Com Networks Assignment 1

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Communication Networks (EED304) - Monsoon 2022
Instructor: Prof. Vinod Sharma


1. Consider a network shown below.

Fig: 1

network gets disconnected?

(a) How many links may fail before the
p, what is the probability of losing the
(b) If any link may fail independently with probability
network connectivity?
an earth station to a geostationary satellite? It is at
2. What is the propagation delay of a link from delay of a voice conversation that is
distance of 36000 km from the earth. What is the end-to- end
relayed via such a satellite?

3. Consider a radio source that produces a

periodic VBR streamn with the ON-OFF structure:



1 3 4

Fig: 2

Mbps and during OFF period of at a

During ON period the source transmits data at a rate of 20
rate 1Mbps.
(a) What is the peak and average rate of this source?
(b) Let this data be served at a rate of cMbps by a link when c> average rate. Calculate he
buffer size needed at the transmitter so that there is no loss of data while transmitting!
(c) In part (b), also calculate the maximum delay at the buffer as a function of c? What shoud
be c so that the maximum delay < 200 msec?
4. If a code has minimunn distance between its codewords equal to 5. upto how many crrors it can
detcct and upto how many bits it can correct?
5. Why is packet switching more efficient than circuit switching for bursty traffic?
6. Consider a 10000 km round-trip route with transmission rate of 100 Mbps. Let propagation time
be 5 usec per 1kn. Consider a packet of size 1000 bits. What is the minimum window size in
Go-back-N protocol to achieve 100% cfficiency when there is noeror? For this windowsize, ifp
is the probability of packet error in transmission, what is the efficiency of the protocol?
7. Consider a link from Ato B. When Atransmits a packet on this link to B, it is corrupted with
probability of (1 p). Each packet is retransmitted till it is successfully received by B. Calculate
on the average hoW many times a packet is transmitted by A for its successful reception? Calculate
it when BER on the link is 10 and the packet size is 100.
8. End-to-End error control vs link level control: Consider aconnection that goes through K-links.


Fig: 3

Each node on the rout takes T time to process and transmit cach packet. Transmission of each
packet on a link corrupts the packet with probability (I -p).
(a) Compute on an average (say it is E) how many times a packet is transmitted on a link for it to
be transmitted successfully. Then if on each link each packet has to be received successfully
before transmission to the next link, on an average, end-to-end, from A to B, a packet needs
to be transmitted KE times. Thus average time to transmit end-to-end successfully is KET.
(b) Suppose, now we use only end-to-end errOr correction: Each packet is transmitted from A
toB (over K links) without any eror correction/detectionon the way. Only after the packet
reaches B. it willbe tested on CRC to check if it is received correctly. If not,it is retransmitted
by A tillitis received correctly by B.Let in this case the time to process and transmit a packet
on cach node is T2 and it is less than 7Ë. Compute the overall time for successful transmission
by this protocol. Show that for p close o 1, the average time taken now is less than in part
(c) Ifat endof (b), K = 10, T; = 50 msec, T; =3 msec, how small (1 - p) should be such that
the delay computed in (b) is less than in (a)?

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