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Singular Expressions

➢ The following singular expressions also usually have plural verbs:

A number of…… the majority of…... a couple of….. a group of…….

A lot of + plural noun/ pronoun, the rest of + plural noun/ pronoun.


• A number of us are worried about it.

• The majority disagree.
• There are a couple of children outside.
• A lot of them were late.
• The rest of the members are ill.

➢ Some plural expressions have singular verbs;

Names of quantities, plural names of countries, compound nouns joined by and, more than one + singular


• Ten pounds is too much to pay.

• Three weeks wasn’t enough holiday.
• The United States is smaller than Canada.
• Fish and Chips costs £3.
• More than one person disagrees.

➢ We also use a singular verb after one of + plural noun / + singular.

• One of your children has lost a shoe.
• One of my favourite teachers is coming.

Q. Choose the correct verb.

1. A group of teenagers in the town (has / have) organized a scheme to help old people with their
2. A number of people ( has / have) complained about the noise.
3. Do you think three ponds (is / are) a big enough tip?
4. Hamburger and chips ( is / are) not a very healthy lunch.
5. Two kilos ( is / are) pretty small for a new born baby.
6. More than one house in our street ( has / have) been broken into recently.
7. A couple of dangerous looking man ( is / are) waiting for you outside.
8. One of my friends ( has / have) just won two free plane tickets to new York.
9. A lot of shops ( is / are) opening on Sundays now.
10. Tom and Rosie were late, but the rest of us ( was/ were) on time.

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