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the "| Gawharice serves += ‘lbineicng of skirHtrel electrode. potonii’ tamer meng rest poienttal” of ‘metals ‘ond ee a a govren sag Ci Cet eeespae ROA ond ackiety Gi prance Medsurces)) Polenkeous vs rescence elect, ti) EDMot OD coupling of metals pode tidy on reraston FO Con be Predicted - pieertom “Gnrorraties 6. +> 'Stolintgg Steels Cache or Sey gebvoni’s Yorcieg A Sore erations Od rot Pore ke nate : Gos ‘ »/RGabarsoning 20 sroeig Pore Orercosdon Protector) es! dose ara o9V orercosion Protect Me Prcopert: Feubume ile E sesetes used Hox eorcragion » stay Sorts = Dana rol reduce ou im ) Omparatson of Reaadveh es ‘of metals - iD meaktiery the Liberate of igplregen apse “prom Aa 4 Metous - ' : WV) caleutourbn of tre, SME of the cou: Prec Fensibe of a Redox reaction. 3 xCotvarw'e Seretes_usey un Ordaxon study Bes Gaivanic Crreaston ds al fore, the: dese engeneare &”) Aredict’hg the. relative, bebowbure. OP acthreent: materials én oprbicatee) . a |The sorcies, shouss +r @mposttron Oran als Pies the, tend owas | coreFastoN) | + die A IM? ody * Ciodanic. gies the accurake rtesuth >, effod- of pl . « ‘ve does, nok preeslik the ef chon ae loak Kp does: nodi endinte the extont OP PoacusakePn om Cn o “]EB Gabiowee” eration” Ago JT * Ibi setedkive. ten ey mi c pani forenn gHtock 5 — ythg whole surface, of the metat es wreroded to He some] reapers yee "OPmaRER? Swe vo cuniforemn abta WW cremdel commostoin Pm % GLI] FO Hos NW petting COrercasorn rau W \nter@ianwtore congson i Iuilyertoseon vo lwiiy Stress cortreaséon) crcock’ Lind 4 ly uuniforemn Corertagior es H@ Most comsron +4Pe of orercasitn| hee The metad becomes thdinerc gopeem'4 3 oan canted cantor coreroswn « x\t cS crorcocrertt zed ‘be a. chernecat ‘ore cléckrtochemécas cvencion tak proceeds uni fe Over. the ence exposed, surface ore over a oe & Causes '~ & Ualen OL metal é placed én an ke anode ard cathode cont shite ‘ The metot cOrtmades uttoet berg en contact axth secre) moterciot + kuniforem aitack can be prevented “by (© preopere motterciaL vereuag coat! Gb) nhebeto r¢ “MD calthoclit,’ preaqectOn, * t Gone S ree ap sinouten Fx A poterttal difference us erinevhohoear) ube disgimigare metals awhen oe Naw OSS GROGMOECVE, SOIUMP RYE os uain ffs ¥orarasiy, of the Lege Os usualy ChereoSed cea on, estan ta “|resision frateriar & decrensed eshon rye SE nak Contock * wots i Kernse of Clectu'e cuuteenks ard aisstmisare, pete 4heS Yorum of cremascon & cowed gasvance ort +0 ™etoy lcormmagon * AW Seay 3109 oy keg t= pe wheal sabterey + ae Hliunaxpyn a lt eS electrochomivaL (cotucaseo « me Coats or LASS, Oo Omagh 8 He Tlentaaistevag the 4u0 metats - K Coutges 4 — { , “when the metals ane pincad or conlack the” fotorweu (, fatPerence. produce, etectreon Bous vetween Arent !i>> Te deg, reasiant Meta eet me coeverecror] teesdtont, metal cabrodits 7204 oni (| ¥ cathode. or. cothodie,. mete ‘concads ene ake an DAs type Of upe > + Prevention :— * select combmatton of MmeLOLS as ose hie. cL fe series. ® yrswlate arssdnifore, rretais uahercovert Preackeabie ’. , « APPiU Coakvgs wth eoutlont ‘ * ® Aver Unbavoratsie, arte, ePfeck of asrou Tite ory nee Nerang aie (ons — Wot : Protection of mekou” sfreuidhttree ! 