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Diploma in Information Technology

Assignment – Enhancing Productivity with MS Office

Student Name
Student ID
Batch No
Date Submitted

List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction

the Lecturer has awarded.
(To be filled by the Lecturer)

Covered Assessment Criteria – (To be filled by the Lecturer)

LO1: Demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the major features and tools of
Microsoft Word.
P1 P2 M1 D1
LO2: Understanding of basic spreadsheet concepts and advanced Excel functions and formulas.
P3 P4 M2 D2
LO3: Using MS PowerPoint application to effectively communicate and present information to
a variety of audiences
P5 P5 M3 D3

Lecturer signature Date

Student Signature Date
General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous
page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Upload this brief along with other documents to the submission link.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using Microsoft Office Package.

Word Processing Rules

1. Word File needs to save as a .docx file.

2. The font size should be 12 points and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style (First level 16/bold,
Second level 14/bold and Third level 12/bold).
4. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your
5. When you protect your document with a password, provide the password in a notepad file and
upload the same to the upload link.

Excel Rules

1. Excel File needs to be saved as .xlsx file.

2. Do not protect any cells with a password.

PowerPoint Rules

1. PowerPoint File needs to be saved as .pptx file.

2. Do not protect the presentation with a password.

Important Points:

1. Create a Folder under the Student ID of yours and include all files relevant to the assignment
in it. Then compress it (ZIP or RAR) and submit it to the ELMS as appropriate.
2. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body.
3. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions
will be accepted only if you get prior permission from the coordinator by submitting valid
documents to an acceptable reason.
4. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
may apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the major features and tools of Microsoft
LO2: Understanding of basic spreadsheet concepts and advanced Excel functions and formulas.
LO3: Using MS PowerPoint application to effectively communicate and present information to a
variety of audiences
Task 1
1. Consider the below report.

Library Management System - Project Status Update Report

Project: Library Management System
Project Manager: [Enter Your Name]
Dear All,
I am delighted to present the latest status update for the Library Management System project. This report
aims to provide an overview of the project's progress, accomplishments, challenges, current status, and
upcoming plans. Our team has been working diligently to deliver an efficient and user-friendly system for
our library users, and this report will showcase our efforts and future direction.
Project Overview
The Library Management System project was initiated with the objective of modernizing and streamlining
library operations. The system aims to provide library users with a user-friendly interface for borrowing
and returning books, managing user accounts, and automating inventory management. This project aligns
with our organization's commitment to enhance service quality and efficiency.
During the reporting period, our team achieved significant milestones that have contributed to the
successful implementation of the Library Management System:
Completed requirements gathering phase and obtained approval for the project scope.
Developed the database schema and data model for the library system.
Designed and implemented the user authentication and access control features.
Successfully integrated the system with the existing library catalog and ISBN database.
Conducted user acceptance testing, receiving positive feedback from library staff.
Challenges Faced:
While progressing through the project, we encountered some challenges that required careful attention
and resolution:
Integrating the system with the legacy library software proved to be more complex than anticipated.
However, our team worked collaboratively with the vendor and successfully resolved integration issues.
The sudden increase in user requirements during the development phase caused minor delays. We
addressed this by implementing agile project management practices to accommodate changes efficiently.
Progress Update:
As of today, the Library Management System project is 85% complete. Most of the essential features have
been developed and tested successfully. We have achieved the following milestones:
Completed the core functionality of borrowing and returning books.
Implemented the user registration and account management features.
Developed the system's administrative panel for library staff.
Conducted performance testing to ensure optimal system speed and stability.
Future Plans:
Looking ahead, the team is dedicated to completing the Library Management System project within the
specified timeline. Our focus will be on the following tasks:
Finalize the implementation of the advanced search and book reservation features.
Conduct comprehensive system testing to identify and rectify any remaining bugs or issues.
Conduct user training sessions to familiarize library staff and users with the new system.
Plan a smooth transition from the legacy system to the new Library Management System.
In conclusion, the Library Management System project has made significant progress, and we are well on
track to achieve our objectives. The dedication and expertise of our team members have been
instrumental in overcoming challenges and ensuring successful development. We remain committed to
delivering a top-notch library management system that will enhance the library user experience and
improve operational efficiency.
Thank you for your attention, and we welcome any feedback or questions during this meeting.
Best regards,
[Enter Your Name]
Project Manager

Rewrite the above report with the following formatting applied.

