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1) abandon verb LEAVE B2

2) abandoned adjective EMPTY B2
3) abandoned adjective LEFT SOMEWHERE B2
4) abolish verb B2
5) about adverb DIRECTION B2
6) absence noun NOT PRESENT B2
7) absence noun NOT EXISTING B2
8) absolute adjective B2
9) absorb verb TAKE IN B2
10)be absorbed in sth B2
11)abstract adjective IDEAS B2
12)abstract adjective ART B2
13)absurd adjective B2
14)abuse noun BAD TREATMENT B2
15)abuse noun WRONG USE B2
16)academic adjective EDUCATION B2
17)accent noun MARK B2
18)accept verb ADMIT B2
19)accept verb ALLOW TO JOIN B2
20)accept responsibility/blame B2
21)access verb B2
22)accessible adjective REACH B2
23)accidental adjective B2
24)accidentally adverb B2
25)according to preposition METHOD B2
26)account noun REPORT B2
27)take account of sth B2
28)take into account sth B2
29)on account of sth B2
30)accuracy noun B2
31)accuse verb B2
32)ache verb B2
33)acid noun B2
34)acquire verb GET B2
35)acquire verb LEARN B2
36)act verb DO SOMETHING B2
37)act as sth B2
38)act noun THING DONE B2
39)action noun DO B2
40)active adjective INVOLVED B2
41)actively adverb B2
42)activity noun WORK B2
43)activity noun MOVEMENT B2
44)actual adjective REAL B2
45)in actual fact B2
46)actually adverb OPPOSITE B2
47)adapt verb CHANGE BEHAVIOUR B2
48)adapt verb CHANGE SOMETHING B2
49)add to sth B2
50)addict noun B2
51)addicted adjective DRUGS B2
52)addicted adjective LIKING B2
53)addiction noun B2
54)addition noun NEW THING B2
55)addition noun NUMBERS/AMOUNTS B2
56)additional adjective B2

57)additionally adverb B2
58)adequate adjective ENOUGH B2
59)adequate adjective GOOD ENOUGH B2
60)adequately adverb B2
61)adjust verb CHANGE B2
62)adjust verb CHANGE BEHAVIOUR B2
63)adjustment noun B2
64)admiration noun B2
65)admire verb RESPECT B2
66)admission noun PERMISSION B2
67)admittedly adverb B2
68)adopt verb TAKE CHILD B2
69)adopt verb START B2
70)adopted adjective B2
71)adoption noun B2
72)advance noun PROGRESS B2
73)take advantage of sb/sth B2
74)advantage noun SUCCESS B2
75)adventurous adjective B2
76)advertising noun B2
77)affair noun RELATIONSHIP B2
78)affair noun SITUATION B2
79)affect verb CAUSE CHANGE B2
80)affect verb CAUSE EMOTION B2
81)affection noun B2
82)after preposition BECAUSE OF B2
83)all over again B2
84)yet again B2
85)against preposition NOT AGREE B2
86)against the law B2
87)agent noun BUSINESS B2
89)aggressive adjective VIOLENT B2
90)aggressively adverb B2
91)agree verb SAY YES B2
92)agree with sth B2
93)agreement noun DECISION B2
94)agreement noun SAME OPINION B2
95)agriculture noun B2
96)ahead adverb MORE POINTS B2
97)be aimed at sb B2
98)the air B2
99)aircraft noun B2
100) alike adverb SIMILAR B2
101) alike adverb BOTH B2
102) in all B2
103) all of a sudden B2
104) all along B2
105) all in all B2
106) all over the place B2
107) leave sb alone B2
108) along preposition PARTICULAR PLACE B2
109) along with sb/sth B2
110) alphabetical adjective B2
111) alter verb B2
112) alternative noun B2

113) alternative adjective DIFFERENT PLAN B2

114) alternative adjective NOT USUAL B2
115) alternatively adverb B2
116) altogether adverb COMPLETELY B2
117) altogether adverb GENERALLY B2
118) aluminium noun B2
119) always adverb MANY TIMES B2
120) amazement noun B2
121) ambassador noun B2
122) ambition noun STRONG FEELING B2
123) ambitious adjective PERSON B2
124) ambitious adjective PLAN B2
125) among other things B2
126) among the best/worst/biggest, etc. B2
127) amongst preposition B2
128) amuse verb MAKE LAUGH B2
129) amuse verb KEEP INTERESTED B2
130) amused adjective FUNNY B2
131) keep sb amused B2
132) amusement noun FEELING B2
133) amusement noun ENTERTAINMENT B2
134) analyse verb B2
135) analysis noun B2
136) analyst noun B2
137) ancestor noun B2
138) anger noun B2
139) animal noun NOT A PLANT B2
140) annually adverb B2
141) anxiety noun B2
142) anxious adjective EAGER B2
143) anxiously adverb B2
144) anyhow adverb DESPITE B2
145) anyhow adverb EARLIER SUBJECT B2
146) anyhow adverb MORE IMPORTANTLY B2
147) or anything B2
148) anything like B2
149) not/never get anywhere B2
150) apart adverb RELATIONSHIP B2
151) apart adverb INTO PIECES B2
152) apostrophe noun B2
153) apparent adjective OBVIOUS B2
154) apparently adverb AS HEARD/READ B2
155) apparently adverb SEEMS TRUE B2
156) appeal noun QUALITY B2
157) appeal verb ATTRACT B2
158) it appears (that) B2
159) appear verb BECOME AVAILABLE B2
160) appearance noun IN PUBLIC B2
161) appearance noun BECOMING AVAILABLE B2
162) application noun COMPUTER SOFTWARE B2
163) apply verb AFFECT B2
164) appreciate verb VALUE B2
165) would appreciate B2
166) I/We appreciate... B2
167) appreciation noun B2
168) approach verb DEAL WITH B2

169) approach noun METHOD B2

170) approach noun COMING CLOSER B2
171) appropriate adjective B2
172) appropriately adverb B2
173) approval noun GOOD OPINION B2
174) approval noun PERMISSION B2
175) approve verb GOOD OPINION B2
176) approximate adjective B2
177) area noun SUBJECT B2
178) argue verb GIVE REASONS B2
179) argument noun REASON B2
180) armed adjective WEAPONS B2
181) be around B2
182) arrange verb PUT IN POSITION B2
183) arrangement noun AGREEMENT B2
184) arrangement noun POSITION B2
185) arrest noun B2
186) arrogant adjective B2
187) arrow noun SYMBOL B2
188) arrow noun WEAPON B2
189) arts B2
190) artificial adjective NOT NATURAL B2
191) artificially adverb B2
192) artistic adjective CREATIVE ABILITY B2
193) artistic adjective RELATING TO ART B2
194) as for B2
195) as a result of sth B2
196) as a whole B2
197) as a matter of fact B2
198) as follows B2
199) as if/as though B2
200) as far as sb is concerned B2
201) as far as sth is concerned B2
202) as far as I know B2
203) be ashamed of sb B2
204) aside adverb MOVE TO SIDE B2
205) aside adverb SAVE B2
206) aside from sth B2
207) Don't ask! B2
208) Don't ask me B2
209) aspect noun B2
210) assess verb B2
211) assessment noun B2
212) assist verb B2
213) assistance noun B2
214) be associated with sth B2
215) association noun B2
216) assume verb B2
217) assure verb SAY WITH CERTAINTY B2
218) astonished adjective B2
219) astonishing adjective B2
220) astonishment noun B2
221) at least B2
222) at preposition AMOUNT B2
223) at all costs B2
224) at sb's disposal B2

