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Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

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Development of an early-warning system for site work in hot and humid

environments: A case study
Wen Yi a,b,c,⁎, Albert P.C. Chan a, Xiangyu Wang b,c,d, Jun Wang b,c
Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
School of Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia
Australasian Joint Research Centre for BIM, Curtin University, Australia
Department of Housing and Interior Design, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study presents an early-warning system for working in hot and humid environment. The developed system
Received 5 December 2014 can monitor workers' heat strain level when they have to work under such hostile conditions continuously.
Received in revised form 11 October 2015 Health alert messages with corresponding intervention measures will be prompted to workers to safeguard
Accepted 7 November 2015
their wellbeing. Heat strain is evaluated by a subjective index perception rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
Available online 1 December 2015
and an objective heat strain indicator heart rate. A database containing 550 sets of synchronized work-related,
environmental, and personal data were used to construct the prediction model. Artificial neural networks
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were applied to forecast the RPE of construction workers. Statistical measures including MAPE, RMSE and R2
Construction industry confirm that the established model is good fitting with high accuracy. The proposed system could be automated
Early-warning system by integrating smart sensor technology, location tracking technology, and information communication tech-
Heat stress nology, which could be in the form of GSM based environmental sensor, smart bracelet, and smart phone appli-
Hong Kong cation, to protect the wellbeing for those who have to work in hot and humid conditions.
Occupational health and safety (OHS) © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction term) illnesses from their exposure to environmental hazards [4].

The health and safety of construction workers aroused greater
Construction is a large, complex, and dynamic sector that generates attention from governments, industry community practitioners,
employment for millions of people worldwide. However, this sector has and the academia.
the most fatalities and high incidence of non-fatal occupational injuries Heat stress is a well-known occupational hazard in the construction
and illnesses on days away from work. Based on the estimates of Inter- industry [4], and climate change together with the increased frequency
national Labour Organization (ILO), at least 60,000 fatal accidents occur and intensity of extreme heat events have made risks more severe and
each year in construction sites around the world, which represent one widespread [5-8]. Heat stress causes physiological and psychological
fatal accident every 10 min [1]. In addition, the ILO estimates that the discomforts, deteriorates performance and productivity, increases
construction workers in industrialized countries are 3 to 4 times greater incident rates, and even threatens survival [9-11]. Increased ther-
than other employees to die from accidents at work [2]. Aside from the moregulatory, cardiovascular and perceptual strains on the body
dangers of being the front-liners on a jobsite, workers in the construc- promote confusion, irritability, and other emotional stress, which
tion industry also confront potential health hazards (e.g., temperature may cause workers to distract attention from tasks or ignore safety
extremes, radiation, chemicals, dusts, vibration, and noise) throughout procedures [12]. Published reports in the United States suggest
the building process. Furthermore, about 30% of construction workers that work in construction occupation is associated with an increased
in some European countries suffer from pain and musculoskeletal dis- risk of heat-related death and illness [13,14]. In Japan, a total of 47
orders [3]. The occupational illnesses of construction workers have not deaths due to heat stroke were reported as industrial accidents in
been accurately measured, but an educated guess indicates that con- hot environments during 2010. The construction industry is found
struction workers suffer both acute (short-term) and chronic (long- to be more susceptible to heat stress than other industries, which
is accounted for 64% of all lethal cases [15]. News reports archived
in Hong Kong show alarming incidences of heat stress and verifiable
⁎ Corresponding author at: ZN703, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong reported deaths in the construction industry [16]. A recent survey
Kong Polytechnic University 11 Yuk Choi Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
999077, China. Tel.: +852 2766 5794; fax: +852 2766 5131.
revealed that 5% of construction workers had suffered from heat stroke
E-mail addresses: (W. Yi), (A.P.C. Chan), and 23% had experienced symptoms of heat stroke [17]. In Taiwan, (X. Wang), (J. Wang). construction workers were identified as the most vulnerable population
0926-5805/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
102 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