• Font – Times New Roman

• Font Size – 12pt
• Heading style (Apply heading styles for the text in bold in the report above)
o Font – Times New Roman
o Font size – 14pt
o Bold text
• Margins
o Left – 1
o Right – 1
o Bottom – 1
o Top – 1
• Alignment – Justify
• Line Spacing – 1.5 lines

Apply bullet points/numbering where necessary.

2. Generate a macro with the shortcut key Ctrl + Q to do the following formatting.
• Select a text.
• Bold the text.
• Underline the text.
• Change case to UPPERCASE.
• The result should look like this: SAMPLE TEXT

3. Consider the scenario given below.

Amy’s turning 16 and she wishes to host a birthday party at her house on the 18th of September
from 5.00pm onwards. She hopes to invite all her friends to this party.

Create an email according to the given scenario below by using mail merge in word that is
suitable to be sent to a large audience.

4. Password protect your document using “Track Changes” in Microsoft Word so that others
can’t turn off the track changes option.
Task 2
ABC Bookshop - Total Sales for January

Total Copies
Title Author Genre Price ($)

The Great Gatsby Scott Fitzgerald Classic 10.99

To Kill a 1000
Mockingbird Harper Lee Classic 14.95

The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown Mystery 12.50

The Institute Stephen King Mystery 9.99

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Classic 11.85

Enter the above data using Excel and apply the following formatting.
• Font – Times New Roman
• Bold the header row.
• Color of Header row – Blue
• Apply currency format to the Price column
• Apply borders to the data table
• Center align the data in the Title, Author and Genre rows.
Find the following using appropriate formulas.
1. Total number of book copies sold during January.
2. Average amount of book copies sold for January.
3. The most expensive book from the books available in ABC bookshop
4. The cheapest book available in ABC bookshop
5. Check the number of copies sold from “The Institute.” If it is greater than the number of
copies sold from “The Great Gatsby,” display as “YES.” If not display as “NO.”
6. Count the number of cells containing the word “CLASSIC.”
Perform the following using appropriate data analysis tools in Excel.
• Show the top 3 books sold in January in Green.
• Show all books that are greater than $12.
• Sort the data in the table so that the titles are ordered from A to Z.
• Filter out all books that belong to the Mystery genre.
Share the completed excel sheet by entering an email of choice and set permissions to only edit.
Enable track changes and provide evidence as to what changes have been performed by the
person whom you shared the spreadsheet with.

Task 3
Create a well-organized presentation for one of the topics given below with an appropriate theme,
images, fonts, color palettes etc. Make use of tools in PowerPoint such as textboxes, bullet points,
charts, tables etc. Add suitable transitions and animations for your completed presentation to
enhance your presentations.

• Future Trends in IT
• Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Applications in IT
• The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications

Carry out an evaluation on the benefits and the drawbacks of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Learning Outcome 01:

LO1: Demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the major features and tools of

Microsoft Word.

Performance criteria: Feedback:

P1: Prepare a report with proper formatting

to present in a meeting.

P2: Generate a macro to record common

formatting used frequently.

M1: Create a mail merge email to send for a

large audience.

D1: Implement "Track Changes" feature in

MS Word to protect a document.

Learning Outcome 02:

LO2: Understanding of basic spreadsheet concepts and advanced Excel functions and

Performance criteria: Feedback:

P3: Apply number and text formatting for an

existing data set.

P4: Use basic formulas such as SUM,

AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN, and functions
like IF, COUNTIF to the same data set.

M2: Apply data analysis for the existing

data set.

D2: Apply collaboration feature in excel

based on an organizational context.

Learning Outcome 03:

LO3: Using MS PowerPoint application to effectively communicate and present
information to a variety of audiences

Performance criteria: Feedback:

P5: Design a presentation to reflect basic

features in PowerPoint.

P6: Create a content for a presentation using

a chosen topic.

M3: Apply Slide transitions and animations

for the created presentation.

D3: Evaluate benefits and drawbacks of


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