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Sheet metalworking is a manufacturing process that involves the forming and shaping of thin, flat
sheets of metal into various shapes and sizes. This process typically involves cutting, bending, stretching,
and punching metal sheets to create a variety of products.

2. Advantages of Sheet Metal Parts include:

- High strength-to-weight ratio

- Good durability and resistance to wear

- Ability to form complex shapes and designs

- Low cost compared to other materials

- Can be easily recycled and reused

- Good electrical conductivity

- Corrosion resistance

3. Sheet metalworking terminology includes:

- Gauge: The thickness of the sheet metal, typically measured in inches or millimeters.

- Bend radius: The minimum radius of a bend that can be made in the sheet metal without causing it to
crack or deform.

- Flange: A flat, projecting surface on a sheet metal part that is used for joining or fastening.

- Hem: A bend that forms a closed loop at the edge of a sheet metal part, typically used for safety or to
prevent sharp edges.

- Forming: The process of shaping sheet metal into a desired shape or contour using bending, stretching,
or other techniques.

4. The three major categories of sheet metal processes are:

- Cutting: Processes that involve removing material from a sheet metal workpiece, such as shearing,
punching, or laser cutting.

- Forming: Processes that involve shaping a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or contour, such
as bending, stretching, or roll forming.

- Joining: Processes that involve connecting two or more sheet metal parts together, such as welding,
riveting, or adhesive bonding.

5. Seven types of sheet metal operations include:

- Shearing: Cutting a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or size using a shear or other cutting

- Punching: Creating holes or other shapes in a sheet metal workpiece using a punch and die set.

- Bending: Shaping a sheet metal workpiece into a desired angle or contour using a press brake or other
bending tool.

- Stretching: Increasing the surface area of a sheet metal workpiece by pulling it in one or more
directions using a stretching tool.

- Spinning: Forming a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or contour by rotating it rapidly on a
spinning lathe.

- Roll forming: Shaping a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or contour by passing it through a
series of rollers.

- Deep drawing: Forming a sheet metal workpiece into a three-dimensional shape or contour using a die
and punch set.

6. Cutting operations in sheet metalworking include:

- Shearing: Cutting a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or size using a shear or other cutting

- Laser cutting: Using a laser beam to cut a sheet metal workpiece into a desired shape or size.

- Waterjet cutting: Using a high-pressure jet of water to cut a sheet metal workpiece into a desired
shape or size.
7. The basic difference between blanking and punching is that blanking involves cutting a piece of sheet
metal from a larger sheet, while punching involves creating a hole or other shape in a sheet metal
workpiece without cutting it completely from the larger sheet.

8. Factors affecting shearing operation include:

- Material type and thickness

- Blade clearance and angle

- Cutting speed and force

- Workpiece size and shape

- Cutting lubrication and cooling


Blanking and punching are sheet metal cutting processes that use a punch and die to create a specific
shape or cutout in the sheet metal. The punch is a tool that is used to push the sheet metal into the die,
which is a tool that has a cavity or recess in the shape of the desired cutout.

The punch and die sizes are important factors in determining the success of the blanking and punching
processes. The punch size should be slightly larger than the desired cutout size to account for any
springback or deformation of the sheet metal during the process. The die size should be slightly larger
than the punch size to allow for clearance and to prevent the sheet metal from sticking to the die.

Here is a net sketch of a typical punch and die setup for blanking and punching:


| |

| |

| |
| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| _______ |

| | | |

| | Punch | |

| |_______| |

| |

| _______ |

| | | |

| | Die | |

| |_______| |

| |


In this sketch, the punch is shown on the left and the die is shown on the right. The sheet metal is placed
between the punch and die, and the punch is pushed into the die to create the desired cutout. The
punch and die sizes should be carefully chosen to ensure that the cutout is the correct size and shape,
and that the sheet metal is not damaged during the process.

10. Allowance in sheet metal cutting refers to the amount of additional material that is left on the
workpiece after the cutting operation to account for the material that will be lost during the subsequent
bending or forming operations. The amount of allowance required will depend on the material being
used, the thickness of the material, and the complexity of the final shape.
Angular clearance is the angle between the punch and die when the punch is in contact with the
workpiece. This angle is important because it helps to reduce the cutting forces required during the
punching process and improves the quality of the cut. The optimal angular clearance will depend on the
material being used, the thickness of the material, and the type of punch and die being used.

Cutting forces in punching refer to the amount of force required to separate the workpiece from the
surrounding material. The cutting force will depend on several factors, including the material being
used, the thickness of the material, the type of punch and die being used, the clearance between the
punch and die, and the speed of the punching operation. The cutting force can be minimized by using an
appropriate clearance, selecting the optimal punch and die design, and controlling the speed of the
punching operation.