4 smaKIG 1) et Cotroole PB gawanic con « ' i Treas b IPA) aio ti ivyenioy At CHeandrgsétvery®, on poit seatay oso tons Noone S ptoces| M1 a auarnntiny Van oven widtere” and ‘baKitg “Song's c | by te conta beh diver pen a tn cain \K The eavarce. andl agarceseress of the epvironrene, deter: fea oo of two, motou comeroscon ; he” moka. co) Cason aoe the. anotdee momberc, of. he couple « ly Useintty “both steel, are 2270 corereote| by thomsotues,, bub juahen “they are couple the Z6NC 00 arg: tne sted ks proteckdt] ; some domestc cot lx\n whe exceptronar case. such as lore ak emp overt 180'E » the couples THEMeRES ond the leyeet bearne anocdc * { KGawanec coreraxon) cuso ‘OCOeunts the Gerosprerce - The Severity depords on the ar ord arrounk of frodstate present 7.74 Xx Fore example > (reason 6S tei har ne segsrorce hon “> & ae reureat alemospherce + a pestance eSPeck. k Rectereated Corercosion cee fo gawance suo greenkest neost the junetton wer) ising, wth a dusiance Petom #hak pent’ ted depends on the Constuckie en A The dusiance. ag: of the soluteon - x Two metab corums’on es reach hy re@gnlzed by the Boou'ze] attacis NUT the junct'on + 4 brceg ofPect + — Arothert Mportant Poctore. tn the Jruwanic © rn. csthe Curten e&' neater que ae feck on the 0 oF the cate unPerorahe. crcen Wott cOnekic oF a “1 Oathode ‘curd srray oudale { : eter dl given eutecert ‘Pls ch Via! «oils Ind tidteony dens & greentere Pap Sia Soret roan «| ones» ‘le coreroscon 0% the. anc’ ieaiess se (00 Oe ‘ PRames greeatest tran eP the anacuig val cathode > were, “ eyesczer hr ; AFCA s ‘JXIP one Of tworckéssimitare: mekas..¢s | Cote] elon eee ee aoa reetant metal shold be @ated - : : ne = patois of werled steer ard Hainuess Cad. tank conseuer'o ’ Roe 1 { p+ ft Greraséon Preeqwenby occurs wenn CEMEES ON Stor Shietoles} ‘aieeniS on meta garcface” exper] 40° corerease ve. TS type of attack és aia associate dl ‘dct Sri Nodame, Of stagriant » sation coutser| “ by’ holes 7 Gaskeb “surf! % 240? pies » Surface chepescts und under bolt « Xb ts abso auedd deposdt ort Foster comrescon « Rchoneteraske Soteurces | He Depatts ae Procluced ty ceevete cowmascon auce sang , dite, corrosion Product and otherc satids « * Deposits act ag Shéerd and create a stagnarit corditty & Thes He cS also cL permeable Corcreaséom Preoduct. *% thes &s con » Cel comrascory ey Nature + }& Mechonuism + — ¥ Thes consists of Bure Stones : 1 corertaston eccuns ag Noremad both the crcewtiegs - ensede and oussble Areo'c reaction 74 > mnt +ne Cattodle reeackion: - 09 +2120 + Ye = 4OH™ i. A+ thes stoge rthe cathodic reeactton enséde the crewce Consaumes| rest of theo; auauigable « fi CL” and OHT okPRuse enip he erento to maintarn minimum potent en Mekal chloride cs Foremed + Mtay tH90 "4 mony + t+ an More, Mn7 cons attack rome CL” Leads to Lower PH msde ecevte. , moto OSolutcvon acclercate Cung force, Mn* cong extll bE Produced tok well lower pH * OMeaHNG Croewite corecascbn * - ) use wetded wut Jocnks Msteool of ruveted on telteol Jotuks OM new equrpment - tvs ~ |Detose creowece. corereoseon en existing do joens P + {OHS seal 5 COLUKiNG o re Sodderaing ,», ‘v i ea any oval circa) hee | y uniferem, enverconment. « ( : - yf) Removard . wet mackig Tatertats Athy Sara tag i pao ' eyuipmrent- and teorrov “et fpen = epolaravakb eT et Teh inti lkTe trate of eloctratheredat