in which high temperature impacts on health and productivity [18]. The climate zone where air temperature typically reaches 34.5 °C on its hot-
risk of heat stress experienced by construction workers may even be test summer days [48] and business environment of the construction in-
higher in the Middle East where ambient air temperatures often reach dustry in Hong Kong is highly competitive [49], the Hong Kong
45 °C and higher with 90% humidity [19]. Considering the high frequency construction industry is selected as a prototype for developing a more
of heat-related incidents in the construction industry, understanding how focused methodology which if successful could also be applied to
heat stress results in heat-related illnesses and how it affects construction other regions.
workers is important in planning for intervention strategies.
To prevent heat stress, a series of fundamental practice notes and 2. Design of the early-warning system
guidelines (e.g., appropriate work arrangements, shelters at work or
rest places to reduce radiant heat gain, ventilation in indoor working en- 2.1. Factors used to develop early-warning system
vironment, air-conditioned rest rooms, and provision of drinking water
or sports drinks) have been promulgated [20-23]. Likewise, the issue of 2.1.1. Heat strain assessment
working under hot weather has been a concern of academic researchers. Heat stress is defined by National Institute for Occupational Safety
The limits of human tolerance in terms of physiological parameters and Health as the sum of the heat generated in the body (metabolic
(e.g., core temperature, heart rate, skin temperature) have been evalu- heat) plus the heat gained from the environment minus the heat lost
ated at different levels of heat exposure [24-26]. Upper tolerance limits from the body to the environment [30]. Heat strain describes the overall
in terms of environmental indicators (e.g., temperature, humidity, wet physiological and psychological response resulting from heat stress
bulb globe temperature, thermal work limit) have been explored in lit- [50]. International Standard Organization has identified the indicators
erature [27] and adopted by regulatory organizations [28-30]. Recently, for heat strain, including body core temperature, skin temperature,
attempts and efforts were made to establish a safety evaluation model for heart rate and the loss of body mass through sweating [51]. Heart rate
assessing the risk of heat stress in the workplace. Evaluating safety is not is the earliest response of physiological strain [52], which was used to
only an important means for implementing the policy but also provides a assess the strain of construction workers [53]. Previous studies reported
base for establishing a scientific and standardized management of enter- that the normal heart rates for undertaking heavy tasks in the heat were
prises [31]. For example, Ren et al. [32] established an evaluation frame- in the range of 130–160 bpm [24,54]. According to ACGIH, an
work for assessing the hazards of heat stress in the workplace in an individual's heat stress exposure should be discontinued when his/her
underground mine. Zheng et al. [33] studied safety evaluation and early heart rate exceeds 180 beats per minute (bpm) minus the age of the
warning rating of hot and humid environment. However, no systematic employee sustained for at least 3 min [55].
and in-depth studies have been conducted with respect to safety evalua- Apart from the objective physiological parameters, heat strain can be
tion and early warning in hot and humid environment for the identifica- evaluated by a subjective perception index rating of perceived exertion
tion, evaluation, control, and management of human behavioral factors. (RPE) which indicates the intensity of subjective effort, stress, or dis-
The performance of work activities befitting safety and accident preven- comfort felt during physical activity [56]. RPE provides a useful indica-
tion is a continuing and dynamic process. The key to achieving these ob- tion of the capacity to continue a task [57]. The RPE scales use both
jectives lies with workers' concentration. The cognitive condition of verbal anchors and numbers that have been reported to possess both
concentration can be viewed through the concept of mindfulness [34]. categorical and interval properties [58]. The Borg CR10 Scale was used