225) at fault B2
226) at risk B2
227) athletic adjective B2
228) the atmosphere B2
229) atmosphere noun AIR INSIDE B2
230) atom noun B2
231) atomic adjective B2
232) attached adjective CONNECTED TO B2
233) attachment noun EQUIPMENT B2
234) attachment noun COMPUTING B2
235) attempt noun B2
236) attract/get (sb's) attention B2
237) draw (sb's) attention to sth/sb B2
238) be attracted to sb B2
239) attractive adjective INTERESTING B2
240) aubergine noun B2
241) audience noun TYPE B2
242) authority noun POWER B2
243) automatic adjective MACHINE B2
244) automatically adverb MACHINE B2
245) automatically adverb PERSON B2
246) availability noun B2
247) average adjective USUAL B2
248) on average B2
249) avoid verb PREVENT B2
250) avoid doing sth B2
251) award verb B2
252) award noun PRIZE B2
253) aware adjective B2
254) away adverb GRADUALLY B2
255) an awful lot (of sth) B2
256) awkward adjective DIFFICULT B2
257) back adverb STATE B2
258) back adverb EARLIER B2
259) back adverb AWAY FROM B2
260) back up sb or back sb up SUPPORT B2
261) back up (sth) or back (sth) up B2
262) background noun SOUND B2
263) background noun PICTURE B2
264) background noun SITUATION B2
265) backup noun EXTRA HELP B2
266) backup noun COPY B2
267) bad adjective NOT FRESH B2
268) badge noun B2
269) badly adverb UNPLEASANT B2
270) bad-tempered adjective B2
271) bakery noun B2
272) balance noun WEIGHT B2
273) balance noun EQUAL IMPORTANCE B2
274) balance noun MONEY B2
275) on balance B2
276) balance verb NOT FALLING B2
277) balance verb EQUAL IMPORTANCE B2
278) a balanced diet/meal B2
279) balanced adjective FAIR B2
280) ban verb B2

281) ban noun B2

282) bang verb B2
283) bang noun B2
284) bank noun RIVER B2
285) banker noun B2
286) banking noun B2
287) bar noun LONG PIECE B2
288) behind bars B2
289) bare adjective NO CLOTHES B2
290) bare adjective NOT COVERED B2
291) barely adverb B2
292) bargain noun CHEAP B2
293) bark verb DOG B2
294) barrier noun FENCE B2
295) barrier noun PREVENTING B2
296) base noun BOTTOM B2
297) base noun MILITARY B2
298) be based at/in/etc. B2
299) basement noun B2
300) basically adverb SIMPLY B2
301) the basics B2
302) on a daily/monthly/regular, etc. basis B2
303) basis noun METHOD B2
304) battle noun PROBLEMS/ILLNESS B2
305) beam noun B2
306) bear verb ACCEPT B2
307) bear (sb/sth) in mind B2
308) beat verb HIT B2
309) beat up sb or beat sb up B2
310) beat noun REGULAR SOUND B2
311) beat noun MUSIC B2
312) beg verb STRONG REQUEST B2
313) beg verb VERY POOR B2
314) to begin with B2
315) on behalf of sb or on sb's behalf B2
316) belief noun TRUE B2
317) belief noun IDEA B2
318) believe in sth/doing sth B2
319) bell noun METAL OBJECT B2
320) belong verb RIGHT PLACE B2
321) belong verb HAPPY SOMEWHERE B2
322) belongings noun B2
323) bench noun B2
324) bend verb BODY B2
325) bend verb CURVE B2
326) bend noun CURVED PART B2
327) beneath preposition UNDER B2
328) beneficial adjective B2
329) benefit verb B2
330) berry noun B2
331) make the best of sth B2
332) bestseller noun B2
333) betray verb B2
334) beyond preposition DISTANCE B2
335) beyond preposition TIME B2
336) beyond my/our, etc. control B2

337) bikini noun B2

338) billion noun B2
339) biological adjective B2
340) give birth B2
341) American/Italian, etc. by birth B2
342) a bit B2
343) bite noun FOOD B2
344) bite noun INJURY B2
345) bitter adjective ANGRY B2
346) bitter adjective HATE B2
347) bitter adjective DISAPPOINTED B2
348) bitter adjective COLD B2
349) bizarre adjective B2
350) blade noun B2
351) blame noun B2
352) go blank B2
353) blink verb EYES B2
354) block noun PIECE B2
355) block verb PREVENT MOVEMENT B2
356) bloody adjective COVERED IN BLOOD B2
357) blow up sth or blow sth up B2
358) blush verb B2
359) board noun SURFACE B2
360) board noun MEALS B2
361) boast verb PRIDE B2
362) boiling adjective B2
363) bold adjective BRAVE B2
364) boldly adverb B2
365) bomber noun PERSON B2
366) bombing noun B2
367) bond noun B2
368) bonus noun EXTRA THING B2
369) bonus noun EXTRA MONEY B2
370) booklet noun B2
371) bookmark noun B2
372) bookmark verb B2
373) boost noun B2
374) boost verb B2
375) bossy adjective B2
376) bother verb WORRY B2
377) bother verb MAKE AN EFFORT B2
378) can't be bothered B2
379) bothered adjective B2
380) bounce verb MOVE UP B2
381) bounce along/around/into, etc. B2
382) bound to do sth B2
383) bow noun KNOT B2
384) bow noun WEAPON B2
385) bra noun B2
386) bracket noun SYMBOL B2
387) brake verb B2
388) branch noun SUBJECT B2
389) brand noun B2
390) bravery noun B2
391) break verb END B2
392) break a record B2

393) break an agreement/promise, etc. B2

394) break the law B2
395) break the ice B2
396) break sb's heart B2
397) break off (sth) or break (sth) off B2
398) break out B2
399) break through sth B2
400) breakable adjective B2
401) breakdown noun ILLNESS B2
402) breakdown noun NOT WORKING B2
403) breakthrough noun B2
404) be out of breath B2
405) hold your breath B2
406) take your breath away B2
407) take a deep breath B2
408) breathtaking adjective B2
409) breed verb KEEP ANIMALS B2
410) breed noun B2
411) brick noun B2
412) in brief B2
413) bright adjective INTELLIGENT B2
414) bright adjective HAPPY B2
415) brightly adverb B2
416) brilliantly adverb B2
417) bring out sth or bring sth out B2
418) bring up sth or bring sth up B2
419) broadband noun B2
420) broadcast verb B2
421) a broken heart B2
422) brother-in-law noun B2
423) browse verb LOOK B2
424) browse verb COMPUTING B2
425) browser noun B2
426) bruise noun B2
427) brush noun ACTION B2
428) brush verb TOUCH B2
429) budget noun AMOUNT B2
430) budget adjective B2
431) bug noun ILLNESS B2
432) bug noun COMPUTER B2
433) bulb noun B2
434) bullet noun B2
435) bump verb HURT B2
436) bump against/into sth B2
437) bumper noun B2
438) bun noun B2
439) burglar noun B2
440) burglary noun B2
441) burgle verb B2
442) burn verb COPY B2
443) burn verb ENERGY B2
444) burn down (sth) or burn (sth) down B2
445) burn out B2
446) burn up sth or burn sth up B2
447) burst verb BREAK APART B2
448) burst into sth ENTER SUDDENLY B2

449) burst into sth MAKE A NOISE B2

450) burst out LAUGH/CRY B2
451) bury verb HIDE B2
452) bush noun B2
453) be none of sb's business B2
454) by preposition HOLDING B2
455) by far B2
456) by heart B2
457) day by day/little by little/one by one, etc. B2
458) by preposition AMOUNT B2
459) cabinet noun B2
460) cable noun WIRE B2
461) be a piece of cake B2
462) calculate verb MATHS B2
463) calculation noun B2
464) call verb DESCRIBE B2
465) call in sick B2
466) call back B2
467) call in B2
468) call off sth or call sth off NOT HAPPEN B2
469) calm down (sb) or calm (sb) down B2
470) calmly adverb B2
471) an army/prison/refugee, etc. camp B2
472) campus noun B2
473) can modal verb TYPICAL B2
474) can modal verb SOMETIMES HAPPENING B2
475) candidate noun JOB/ELECTION B2
476) canned adjective B2
477) capable adjective GOOD AT DOING THINGS B2
478) capable of sth/doing sth B2
479) capacity noun AMOUNT B2
480) capacity noun ABILITY B2
481) captain noun SHIP/AIRCRAFT B2
482) capture verb CATCH B2
483) capture verb DESCRIBE B2
484) capture sb/sth on camera/film, etc. B2
485) carbon noun B2
486) carbon dioxide noun B2
487) carbon footprint noun B2
488) carbon monoxide noun B2
489) cardboard noun B2
490) cardigan noun B2
491) care noun PROTECTION B2
492) Who cares? B2
493) care for sb/sth B2
494) carelessly adverb B2
495) carelessness noun B2
496) caring adjective B2
497) carnival noun B2
498) carry verb TRANSPORT B2
499) be/get carried away B2
500) be the case B2
501) in any case B2
502) in that case B2
503) case noun CRIME B2
504) case noun COURT OF LAW B2