It's important to note that the cutting forces in punching can be quite high, which can lead to tool wear
and damage over time. Therefore, it's important to monitor the cutting forces and maintain the punch
and die to ensure optimal performance and longevity.


To determine the appropriate punch and die diameters and blanking force for blanking a round disk of
150-mm diameter from a strip of 3.2-mm, half-hard cold-rolled steel with a shear strength of 310 MPa,
we can use the following steps:

(a) Determine the punch and die diameters:

- The punch diameter should be slightly larger than the blank diameter, typically by a factor of 1.05 to
1.5. In this case, we can choose a punch diameter of 157.5 mm (150 mm x 1.05).

- The die diameter should be slightly larger than the punch diameter, typically by a factor of 1.1 to 1.5. In
this case, we can choose a die diameter of 173.25 mm (157.5 mm x 1.1).

(b) Determine the blanking force:

- The blanking force can be calculated using the following formula: F = A x S x T

- F is the blanking force in Newtons (N)

- A is the area of the blank in square meters (m^2)

- S is the shear strength of the material in MPa

- T is the thickness of the material in meters (m)

- The area of the blank can be calculated using the formula for the area of a circle: A = πr^2, where r is
the radius of the blank. In this case, the radius is 75 mm, so the area is A = π x 75^2 = 17,671 mm^2 =
0.017671 m^2.

- Substituting the values given, we get: F = 0.017671 x 310 x 3.2 = 17.45 kN (kilonewtons)

Therefore, the appropriate punch and die diameters are 157.5 mm and 173.25 mm, respectively, and
the blanking force required is 17.45 kN.

12. Other cutting operations in sheet metalworking include:

- Shearing: cutting a sheet metal with a straight blade to produce straight cuts

- Sawing: cutting a sheet metal with a saw blade to produce curved cuts or shapes

- Laser cutting: using a laser beam to cut the sheet metal

- Water jet cutting: using a high-pressure jet of water to cut the sheet metal

13. Bending is a sheet metal forming operation in which a sheet metal is deformed along a straight axis.
The goal of bending is to create a specific angle or shape in the sheet metal. The bending process
involves applying force to the sheet metal, causing it to deform and take on a new shape.

14. There are several types of sheet-metal bending processes:

- V-bending: a simple bending process that uses a V-shaped die to bend the sheet metal to a specific

- Edge bending: a process in which the sheet metal is bent along one of its edges, using a punch and a

- U-bending: a process in which the sheet metal is bent into a U-shape, using a punch and a die

- Air bending: a process in which the sheet metal is bent by pressing it into a die with a punch, without
the punch touching the bottom of the die

- Bottoming: a process in which the sheet metal is bent until the punch touches the bottom of the die,
creating a sharp angle
- Coining: a process in which the sheet metal is bent into a shape that is more precise and has a higher
degree of accuracy, using a specially designed punch and die.

15. In sheet metalworking, the bend allowance is the length of material that is required to be added to
the flat pattern to compensate for the deformation that occurs during bending. This is because the
material on the inside of the bend is compressed while the material on the outside of the bend is
stretched. The bend allowance is calculated using a formula that takes into account the thickness of the
material, the bend angle, and the radius of the bend.

Spring back is the tendency of the material to return to its original shape after being bent. This is
because the material has a certain amount of elasticity, and when it is bent, it stores energy that is
released when the bending force is removed. The amount of spring back depends on the material
properties, the bend angle, and the radius of the bend.

Bending force is the force required to bend the material. It is calculated using a formula that takes into
account the material properties, the thickness of the material, the bend angle, and the radius of the
bend. The bending force is important to consider because it affects the design of the tooling and the
machinery used in the bending process.

16. To determine the starting blank size, we need to calculate the bend allowance and the bend
deduction. The bend deduction is the amount of material that is removed from the flat pattern to
compensate for the deformation that occurs during bending. It is equal to the bend allowance minus the
length of the flange on either side of the bend.

Assuming a bend angle of 90 degrees, a bend radius of 1.5 times the material thickness, and a material
thickness of 1 mm, the bend allowance can be calculated using the formula:

Bend allowance = (π/180) x bend angle x (inner radius + material thickness)

= (π/180) x 90 x (1.5 x 1 + 1)

= 1.57 mm

The length of the flange on either side of the bend can be assumed to be equal to the bend radius,
which is 1.5 mm. Therefore, the bend deduction is:

Bend deduction = bend allowance - 2 x length of flange

= 1.57 - 2 x 1.5

= -0.43 mm

Since the bend deduction is negative, we need to add 0.43 mm to the flat pattern to obtain the starting
blank size.

