X-Board Pitch Deck

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X Board

Experience the employee reward

for modern workplace

VTC Intecom 2018

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Problem statement 1

− Communicate the company vision and how different

divisions/ employees contribute to that goal
− Create clear expectations around what success means
− Create space to acknowledge and celebrate the little
− Develop memorable and meaningful recognition

This is not our opinion says => It’s the U.S Govern Research:
Over two-thirds of American employees are not engaged in
their work

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Idea 2

We’re all about helping you recognize employees with their choice
from hundreds of experiential rewards, making recognition exciting,
personalized, and built for scale.

Recognize and motivate top employees with hand-curated

experiential rewards

A meaningful employee recognition platform that's easy to

implement company-wide

Pitch Deck • The Slides

Why Using It? 3

For the Employee

#1 – Recognition Impact
Reward are the most meaningful way to recognize top employees.
Employee appreciation is a key driver for a positive workplace
environment, yet recognition is often deprioritized against the slew
of other engagement tactics on your radar
#2 - Personalization
Employees should have the ability to pick rewards that feel personal
to them.
#3 – Shareability
Recognition programs should inspire buzz and shareability through
rewards that are comfortable for employees to chat about, and easy
to capture via social media channels.
#4 – Transparency
They all know the other reward and why/how they’re get it. The
transparency environment will make a huge impact on the
employees motionvation

Pitch Deck • The Slides

Why Using It? 3

For the Enterprise

#1 - Low maintenance
rewards may be a convenient choice if you’re looking for a low-
maintenance recognition program. Since the system is centralized in
one digital platform, it’s easy for your HR team to enable managers
or peers to give points at their convenience, have controls in place
for quantities of points distributed, and track who is giving and
receiving points — all in the same place.
#2 - High frequency
Another merit of a points-based reward program is that they give
you the flexibility to reward in a larger range of dollar increments.
For instance, if your company has a limited monthly budget to
dedicate to a recognition program, a points-based reward system
lets you dole out smaller dollar amounts more frequently. This
creates more recognition touch points with employees without
having to break the bank.
#3 – Builds a more positive company culture
Fostering a culture of recognition shows all employees that
leadership values their individual contributions, and believe in open
recognition for all great work. This creates a stronger sense of
employee belonging, knowing that their contributions are seen and

Pitch Deck • The Slides

Why Using It? 3

For the Enterprise

#4 - Retaining Top Talent

The war on talent is real, and SHRM tells that it costs up to 9-
months’ salary to replace top employees. Your employees are the
face and voice of your company, and will contribute to the quality
of talent hired and the desirability of working at your company (aka
your employer brand).
#5 - Taking these insights
You will know more and insightful about your employee with data,
not feeling

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Product Concept 4

The Product Key

− Send employee the reward whenever they want with
a list of reward
− Manage cost governance and control over company
wide recognition and benefits budgets
− Clarity into how employees are redeeming their
rewards with a complete recognition

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Target Market 5

The trend of many companies now is building a great

enterprise culture, the best place to work

− Company with any scale in Vietnam due to

business model
− Focus on the Technology and Internet company

− Market Share Value: 60 millions dollar

MV = MS * Q * F * P

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Competition 6

− No Competitor Which grab any market share currently

The Competitive Advantage/ USP

#1 The Leading Market
#2 The solution for Enterprise that refer above.

Pitch Deck • The Slides

The Business Model 7

− B2B model
− The revenue generator:
Charge per user then it can match for every company

Create some package to tailor big company

Visa Everywhere Initiative

Before anything else,

preparation is the key to success.
Scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator

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