505) cast noun B2

506) casual adjective NOT PLANNED B2
507) casually adverb B2
508) catalogue noun B2
509) catch sb's attention, interest, etc. B2
510) catch verb DISCOVER B2
511) catch verb CRIMINAL B2
512) catch up (sb) or catch (sb) up REACH SOMEONE B2
513) catch up B2
514) catch up on/with sth B2
515) category noun B2
516) catering noun B2
517) cause noun REASON WHY B2
518) cause verb B2
519) cautious adjective B2
520) cease verb B2
521) cell noun ORGANISM B2
522) cell noun ROOM B2
523) cellar noun B2
524) cello noun B2
525) cemetery noun B2
526) centigrade noun B2
527) a certain B2
528) certainty noun BEING SURE B2
529) chain noun EVENTS B2
530) challenge verb B2
531) chance noun RISK B2
532) change the subject B2
533) chaos noun B2
534) character noun INTERESTING QUALITIES B2
535) characteristic noun B2
536) charge verb ACCUSE B2
537) charge verb ATTACK B2
538) charge verb ELECTRICITY B2
539) take charge B2
540) charm noun QUALITY B2
541) chart noun DRAWING B2
542) the charts B2
543) chase verb RUN AFTER B2
544) chase sb/sth away/off/out, etc. B2
545) chat sb up or chat up sb B2
546) cheat verb B2
547) cheat on sb B2
548) check verb ASK B2
549) cheeky adjective B2
550) cheer verb B2
551) cheer up (sb) or cheer (sb) up B2
552) cheerful adjective MAKING YOU FEEL HAPPY B2
553) cheerfully adverb B2
554) Cheers! exclamation THANK YOU B2
555) chemical noun B2
556) chemical adjective B2
557) cherry noun B2
558) chest noun BODY B2
559) chew verb EAT B2
560) chew verb BITE B2

561) chief adjective MOST IMPORTANT B2

562) chief adjective HIGHEST IN RANK B2
563) chief noun B2
564) childish adjective SILLY B2
565) childish adjective OF A CHILD B2
566) chill out B2
567) chimney noun B2
568) chip noun COMPUTER PART B2
569) choir noun B2
570) chop verb B2
571) circle noun GROUP B2
572) circular adjective SHAPE B2
573) circumstance noun B2
574) citizen noun TOWN/CITY B2
575) citizen noun LEGAL RIGHT B2
576) civilization noun SOCIETY B2
577) claim verb SAY B2
578) claim verb DEMAND B2
579) claim noun DEMAND B2
580) class noun ECONOMIC GROUP B2
581) classic adjective B2
582) classic noun B2
583) clause noun B2
584) clear up (sth) or clear (sth) up MAKE TIDY B2
585) clear up sth or clear sth up B2
586) clear up B2
587) client noun B2
588) climate change noun B2
589) climb into/out of/through, etc. B2
590) climb verb MOVE HIGHER B2
591) close verb STOP OPERATING B2
592) close down (sth) or close (sth) down B2
593) close adjective RELATIONSHIP B2
594) closely adverb CONNECTED B2
595) cloth noun MATERIAL B2
596) cloth noun FOR CLEANING B2
597) clothing noun B2
598) cloud noun SMOKE/DUST B2
599) clue noun SIGN B2
600) not have a clue B2
601) clumsy adjective B2
602) coach verb B2
603) coaching noun B2
604) coastal adjective B2
605) code noun SECRET MESSAGE B2
606) coincidence noun B2
607) collapse verb OBJECT B2
608) collapse verb PERSON B2
609) collapse noun B2
610) collar noun ON AN ANIMAL B2
611) collect verb MONEY B2
612) collection noun TAKING AWAY B2
613) collector noun B2
614) collocation noun B2
615) colon noun B2
616) colourful adjective UNUSUAL B2

617) column noun PRINTING B2

618) column noun BUILDING B2
619) combination noun B2
620) combine verb B2
621) come verb HAPPEN B2
622) come across sb/sth B2
623) come along ARRIVE B2
624) come down FALL B2
625) come down LOWER LEVEL B2
626) come down with sth B2
627) come out INFORMATION B2
628) come to sth TOTAL B2
629) come to sth DIFFERENT STATE B2
630) come up MOVE TOWARDS B2
631) come up BE MENTIONED B2
632) come up SUN/MOON B2
633) come up B2
634) come up with sth B2
635) comedian noun B2
636) comfort noun NO PAIN B2
637) comfortable adjective WITHOUT WORRIES B2
638) comfortably adverb B2
639) command noun ORDER B2
640) command noun KNOWLEDGE B2
641) comment verb B2
642) commerce noun B2
643) commercial noun B2
644) commercial adjective BUYING AND SELLING B2
645) commit verb DO B2
646) commitment noun LOYALTY B2
647) commitment noun ACTIVITY B2
648) committee noun B2
649) common knowledge B2
650) communicate verb BE UNDERSTOOD B2
651) communicative adjective B2
652) community noun IN ONE AREA B2
653) community noun GROUP OF PEOPLE B2
654) companion noun B2
655) company noun OTHER PEOPLE B2
656) keep sb company B2
657) compared to/with sb/sth B2
658) comparison noun B2
659) compete verb SUCCESS B2
660) competition noun BUSINESS/JOBS B2
661) competitive adjective SITUATION B2
662) competitive adjective PERSON B2
663) competitive adjective PRICES/SERVICES B2
664) complex adjective B2
665) compose verb BE MADE OF B2
666) compose verb MUSIC B2
667) composer noun B2
668) composition noun MUSIC B2
669) compromise noun B2
670) compromise verb AGREE B2
671) compulsory adjective B2
672) concentration noun THOUGHT B2

673) concept noun B2

674) concern verb INVOLVE B2
675) concern verb BE ABOUT B2
676) concern noun WORRY B2
677) concern noun IMPORTANT THING B2
678) concerned adjective WORRIED B2
679) concerning preposition B2
680) In conclusion B2
681) concrete noun B2
682) condition noun ILLNESS B2
683) on condition that B2
684) conduct verb ORGANIZE B2
685) conduct verb MUSIC B2
686) conductor noun B2
687) confess verb B2
688) confession noun B2
689) confidence noun CERTAIN B2
690) confident adjective CERTAIN B2
691) confidently adverb B2
692) confirm verb PROVE TRUE B2
693) confirmation noun B2
694) conflict noun DISAGREEMENT B2
695) conflict noun FIGHTING B2
696) confuse verb NOT THINK CLEARLY B2
697) confuse verb THINK ONE IS ANOTHER B2
698) confused adjective NOT CLEAR B2
699) confusion noun NOT UNDERSTAND B2
700) confusion noun SITUATION B2
701) confusion noun THOUGHT B2
702) congratulate verb B2
703) conjunction noun GRAMMAR B2
704) connection noun INVOLVEMENT B2
705) in connection with sth B2
706) connection noun TRAVEL B2
707) be conscious of/that B2
708) consciousness noun AWAKE B2
709) consequence noun RESULT B2
710) consequently adverb B2
711) conservation noun NATURE B2
712) consider sb/sth (to be) sth B2
713) considerable adjective B2
714) considerably adverb B2
715) consideration noun CAREFUL THOUGHT B2
716) take sth into consideration B2
717) consideration noun IMPORTANT FACT B2
718) considering preposition, conjunction B2
719) constant adjective A LOT B2
720) constantly adverb B2
721) construct verb B2
722) construction noun BUILDING WORK B2
723) construction noun LARGE BUILDING B2
724) construction noun WORDS B2
725) consultant noun B2
726) consume verb EAT OR DRINK B2
727) consumer noun B2
728) contain verb PART B2

729) container noun B2

730) contemporary adjective B2
731) content adjective B2
732) content noun IDEAS B2
733) contents noun BOOK B2
734) context noun FACTS B2
735) continuous adjective GRAMMAR B2
736) continuous adjective WITHOUT STOPPING B2
737) continuously adverb B2
738) on the contrary B2
739) contrast noun DIFFERENCE B2
740) by/in contrast B2
741) contribute verb GIVE B2
742) contribution noun B2
743) control verb LIMIT B2
744) control verb RULE B2
745) control noun POWER B2
746) beyond your/out of control B2
747) under control B2
748) control noun EQUIPMENT B2
749) take control B2
750) control noun LAW B2
751) control noun OFFICIAL PLACE B2
752) controversial adjective B2
753) convenience noun BEING EASY B2
754) at your convenience B2
755) conveniently adverb B2
756) conventional adjective TRADITIONAL B2
757) convert verb CHANGE B2
758) convinced adjective B2
759) cool verb B2
760) cool down/off (sb/sth) or cool (sb/sth) down/off BECOME LESS HOT B2
761) cool down/off (sb/sth) or cool (sb/sth) down/off BECOME CALMER B2
762) cooperate verb WORK TOGETHER B2
763) cooperate verb HELP B2
764) cooperation noun B2
765) cooperative adjective B2
766) cope verb B2
767) copper noun B2
768) copy verb CHEAT B2
769) copy verb BEHAVE B2
770) copy noun SINGLE ONE B2
771) corporation noun B2
772) correct verb SHOW MISTAKE B2
773) correct verb MAKE RIGHT B2
774) correspond verb BE SIMILAR B2
775) correspond verb WRITE B2
776) corridor noun B2
777) cost noun THING GIVEN B2
778) cost verb LOSE B2
779) costume noun PARTY/FILM/PLAY B2
780) costume noun TYPICAL OF COUNTRY B2
781) could have B2
782) couldn't have B2
783) council noun B2
784) count verb BE IMPORTANT B2