eechich es A Yae Paget ard chemnctat Rectoreg: +” : [eerce ctf etertio chenetnf reaction & sale ‘ple 2 polanzef these emvconrienta) ‘Boctors sr ource Katee Paci g 9 — (yack vation peloitizaliory j ©) Concentration ‘polaruzaton (> Acktvaktbn polorutzair'Gn : ~ ! wefbrig 1 an Cleckrtochemccod process tral £S Cont Nel ly the reeackon Seylence at the metat ~electroty te a -% & oncentcaton polarczation :— jee reefers 40 electro chemctol regdton thok arco controlte [4y the auffusin &7 , the electro! ‘ IP kath the anodic and cattndit Iceaglons are cordrcat ey CckVvakion polastization pagelekton writ hae ro anfuence ©rcrosion, nate - aM ~ rcediucttor) : Concenbcad on, palaretrodkery ‘| eo" Baad dhuye'ng ny creogen regiuctin AK Passevc} Re valores to the Loss of chemint ranelitg, expereince corckouNn metals ard autoy under fourhteusert, environs wen condittons ¢ te {8 These. holes KMekals Hak hove passess aN ackve passive reset, loecome. passive ore erty, CORCASCON. | eRsistaNae \en OxLE Ze ArOM Mend ens 0 WO Indy iw cree q osc comdtiang ; "thes lashes diveoe waar Priops, aly eo Pare a / Suddess geal ty! develop new methods, Per event F heats “rca tate "0 hin ena i | Sreeesivn rake — (coracegeon characteristics OP an active -rasne ‘ 7, meLAL as & uncten 4 Selatan ee Ape @ratsgbin Ao a 9 rete aa Perm oP joe attack that Teese’ en notes & the eS one of the most Sores anal Ensprevegs fam of con, - “TKI es LMP to. ‘debe ck “pees because of shaite smout see 8 because pts arce. often Cover , wrth Corescgsion Preodurk - [# So» MO PA there oS , ok Sroge ora gOS pet usually rcow onthe clircecton of gracly » > Most pets clevelop 2 grcow docwrusared, Pream tocisonhd seurtface + ddd =D verey Pow Starks Prom vertical gurtface 68 rly vets gro cupwcnred freom wwtromn ‘porcezoal gurchace « j n¢ chy pels ccepuree. exrerded eniation percied beforce, visible pets appease» HSE: pereted eae, Conger month +o ‘feos on both the speciPe, metcu ond the wMresccKle. Gepercling are OO By ’ fr NO COrcrcaKdy ys Pe = o ping comeasion aS" an mtecmadiate Soge tiv pat be. considered ag the tntermatiase StOGO bekween No ae reason and overall Corsr@szon + fh — no attack, & — > ocureance. of - intense ping c — > uniform meta! remot . x Wee Matasce OP en =e peters és a ayto Ice preocess - . A The Cortrcogion preoeess” atthény pet cs Qreratic Sr sd she ackevity of pe + Rieck a, “meat ’ &s petted 4 a7 afc ater] socticere RTHas ecaped obissoluson of mobat ucther the RE ard reaductton of oxygen on the adjacent surthace AaKes Ponce gma excess pastve Ni (ons produced as newecalee| 4 chioruige cons on the soliton - ¥ ‘ Phign wn o2 met “> neg conc” of hysleogen bn . K These and Chiorudfe fons => Stimutaty | Aisdeuktor of mekay ‘ zi "These entire prtocess acclercates with time. fn te all of Onan IN he’ Pe ag Poin, GD ots Re the pif. PXe ©°o ‘, og °9 e ® id Sa y proces rey en cccorsmscon Rt) X siateon composetesy | 7 Most pettin corercoson aKKe Carded wy chide cree nn dong i AXTHS es, because Ie Qerq| fern hand Lg Tal Neri Shiedly tof ee Yea ig 1 aa ‘ons CH chtorble - ane, gpcessoe Xdaoae WPescrtte’ ano) mestourere, hadi des are ex} aggeessee | otearely NE EVEN our Most corstogtan, ~ restsiont! RAL oy CUcly cond Feck, _ antays on he: K cuprurc and Pere, chiort'de donot rope Bl SS ee of oxygen an to