Mindful work organization and performance can be achieved through in this study. The anchors ranged from 0 = “rest” to 10 = “maximal
the improvement of workers' alertness to and awareness of the hazardous exertion.”
nature of the operations. Previous studies have demonstrated that the RPE is highly correlated
Occupational heat strain results from a combination of factors, with environmental factors such as temperature, relative humidity, air
which include environmental conditions, work demands, and individu- velocity, and solar radiation; personal factors such as age, body fat,
al characteristics. Earlier studies by Chan et al. [35,36] established a mul- and alcohol drinking/smoking habits; and work-related factors such as
tiple linear model (MLR) to predict a worker's heat strain to different work duration and work intensity [59-62]. The wet bulb globe temper-
environmental factors, work-related factors, and personal factors. ature (WBGT) which responds to all four elements of the thermal envi-
However, it was challenged that heat stress and heat strain may not ronment (i.e., air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and solar
be linearly correlated [37]. Furthermore, the combination of the large radiation) is adopted as an environmental parameter in this study.
array of personal health and lifestyle factors and their complex interac- WBGT is so far the most widely used and accepted environmental
tion effects is far beyond the predictive power of a MLR [38]. More index for managing occupational heat stress [63]. The body mass
advanced analytical techniques are required to tackle these complex is- index (BMI) measures body fat based on height and weight. Alcohol
sues. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), a form of artificial intelligence drinking and smoking habits will be recorded under three categories ac-
technique, is one such approach which provides a high level of flexibility cording to the amount of weekly alcohol intake and cigarette consump-
and competency in nonlinearities and complex behavior. ANN provides tion. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) [64], one
solutions to many complex problems in biology and medicine that are “standard” drink contains 10 g of pure alcohol [e.g., 250 ml (3/4 can)
beyond the computational capacity of classical mathematical and tradi- of regular beer has 5% alcoholicity, 100 ml (1 small glass) of wine has
tional statistical techniques [39]. The application of ANN in data treat- 12% alcoholicity, 30 ml (1 pub measure) of hard liquor has 40%
ment is high, particularly where systems present nonlinearities and alcoholicity]. “Low-risk” drinking levels for men represent no more
complex behavior [40]. than four drinks on any single day, and no more than 14 drinks per
Innovative devices and technologies [e.g., physiological status mon- week [65,66]. Thus, alcohol drinking habits are classified into three cat-
itor (PSM) and Ultra-Wideband (UWB)] are being used to real-time egories, namely “none,” “no more than four drinks on any single day and
location tracking and physiological status of construction workers for no more than 14 drinks,” and “more than four drinks on any single day
enhancing construction safety and productivity [41-47]. This research and no more than 14 drinks.” Based on the study by Chan et al. [67] on
aims to develop an early-warning system for construction workers medical examination for construction workers, smoking habits were
against hot and humid climates using modern technologies and ANN classified in three categories, namely “none,” “no more than 35 ciga-
as the principal analytical technique. The objectives of this study are rettes per week,” and “more than 35 cigarettes per week”. Workers of
to (1) develop a model to predict a worker's heat strain in hot and different trades may be subject to different degrees of physical de-
humid environment; and (2) identify proper precautions against the mands. Energy expenditure, defined as a sum of internal heat produced
hazards and risks in hot and humid environment to prevent and reduce and external work, is a common method to quantify the intensity of
the harmful effects of heat exposure. Since Hong Kong is in a subtropical physical works in a hot environment [68]. Workload is classified into
W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113 103

