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Assignment 2 BSA-F

1. A communication style that permits others to influence outcome’s expressive and

self-enhancing without intruding others.
2. A global network of independently operating but interconnected computers.
3. Includes receiving and sending work from a remote location via wireless device,
fax link via modem to an office computer
4. Uses video and audio links along with computers to enable people in different
locations to see, hear and talk with one another
5. Responsible for most of the meaning in nonverbal messages
6 Also referred to as Personal Digital Assistant which offer users the portability to do
work from any location.
7. Communication effect that causes one to fight, argue or become apathetic .
8. Represent the unofficial communication system of the informal organization
9. Information is selectively passed from one person to another
10. Those who use the grapevine to enhance their power and status
11. People who consistently pass along grapevine information to others
12. The degree to which his clients believe the technical advice of the extension worker
can be expressed as
13. It is the ability to see the problems through the eyes of another and be able to put
oneself in his shoes
14. The capacity to see what needs to be done without an order or suggestion from
15. A practical or good judgment gained by experience of life rather than by special
16. It means willingness to get one’s hands dirty if the job demands it and never conduct
his business without bothering to get down from his vehicle.
17. New ideas, methods, practice or techniques that provide the means of achieving
sustained increase in farm productivity and income.
18. It is defined as a technical change which meets a specific need in a specific situation.
19. Which of the following is an ecologically acceptable production practice
20. ________is the most important tool of the change agent in effecting change
21. People with perceived behavioral control will try to discover what they can do better if faced
with failure to obtain desired results. This behavioral control is
22. The process whereby information & improved practices spread from their original source to
thousands of ultimate users.
23. The smallest category of adopters of technology are the
24. The last group of people in the community to adopt an innovation or technology
are called
25. The change in behavior that has to do with the farmer’s mental skill is referred to as
26. The change in behavior that has to do with the farmer’s mental skill is referred to as
27. Which channel may be satisfactorily used for less complex innovation?
28. It means concern for the people or the ability to put up oneself into their situation
of _________ technologies in order to satisfy basic needs.
29. A process of effecting positive change in the lives of people particularly in the countryside
30. A continuing process of bringing about desirable changes in the behavior of human beings
which involves a variety of methods and sources
31. Regarded as a system of educating and training the rural people to develop their skills and
attitudes in farming, homemaking, and youth building
32. This refers to the provision of training, information and support service by the government
and non-government organizations to agriculture and fisheries sector to improve technical,
business, and social capabilities of farmers and fisher folks
33. To assist the rural people to help themselves if the focus of __________________
34. The basic extension principle is exemplified in the statement “people learn by ____________
35. There are three kinds of resources existing in the communities which the extension worker
has to consider with. These are. _____________, ____________, _______
36. Mode of education which refers to any organized, systematic, educational activity carried on
outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to particular
sub-groups in the population
Assignment 2 BSA-F

37. Mode of education which refers to highly institutionalized, chronologically graded and
hierarchically structured education system
38. Form of education one acquires from his daily experiences and from his exposure to his
39. The Father of University extension is
40. Extension work in the Philippines started in 1565 through the establishment of______ by the
41. The legal foundation of the whole cooperative work in the USA
42. The term University extension was first recorded in 1840 in which?
43. The term extension education was first introduced by this University in 1873 to describe a
particular innovation. Which university?
44. The chief of the Bell mission who recommended the consolidation of all agricultural extension
services under one agency
ice in the USA
46. The coming of the_______ to the Philippines during the 20th century started serious
attempts to extend agricultural services
47. Founder of the Home Extension Service in the Philippines
48. The Land Grant Colleges in the U
54. The creation of the Bureau of Agricultural extension was the recommendation of the
55. The Community Development Council which was tasked to coordinate and integrates on a
national scale, the efforts of various governmental and civic agencies to improve the living
conditions of the people was created by
56. The decree creating ministry-wide regional offices in the in the Ministry of Agriculture thereby
streamlining for a more unified extension service
57. The decree that abolished the bureau of Farm Management of the Department of Agrarian
Reform and transferred its functions to the Bureau of Agricultural Extension
58. The Philippines adopted the Training and Visit system as a result of the appraisal of the
country’s agricultural extension service by the
59. This created the office of the Presidential Assistant on Community Development to coordinate
and integrate the activities of all and each department of government engaged in community
60. The decentralization of authority to local government units to manage and supervise
agricultural extension system in the Philippines is enshrined in this law
61. This order recognized that political will as a vital factor in agricultural development and the
provincial governor was given the responsibility to deliver extension services
62. This order replaced the Rice and Corn Coordinating council (RCCC) and created the Rice and
Corn Authority (RCA)
63. An act creating the Agriculture and fishers Modernization Act of 1997
64. What are the goals of AFMA?
65. The section of the AFMA law stating that the agriculture and fisheries extension services shall
cover the following major services: training, farm or extension services, demonstration, and
information and communication support services through media
66. The section of the AFMA law stating that there will be a national merit and promotion system
governing all extension personnel, regardless of source of funding to promote professionalism and
achieve excellence and productivity in the provision of government extension service
67. The section of the AFMA law stating that the state shall support the development of a national
extension system that will accelerate the transformation of Philippines agriculture and fisheries
from a resources-based to a technology-based industry
68. An act prescribing urgent related measures to modernize the agriculture and fisheries sectors
of the country to enhance their profitability, and prepare said sectors for the challenges of
globalization through an adequate, focused and rational delivery of necessary support services,
appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes
69. The writer/ author of the first agricultural textbook on agriculture
70. This refers to land devoted to or suitable for the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops,
growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish including harvesting of such farm products and
other farm practices performed in conjunction with such farming operations by persons
Assignment 2 BSA-F

71. This refers to lands which display marked characteristics justifying the operation of an
irrigation system.
72. This refers to lands serviced by natural irrigation or irrigation facilities. These includes lands
where is not readily available as existing irrigation facilities need rehabilitation or upgrading or
where is not available year-round.
73. This refers to a system of irrigated facilities covering contiguous areas
74. This refers to the manner of utilizing the land, including its all allocation, development, and
75. This refers to the channel were diverted from a source flow to the intended area to be
76. This refers to a document embodying a set of policies accompanied by maps and similar
illustrations which represent the community-desired pattern of population distribution and a
proposal for the future allocation of land to the various land-using activities, in accordance with
the social and economic objectives of the people. It identifies the location, character and extent of
the area’s land resources to be used for different purposes and includes the process and the
criteria employed in the determination of the land use
77. Refers to the roads linking the agricultural and fisheries production sites, coastal landing
points and post-harvest facilities to the market and arterial roads and highways
78. Refers to the ability to compete in term of price, quality and volume of agriculture and fishery
products relative to those of other countries
79. Refers to the policy objective, plan and strategy of meeting the food requirements of the
present and future generations of Filipinos in substantial quantity, ensuring the availability and
affordability of food to all, either through local production, or importation, or both based on the
country’s existing and potential resources endowment and related production advantages and
consistent with the overall national development objectives and policies. However, sufficiency in
rice and white corn should be pursued
a. food security c. food sufficiency
b. food sovereignty d. food availability

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