Promote attack bez thelre cations tan be feorroniidarty weduced > curt +90 a> UK rety 7 ore mre = prevente ort teeduced by the pres nce Of hyekeonide »Cncorrate ort Sélecade sats - Pe vetootty — Aepeting ¢S us aspciaked with rant condita. ea ort wn asi} velocity after decreases een Meramec a variable | ~ RThe Stainless Steet. antors arce, morte Suscep bi qe by Rtking crereston & pustenthe. Stainles steel exhebet the greatest ag resistance when solution - quencheo| adoove. IOOe . qseesce Cold - “ork drerceagss the perg attack, of 18-8 staimless steots Yn Poreee chlorade - a Penish often rag A Movckeo| Sg on on . Ses" Steg, cs More reesstanc to eg than | ie to dam, AAMIMAY L¢ Paul, ao i t maint io ery op _} prevention er, VAdditibn of 2y. Mo to 18 ~8'8 cype soy): ce ¥ mise: pratuce 18-85™0" Rests On er reecsarye See a a & use fa. that ae Krowh not 4 pct ern the Cavittonmeny . Pag wens ey se helpRut jst tag may donot Kectiues & md NE anless atletcye cS Steppea| compre a al areas ae oe oa E cata ever ner ladtocks ‘eesunts aero rding ee ne Us yy RB more IeDak'VE! Hain matey Gna cntorPace are ¥ yor reeackle arrs| eaten PS Rey renee te @rucaxn ours, NK- stan es iors! Pooks | KWed decay —occere at an opmigontie tans in the weld] . A Kn sme attack, = Te stabilize] austenite, suodnies Steex SS attadies ‘a carder. eerdaih Spaeth becouse 08 ehicoritum elo pre RIAN |- “}& knee me attack occurs n @ Marereoea bene: soled corereascoy) * c¢ pone ee | rer@Scron ante carpal 4 mys tne an : t enecichmren- en of at eterrent ‘tdepleton of one of te aurea + ¥ Remedict_ Menseue gs Peay bap ee - season head -treptoend. i cadet) content rset cena ane element ch the gray _ | 2 Reteine Lesdhig $= lesetecsive ending’ the werovat: of one erent OF Soa tice in progeas + : Pee Guang cn ores a ed Nast Rakerce * & Dezinaeuion obgorad twith’ naked] ‘ee ‘becouse the XY ASSES Leo] Ore Oppert caer, Had ontracts the Ora’ lon? There aree 4wo types of sfozanebfeeasion ! eR Sr pl ' “i brass and. acids ein tink: tnd ep low Jorasses~and eutkalme: rananaal , pe onarkion - PR uses * — a feMan tmecharugm’ Gansests of thrcee spesiens : Whe beagg.‘dessoived| Ve, WW The Bake ‘ton stays an sokaken LS hy eathodtic: preoteerton « . Revatiiond menseerte | — W RELIG the Oagresavencs OP the envitcortien WO abhodte. protecktn + A Btoson comregeon +, - peEroscon crecoscon’ cs the atGloidie) ort Mboate M the rate of deteruration or attack 08 a metas bez OF teatadtve 'sibvoment’ Eeitadn atest Put! and He Mekal gerface, « 8 The movernert esquute, Kopel, ae mechaniias tease effeckS ort aorasttn arce volved « te 9° Pump OnpetLert » heat exchangere tube pand! 1 water + it icc, Peokuree $ ~ ma Tee tee pe arce Suscept 4 Most of the Metals Ore ed Bore eae eee rercoscon: +) , : * of the. corereascve, nredtuuna @usd- cause,” eroscor corerasteh «CE ray oe gas » aquenus Soko, » anes KFalure, becuse of ertcsion corerasion oeceere, 1-2" ‘ shor Hime . ae , ‘ v]x vetocity “S| aiguence ‘te mecraruns OF te Oregon) senso remade . : ) KE exhibet Mechanttat” wea efPedts et nigh’ valug}. EB reason Orereason Con cere. On MEKLS axol g vot Jarve comy reogsstance, to O Pour tutor tore ae lat low vosocity , i AL Ereoscon @rteosion Prilurce éccouts beaaLise turbulence ort terekculont Pp Condiitton exisig «yf om + K Remedios mensuee | — et anceba Wakeruols cwith better reesestance, tp.eresion omrage Wei) Desegnn ot 1) ware i 'e protect . | IY) Altocorean of the envértonment . Pk Sirtess ~ corescogyon) a ee uy “Rete @rerosbn cracking refers 4 creek eid) | ee she of tone sings “and Speake crrasve medium - \ : There arte two 8 OP wrereson orackivg a Wseason erack: uo . (iD cous reombyai 49 eee # These Piilurce Shayed) crack ont brite Yue ab, ‘ mn bre teivet holes + k crarcactorestet’s Featarce !