three categories, namely, light (b841 kJ/h), moderate (841–1297 kJ/h), workers' RPE computed by the ANN model and the real-time monitor-
and heavy (1297–1681 kJ/h), according to the guidelines by ACGIH ing heart rate, different levels of warning signs will be prompted to rec-
and ISO 7243. Abdelhamid and Everett [69] investigated the physi- ommend appropriate actions well in advance before the potential
cal demands of construction work and provided reference values hazard may realize.
of energy expenditure among different trades. The workload classi- The early-warning system can be considered as a highly dynamic
fication for construction trade is listed in Table 1. and network operating system, which involved several automated de-
vices (e.g., GSM based environmental sensors, smart phone, smart
2.1.2. Warning sign bracelet) that collate, monitor, analyze, and disseminate the safety in-
To prevent heat stroke, it is important to consider which workers are formation. The system could be automated by integrating smart sensor
at risk and provide early warning signs before injury occurs. The warn- technology, location tracking technology, and information communica-
ing sign is designed to alert workers of the seriousness of heat stress, in- tion technology. Fig. 1 shows the system measures the environmental
dicate potential consequences as well as recommend proper actions to parameter of the construction sites and monitors the physiological var-
avoid such happenings [70,71]. The alerting function can be conveyed iables of the workers and automatically sends early-warnings in real
using symbols or signs involving various colors and shapes [71]. In this time to both frontline workers and supervisory staff.
study, the level of heat strain will be categorized into “mostly safe,” To activate the early-warning system, workers could input their per-
“caution,” “warning,” and “severe warning,” which are symbolized as sonal and work-related information (i.e., age, height, weight, smoking
“blue,” “green,” “orange” and “red,” color respectively, to draw the at- habit, alcohol drinking habit, and job nature) into the application soft-
tention of workers. ware (app) and set the stop-watch timer before they start their daily
Physical work in a hot and humid environment not only imposes work. Once starting the daily work, smart bracelet wore by the workers
considerable heat strain on workers, but also leads to heat illness and will monitor their heart rate. Smart phone carried by workers will deter-
even deaths. The continuum of heat illness includes mild disease mine their location and receive the synchronous WBGT data from the
(e.g., heat edema, heat rash, heat cramps, and heat syncope), heat ex- adjacent environmental sensors. Based on the personal, work-related,
haustion, and potentially life-threatening heat stroke, which is the environmental data, workers' RPE can be computed by the ANN model
most severe form of heat illness [72]. Heat exhaustion is a moderate via a smart phone app. Warning alerts will be sent with sound track to
heat illness in which the core temperature falls 38 °C and 40 °C [73]. the workers concerned once certain thresholds exceed. For example,
Heat stroke is characterized by a core temperature of N40 °C accompa- an alert of “red” warning with suggested strategies to rest in the shade
nied by changes in mental status [74]. Often, heat stroke is accompanied and cool down, report symptoms of heat illnesses if any will be sent
by acute symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, hot skin or heavy perspira- when the predicted RPE of a worker reached 9 or his/her heart rate ex-
tion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and reddened faces [75]. Information ceeds 180 bpm minus the age of the employee sustained for at least
about the possible consequences (symptoms of heat-related illness) 3 min. During the prolonged operation, frontline workers might suffer
and the appropriate actions to engage in or avoid have been reported from a spectrum of discomforts such as decreased muscle coordination,
in a series of practice notes and guidelines on working in hot weather nausea, headaches, dizziness, rapid heart rate and breathing. They can
[22,23,27,76]. These recommendations will be captured and presented report the heat-related disorders to their supervisors or safety pro-
in the warning system. Details of the warning system are shown in fessionals via the smart phone. With the wireless communication
Table 2. technology (e.g., 3G connection), supervisory staff can immediate
acquire workers' level of heat strain, location, personal information
2.2. System design conception and symptoms of heat-related illness via a PC/smart phone that connects
with a cloud database. Process map for the early-warning system is illus-
The purpose of the early-warning system is to safeguard the well- trated in Fig. 2.
being of construction workers while working in hot and humid environ-
ment. The system should alert construction workers of occupational
2.3. System architecture
heat stress, and indicate probable consequences, and subsequently rec-
ommend appropriate behavior to engage in or avoid. Workers' heat
As illustrated in Fig. 3, the early-warning system is composed of four
strain level is evaluated by the heart rate and RPE from the perspective
layers: (1) sensing layer, (2) transmitting layer, (3) data processing
of physiological and psychobiological responses respectively. The early
layer, and (4) display and control layer.
warning system collects four sets of data: (a) instant WBGT on construc-
tion sites; (b) work duration and activities undertaken by the workers;
(c) personal characteristics of workers (i.e., age, height, weight, alcohol 2.3.1. Sensing layer
drinking habit, and smoking habit); and (d) instant heart rate of The sensing layer is the basis of the early-warning system, which
workers. An ANN model is developed to predict the RPE of workers to measures the environmental parameters of construction sites, monitors
automate the assessment and early warning for heat strain. Based on the physiological conditions of workers, and determines location and
operation duration of workers. WBGT can be easily computed from
the readings of three thermometers on wet bulb temperature, globe
Table 1 temperature, and dry bulb temperature. The three thermometers are
Work load classification for construction trade. simple to use and inexpensive [77]. To measure the WBGT at different
Work load Energy expenditure Construction trade locations of a construction site, several WBGT sensors assembled by
Light b841 kJ/h Electrician
sensor module, microcontroller, and GSM module are utilized. The sen-
Moderate 841–1297 kJ/h Asbestos workers sor module contained aforementioned three environmental sensors.
Bricklayer The microcontroller converts the analog signals from the sensor to dig-
Cement finisher ital form, processes the raw data, packages the data into a message, and
Drywall installer
sends the message to the GSM module, and orchestrates the routing of
Pipe fitter messages through the network. The smart bracelet worn on the wrist
Sheet metal worker can monitor workers' heart rate and interact with their smartphone
Heavy 1297–1681 kJ/h Carpenter via Bluetooth. Commercially smart bracelet with the function of real
Ironworker time heart rate monitoring is available from many sources. It could con-
stantly track worker' heart rate by calculating changes in blood volume.
104 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