785) count on sb B2
786) count on sth B2
787) counter noun SURFACE B2
788) county noun B2
789) courage noun BRAVE B2
790) in due course B2
791) court noun LAW B2
792) courtesy noun B2
793) cover verb DISTANCE B2
794) cover verb AREA B2
795) coward noun B2
796) cowardly adjective B2
797) crab noun B2
798) crack verb BREAK B2
799) craft noun B2
800) crash verb COMPUTER B2
801) crash noun LOUD NOISE B2
802) crawl verb HANDS AND KNEES B2
803) crazy adjective ANGRY B2
804) creation noun B2
805) creatively adverb B2
806) creativity noun B2
807) credit noun PRAISE B2
808) credit noun COURSE B2
809) crew noun TEAM B2
810) criminal adjective CRIME B2
811) crisis noun B2
812) critic noun ARTS B2
813) critical adjective NOT PLEASED B2
814) critical adjective IMPORTANT B2
815) critical adjective SERIOUS B2
816) critically adverb B2
817) criticism noun B2
818) criticize verb B2
819) crocodile noun B2
820) cross your mind B2
821) crossroads noun B2
822) crucial adjective B2
823) cruelly adverb B2
824) cruelty noun B2
825) cruise verb B2
826) culturally adverb B2
827) cure verb HEALTHY B2
828) cure noun B2
829) curiosity noun B2
830) curiously adverb STRANGELY B2
831) current adjective B2
832) currently adverb B2
833) cursor noun B2
834) curve noun B2
835) cut verb REDUCE B2
836) cut verb FILM/WRITING B2
837) cut across sth DIRECTION B2
838) cut down sth or cut sth down REMOVE B2
839) cut down sth or cut sth down REDUCE B2
840) cut down sth or cut sth down DIET B2

841) cut off sb/sth or cut sb/sth off STOP PROVIDING B2

842) cut off sb/sth or cut sb/sth off BE TRAPPED B2
843) cut noun STOP IN SUPPLY B2
844) cycle noun SERIES OF EVENTS B2
845) cycle noun BICYCLE B2
846) dairy adjective B2
847) damp adjective B2
848) dare (to) do sth B2
849) darkness noun B2
850) darling noun B2
851) dash verb B2
852) dash noun QUICK MOVEMENT B2
853) dash noun PUNCTUATION B2
854) data noun FACTS B2
855) data noun COMPUTER B2
856) database noun B2
857) to date B2
858) date back B2
859) date from sth B2
860) daughter-in-law noun B2
861) dawn noun START OF DAY B2
862) in those days B2
863) daylight noun B2
864) daytime noun B2
865) dead adjective EQUIPMENT B2
866) deadline noun B2
867) deadly adjective B2
868) deal noun AGREEMENT B2
869) a good/great deal B2
870) deal with sb B2
871) dealer noun B2
872) dear adjective LIKED B2
873) bored/frightened/scared, etc. to death B2
874) debate noun B2
875) debit noun B2
876) debit verb B2
877) debit card noun B2
878) debt noun AMOUNT OWING B2
879) debt noun STATE OF OWING B2
880) decade noun B2
881) decay verb B2
882) deceive verb B2
883) decent adjective SATISFACTORY B2
884) decent adjective HONEST B2
885) decisive adjective MAKING DECISIONS B2
886) deck noun B2
887) declare verb EXPRESS B2
888) decline verb GET LESS B2
889) decline verb REFUSE B2
890) decline noun B2
891) decoration noun MAKE ATTRACTIVE B2
892) decoration noun PAINT B2
893) decorative adjective B2
894) deep adjective STRONGLY FELT B2
895) deep adjective SOUND B2
896) one metre/6 ft, etc. deep B2

897) a deep sleep B2

898) deep down B2
899) deeply adverb B2
900) deer noun B2
901) defeat verb CAUSE TO FAIL B2
902) defeat noun FAILING B2
903) defence noun PROTECTION B2
904) defend verb SUPPORT B2
905) defender noun B2
906) define verb GIVE MEANING B2
907) definite adjective B2
908) definition noun MEANING B2
909) degree noun AMOUNT B2
910) deliberate adjective B2
911) deliberately adverb B2
912) delicate adjective SOFT B2
913) delicate adjective EASY TO DAMAGE B2
914) delight noun B2
915) delightful adjective B2
916) deliver a speech/talk, etc. B2
917) demand verb NEED B2
918) demand noun NEED B2
919) demanding adjective B2
920) democracy noun B2
921) democratic adjective B2
922) demolish verb DESTROY B2
923) demonstrate verb PROVE B2
924) demonstrate verb MARCH B2
925) demonstration noun MARCH B2
926) denim noun B2
927) dense adjective B2
928) densely adverb B2
929) dental adjective B2
930) deny verb NOT TRUE B2
931) deny verb REFUSE B2
932) depend on/upon sb/sth NEED B2
933) depend on/upon sb/sth RELY B2
934) dependent adjective NEEDING SUPPORT B2
935) depressing adjective B2
936) depression noun UNHAPPINESS B2
937) deprive verb B2
938) depth noun SERIOUSNESS B2
939) in depth B2
940) descend verb B2
941) be designed for/to do sth B2
942) designer adjective B2
943) desirable adjective B2
944) desire noun B2
945) desktop noun COMPUTER SCREEN B2
946) desktop noun COMPUTER B2
947) despair noun B2
948) desperate adjective WITHOUT HOPE B2
949) desperate adjective NEEDING B2
950) desperately adverb SERIOUSLY B2
951) desperately adverb TRYING EVERYTHING B2
952) despite the fact that B2

953) destruction noun B2

954) go into detail/s B2
955) detailed adjective B2
956) determination noun B2
957) determined adjective B2
958) determiner noun B2
959) develop verb ILLNESS B2
960) developed adjective B2
961) developing adjective B2
962) development noun EVENT B2
963) device noun EQUIPMENT B2
964) devil noun EVIL BEING B2
965) devote sth to sb/sth USE TIME B2
966) devote sth to sb/sth USE SPACE B2
967) devoted adjective B2
968) dialogue noun IN BOOK, ETC. B2
969) diamond noun STONE B2
970) diamond noun SHAPE B2
971) die out B2
972) differ verb B2
973) make a (big) difference B2
974) make no difference/not make any difference B2
975) difficulty noun PROBLEM B2
976) dig a hole/tunnel B2
977) dilemma noun B2
978) dimension noun ASPECT B2
979) dimension noun MEASUREMENT B2
980) dip verb PUT INTO LIQUID B2
981) dip verb BECOME LOWER B2
982) diplomat noun B2
983) direct adjective NOTHING BETWEEN B2
984) in sb's direction B2
985) directly adverb CLEARLY B2
986) disability noun B2
987) disagreement noun B2
988) disappear verb STOP EXISTING B2
989) disappearance noun B2
990) disapprove verb B2
991) disaster noun DAMAGE B2
992) disaster noun FAILURE B2
993) disc noun SHAPE B2
994) discipline noun RULES B2
995) discourage verb MAKE LESS CONFIDENT B2
996) discourage sb from doing sth B2
997) discovery noun FINDING B2
998) disgrace noun LOSS OF RESPECT B2
999) be a disgrace B2
1000) disguise noun B2
1001) disguise verb DIFFERENT APPEARANCE B2
1002) dishonest adjective B2
1003) dishonesty noun B2
1004) dislike noun NOT LIKING B2
1005) disorganized adjective OF SOMETHING B2
1006) disorganized adjective OF SOMEONE B2
1007) display noun SHOW B2
1008) display verb ON SCREEN B2