~ X stteeyy corercoscon onary gtve the appanaance oP, «| bretete, rrechonieatl Prenttte (ihe ieee ip Pea © |Oreroscon: proces BIEN XK oth oe ee ar sare “Pronedare torres seraved ¥ Incr’ se the streess AFRO rere og Creacka “occeureg + im i Jk Erveconmentat Pastore. SAlgo the ‘nest: mp Sa bre sce . : AK @uses 3 . \: Deg ocatton co-ptanarcity y . ! y ae apa — : S- Wareicle. Paeratron . 6+ Stress - acclerated @rovosbn . tRemediod measures 1! X lowere oan = _ oe ba reid pss e X coakt 0K ert * shot Ypeeni : * Bel cakto die protect'am, : - iin! Sobe isrofo py) $ HOI aia} : ee Q-Pranciple of coreraston) prodiitian.:— { SGOT SB Ps KMatoruigd Btekeon j- Material‘ Sotectton. ¢§. Hoe, mast émporbank metros of coe nl ort | Corereosdon, pane Z Ametor purifeoton > - The corereoscor) reegestaunce oP A Pure metou. cs beHerr tran tat of one eee empusci igs Gre Straus arrount. 08 ofmere empurcitics - X Non mmekcullirg | - 5 of non metatic arte used Yor Léneng or @verarg” of subgtankou theekness ~PEOSKCS 5 ceramics , coscbor sqrcaphite , L200d . Aeration of envéronment.- AYautY the ewenchment Provides, 0. vertsakile. means fore requ ng corereosvon Detarging en, mekiurn : ~ sensi tee chor eo » org 4) lecuercing ne temp + — \nert. iP > Deere: the attack | ily Decreenserg velbetty :- Heghere vetbatty <5 Mort the ecoston ~OnRaain. ip clas oxygen *- Ik tS achteven| by vacum dreeatment , crercd | \y % 943 Reuging. | Crarging cone ~ Cre@DsOr reedkuceal by Mert + come « { Elnhebdtores “in hebetorg es @. Sakstance cehen dctded & Sma cone- 40 ON environment deer: he corescascon roe + ly Rdsoreptton, tyPe | — These ahibek’ Substance . > Vapour prago ! - Thus Possess, ae Teprcesent: the forges. ctass oP WOPOUT PRE SSuree ma ix & cotvodie protection 1" {cathode protection oS achienés} by soy +o the metal a vo hg Protected M—> Mm ne | c= (1) ' ANE Hy dK Sheou coarteary ¥ > oPeoas often Xk Qppiecable wo, Ue Mmekedy Sregantore any ah cotrode X WEAK 40 rnoderake in erucosive alrvaghereg =”, Sptere kK Relaktve cast of mstattatron cs wo, r K Throw Powere of, low: ++ signee of Opplccolcitrenceng es: “a: ‘comix - ct cloeg nok; tncteeate, corexcoscon - wore. [ANOdhie Proteckion : — Hit 18 ‘baged} on the Shérvagen, op au preokeetive im on mekaug se “CppIeeD| olredie unrcenky . qt —m"t poe — Cod an rae” > tty ey em Ve appcabie YO ackve -passtve mekeuts on} X WEAK, fo AQyrcasseve, ON COreerosele adres econ Come “OP chgteworton CS hgh | a 8 hi tantranee of appv Suro ey often abrced mead ee oak . SE eee ® cotvoaue poteron cokrgg ie. PR ait is Oppidabie Pre au metal ® Itdevetops at an apprieciatid distance Preomn the wed . 