Table 2
Warning sign of the early-warning model in hot and humid environment.

RPE Descriptor Heart rate Signs and symptoms Intervention (recommended strategies) Warning sign

0 Rest • < less than 100 bpm • Able to work in the conditions • Take potable (safe for drinking) water close

without any problem to the work area frequently

1 Very, very easy Mostly safe

2 Easy (Blue)

3 Moderate

4 Somewhat hard • 100 –120 bpm • Moist and pale skin • Fluid intake of more than 1 litre per hour

required Caution
5 Hard
• Work–rest cycling or rotation required (Green)
6 – • Avoid working under direct sunlight

• 120 – 160 bpm • Take your breaks in the shade if you can
7 Very hard • Painful spasm of muscle in the
• Rectify ventilations or cool down facilities if
arms, legs, or abdomen
• Sweaty skin Warning
• Report symptoms of heat illnesses if any,
• Light–headedness (Orange)
8 – avoid doing heavy work
• Red rash on skin
• Avoid working under direct sunlight
• Weakness and fatigue
• Avoid working alone

• More than 180 bpm • Headache • Should rest in the shade and cool down
9 – minus the age of the • Irritability or confusion • Report symptoms of heat illnesses if any

employee sustained for • Rapid heart rate and breathing Severe

at least 3 min • High body temperature warning (Red)

10 Maximum • R ed, hot, dry skin

• Decreased muscle coordination

The duration of the operation and location of workers can be tracked by the smart bracelet could be transferred to their smart phone via
a stop watch timer and GPS chip embedded in the smart phone. Bluetooth. Environmental data sampled from the WBGT sensor could
be transmitted to smart phone via GSM. A set of data in worker' smart
2.3.2. Transmitting layer phone including WBGT, heart rate, heat stress assessment, and symp-
The transmitting layer is an important connection that links the toms of heat illness could also be transmitted to supervisor's PC/smart
sensing layer and data processing layer. Physiological data collected by phone via GSM. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

WBGT of Location of
construction sites environmental sensors

Smart sensor Location tracking

technology technology

Heart rate of Location of

construction workers construction workers
Early warning system


Bluetooth GSM

Fig. 1. Early-warning system with integration of smart sensor technology, location tracking technology, and information communication technology.
W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113 105

mart brac
celett S rt pho
Smar one (Wor
( rker)

Issue healtth ale
ert me
essagees witth
c ding in
corres nterve

Mo kers’ h
onitorr work heart rate
ack th
Tra cation of wo
he loc s

Sm b elet
mart brace
…… t rate
H e

ker 1
Work …… W er n
ecord the person
Re nal an
mart phon
ne (W
ork-rellated data
Re e WBG om
GT fro
adjjacent environm Coomputting in
e app
S rt pho
Smar one ((Worrker)
NN m
nmenttal …… Env
sor 1 senso
s rm

G n work
GSM netw
Wa ng sig

Heatt staiin as

art ph
e (Wo
orkerr) GSM
M ne
etworrk S rt phone (Sup
Smar pervis

Data e
abase Su
upervisory staff

ort sym
ms of heat--relate
ed illn

Fig. 2. Process map for the early-warning system.

is the most popular and successful mobile cellular communication sys- 3. Material and methods
tem worldwide [78]. Due to its wide spread coverage, information
transmission among GSM based WBGT sensor, smart phone, and PC To construct the heat stress model, field studies were conducted on
can be achieved in the proposed system. six construction sites during the summer time in Hong Kong (July to
September in 2010 and 2011) to collect the necessary dataset.

2.3.3. Data processing layer 3.1. Dataset

The data processing layer is the core of the early-warning system
which analyzes the collected data and assesses workers' heat strain. Thirty-nine healthy and experienced construction rebar workers
This layer consists of computer processing algorithms for heat strain as- participated in the field studies. During the field measurement, con-
sessment (Fig. 4). Average heart rate of workers performing tasks is ob- struction workers performed tasks as per their usual daily work routine
tained by statistical calculation. The mathematical model using ANN and were asked to verbally report a RPE scoring for every 5 min
was applied to predict the RPE of construction workers. ANNs are a (Fig. 5A). A series of physiological parameters (e.g., energy expenditure,
class of non-linear mathematical models that are characterized by a heart rate, oxygen consumption) were continuously monitored and re-
complex structure of interconnected computational elements, which corded during the test via a telemetry system (K4b2, COSMED, Rome,
have been proposed as an alternative to standard statistical techniques Italy) for every 5 s (Fig. 5B). Alongside with the measurement of physi-
for predicting complex phenomena in medicine and biological research ological data, a heat stress monitor (QUESTemp°36, Oconomowoc, USA)
[79]. The heat stress assessment obtained in the data processing layer was used to measure and record the prevailing environmental data. The
indicates the current level of heat strain of construction workers effec- heat stress monitor was used to measure prevailing environmental data
tively and scientifically. simultaneously at 1 min interval: dry bulb temperature, wet bulb tem-
perature, globe temperature from which the corresponding WBGT
index can be computed (Fig. 5C). The physiological and environmental
2.3.4. Display and control layer data, together with the self-reported RPE were then synchronized every
The display and control layer is the highest layer in the architec- 5 min for further analysis. A total of 550 sets of environmental, work-
ture of the early-warning system. The safety warnings based on the related, and personal data together with the corresponding RPEs were
heat stress assessment predict whether the psychological and psy- used in this study as dataset.
chological status of workers would reach an unacceptable level,
and notify workers and supervisory staff directly and immediately. 3.2. Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
Hence, frontline workers could take effective countermeasures as
suggested rather than working to exhaustion, and site supervisor/ ANN is a type of artificial intelligence technology which incorporates
foreman and safety professionals can pay more attention to those complex data-analysis features into existing applications by an intelli-
workers at risk. gent, human-like application of knowledge [80]. Widely used in diverse
106 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