1009) disposal noun REMOVAL B2

1010) disrupt verb B2
1011) dissatisfaction noun B2
1012) dissatisfied adjective B2
1013) distance noun PLACE B2
1014) distant adjective FAR AWAY B2
1015) distinction noun DIFFERENCE B2
1016) distinguish verb RECOGNIZE DIFFERENCES B2
1017) distinguish verb SHOW DIFFERENCES B2
1018) distinguish verb SEE/HEAR B2
1019) distinguished adjective B2
1020) distract verb B2
1021) distressing adjective B2
1022) distribute verb GIVE OUT B2
1023) disturb verb INTERRUPT B2
1024) dive noun ENTRY INTO WATER B2
1025) dive noun SWIMMING UNDER WATER B2
1026) diverse adjective B2
1027) divide verb PLACE B2
1028) divided adjective B2
1029) division noun PART B2
1030) division noun ORGANIZATION B2
1031) division noun SPORT B2
1032) divorce verb B2
1033) dizzy adjective B2
1034) do auxiliary verb FOR EMPHASIS B2
1035) do sb good B2
1036) do damage/harm, etc. B2
1037) be/have to do with sth B2
1038) do up sth or do sth up B2
1039) do without (sb/sth) B2
1040) domestic adjective HOME B2
1041) domestic adjective COUNTRY B2
1042) dominate verb HAVE CONTROL B2
1043) donate verb GIVE MONEY B2
1044) donation noun B2
1045) dose noun MEDICINE B2
1046) a dose of sth B2
1047) dot noun MARK B2
1048) double verb B2
1049) be in doubt B2
1050) without (a) doubt B2
1051) doubt verb FEEL UNCERTAIN B2
1052) doubtful adjective NOT PROBABLE B2
1053) doubtful adjective NOT CERTAIN B2
1054) down adjective UNHAPPY B2
1055) draft noun B2
1056) drag verb PULL B2
1057) dramatic adjective B2
1058) dramatically adverb B2
1059) draw into/out/away, etc. B2
1060) draw verb ATTRACT B2
1061) draw (sb's) attention to sth/sb B2
1062) draw a conclusion B2
1063) draw near/close B2
1064) dreadful adjective B2

1065) be in a dream B2
1066) dress noun STYLE B2
1067) drive sb mad/crazy, etc. B2
1068) drop verb LOWER B2
1069) drop verb STOP ACTIVITY B2
1070) drop noun REDUCTION B2
1071) drown verb DIE B2
1072) drug noun MEDICINE B2
1073) drug noun ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE B2
1074) drunk adjective B2
1075) duty noun JOB B2
1076) on/off duty B2
1077) dynamic adjective ACTIVE B2
1078) eager adjective B2
1079) eagerly adverb B2
1080) eagerness noun B2
1081) eagle noun B2
1082) not believe your ears B2
1083) earn a/your living B2
1084) earnings noun B2
1085) earth noun SUBSTANCE B2
1086) earthquake noun B2
1087) ease noun NOT DIFFICULT B2
1088) at ease B2
1089) the East B2
1090) eastern adjective ASIA B2
1091) eat up (sth) or eat (sth) up B2
1092) ecological adjective B2
1093) ecologically adverb B2
1094) economic adjective B2
1095) economical adjective B2
1096) economist noun B2
1097) economy noun B2
1098) edge noun BLADE B2
1099) edit verb B2
1100) edition noun B2
1101) editor noun B2
1102) educate verb TEACH B2
1103) educate verb GIVE INFORMATION B2
1104) educated adjective B2
1105) educational adjective B2
1106) effective adjective B2
1107) effectively adverb SUCCESS B2
1108) efficiency noun B2
1109) efficiently adverb B2
1110) egg noun BABY B2
1111) (be) in your eighties B2
1112) the eighties B2
1113) either side/end, etc. B2
1114) the elder B2
1115) the eldest B2
1116) elect verb B2
1117) electrician noun B2
1118) electronically adverb B2
1119) electronics noun B2
1120) elegant adjective B2

1121) elegantly adverb B2

1122) element noun PART B2
1123) element noun SIMPLE SUBSTANCE B2
1124) or else B2
1125) elsewhere adverb B2
1126) embarrassment noun B2
1127) emerge verb APPEAR B2
1128) emotion noun B2
1129) emotional adjective EMOTIONS B2
1130) emotional adjective STRONG FEELINGS B2
1131) emotionally adverb B2
1132) emphasis noun B2
1133) emphasize verb B2
1134) enable verb B2
1135) enclose verb SEND B2
1136) encounter verb B2
1137) encouragement noun B2
1138) encouraging adjective B2
1139) end noun STOP B2
1140) for hours/days, etc. on end B2
1141) no end B2
1142) put an end to sth B2
1143) endangered adjective B2
1144) endless adjective B2
1145) endure verb B2
1146) enemy noun COUNTRY/ARMY B2
1147) energetic adjective B2
1148) enjoyment noun B2
1149) enough determiner, pronoun NEGATIVE COMMENT B2
1150) strangely enough B2
1151) fair enough B2
1152) enquire verb B2
1153) ensure verb B2
1154) entertainer noun B2
1155) entertaining adjective B2
1156) enthusiasm noun B2
1157) enthusiastic adjective B2
1158) enthusiastically adverb B2
1159) entire adjective B2
1160) entirely adverb B2
1161) entitle verb GIVE RIGHT B2
1162) environment noun SURROUNDINGS B2
1163) environmentally adverb B2
1164) environmentally friendly adjective B2
1165) envy verb B2
1166) envy noun FEELING OF WANTING B2
1167) episode noun EVENT B2
1168) episode noun PART OF STORY B2
1169) equal adjective AS IMPORTANT B2
1170) equal noun B2
1171) equality noun B2
1172) equally adverb SAME WAY B2
1173) equip verb B2
1174) era noun B2
1175) error noun B2
1176) escalator noun B2

1177) escape verb AVOID B2

1178) escape noun FORGETTING PROBLEMS B2
1179) especially adverb ONLY B2
1180) essentially adverb B2
1181) establish verb START B2
1182) estate noun LAND B2
1183) estate noun BUILDINGS B2
1184) estimate verb B2
1185) estimate noun B2
1186) estimated adjective B2
1187) even if B2
1188) even though B2
1189) eventually adverb B2
1190) ever so B2
1191) every determiner POSSIBLE B2
1192) be/mean everything B2
1193) evidence noun PROOF B2
1194) evident adjective B2
1195) evidently adverb B2
1196) evil adjective B2
1197) evil noun B2
1198) evolution noun NATURAL WORLD B2
1199) evolution noun GRADUAL CHANGE B2
1200) exactly adverb AGREEMENT B2
1201) not exactly B2
1202) examination noun CAREFUL LOOK B2
1203) examine verb LOOK AT B2
1204) set an example B2
1205) example noun VERY GOOD B2
1206) exception noun NOT INCLUDED B2
1207) exceptional adjective GOOD B2
1208) exchange verb SHOP B2
1209) exchange looks, opinions, views, etc. B2
1210) exclamation mark noun B2
1211) exclusive adjective EXPENSIVE B2
1212) excuse verb EXPLAIN B2
1213) exhausting adjective B2
1214) exhaustion noun B2
1215) existence noun BEING B2
1216) existing adjective B2
1217) exotic adjective B2
1218) expand verb B2
1219) expansion noun B2
1220) expect verb BEHAVE B2
1221) I expect B2
1222) be expecting (a baby) B2
1223) expectation noun B2
1224) expected adjective B2
1225) expense noun MONEY SPENT B2
1226) experiment verb TRY B2
1227) expert adjective B2
1228) exploit verb USE UNFAIRLY B2
1229) exploit verb USE WELL B2
1230) explore verb LOOK INTO B2
1231) explosion noun BOMB B2
1232) export verb B2