4 1t 16 WERK to moderate On pty ig Wea bo aggresseve Produc Proteckdon yr tS appiicante only arekeve passive, ‘ @rTEICOS*VE CLiMosPhere- rescoseve CUMOS : He wast « x low ON ¥ Must os be aleteremmnag * CAN bE Zee an | reat dlokeremeneg by empreteal Hsting - | execrneblenerndene menses ¥Throurrg Power ¢$ Low - K Thea maa ye scopenateon Hoe Rance OP V4 eppribh| curercont poco alien Wbibeieaton aes OVALS oF ProKeh @ wi de 20 cor sOLE HIE IS eset Prcom Mtergad & weguat Pom ontergranedy Neto corercoston , - fearertoseen | KMS dissociated wth Kits algo Assdcdetked wrth Dessdrlarcitty *§ — j 4 1h wComre on a Noreroed Seal « 4 K 14 does not oceans mya cord Mm we adfecent 4o,the KIt oceusts cn Stabéhized steers Kontengs = + Retak’vely thin tig oP mmotaute's rel Morgane rote POL coun cle nesittence +o Corraxiny . AMekan convings are appited by te : dae fon + — & Aso Krousr. a3 So a RIF consests of Cmercsérg the fare to be cabal ngoi%e? the moter to ‘be p. ey I ti Flame gs gt ? “ : : ; ASO Knoewy Ay metas: : = : . eI consists OP Leading @ motag wero Ahi meet fame so Hat mete Civic eo} ohio liq fartkules Ce blown)’ to he Surtyce _ } iy ehagtatng »— 2 i any lL twolves a. surPaae of sheat meas, Pub on tale q styek 28 meter together . bare ergs a streength RU" elod weth pure A), ei © Vapour “clopeatey + \ HHS dome MH a nesh voraum chamber , % Mate expengeve - KOGr- Packs Of Mise ang Reckets Y) OcPasean 5 TIE Babs known as aerPaco attoys : RUE tnvone hank ‘reeatment- 40 couse attoy Srevation APRarcon OF one MELO cho the athar . X organic coating = #3 rin Rotors’ Gree + _ ere ero] F Removal OP obit’) ‘| Wrseteertonn ex) Petraes | ~ pps usd Cod] woldabilety, i) Sredton of op wat * — Ged apeacance, . A.Ceod corcreostor, proton. Rackt ond: cnemu'cal Htteayment a Prtkcoderteon Yo hin forap coreraseon :— iy 4 1 Helo cue of. gas’ teercberie ard rocket ergs OP aire craPe preopulston uxherce a top co img proce ace certain dishngui ' Yakute arout ano i edt of hn temp corertos hy AE OI | on “ceciat #07 wre ease! of domoge |: oa shat me esome typical Chotaken elude theek, 8 rash metals 5 bunt sunPace J Molt Phase » depose} v scious OlorS , custercton ard crackang ard mogratismn + ' oe vourties, Sgntteant ‘asal por she enverorimy Ord uvetl be era see salle a moderciay onsclakon Lig Ore exceal »Uehen On attoy sustaihs b : organ [8a halogen /arygan molten rai eapecay S-Patleng ees) wore cebu + — KTS c§ the ratro Of sHde volume 4o the Volume ef Stal Som uke oxide rag Yoremed . The ede Fim Comp (Sol Meat Yreom the Qe . | ¥ [Pdtnig One ce 1 tran one there ¢& cnscbeeten ott tocovere yne meted + ' KAS this rok cS gceatore +ran one an non Aes CUrvle Profeckeve Pim Yorum - V9 thes raotco cs wore’ tron’ 400 the volume of on'de aes Wan dat Of metet . aM +20, Mer PB ratty = ouble volume per Meta ate) en ee metal vel per atom = Wim Usherve , w= weight oP theattt e i AWS ox oe al e wok os? roe Fen Ox $y edonswers po . — i SES abies ~~ ® oxiodakton Kenektcs 6 + ht The, rote of oxtdattor) can be Kprasal as weight ger) Pore Unit asco. Or how ne snceKness OF Are ote aim iMeceases wilh HME. auMear mate bw 4 - THéckness weight fun og the ox'de souery Inerceases catty Hmne “unto w =at +0) i a force Rote wow %- the & al obsoroved wtih then KY Bam ak low fompUee, wt ard 20 /Ne x Parabolic Rate Saw * - ; | vahon diffusion of con occure Yhrougin Fre different Srudurce. OP autde Sy oP the O%idlatton’ Pilow Parole. yic Sow : . T ibs wr -At + B° K cube, rake Law * - Gott short exPeurces Perciad mre