Sensing layer

Smart phone Smart bracelet Environmental sensor

Data collection

Transmitting layer

Bluetooth GSM network

D ta ana
Dat a aly

a prroc
g la

PE pre cted
edic d by
A N He
eartt ratte gra
g ph

a diiss

D pla
Disp ay and
a dc ntrol lay
con yerr

Early warning

Intervention measures

Supervisory staff ……
Frontline worker

Fig. 3. Architecture of the early-warning system.

fields in science and industry, ANN is an adaptive system that changes presented to the network in a particular sequence. Each training
its structure based on external or internal information processed within pattern is propagated forward layer by layer until an output pattern
the network during the learning stage [37]. Among the ANN ap- is computed. The computed output is then compared to a desired or
proaches, the backpropagation neural network (BPNN) is the most target output, and an error value is determined. The errors are prop-
classically and generally used training algorithm [81]. BPNN is mul- agated backwards layer by layer, with corrections being made to the
tilayer feed-forward neural network that is trained by the error corresponding layer weights in an iterative manner. The process is
backpropagation (BP) algorithms. BP learning method is an optimi- repeated for several times for each pattern in the training set until
zation procedure based on gradient descent that adjusts weights to the total output error converges to a minimum or until a limit is
reduce the system error. In the learning phase, input patterns are reached in the number of completed training iterations.
W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113 107

Heat strain assessment

0 ≤ RPE ≤ 3 Yes Mostly Safe Yes HR ≤ 100 bpm

No No

4 ≤ RPE ≤ 6 Yes Caution Yes 100 ≤ HR ≤ 130 bpm

No No

7 ≤ RPE ≤ 8 Yes Warning Yes 130 ≤ HR ≤ 160 bpm

No No

9 ≤ RPE ≤ 10 Yes Yes HR≥ 180-Age last

for 3 min

Fig. 4. Algorithms for heat stress assessment.

A three-layered (namely, an input layer, a hidden layer, and an out- as the optimal network architecture (Fig. 6). Table 3 lists the parameters
put layer) BPNN model was developed to establish the relationship be- of the optimized BPNN. The BPNN model consists of 3-layered was de-
tween RPE and heat strain factors. Therefore, the BPNN model contained veloped using the Neural Network Toolbox of MATLAB. The data were
seven input neurons (i.e., WBGT, work duration, age, BMI, alcohol- randomly divided into three groups as training data set (70%), valida-
drinking habit, smoking habit, and job nature) and one output neuron tion data set (15%), and testing data set (15%) for predicting RPE.
(RPE). No general rule exists in determining the number of neurons in
the hidden layer. The optimal number of hidden layer neurons was 3.3. Performance evaluation
determined by attempting various numbers of hidden neurons to deter-
mine the optimized network architecture. In terms of the sum-of- Correlation coefficient (R2), mean absolute percentage error
squares error (MSE), the best performance of the BPNN model was (MAPE), and root-mean-square deviation (RMSE) were used to evalu-
obtained for the configuration characterized by 11 neurons in the hid- ate the performance of the ANN prediction model. The higher R2 values
den layer. Therefore, the 7-11-1 neuron configuration was determined indicate greater similarities between the measured and predicted

Fig. 5. Field measurements on construction sites (A) construction worker was asked to verbally report a RPE scoring; (B) physiological parameters were continuously monitored and
recorded during the test via a telemetry system (K4b2, COSMED, Rome, Italy); (C) environmental data were measured and recorded by a heat stress monitor (QUESTemp°36,
Oconomowoc, USA).
108 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer




Alcohol drinking RPE


Smoking habit

Work duration

Job nature

Fig. 6. The ANN architecture used as the prediction model for RPE.

values, and the lower MAPE and RMSE values represent more accurate u N
prediction results. The R2, and MAPE, RMSE values were calculated RMSE ¼ t ðt −s Þ2 ð3Þ
using Eqs. (1)–(3), respectively. N i¼1 i i

ðti −si Þ2 where ti is the measured (experimental) values, si is the predicted
R ¼ 1− Xi¼1 ð1Þ
ðt −sÞ2 values, N is the total number of data and s is the average of predicted
i¼1 i

