Questionnaire RES550

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Title: The role of taxes in local government

Section 1: Demographic Information

1.1. Please provide your demographic information:

 Name (Optional):
 Age:
 Gender:
 Address (Optional):
 Occupation:
 Length of residency in your local area:

Section 2: Understanding Local Taxes

2.1. Are you aware of the various types of taxes imposed by your local government? (e.g
property tax, sales tax, income tax)

 Yes
 No

2.2. Which local taxes do you believe have the most significant impact on your community?

 Property Tax
 Sales Tax
 Income Tax
 Other (please specify): ________________

Section 3: Perceptions of Tax Allocation

3.1. Do you feel that your local government allocates tax revenue effectively?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure

3.2. If you answered "No" or "Not sure" in the previous question, please explain why:

3.3. Do you think that local taxes are primarily used to fund essential services, such as education,
healthcare, infrastructure, and public safety?

 Yes
 No
 Partially

3.4. Are you satisfied with the level of transparency in how local tax revenue is utilized by the

 Very Satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Very Dissatisfied
Section 4: Tax Fairness and Burden

4.1. Do you believe that local taxes are distributed fairly among residents?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure

4.2. How do you perceive the local tax burden in your community in terms of affordability?

 Very Affordable
 Affordable
 Neutral
 Unaffordable
 Very Unaffordable

4.3. Should local tax policies consider income levels when determining tax rates and exemptions?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure

Section 5: Community Priorities

5.1. What areas do you believe should receive increased funding from local taxes? (Select up to

 Education
 Healthcare
 Infrastructure (roads, public transportation, etc.)
 Public Safety (police, fire department)
 Social Services
 Environmental Initiatives
 Cultural and Recreational Programs
 Other (please specify): ________________


 To determine and to generate revenue that supports the financing of essential public
services and infrastructure within the community.

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