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1) What is the type of climate experienced in India?

a) Tropical cyclonic type
b) Tropical Monsoon Type
c) Temperate Monsoon type.
d) Subtropical monsoon.

2) Why does coastal Tamil Nadu receive very little rainfall from the Arabian Sea branch of
the SW monsoons?
a) The Arabian Sea branch runs parallel to the Tamil Nadu coast.
b) The Tamil Nadu coast receives rainfall in winter.
c) The Arabian Sea branch is practically exhausted by the time it reaches the Tamil
Nadu coast.
d) It is practically exhausted and also Tamil Nadu lies on its leeward side.

3) Why are the Monsoons referred to as periodic winds?

a) The winds blow in one direction in one season and the opposite direction in the next
b) Monsoons are powerful winds blowing in one direction throughout the year.
c) Monsoons are active for a short period of time.
d) All above.

4) What is meant by a Normal Lapse rate of Temperature?

a) It is the fall in temperature by one-degree centigrade for every 166m increase in
b) It is the fall of 6.4 degrees centigrade for every 1km increase in height.
c) It is the rise in temperature by one-degree centigrade for every 166m increase in
d) All the above are correct.

5) Why do the South East Trade winds get deflected when they cross the Equator?
a) Due to centrifugal force.
b) Due to Coriolis Effect.
c) Gravitational force.
d) Due to centripetal force.

6) Name the months of the SW monsoon season in India.

a) April-June.
b) March to May.
c) June-September.
d) Dec to February.
7) Why does Kanyakumari experience an equable climate?
a) It lies at 8 degrees North, at the junction of the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea.
b) It lies between the Tropic of Cancer and Equator
c) It is influenced by the SW and the temperate cyclones.
d) It gets rainfall for 6 months and has a hot climate.

8) Why does Shillong receive lesser rainfall than Cherrapunji?

a) Shillong lies on the windward side of the Khasi hills but Cherrapunji lies on the
leeward side
b) Shillong lies on the leeward side of the Khasi Hills but Cherrapunji lies on the
windward side
c) Shillong lies further west as compared to Cherrapunji.
d) Cherrapunji gets more rain from the Arabian Sea branch too.

9) Why does the Arabian Sea branch of the southwest Monsoons not give rainfall to
a) It runs parallel to the Western Ghats.
b) It runs parallel to the Himalayas.
c) It runs parallel to the Aravalli.
d) It runs parallel to the Vindhyas.

10) Why do the North-East Monsoons bring almost no rainfall to most parts of India?
a) The North-East monsoons are offshore winds that blow from the High Pressure
over the land towards the Low Pressure over the sea
b) The North-East monsoons blow over Central Asia and are exhausted by the time they
reach India
c) The North East Monsoons are onshore winds blowing from the Bay of Bengal and
affecting only North East India.
d) Those winds blow over the Bay of Bengal which is smaller than the Arabian Sea.

11) Why does the Konkan coast receive orographic rainfall?

a) It lies on the windward side of the Eastern Ghats.
b) It lies on the windward side of the Cardamom hills
c) It lies on the windward side of the Western Ghats.
d) It lies on the windward side of Baba Budan Hills.

12) Which state in India is the first to experience the onset of the Monsoons?
a) Andaman & Nicobar
b) Kerala.
c) Maharashtra.
d) Tamil Nadu.
13) Why does Chennai see the overhead sun twice a year?
a) It lies between the Equator and Tropic of Cancer and so sees the overhead sun just
before 21st June and just after 21st June
b) It has a coastal location and is close to the Equator so sees the overhead sun
c) It sees the overhead sun just before 21st March and just after 21st March since it lies
near the Equator.
d) All above.

14) Which local winds are good for growing Tea and Coffee in Kerala?
a) Loo
b) Norwester
c) Mango Showers.
d) Cherry Blossom

15) Why does Lucknow experience a higher range of temperature than Kochi?
a) Lucknow lies in the interior of India but Kochi has a coastal location so is moderated
by the sea
b) Kochi lies near the Equator so experiences almost equal hours of day and night but
Lucknow lies far away from the Equator
c) Kochi lies on the Western Ghats so is cooled due to altitude but Lucknow lies in the
interior Northern Plains of India.
d) Lucknow lies in the North Indian plain where the Hot winds loo meet with warm
winds from the Bay of Bengal.

16)The reason for heavy rainfall in the Western coastal plains is

a) Presence of Aravali mountain range in Western India.
b) The Eastern coastal plains have no intercepting barrier.
c) Presence of the Deccan Plateau.
d) None of the above.

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