N  !
1 X 
ti −si   100
4. Results
MAPE ¼ ð2Þ
N i¼1  ti 
An ANN model using Levenberg–Marquart back propagation was
used on the database. This model was trained using 384 randomly se-
Table 3 lected samples; the remaining 166 samples were equally divided for
Optimized backpropagation neural network (BPNN) parameters. the ANN validation and testing process. All performance measure values
confirmed a good-fit and a robust model. As shown in Fig. 7, the values
Error goal 0.02%
obtained through the training, validation, and testing of ANN model are
Learning rate 0.2
identical with measured data, implying the input parameters were
Iterations 50,000
Transfer function of hidden layer Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid strongly correlated with the output parameter. The determinant coeffi-
Number of input neurons 7 cient (R2) between the measured and predicted values is another
Number of hidden neurons 11 important indicator in checking the validity of the prediction models.
Number of output neurons 1 As the R2 values approach 1, prediction accuracy increases, which
Training algorithms Levenberg–Marquardt back propagation
shows a consistent agreement between the measured results and the
W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113 109

(A) (B)
Training: R=0.98264 Validation: R=0.9525
8 8
Data Data
7 Fit 7 Fit

Predicted RPE
Predicted RPE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Measured RPE Measured RPE

(C) (D)
Test: R=0.95798 All: R=0.97308
8 8
Data Data
7 Fit 7 Fit
6 6
Predicted RPE
Predicted RPE

5 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Measured RPE Measured RPE

Fig. 7. Relationship between the measured values and RPE values predicted by the ANN model for training data (A), validation data (B), testing data (C), and all data (D).

prediction results. R2 values in training, validation, and testing data set the proposed system was built on iPhone platform (Fig. 8A). Prior to
for RPE are 0.966, 0.907, and 0.918, respectively. Therefore, the R2 values the test, the worker input the personal information (i.e., age, height,
obtained in this study imply that the designed model is capable of weight, smoking habit, and alcohol drinking habit) and job nature into
explaining at least 90% of the measured data. the system (Fig. 8B).
The ANN model exhibited a sufficient accuracy level in the predic- Assisted-GPS (A-GPS) was used to track the locations of the worker
tion of RPE values. Prediction values were determined with very low because: (1) A-GPS is by far the most accurate of the three systems
percentage errors. MAPE is a dimensionless statistics that provides an (i.e. A-GPS, WiFi positioning, and Cellular network positioning) on
effective way of comparing the residual error for each data point with iPhone; (2) the smart phone has GPS chips that use both American
respect to the observed or target value. Smaller values of MAPE indicate and Russian satellite systems giving increased accuracy; (3) the experi-
better performance of the model and vice versa. MAPE values are con- ment was conducted in an outdoor environment thus the antennae
sidered as the most important performance criterion in decision making had a clear view of the sky; and (4) the accuracy of A-GPS ranges from
[82]. In this study, MAPE values were 0.814%, 1.795%, and 1.283% in the 5–8 m which was fairly accurate to distinguish the differences of the en-
prediction of RPE values for training, validation, and testing data sets, re- vironmental data [83]. The worker was asked to perform tasks in three
spectively. RMSE statistics compares the observed values to the predict- different work zones (Fig. 9). In Fig. 10, three clusters were figured out
ed values and computes the square root of the average residual error. A from the trajectory data, which were aligned with the predefined
lower value of RMSE indicates good prediction performance of the work zones. Fig. 11 shows the heart rate and RPE at different levels of
model. In this study, RMSE values were 0.565, 1.024, and 0.857 in the physiological and psychological conditions respectively. It can be seen
prediction of RPE values for training, validation, and testing data sets, in Fig. 10 that at the 100 min an alert of “orange” warning with sug-
respectively. gested strategies to take breaks in the shade, rectify ventilations or
cool down facilities was sent. During the prolonged operation, the
5. Validation of the early-warning system worker also reported heat-related disorders of light-headedness, weak-
ness, and fatigue via the system at the 95 min.
In order to validate the early warning system, a controlled experi- The preliminary results revealed the reliability of the proposed
ment was conducted during the summer time in a construction site in early-warning system in detecting the extent of heat stress that
Hong Kong. A 45 years old sheet metal worker with BMI of 23.3%, who workers are subject to; together with appropriate intervention strat-
smokes and drinks occasionally, was invited to participate. An app of egies to relieve the harmful impacts of heat stress. Nevertheless, the
110 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

Fig. 8. Prototype of the proposed early-warning system (A) main interface of the app; and (B) personal information (i.e., age, height, weight, smoking habit, and alcohol drinking habit) and
job nature can be manually input by the worker.

