS ae ee ieetg is ce sa AK Ole Av = -2882™, 4¢ =) 2x ls s a ~8 Aye & Gees + _2ann! x reare®) =O) 3 Le ~8 240 ) 4 =a eae Sa % = (1 2H1d aa Or FrpSs. eS Z 2 O22 I) FEO preg a ae o2— PG oe ee D> Particles drat. we © node WO aes, tir, ez qy Zz az @ 4.9 cA Now, amg point Pp CSayy m eco i presencde hah wy, wu o Uy. Thus , axiyp postion uector ef P wm be tordeteenr as: F =F (UUW) The tanzeud ceectors, ab poinb tia Sore ai tet the Seugt, of the tonyent ue of - Ow QU cetgiiocperne > © = [35 a -S , Now the three unt tangent ua Fors ae be cdefrved. ah: s : Lor e = 7 2a a 1 AY sy ee oe wratter, at ~ cae 1 Bae AG ie as tee i =© ae A. a 4 ne ane the tpn nents along he +4 ane ey ae a , Neb © %. ‘The components al, Ate Ve Coded * the chnteapertiant Components of tee ects ae fn asector repre sorte an pa ae gw EAS ee et _Cordrawantant we ct! tak, OX 2 Te ey he ne Appar : 4 os PRS Eo tra Mena torypent weed a 7% We ear Lae “ Aaetheonc ak ' anche m= Vy Sen Ne = Vu2_ —> @) Nea ¥e —, © oie PM tro tne. e Sige camer ea Pe ‘ada . SV Rat ee dope, % te =|Puj—> © & Hy =\Pul ee) Aor Here, ds,= hid, ds. ah, dur ds, = he dus dt = ds, + de Btdee wT) PSG £202 f: . : rp Te =O for «ep, iow 48 = 0% The cron dinate sapites 7 Called orchogrwal . For an oho geno i Sastem : Ps 1 ° o% 8,21 2 He ae) > @ ; ° am Het Yeu can find tah Pactang rT as ¥attem" Lh {oo ve BS bare amd, a, ve (* ‘I é ) mie SS Le or Lind rical cate eee System wu “a Oiomi) x Aflor Cliisien Before colldrm. According ty tee principe tre prinedps ‘ orca iad (Yi +v) = ms (Vex +) Tae ree Pre fore matter, 48 reacle g Up = | BUR 1 Unx eS , sy a VS SS 1 Un ays = Ua te — inde y= Yan ae = Yale Vier i i a —— And, Upy = _—Upx —v_ = (Ug: ) 1= Gig = > BAER sex) V = I+ Usxv — ve Up, ee > Mext¥ oy ( ba Mexv = s oe ae Gis Wend Qt) oO Sa ts 2 of Us 4b) CS) ory Ga Yaw ste Min) > @- a(n Wat) NOE) Gora) no (we) « Ioan : i Urx by “Vex and Wax by tex in Otay) LGR x e2 = ——__. —» New, divide a® by 4@: Gos) IEEE A 1 : (+ ew) CBOE) Af ~ Yes ‘ of aes Catia)? From 24,@ and @? “a Paq/ mp - (3B [in Be ™é/me = wBe/Afi— Man ee oe ofpelf, SUR: a Se ny ae " jr we Se) iS m™ reduces 44 + ee x ° aa The ~salue of Ue cmttent oc HH denen NUT, puppeAe , Ue poricle a ot nash os Gram 3% thin > wad. thus en reducer to 4 is = ore hm, Bw te jasty (ie y a t= ie cH Uin wm tke mace of Ua potice & Pb eraced fren Mt ae S which w meting. wt Use suelowty— Up, om the © etme LOU SR ON ie. ty, Laat, Us) Ace, Convention as aon Mase A leno teh by My an. iby oF REE i trame 8% and m ve ey ™ a a y eae A He Ss frome. = @® rueduwe +, os OO The forcins ; cans. @ ond @ wut sidentioal Aheud be tke nau, 3 ee ee) ese be oa f Sa 1. Therefore. sm foes ce ’ we wre UG -

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