1233) export noun B2

1234) expose verb MAKE PUBLIC B2
1235) be exposed to sth B2
1236) express verb B2
1237) expression noun PHRASE B2
1238) expression noun LOOK B2
1239) expression noun SHOWING THOUGHTS B2
1240) extend verb MAKE BIGGER B2
1241) extend verb MAKE LAST B2
1242) extension noun EXTRA TIME B2
1243) extension noun TELEPHONE B2
1244) extension noun DEVELOPMENT B2
1245) extensive adjective B2
1246) extent noun SIZE B2
1247) to a great/large, etc. extent B2
1248) to some extent/to a certain extent B2
1249) external adjective OUTSIDE B2
1250) external adjective FROM A DIFFERENT PLACE B2
1251) extract verb B2
1252) extract noun B2
1253) extraordinarily adverb B2
1254) extreme adjective VERY LARGE B2
1255) extreme adjective SERIOUS B2
1256) in sb's eyes B2
1257) keep your/an eye on sb/sth B2
1258) can't keep/take your eyes off sb/sth B2
1259) have an eye for sth B2
1260) look sb in the eye/eyes B2
1261) eyebrow noun B2
1262) eyelash noun B2
1263) eyelid noun B2
1264) eyesight noun B2
1265) face verb PROBLEM B2
1266) can't face sb/sth/doing sth B2
1267) face verb ACCEPT B2
1268) face up to sth B2
1269) facility noun B2
1270) fact noun REAL THINGS B2
1271) the fact (of the matter) is B2
1272) factor noun B2
1273) fade verb B2
1274) fade away B2
1275) fail to do sth B2
1276) fail verb NOT SUCCEED B2
1277) fail verb STOP WORKING B2
1278) failure noun NO SUCCESS B2
1279) failure to do sth B2
1280) failure noun STOP WORKING B2
1281) faint adjective SLIGHT B2
1282) faint verb B2
1283) fairly adverb IN THE RIGHT WAY B2
1284) faith noun TRUST B2
1285) faith noun STRONG BELIEF B2
1286) faith noun RELIGION B2
1287) faithful adjective LOYAL B2
1288) Yours faithfully B2

1289) fall apart BREAK B2

1290) fall apart HAVE PROBLEMS B2
1291) fall for sb B2
1292) fall out B2
1293) fall through B2
1294) fall noun MOVEMENT B2
1295) false adjective NOT REAL B2
1296) fame noun B2
1297) be familiar with sth/sb B2
1298) fancy verb PERSON B2
1299) fantastically adverb B2
1300) fantasy noun B2
1301) far adverb VERY MUCH B2
1302) far adjective DISTANT B2
1303) fascinated adjective B2
1304) fascinating adjective B2
1305) fasten sth on/to/together, etc. B2
1306) fat noun B2
1307) fatal adjective CAUSING DEATH B2
1308) fatal adjective SERIOUS B2
1309) fate noun WHAT HAPPENS B2
1310) fate noun POWER B2
1311) father-in-law noun B2
1312) fault noun PROBLEM B2
1313) fault noun BAD QUALITY B2
1314) faulty adjective B2
1315) be in favour of sth B2
1316) favourable adjective LIKING B2
1317) fear verb BE WORRIED B2
1318) fear verb BE FRIGHTENED OF B2
1319) feather noun B2
1320) feature noun PART B2
1321) feature noun FACE B2
1322) feature verb B2
1323) fed up adjective B2
1324) feedback noun B2
1325) feel verb TOUCH B2
1326) feel different/strange, etc. B2
1327) feel verb BE AWARE B2
1328) feeling noun OPINION B2
1329) fellow adjective B2
1330) female noun B2
1331) fence noun B2
1332) field noun AREA OF STUDY B2
1333) fierce adjective VIOLENT B2
1334) fierce adjective STRONG B2
1335) fierce adjective FEELING B2
1336) (be) in your fifties B2
1337) the fifties B2
1338) fight verb JOIN WAR B2
1339) fight verb ARGUE B2
1340) fight verb TRY TO STOP B2
1341) fight verb TRY TO ACHIEVE B2
1342) fight noun EFFORT B2
1343) fight noun ARGUMENT B2
1344) fighting noun B2

1345) figure noun TYPE OF PERSON B2

1346) figure noun PERSON B2
1347) figure out sth/sb or figure sth/sb out B2
1348) fill sb with anger/joy/pride, etc. B2
1349) finance noun CONTROL OF MONEY B2
1350) sb's finances B2
1351) finance verb B2
1352) financially adverb B2
1353) find yourself somewhere/doing sth B2
1354) be found B2
1355) find sb guilty/not guilty B2
1356) fine adjective EXCELLENT B2
1357) fine verb B2
1358) fine adverb B2
1359) finely adverb B2
1360) fingernail noun B2
1361) finish with sb B2
1362) fire verb SHOOT B2
1363) fire verb REMOVE FROM A JOB B2
1364) fire brigade noun B2
1365) firm adjective NOT SOFT B2
1366) firm adjective FIXED B2
1367) firmly adverb CERTAINLY B2
1368) firmly adverb STRONGLY B2
1369) at first sight B2
1370) in the first place B2
1371) first language noun B2
1372) firstly adverb B2
1373) the first person noun B2
1374) fisherman noun B2
1375) fit verb PUT IN POSITION B2
1376) fit in with sth SUITABLE B2
1377) fix verb DECIDE B2
1378) fix sth onto/to/under, etc. B2
1379) fixed adjective ARRANGED B2
1380) flame noun B2
1381) flash verb SHINE B2
1382) flash noun BRIGHT LIGHT B2
1383) flash noun CAMERA B2
1384) flat adjective WITHOUT AIR B2
1385) flat adverb LEVEL B2
1386) fall flat on your face B2
1387) flexibility noun B2
1388) flexible adjective ABLE TO CHANGE B2
1389) flood verb ARRIVE OR FILL B2
1390) fluency noun B2
1391) fluent adjective ABILITY B2
1392) fluent adjective LANGUAGE B2
1393) fluently adverb B2
1394) fly verb CONTROL AIRCRAFT B2
1395) focus (sth) on/upon sb/sth B2
1396) follow up sth or follow sth up B2
1397) following preposition B2
1398) the following B2
1399) fond adjective HAPPY B2
1400) make a fool (out) of sb B2

1401) make a fool of yourself B2

1402) fool verb B2
1403) foolish adjective B2
1404) foolishly adverb B2
1405) for preposition SUPPORT B2
1406) for the moment B2
1407) for once B2
1408) for real B2
1409) forbid verb B2
1410) force noun POWER B2
1411) force noun GROUP B2
1412) force verb GIVE NO CHOICE B2
1413) foreign adjective OTHER COUNTRIES B2
1414) forever adverb A LONG TIME B2
1415) forget it B2
1416) forgive me B2
1417) form noun TYPE B2
1418) form verb BEGIN TO EXIST B2
1419) form verb START B2
1420) formal adjective SERIOUS AND CORRECT B2
1421) the former B2
1422) formerly adverb B2
1423) forthcoming adjective HAPPENING SOON B2
1424) fortunate adjective B2
1425) fortune noun MONEY B2
1426) fortune noun LUCK B2
1427) (be) in your forties B2
1428) the forties B2
1429) forward adverb FUTURE B2
1430) found verb START B2
1431) fox noun B2
1432) frame noun STRUCTURE B2
1433) frankly adverb B2
1434) free adjective NOT LIMITED B2
1435) free adjective NOT A PRISONER B2
1436) set sb/sth free B2
1437) free adjective NOT USED B2
1438) free adverb NO LIMIT/CONTROL B2
1439) free verb B2
1440) freedom noun BEING ALLOWED B2
1441) freely adverb B2
1442) freeze verb PERSON B2
1443) freeze verb NOT MOVE B2
1444) fresh adjective RECENT B2
1445) friendliness noun B2
1446) frighten verb B2
1447) from preposition CAUSE B2
1448) from preposition CHANGE B2
1449) from preposition POSITION B2
1450) from preposition PREVENTING B2
1451) from side to side B2
1452) from time to time B2
1453) a week/six months/ten years, etc. from now B2
1454) frost noun B2
1455) frustration noun B2
1456) full adjective FOOD B2