early-warning system shows limitations that should be addressed to 6. Discussion

fully validate the proposed algorithm. For example, the smart brace-
let for monitoring heart rate has suffered a transient malfunction. This study adopted RPE as a yardstick to evaluate the risk of heat
stress that the construction workers suffered. Many reports have been
published concerning RPE during exercise in the heat. RPE is regarded

Fig. 9. Three predefined work zones for construction task execution. Fig. 10. Recorded GPS location data and trajectory information.
W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113 111

160 10
HR (bpm) RPE
150 9






60 1

50 0
1 5 9 13 17 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 102

Time (min)

Fig. 11. Heart rate (HR) and RPE at different levels of physiological and psychological conditions respectively.

as an essential indicator to investigate the physical strain in hot environ- underestimating or overestimating workload has been noted and recog-
ments. Previous studies of exercise performance in the hot environments nized as a potential limitation. Considering the rights of worker in the
demonstrated that the RPE is linearly correlated with heat strain indicator design and use of algorithms, the research environment adapts widely
(e.g., body temperature, heart rate, sweating rate) [84,85], maximal used rules to collect and analyze data of personnel [91]. The application
values of RPE appears when the core temperature reaches approximately of developed system should take into account the legal restrictions to
40 °C [84-86]. It has been suggested that RPE is more than an indicator of record personal data, especially from humans in countries where per-
exercise exertion, it is also a crucial component of preventing the exercis- sonal rights are potentially not valued as high enough, or the literacy
ing athlete from continuing exercise and causing bodily harm, by being level of workers/power of unions is not as high enough to understand
responsible for the decision volitionally to terminate the exercise bout the consequences of using tracking/monitoring technology.
[87]. The highest RPE usually accompanied by symptoms of heat illness
including high skin/core temperature [84,85], muscle glycogen depletion 7. Conclusions
[88], or dehydration [89].
In Hong Kong, the incidence of heat stress in the construction indus- Construction workers are at a high risk of exposure to heat stress as
try has been alarming and caused a number of verifiable reported they undertake physically demanding tasks. This study has established
deaths [90]. However, the number of accidents and injuries caused by an algorithm to develop an early-warning system against hot and
heat-related illnesses in the construction industry of Hong Kong has humid climates, which can alert workers to occupational heat stress
not been monitored by the relevant authorities. To foster better assess- and provide intervention measures as well. In this regard, the study con-
ment of heat-related injuries, this early-warning system could monitor tributes to literature by filling the research gap arising from the limited
heat-related incidents and injuries. Incidents of heat-related injuries number of studies in safety evaluation in hot and humid environment.
can be further reported to the Labour Department and other relevant This study adopted two approaches to improving construction safety
government departments in a similar format as other types of occupa- management. One is from the perspective of management, focusing
tional injuries. Detailed information of the victim, such as age, gender, on human behavior and hazard management. The other approach fo-
smoking and drinking habits; and information about the incident, cused on how to apply advanced technology in the construction indus-
such as time, location, WBGT at the time of incident, can be recorded try. Furthermore, the current study affirms that ANN method can be
and reported to the relevant departments for proper record and analy- applied in predicting the level of heat strain of workers who need to
sis. These statistics can be monitored and disseminated to the public work in an outdoor environment.
through various relevant government departments and statutory orga- The early-warning system involves (1) collecting timely information
nizations, such as the Labour Department, the Department of Census and undertaking risk assessments of heat stress; (2) generating an accu-
and Statistics, the Occupational Safety and Health Council, and the Con- rate and timely warning to trigger prompt health and safety interven-
struction Industry Council. tion; and (3) disseminating heat strain assessment and symptoms of
A limitation of the study is the single sample source and the limited heat illness to site supervisor/foreman. The established system has
sample size. In this study, participants were mainly steel bar bender and other functions to support risk analysis, warning sign, and response ca-
fixers. Further research work should be done to increase the sample size pability. Supervisory staff and safety professionals may use this system
and to replicate the experimentation to different trades. The current as a surveillance method to safeguard the health and safety of frontline
study deals with the work intensity from the perspective of physical workers when working in a hot and humid condition.
demands of construction works in different trades. It is assumed that Workers in different climates or industries may have different
construction workers in the same trades will undertake the same work- degrees of susceptibility to heat stress. The current early warning sys-
loads. However, this may not always be true. For example, the workload tem was derived from the field data collected from the Hong Kong
of a rebar worker fixing steel bars to column is higher than that of a construction industry. Further investigation should be conducted to ex-
rebar worker measuring the dimensions of re-bars. The likelihood of amine other climates or other industries to provide a holistic view. The
112 W. Yi et al. / Automation in Construction 62 (2016) 101–113

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