The starting blank size can be calculated as follows:

Starting blank size = flat pattern length + bend allowance

= 2 x (inner radius + k-factor x material thickness) + bend allowance

= 2 x (1.5 + 0.33 x 1) + 1.57

= 4.83 mm

To calculate the bending force, we can use the formula:

Bending force = (k x tensile strength x material thickness^2) / (2 x inner radius)

where k is a factor that depends on the material properties and the bend angle. For mild steel with a
bend angle of 90 degrees, a k-factor of 0.33 is commonly used.

Substituting the given values, we get:

Bending force = (0.33 x 450 x 1^2) / (2 x 1.5)

= 49.5 kN

Therefore, the bending force required is 49.5 kN if a V-die with a die opening dimension of 25 mm is

17. Drawing is a sheet metal forming operation in which a flat sheet metal is formed into a three-
dimensional shape by being pulled through a die. The process involves a blank holder that holds the
sheet metal in place while a punch pushes it through the die. Drawing is used to create cylindrical or
box-shaped parts, such as cans, tubes, and containers.
18. In drawing, clearance refers to the amount of space between the punch and the die. It is important
to have the right amount of clearance to ensure that the sheet metal is not damaged during the process.
The drawing ratio (DR) is the ratio of the final blank diameter to the initial blank diameter. The reduction
(r) is the percentage of the initial blank diameter that is reduced during the drawing process. The
thickness-to-diameter ratio is the ratio of the sheet metal thickness to the final drawn diameter.

The clearance is determined by the thickness of the sheet metal and the required surface finish of the
drawn part. A smaller clearance leads to a higher surface finish, but also increases the risk of cracking or
tearing of the sheet metal.

The drawing ratio is an important factor in determining the success of the drawing process. A higher
drawing ratio requires more force and may result in more wrinkles or defects in the sheet metal.

The reduction is an important factor in determining the amount of force required for the drawing
process. A higher reduction requires more force and may result in more wrinkles or defects in the sheet

The thickness-to-diameter ratio is an important factor in determining the success of the drawing
process. A higher thickness-to-diameter ratio requires more force and may result in more wrinkles or
defects in the sheet metal.


To determine if the drawing operation is feasible, we need to calculate the drawing ratio and compare it
to the maximum allowable drawing ratio for the material.

Drawing ratio = R = (Dd)/(D0) where Dd is the diameter of the cup and D0 is the diameter of the blank.

D0 = 138 mm

Dd = 75 mm

R = (75)/(138) = 0.543
The maximum allowable drawing ratio can be determined from the limit strains of the material. For low-
carbon steel, the limit strains are typically around 0.3.

Limiting drawing ratio = Rm = (2.44 - (t0/tf)^0.5)/(2.44 + (t0/tf)^0.5) where t0 is the initial thickness of
the sheet metal, and tf is the final thickness after drawing.

t0 = 2.4 mm

tf = ?

t0/tf = R

Solving for tf, we get tf = t0/R^2 = 2.4/(0.543)^2 = 8.7 mm

Rm = (2.44 - (2.4/8.7)^0.5)/(2.44 + (2.4/8.7)^0.5) = 0.89

Since the drawing ratio (0.543) is less than the maximum allowable drawing ratio (0.89), the operation is

(a) To determine the drawing force, we can use the following equation:

F = Kp * T * L * (1 + (r0/r)^n)

where F is the drawing force, Kp is the drawing coefficient (typically around 0.5), T is the tensile strength
of the material (300 MPa), L is the perimeter of the cup (2*pi*Dd), r0 is the die corner radius (6 mm), r is
the radius of the cup, and n is the strain hardening exponent (typically around 0.15).

r = Dd/2 = 75/2 = 37.5 mm

L = 2*pi*Dd = 471.24 mm

F = 0.5 * 300 * 471.24 * (1 + (6/37.5)^0.15) = 92,835 N

Therefore, the drawing force is approximately 92,835 N.

(b) To determine the holding force, we can use the following equation:

Fh = Ks * T * tf * L / (r * (1 - (tf/t0)^n))

where Fh is the holding force, Ks is the holding coefficient (typically around 1.2), tf is the final thickness
after drawing (8.7 mm), t0 is the initial thickness (2.4 mm), n is the strain hardening exponent (typically
around 0.15), and the other variables are the same as in the previous equation.

Fh = 1.2 * 300 * 8.7 * 471.24 / (37.5 * (1 - (8.7/2.4)^0.15)) = 130,052 N

Therefore, the holding force is approximately 130,052 N.

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