Lecture 12 - Technical Writing - Engineering InFormal Report

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Technical Writing

Lecture 12

Engineering Informal Reports

• Guidelines for informal report

• Elements of Informal report
• Types Informal Reports

Guidelines for Writing Informal Report

1) Defining the Project

2) Who will read your report?

3) Collecting Data

4) Developing an Appropriate Writing Style

5) Using Headings Effectively

6) Being Objective
1) Defining the Project

 Begin the process of report writing by defining your project. This

definition should include a statement of purpose.

 Ask yourself: Am I writing this report to inform, to analyze, or to solve

a problem?

 The answer to this question should be a clear, accurate statement

identifying your purpose.

2) Who will read your report?

 The expected audience for your report influences your writing style,
research method, vocabulary, areas of emphasis, and communication

3) Collecting Data

a) Company records

b) Observation

c) Surveys, questionnaires, and inventories

d) Interviews

e) Research

4) Developing an Appropriate Writing Style

 Reports can range from informal to formal, depending on their purpose,

audience, and setting.

 Informal reports will probably be written for familiar audiences and

involve noncontroversial topics. You may use first-person pronouns (I,
we, me, my, us, our) and contractions (I'm, we'll). You'll emphasize
active-voice verbs and strive for shorter sentences using familiar words.

5) Using Headings Effectively

 Headings are helpful to both the report reader and the writer.
 For the reader they serve as an outline of the text, highlighting major
ideas and categories.
 They also act as guides for locating facts and pointing the way through
the text.
 Moreover, headings provide resting points for the mind and for the eye,
breaking up large chunks of text into manageable and inviting segments.

5) Using Headings Effectively: Organization

 For the writer, headings force organization of the data into meaningful
 Functional headings (such as; Introduction, Discussion of Findings, and Summary)
help the writer outline a report.

 Talking headings (such as; Short Term Parking Solutions) provide more
information to the reader.

6) Being Objective
 Reports are convincing only when the facts are believable and the writer
is credible. You can build credibility in a number of ways:
i. Present both sides of an issue: Discuss both sides and show through logical
reasoning why your position is superior.
ii. Separate fact from opinion
iii. Be sensitive and moderate in your choice of language.
iv. Cite sources: Tell your readers where the information came from by citing your

Elements of an Informal Report

 The informal report has three main sections:

 Problem, investigation, and summary. These three sections contain the
basic information required in any report:
 Introduction (problem)
 Nature of problem/situation
 Why the report is written (purpose, objective)
 What is in the report (format)
 Body (investigation) Summary
 Procedure  Conclusions
 Results  Recommendations
 Explanation of results 10
Types of Reports

Laboratory Reports

Information Reports

Visibility Reports

Trip and Inspection Reports

Progress Reports

Instructions Report

Recommendation Report
Laboratory Report

 The principle objective of a laboratory report is to summarize the purpose

and results of an experiment.
Contents and organization of
Front Matter
laboratory report
Front matter includes:
Organize the laboratory report content Title Page
into: Include on the title page the lab title,
 Front matter course name, completion date, and author
 Report text names. Do not use abbreviations,
 Appendix acronyms, or jargon in the title. The title
page is counted as page "i", but it is not
using the following guidelines.
Contents and organization of laboratory report
Executive Summary
The executive summary is written after the work is complete in past tense.
The executive summary is counted as page “ii”. It conveys the key elements of the lab
experiment and includes:
i. Background.
ii. Why and how the experiment or test was performed.
iii. The materials and methods used to accomplish the tasks.
iv. Important results and experimental errors.
v. What was discovered, achieved, or concluded.
vi. Relevant recommendations.
List and define all symbols used in the report in alphabetical order.
Acronyms and Initialisms
List and define acronyms and initialisms used in the report. 13
Contents and organization of laboratory report
Report Text
The lab report text includes the Background, Experimental Equipment, and Procedures,
Theoretical Analysis, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations, and
References sections.
Number the report text pages with Arabic numerals in the bottom center of each page (1, 2,
Provide known information to orient the reader.
Experimental Equipment and Procedures
Specify the equipment used, giving credit to the manufacturer. Provide photographs taken
during the experiment or a schematic representation of the equipment or simulation program.
Summarize procedures used .Discuss the type of data collected and the methods used for data
Contents and organization of laboratory report
Report Text
Theoretical Analysis
Provide mathematical equations used to predict system behavior.
Clearly present the experimental results in a condensed, logical manner, using tables or
• Begin with a very brief summary statement of the results and then proceed with a
discussion of these results.
• Focus the discussion on the interpretation of the results.
• Comparison of experimental data to theoretical predictions and the results of similar
• Error analysis, noting measurement accuracy and estimated uncertainties.
Contents and organization of laboratory report
Conclusions and Recommendations
• The conclusions must follow logically and directly from the Results and Discussion
sections and must not include any new information.
• Make sure the conclusions are supported by data or analysis.
• Provide recommendations based on the results and conclusions.
Include all references, including established technical specifications (standards) and protocols.
• Include material such as raw data; sample; lengthy calculations; detailed information not
pertinent to the understanding of the lab report in the appendices.
• Identify all appendix materials within the body of the report. When using multiple
appendices, label them with capital letters (A, B, …) and place them in the order referenced
in the report. (e.g., Appendix A: Rheology Data)
Contents and organization of laboratory report
Verb Tense
• Lab Reports should be mainly written in the present tense