1457) make fun of sb/sth B2

1458) function noun PURPOSE B2
1459) functional adjective B2
1460) funeral noun B2
1461) furious adjective B2
1462) furiously adverb B2
1463) further adverb MORE B2
1464) furthermore adverb B2
1465) in the near future B2
1466) gambling noun B2
1467) gang noun YOUNG PEOPLE B2
1468) gang noun CRIMINALS B2
1469) gap noun DIFFERENCE B2
1470) gap noun ABSENT THING B2
1471) gap noun TIME B2
1472) gardener noun B2
1473) gardening noun B2
1474) gas noun SUBSTANCE B2
1475) gather verb COME TOGETHER B2
1476) gather verb COLLECT B2
1477) gaze at/into/out of, etc. B2
1478) gear noun VEHICLE PART B2
1479) first/second/third, etc. gear B2
1480) gear noun EQUIPMENT B2
1481) gender noun SEX B2
1482) gender noun GRAMMAR B2
1483) general adjective MOST PEOPLE B2
1484) general adjective NOT LIMITED B2
1485) in general B2
1486) generally adverb AS A WHOLE B2
1487) generally adverb BY MOST PEOPLE B2
1488) generate verb CREATE B2
1489) generate verb MAKE ENERGY B2
1490) generation noun TIME B2
1491) generation noun PRODUCT B2
1492) generation noun ENERGY B2
1493) generosity noun B2
1494) generously adverb B2
1495) genetics noun B2
1496) gentleman noun B2
1497) gently adverb B2
1498) genuine adjective REAL B2
1499) genuinely adverb B2
1500) get rid of sth B2
1501) get sb/sth to do sth B2
1502) get the feeling/idea/impression, etc. B2
1503) get on sb's nerves B2
1504) get to do sth B2
1505) get verb UNDERSTAND/HEAR B2
1506) get across sth or get sth across B2
1507) get at sth B2
1508) get away ESCAPE B2
1509) get away GO SOMEWHERE B2
1510) get away with sth B2
1511) get sb down B2
1512) get down to sth B2

1513) get in BE CHOSEN B2

1514) get into sth BE CHOSEN B2
1515) get on with sth B2
1516) get out of sth/doing sth B2
1517) get over sth/sb GET BETTER B2
1518) get over sth/sb B2
1519) get round to sth B2
1520) get through sth SUCCEED B2
1521) get to B2
1522) get up B2
1523) give a performance/speech, etc. B2
1524) give away sth or give sth away SECRET B2
1525) give in ADMIT DEFEAT B2
1526) give up (sth/doing sth) or give (sth) up B2
1527) glad adjective WILLING B2
1528) glance at/over/through, etc. B2
1529) glance noun QUICK LOOK B2
1530) global adjective B2
1531) globally adverb B2
1532) global warming noun B2
1533) go verb SONG B2
1534) go verb TIME B2
1535) go red B2
1536) it goes without saying B2
1537) go ahead START B2
1538) go ahead ALLOW B2
1539) go by TIME B2
1540) go down with sth B2
1541) go for sth TRY TO GET B2
1542) go off MAKE NOISE B2
1543) go off FOOD B2
1544) go off sth/sb B2
1545) go on CONTINUE DOING B2
1546) go on TALK AGAIN B2
1547) go over sth B2
1548) go through sth EXPERIENCE B2
1549) go through sth EXAMINE B2
1550) go noun ATTEMPT B2
1551) god noun SPIRIT B2
1552) golden adjective SPECIAL B2
1553) it's a good thing B2
1554) Good for you! B2
1555) good noun HELP B2
1556) be no good or be not any/much good B2
1557) Google verb B2
1558) gossip noun B2
1559) gossip verb B2
1560) govern verb B2
1561) government noun PROCESS B2
1562) grab verb TAKE QUICKLY B2
1563) gradual adjective B2
1564) gradually adverb B2
1565) graduate noun B2
1566) graduate verb B2
1567) grant verb GIVE B2
1568) take sb/sth for granted B2

1569) take it for granted B2

1570) graph noun B2
1571) grave noun B2
1572) great adjective IMPORTANT B2
1573) great big/long, etc. B2
1574) a great deal B2
1575) greatly adverb B2
1576) greatness noun B2
1577) greedy adjective B2
1578) green adjective ENVIRONMENT B2
1579) grey adjective WEATHER B2
1580) grief noun SADNESS B2
1581) grip verb HOLD B2
1582) grip noun HOLD B2
1583) ground noun SOIL B2
1584) grow tired/old/calm, etc. B2
1585) growing adjective B2
1586) grown-up noun B2
1587) grown-up adjective B2
1588) growth noun B2
1589) guarantee verb B2
1590) guarantee noun B2
1591) guard verb PROTECT B2
1592) guard verb WATCH B2
1593) I guess so/not B2
1594) guest noun TV B2
1595) guidance noun B2
1596) guilt noun FEELING B2
1597) guilt noun ILLEGAL B2
1598) guilty adjective RESPONSIBLE B2
1599) gum noun MOUTH B2
1600) guts noun BRAVERY B2
1601) gymnastic adjective B2
1602) habit noun BAD ACTIVITY B2
1603) hair noun SINGLE PIECE B2
1604) half noun, pronoun, determiner A LOT B2
1605) not half as good/bad/exciting, etc. B2
1606) hammer noun B2
1607) on the one hand ... on the other hand B2
1608) hand in hand B2
1609) hand over sb/sth or hand sb/sth over B2
1610) a handful of B2
1611) handle noun B2
1612) handout noun B2
1613) hang verb KILL B2
1614) happily adverb WILLING B2
1615) be hard on sb B2
1616) hard adjective NOT KIND B2
1617) hard drive noun B2
1618) hardly adverb CERTAINLY NOT B2
1619) hard-working adjective B2
1620) harm noun HURT B2
1621) harm verb B2
1622) harmful adjective B2
1623) harmless adjective NO HARM B2
1624) harmony noun PEACE B2

1625) harvest noun B2

1626) haunt verb GHOST B2
1627) haunt verb MEMORY/FEELING B2
1628) have sb over/round/to stay, etc. B2
1629) have a word with sb B2
1630) have nothing to do with sb/sth B2
1631) have nothing to do with sb B2
1632) head back/down/towards, etc. B2
1633) head verb LEADER B2
1634) be heading for sth B2
1635) the headlines B2
1636) headquarters noun B2
1637) heal verb B2
1638) have heard of sb/sth B2
1639) heart noun SHAPE B2
1640) with all your heart B2
1641) heat up sth or heat sth up B2
1642) heaven noun AFTER LIFE B2
1643) heaven noun SOMETHING NICE B2
1644) hedge noun B2
1645) heel noun BODY PART B2
1646) hell noun RELIGION B2
1647) hell noun BAD EXPERIENCE B2
1648) the hell B2
1649) helmet noun B2
1650) help verb MAKE BETTER B2
1651) help out (sb) or help (sb) out B2
1652) help noun THING THAT HELPS B2
1653) helper noun B2
1654) here adverb AT THIS POINT B2
1655) here and there B2
1656) herself pronoun EMPHASIS B2
1657) hesitate verb PAUSE B2
1658) don't hesitate to do sth B2
1659) hidden adjective NOT KNOW ABOUT B2
1660) high adjective IMPORTANT B2
1661) highlight verb B2
1662) highlight verb NOTICE B2
1663) highlight noun B2
1664) highly adverb HIGH LEVEL B2
1665) high-tech adjective B2
1666) himself pronoun EMPHASIS B2
1667) hint noun SUGGESTION B2
1668) hint noun ADVICE B2
1669) hip noun B2
1670) hire verb EMPLOY B2
1671) hit verb AFFECT B2
1672) hit it off B2
1673) hit noun INTERNET B2
1674) hi-tech adjective B2
1675) hold verb PRISONER B2
1676) hold verb COMPETITION B2
1677) hold noun SUPPORT B2
1678) catch/get/grab/take hold of sth/sb B2
1679) get hold of sth/sb B2
1680) honestly adverb HONEST B2

1681) honesty noun QUALITY B2

1682) honour noun RESPECT B2
1683) in honour of sb/sth B2
1684) honour noun PRIDE B2
1685) hood noun B2
1686) hook noun B2
1687) be/get hooked on sth B2
1688) hopefully adverb HOPEFUL WAY B2
1689) hopeless adjective BAD AT SOMETHING B2
1690) horn noun SOUND B2
1691) horror noun FEELING B2
1692) host noun PERSON B2
1693) hourly adjective EVERY HOUR B2
1694) hourly adjective PER HOUR B2
1695) household noun B2
1696) however cold/difficult/slowly, etc. B2
1697) human rights noun B2
1698) humour noun B2
1699) hundreds B2
1700) hunger noun NOT ENOUGH FOOD B2
1701) hunt verb SEARCH B2
1702) hunting noun B2
1703) hurry up sb/sth or hurry sb/sth up B2
1704) hyphen noun B2
1705) icon noun COMPUTER B2
1706) icon noun FAMOUS PERSON/THING B2
1707) icy adjective WITHOUT FEELING B2
1708) idea noun THOUGHT B2
1709) ideal adjective B2
1710) ideally adverb PERFECTLY B2
1711) ideally adverb PERFECT SITUATION B2
1712) identical adjective B2
1713) identification noun RECOGNIZING B2
1714) identify verb RECOGNIZE B2
1715) identify verb DISCOVER B2
1716) identify with sb/sth B2
1717) identity noun WHO SOMEONE IS B2
1718) identity noun CHARACTERISTICS B2
1719) idiom noun B2
1720) idiot noun B2
1721) if conjunction WOULD/MIGHT/COULD HAVE B2
1722) if so B2
1723) as if B2
1724) ignore verb B2
1725) illegal adjective B2
1726) illegally adverb B2
1727) illness noun BEING ILL B2
1728) illustrate verb PICTURE B2
1729) image noun PUBLIC B2
1730) image noun PICTURE B2
1731) imagine verb SUPPOSE B2
1732) immediate adjective WITHOUT WAITING B2
1733) immediate adjective IMPORTANT NOW B2
1734) immigrant noun B2
1735) immigration noun COMING INTO A COUNTRY B2
1736) immoral adjective B2

