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The Boys and Girls Club of Ruston






The Boys and Girls Club of Ruston


The Boys and Girls Club of Ruston is a social service organization that provides

programs and activities for local youth. With over 100 affiliated locations, the Boys and Girls

Club aims to enable young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and

responsible citizens. The Ruston chapter serves the community through after-school programs,

summer camps, and initiatives focused on education, the arts, health and wellness.

The Ruston Boys and Girls Club is a mid-sized system, serving around 300 youth

members annually between the ages of 6 and 18. The club has 15 full-time staff members

including a CEO, program directors, and youth development professionals. There is also a 16-

member volunteer Board of Directors that provides leadership and oversees the organization’s

finances and policies.

Program goals

The main goals of the Boys and Girls Club are to provide a safe space for youth, support

academic success, develop leadership skills, and encourage healthy lifestyles. Key program areas

include education and career development, character and leadership, health and wellness, the

arts, and sports and recreation.

Specific benefits and services provided by the Ruston Club

Several benefits and services from the Ruston club include; After-school programming

with tutoring, homework help, STEM activities, arts and crafts, and recreation. This

comprehensive after-school programming provides members with academic support, exposure to


the arts and STEM fields, and opportunities for physical activity and fun. The wide range of

programs offered in the critical after-school hours helps the Club meet its goals of youth

development (Ruston-Lincon chamber of commerce, n.d).

Summer day camps with academics, field trips, sports, and enrichment programs. The

full-day summer camps keep members engaged in learning and discovery when school is out.

Bringing in enriching field trips and activities prevents the "summer slide" in academic skills.

The camps also enable working parents to have full-day care and programming for their kids.

Targeted programs like SMART Moves for drug and alcohol prevention, Passport to

Manhood for teen boys, and Money Matters for financial literacy. These research-based targeted

programs allow the Club to provide developmentally appropriate interventions tailored to

specific youth needs and risks. Programs like SMART Moves use peer-to-peer mentoring to

tackle issues like substance abuse that disproportionately affect the Club's member population.

Access to technology, games, sports equipment, gym space, and other resources. The

Club's facilities and equipment fill a crucial gap for low-income families without computers,

internet access, or sports equipment at home. Providing members with robust on-site resources

helps put all youth on equal footing when it comes to technology, athletics, and recreation.

Mentoring, counseling, and leadership development opportunities. Trained staff and

volunteers provide guidance, role modeling, and capacity building. Developing strong

relationships with caring adults enables Club members to thrive socially, emotionally, and

academically. Leadership programming empowers youth and helps them gain skills to serve their


Criteria for receiving the benefits


To receive benefits and participate in Boys and Girls Club programs, youth must be

between 6 and 18 years old and pay an annual membership fee of $25. Membership is open to all

on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of financial situation. The club also provides

targeted outreach to high-need and underserved youth. The low membership fee removes a

financial barrier so youth of all socioeconomic backgrounds can participate. Outreach ensures

the Club serves vulnerable groups who stand to benefit greatly from engagement.

Funding of the club services

The Boys and Girls Club of Ruston is funded through a mix of sources. Approximately

25% of the annual budget comes from membership dues. The other 75% is covered by individual

and corporate donations, foundation/government grants, and fundraising events. The United Way

provides significant financial support as well (Cause IQ, 2023). Families are asked to contribute

what they can manage; the club does not turn youth away based on inability to pay. This

diversified funding model provides financial stability. Not relying solely on grants or private

support allows the Club to maintain operations and weather changes in any one funding source

(Instrumentl, 2023).

Structure of the club

The organizational structure of the Boys and Girls Club is hierarchical with departments

specialized by program area. The CEO oversees club operations and reports to the Board of

Directors. Program Directors manage different areas like Education, Sports and Recreation, and

Arts and Media. Youth Development Professionals work directly with the youth members on a

day-to-day basis. The Board, CEO, Directors, and Professionals work together to provide

diverse, high-quality programs tailored to the needs of local youth. Having leadership roles

devoted to overseeing operations, managing departments, and building relationships enables the

Club to run smoothly and fulfill its mission effectively.

Recommendations for improvement

While the Ruston Boys and Girls Club provides invaluable services, recommendations to further

improve the organization include the following; the club should increase staffing to maintain a lower

youth-to-staff ratio and provide more personalized attention. More staff would allow for stronger

individual relationships and mentoring as well as ensure proper supervision and safety.

The club should expand programming for teens with additional vocational training,

college prep, internships, and social activities. Teens have specialized needs as they prepare for

adulthood and the workforce. Increased programming in these areas would further the Club's

goals of enabling success.

The club should offer more targeted programs for vulnerable groups like teen parents,

immigrants, and youth with disabilities. Tailoring programs to serve marginalized groups could

help close equity gaps. Every young person deserves an equal opportunity to thrive.

The club should improve cultural competency training for staff to better serve the

community's diversity. As the population served becomes more diverse, ongoing staff training is

crucial to provide culturally sensitive and relevant services.

Additionally, the club should develop more partnerships with local schools, businesses,

nonprofits to expand resources and opportunities. Increased community collaboration could

bring in more volunteer support, funding, facilities, and programming synergies.


The club should increase outreach through school visits, community events, social media

to reach more high-need youth. Improved outreach strategies can help extend the Club's mission

to youth most in need of engagement and support.

The club should launch an annual giving campaign to fund specific initiatives and rely

less on grants. An annual fund drive could help provide predictable funding for special projects

and innovations.

With some organizational improvements, the Boys and Girls Club of Ruston can enhance

its capabilities to provide the next generation with the tools and support needed to thrive. As a

trusted community institution for decades, the Club plays an important role that deserves

continued investment. The recommendations outlined above can help take the organization to the

next level.


The Boys and Girls Club of Ruston provides critical after-school programming, summer

camps, facilities access, and mentoring for local youth. While already making a valuable impact,

recommendations like increased staffing, expanded teen programming, more partnerships, and

improved outreach could help the Club enhance its services. With some organizational

improvements, the Boys and Girls Club can become an even stronger force for empowering

young people. As established community institution, the Club has the foundation needed to

continually evolve and provide Ruston's next generation with diverse tools, skills, and support.

Investing in the growth of the Boys and Girls Club is investing in the growth of local youth.


Cause IQ. (2023). Boys and Girls Club of North Louisiana.


Instrumentl. (2023). Boys and Girls Club of North Louisiana.


Ruston-Lincon chamber of commerce. (n.d). Boys and Girls Club of North Louisiana.

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