• You should limit the use of the past tense to the following situations:

1. Describing specific experimental methods and observations

2. Citing results published in the past.

Characteristics of information reports

 Information reports collect and organize information.

 They may record routine activities such as daily, weekly, and monthly
 They may investigate options, performance, or equipment.
 Although they provide information, they do not analyze that information.
 Information reports provide information without drawing conclusions or
making recommendations.

Contents of Information Reports

Explain why you are writing.

Describe methods and sources used to gather information and why they are

Provide any special background information.

Give the purpose of the report.

Offer a preview of findings

Contents of Information Reports

Findings (also be called Observations, Results, or Discussion)

Use chronological, alphabetical or topical method of organization.

Number or indent paragraphs.

Underline or boldface key words.

Summary (Optional)
Summarize findings objectively and impartially

Visibility Reports

Report characteristics
 Assume a company must decide whether to proceed with a plan of action.
They answer this question:
Will this plan work?
 A feasibility report would examine the practicality and advisability of
following a course of action.
 They are typically internal reports written to advise on matters.
 The focus is on the decision of whether to stop or proceed.

Visibility Reports

 Contents of visibility Reports

Announce your decision immediately.
Describe the background and problem.
Discuss the benefits of the action plan or proposal.
Describe any problems that may result.
Show the time frame necessary for implementation

Visibility Reports

Feasibility Report
- E-mail Format

Trip and Inspection Reports

 These reports inform management about new procedures, equipment,

trends, and laws or regulations. They may supply information affecting
products, operations, and service.
 Contents of Report:
Indicate purpose of report.
Provide brief overview of its contents.
Explain context of the report: why, who, what is the situation, time, date and
Trip and Inspection Reports
Contents of Report

Factual discussion
Combination of description and narration of facility, what happened, where, and with

Action taken

Contain a step-by-step discussion of how you determined and corrected the


Interpretive, evaluative or advisory discussion

Trip and Inspection Reports

Report Format
 Use memorandum format or business letter format if outside company.

 Use heading to mark off major sub-topics.

 Use various types of lists as needed.

 Use tables and graphics as necessary.

Progress Reports

 Progress reports monitor the headway of unusual or non-routine activities.

 Elements included in a progress report
Project description: Briefly describe the work being done, stating the purpose and
Work Completed: Tell what you have accomplished to date.
Work Planned for Future Periods: Tell what you expect to accomplish in the future:
your goals, expected outcomes, and schedule.
Appraisal of Progress: Evaluate your progress. Indicate where you are ahead of
schedule and where you are behind. If there are good reasons as to why the work is not
going according to plan, state them clearly.
Instructions Report
o Understand the difference between instructions and product specifications.
o Identify relevant characteristics of the readers of the instructions.
 Contents of report
 Subject, product, and overview
Special notices
 Note: for emphasizing special points
 Attention: potential for damaging the equipment
 Caution: potential for minor injury or unsafe practice
 Danger: potential for extremely hazardous situation
 Enable reader to figure out the much of the procedure 28
Example for Instructions

Recommendation Report

Reports that justify or recommend something:

buying equipment,
changing a procedure,
hiring an employee,
consolidating departments, or investing funds.
 Some topics and recommendations that will be agreeable to readers:
In the introduction identify the problem or need briefly.
Announce the recommendation, solution, or action concisely and with action verbs.
Discuss pros, cons, and costs. Explain more fully the benefits of the recommendation or
steps to be taken to solve the problem.
Conclude with a summary specifying the recommendation and action to be taken.
Contents and organization of R. R.

Background on the situation

Technical background
Point-by-point comparisons
Conclusions (Summary)
Use graphics in the Report


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