tC > ovide coPock’ sireuckarce + — | * Metal oxide Yormed on metal surface clo al Lone - y ’ i ee 6 qniain port cle Pecks akove abd oo. defects wruid be avon om UN Of Mderotikay | geome metal andere specif. corcuitrons rey U5 | ¥ uslhen 0, epee ci choPects cure present a. charge} : ae . o ompasihin off the ude, OCHA: kK The deviation wuld be We tos - DExCess metor due to anton vacancies . Gi. RX Cons Cretal ‘due 4o “NFO CoRMAY 9 thy Breese oxen clue to chtoratHol onweny (MB Xcease ox Awe ty cotton Vecemeres ... ~ wade ~Howtfe valence approach en O18Oy Wa) Fore No kyPer-onide sulcshtuktor "BP eaiting tht tre Lattice the cone. of erberstitiaimicons ore anton Vacancy) On| cleoranse the Core: OF excess plectrton a enseeath contro! oxtelakim rete “Louse be Mercensey. b) Substitatcon of courong : Phe wre. of cndensitital ation 6 ener. the cone. of OXCRS8 Cleckrrory XA art fugecn, COoMErolled orudloron 2) For p. VOWONCO dey, ancong vaccanu'es aro} } take woutol bo der, © of onde 5 — (Y We addikon of he rT VoLence chereenges the (AKON voccancis ox, Mer steal anions ene» aro Seon +e dectton yole ONC» A crust Onto} OrU'elautt'or Fake. woutd be ceorcca ge} ev Te norpurakion ov Lower, y ! rs “tl oh Molle Linear oxidlasiom Kienrks en mp OxWiZe COLOstorhiouy. Qdomyingemibees — » I 4 és eal e of roped exotherunce,, meOCkon ab their isc 19 dhe robe 08 hear transfer: to metot sShreT ee ess ON jhe. torte 69 heat evolurtn 7d he eee the sunfoce temp Mar - I ycatastcophec dXwlelakCor) cou occene CP vorradueumn oidle ort Lead oudle compounds arce Preesent dn the gas Prose. 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Aoove to-03v Overevoltoge atone Conttolg the enperci MenSurced| CLraceNd . hE overt voltage Nerceasy “lo = ex {i> Aove the mene APourcbaix chi chustates the ombmrat effect of the potent dind the PH of the aquercs soi? on the Prooluct OF corermscan - ‘Three ol Pfercent 3 of behavtourtasce 1 Dem enunt Corervostor) TY) Corereass i> profectoM due to forerrak’n oF a tayo oPoxidfo xTheee obiPfercent types OP straight oe ance + — iy orazontar tne + - $112.45 x The equitutbecram sonra v4 E ard not o - tLne - 1 ecepreenents » Fe*F rae” —>Fe « where » B= Ee 421 WORT 3 2. 3oaRT OF Ay Xr XLone - Q represents the , cett +e7 > ort {l) vathvoay tone! — ‘Me vere) teyek car Orcherercloni- 62 B bib are Geer) one. : ; Krone -y os deerrint ee pH of the Solwien . ih Slopa Imes :— seus § : | | ‘lt wepreerds the eysidibrcium ae both dog 6 CON ard electron yang Lory . HS aPRocba| tot by ptt am polentray Cavitayion Domage t- — St isa special form ch @tosion covvosion . - Btis caused by the, Pemation V collapse o/) Liquid near o‘mnatat "aurjac. — St genaralty occur in hy raul, turbine, sip Propellers, pump pimpatiers Gahote Vagh aetocty Liqpid ovo % prassvre changes Otwwer. ~ Mechanism hy esr rosion t- f A cavitation, bubble \voms on protective ‘itm. 1} The bubble collapses an destroys the {im ba . ny The newly exposed matal aunlace covsodu & rhe {itm \s gadured ny A naw cavitalion bubble forme oF the Some Spot - VY The bubble collapses fy cesteo ‘he sim V) The bubble exposed area cossodes h -\he s{itm loves, Coating & codhadte’ protects . Vapous Dubbies ina Prevendfen Des K2z772277P 722277 7A AGS OL cavitation «

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