1737) impact noun EFFECT B2

1738) impatient adjective EASILY ANNOYED B2
1739) impatient adjective WANTING SOMETHING TO HAPPEN B2
1740) impatiently adverb B2
1741) imperative noun B2
1742) implement verb B2
1743) impolite adjective B2
1744) import verb B2
1745) importantly adverb B2
1746) impress verb B2
1747) impressed adjective B2
1748) impression noun OPINION B2
1749) impression noun EFFECT B2
1750) be under the impression B2
1751) impressive adjective B2
1752) improved adjective B2
1753) in two/half B2
1754) in preposition RESULT B2
1755) in other words B2
1756) in writing B2
1757) in season B2
1758) in secret B2
1759) in good/high/low, etc. spirits B2
1760) in view of sth B2
1761) in person B2
1762) in place of sth B2
1763) in practice B2
1764) in private B2
1765) in progress B2
1766) in relation to sth B2
1767) in this respect/in many respects B2
1768) in response to B2
1769) in a row B2
1770) in stock B2
1771) in turn B2
1772) in adverb TRANSPORT B2
1773) in adverb SENT B2
1774) inaccurate adjective B2
1775) incident noun B2
1776) income noun B2
1777) inconvenient adjective B2
1778) increase noun RISE B2
1779) increasingly adverb B2
1780) incredible adjective NOT BELIEVE B2
1781) incredibly adverb EXTREMELY B2
1782) independence noun WITHOUT HELP B2
1783) independence noun FREE STATE B2
1784) independent adjective NOT INFLUENCED B2
1785) independent adjective NOT RULED B2
1786) independently adverb B2
1787) indicate verb SAY B2
1788) individual noun PERSON B2
1789) industrial adjective B2
1790) industry noun PRODUCTION B2
1791) inexperienced adjective B2
1792) infection noun B2

1793) inflation noun B2

1794) influence noun POWER B2
1795) be a bad/good influence (on sb) B2
1796) influence verb B2
1797) informal adjective B2
1798) ingredient noun SUCCESS B2
1799) inhabitant noun B2
1800) initial adjective B2
1801) initially adverb B2
1802) injured adjective B2
1803) injury noun B2
1804) inner adjective LOCATION B2
1805) inner adjective FEELINGS B2
1806) innocent adjective NOT GUILTY B2
1807) innocent adjective NO EXPERIENCE B2
1808) innocent adjective NOT DESERVED B2
1809) innocently adverb B2
1810) input noun IDEAS B2
1811) input noun COMPUTER B2
1812) inquire verb B2
1813) inside adverb FEELING B2
1814) inside adjective UNDER SURFACE B2
1815) inside noun INNER PART B2
1816) inside out B2
1817) insist verb SAY FIRMLY B2
1818) inspector noun PERSON WHO INSPECTS B2
1819) inspector noun POLICE B2
1820) inspiration noun IDEAS B2
1821) inspire verb ENCOURAGE B2
1822) inspire verb FEELING B2
1823) inspire verb PROVIDE IDEA B2
1824) instant adjective B2
1825) instantly adverb B2
1826) institute noun B2
1827) institution noun ORGANIZATION B2
1828) institution noun PLACE B2
1829) insult noun RUDE REMARK B2
1830) insult verb B2
1831) insurance noun B2
1832) intellectual adjective THOUGHT B2
1833) intelligence noun B2
1834) intensive adjective B2
1835) intention noun B2
1836) interact verb B2
1837) interactive adjective COMPUTER GAMES B2
1838) interfere verb TRY TO CONTROL B2
1839) interior noun B2
1840) internal adjective B2
1841) interpret verb LANGUAGE B2
1842) interrupt verb STOP HAPPENING B2
1843) interruption noun B2
1844) intransitive adjective B2
1845) introduce verb SOMETHING NEW B2
1846) introduction noun FIRST MEETING B2
1847) introduction noun TEXT B2
1848) introduction noun SOMETHING NEW B2

1849) introduction noun BASIC KNOWLEDGE B2

1850) invade verb WAR B2
1851) invasion noun WAR B2
1852) invent verb NOT TRUE B2
1853) inventor noun B2
1854) inverted commas noun B2
1855) invest verb MONEY B2
1856) invest verb TIME/ENERGY, ETC. B2
1857) investigate verb B2
1858) investigation noun B2
1859) investigator noun B2
1860) investment noun MONEY B2
1861) investment noun TIME/EFFORT, ETC. B2
1862) investor noun B2
1863) invisible adjective B2
1864) involve verb TAKE PART B2
1865) be/get involved (in/with sth) B2
1866) involvement noun B2
1867) irregular adjective TIME B2
1868) irregular adjective SHAPE B2
1869) irresponsible adjective B2
1870) irritated adjective B2
1871) irritating adjective B2
1872) issue noun MAGAZINE B2
1873) it pronoun SEEM B2
1874) it's sb/sth B2
1875) itch verb SKIN B2
1876) item noun NEWS B2
1877) in itself B2
1878) jam noun TRAFFIC B2
1879) jaw noun B2
1880) jealous adjective WANTING SOMETHING B2
1881) jealously adverb B2
1882) jewel noun B2
1883) job noun RESPONSIBILITY B2
1884) do a good/excellent, etc. job B2
1885) joint adjective B2
1886) journalism noun B2
1887) joy noun HAPPINESS B2
1888) joy noun CAUSE OF HAPPINESS B2
1889) judge noun COURT B2
1890) judging by/from B2
1891) judgment noun OPINION B2
1892) jump verb FEAR B2
1893) junior adjective LOW RANK B2
1894) junior adjective YOUNG PEOPLE B2
1895) junk food noun B2
1896) jury noun COURT B2
1897) just as B2
1898) justice noun FAIRNESS B2
1899) justice noun LAW B2
1900) justify verb GIVE/BE REASON B2
1901) justify yourself B2
1902) keep sb waiting B2
1903) keep a/your promise B2
1904) keep notes/records, etc. B2

1905) keep verb FOOD B2

1906) keep verb ANIMALS B2
1907) keep sb/sth in mind B2
1908) keep (sb/sth) away B2
1909) keep (sb/sth) back B2
1910) keep down sth or keep sth down B2
1911) keep sth off (sb/sth) B2
1912) keep to sth B2
1913) keep up (with sb/sth) SAME SPEED B2
1914) keep up (with sb/sth) UNDERSTAND B2
1915) key noun KEYBOARD B2
1916) key adjective IMPORTANT B2
1917) key in sth or key sth in B2
1918) kill time B2
1919) kind of B2
1920) kindness noun B2
1921) kingdom noun COUNTRY B2
1922) kneel verb B2
1923) knock sth down B2
1924) knock sb out HIT SOMEONE B2
1925) knock sb out DEFEAT IN COMPETITION B2
1926) knock sth/sb over B2
1927) know better (than to do sth) B2
1928) I know B2
1929) you never know B2
1930) know of sth/sb B2
1931) to (the best of) my knowledge B2
1932) a working knowledge of sth B2
1933) known adjective FAMILIAR B2
1934) lack verb NOT HAVE B2
1935) land noun NOT SEA B2
1936) landing noun B2
1937) landlady noun B2
1938) landlord noun B2
1939) lane noun ROAD B2
1940) lane noun PART B2
1941) lap noun BODY B2
1942) lap noun SPORTS B2
1943) largely adverb B2
1944) laser noun B2
1945) the last person/thing, etc. B2
1946) last adverb AFTER ALL OTHERS B2
1947) last but not least B2
1948) the last B2
1949) the day/week/year, etc. before last B2
1950) lastly adverb B2
1951) the last minute noun B2
1952) last-minute adjective B2
1953) late adverb NEAR THE END B2

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