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Living in Balance

Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in the Balance
Lesson 1 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #1
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. Ps. 26:12 – “My foot stands in an even place; in the congregations I

will bless the Lord.”

A. The name of this course is called, “Living in Balance”

B. The verse here says, “My foot stands in an _______ place…”

1) Definition: A level plain, a place of concord and harmony, a
straight path of justice and equity.
2) God has called us to a balanced or a level walk with Him, not a
roller coaster ride or paths of uncertainty and dysfunction.
3) When building in rocky, sloping, or uneven terrain they must
first level out a pad for the foundation.
4) God builds His kingdom in those “______” places of our souls
where we have allowed His Word and His Spirit and our
spiritual leaders to level and form up a place for Him to call
His own and reveal His glory that is after the pattern of His
image and His likeness.
5) We cannot create balance or a level place for God to build His
kingdom in us by ourselves because our perspective is limited.
6) Example of 1st and last camper I helped build for one of the
trucks in my flower business.
a. After spending 1 1/2 weeks and too much money on this
project my grower in Tyler asked me, “Greg, do you know
what a level is?”
7) Example of the slope on our church property that raised the
foundation 3 ½ ft. on one side I did not and could not see.

C. Many times the natural realm is a picture of the spiritual

realm; that is why Jesus used many parables to explain the
1) Example: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed
good seed in his field…” “The kingdom of heaven is like a
mustard seed…” The kingdom of heaven is like leaven…”
2) You can see what the kingdom is like by observing these
natural illustrations.
3) Balance is that way: Our ________ is what affects our balance.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 1 Instructor: Greg Mohr

4) Example of a friend, Mark N., experienced a severe problem

in his inner ear that affected his balance, caused him nausea,
and required him to pull over on the side of the road.
5) Dizziness and imbalance hindered his progress and focus and
caused him to become sick.
6) Had he continued on he could have experienced a bad wreck.
7) The same principle is true in the spiritual realm.
8) Our hearing with our _______ ear is what affects our balance –
determines whether God has a level or even place to build His
kingdom on – and ultimately our degree of fruitfulness.
9) Mk. 4:23 – “If anyone has ears (physical) to hear, let him hear
(with his spiritual or inner ears).
10) v. 22 – If we want hidden things revealed to us our inner ears
must be ____________ to the Word – open and ready to act.
11) v. 24 – If we refuse to hear because it is not our favorite
teacher or is not our favorite Bible subject or doesn’t line up
with our interpretation we will stop growing and what
revelation we do have we will eventually lose.
12) If the primary ministry or teacher you are hearing is the only
voice your inner ear will receive or listen to you are
13) And just like the physical realm, it is only a matter of time
before you fall.
14) Paul makes it clear the spiritual condition of this type of
individual is carnal and immature – I Cor. 3:1-4
15) Kenneth Hagin, “Don’t just listen to one message (faith). Don’t
just listen to one man (me). Don’t just listen to one camp (word
of faith). To do so is to stunt your growth. You need to listen to
other ministries to grow in revelation and the knowledge of
Jesus. You need every part of the body to grow, not just the
part you know. Listen to the Baptists on commitment and
discipleship, the Methodists on love, the Pentecostals on
holiness, etc. and you’ll be a more well rounded minister.”

D. Ps. 26:12 – “…in the congregations I will bless the Lord.”

1) Balance comes from a culmination of my _____________.
2) It does not come from the television evangelist that I have no
opportunity to have relationship with or even know a little bit
about their life.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 1 Instructor: Greg Mohr

3) Neither does it come by favoring one “___________” ministry

office or expression over another.
4) Life in the body is what keeps me balanced.
5) Example of relationships in our pastor’s group during Y2K
scare that brought balance into the body.
6) Jack Hayford the apostle of balance says, “the key to success
in life is to stay childlike with God and teachable with men.”
7) Congregations (plural) reveals to us that no one church has it
_____ and we need relationships with other Christians who are
part of other church congregations to walk in balance – an
even place.

II. God has called the church to a ________ and level walk with Him.

A. I know some Christians who are not balanced at all

1) Modern day Pharisees who are legalistic, dry, angry, no joy
2) Flaky, flighty, “granola” roller coaster Christians
3) Problem: unhealthy _________ of doctrine and behavior
4) “All Word and no Spirit, you dry up. All Spirit and no Word
you blow up. With a balance of the Word and the Spirit you
grow up.”
5) I know some modern day Gnostics who value only spiritual
things and believe everything in the natural realm is evil.
6) I know some carnal Christians who value natural things more
than spiritual things and judge success by outward signs:
numbers, money, fame, recognition, image, etc. who suppose
gain is godliness.

B. Jesus was 100% God and 100% man – a perfect balance of the
___________ and supernatural.
1) You and I are created in His image and likeness and are called
to manifest that picture of balance.

C. Prov. 11:1 – “A false ______ is an abomination to the Lord, but a

just weight is His delight.”
1) Wheels balanced and aligned make for a smooth, straight ride.
2) There are healthy tensions in life that provide a balanced,
smooth walk with the Lord and others:
a. A word spoken in season
b. The truth spoken in _______
Living in the Balance
Lesson 1 Instructor: Greg Mohr

c. Reason with compassion

d. Faith working by love
e. In financial realm there is a balance between faith for
increase through sowing financial seeds and good
f. Raising children: balance between love and discipline.
g. In physical health: faith for healing and stewarding your
h. Fulfilling a vision or dream: balance between faith and
3) Overemphasis on one doctrine can get you into a ditch
a. Example of individuals in our church receiving a revelation
of God’s love and grace but an imbalanced ____________:
b. “God loves me so it doesn’t matter if I go to church or not.”
c. Truth: That doesn’t affect God’s love for you, but it does
affect your love for ______ and your love for ________.
d. It’s not about you!
e. Any doctrine in the Bible can become imbalanced by our
perspective and move us off our path into a ditch.
f. Even the doctrine of Christ – Over-emphasis on either Jesus
is my friend or Jesus is Lord.
g. The devil doesn’t care which ditch you fall into as long as
he can deceive you into _________________ one side of a
doctrine to the exclusion of another he can sidetrack you.
4) One of the keys to success in life is striking the right balance.
5) Mat. 4:4 – Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone.”
6) He did not say that man shall not live by bread at ______.
7) This means you can be spiritual and natural at the same
time; spiritual and use the natural realm.
a. You can be spiritual and have insurance, use banks, doctors,
medicine, lock your doors, wear glasses, eat and not fast all
the time, drive cars, use electricity, etc.
b. Revelation of this would save many sincere, but imbalanced
people in some churches a lot of extra work and heartache.
c. Example of Marilyn who was condemned for needing knee
replacement surgery because she did not receive a miracle.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 2 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #2
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. Ps. 26:12 – “My foot stands in an even place; in the congregations I

will bless the Lord.”

A. Definition of even: a level plain, a place of concord and

harmony, a straight path of justice and equity.
1) God has called us to a balanced or level walk with Him, not a
roller coaster ride on paths of uncertainty and dysfunction.
2) Just like the natural realm, God builds His kingdom in those
“level” places of our souls where we have allowed His Word,
His Spirit, and spiritual leaders in our lives to bring us into

B. Our inner ear or _______________ is what affects our balance

in the spiritual realm just like it does in the physical realm.
1) Mat. 13:15-16 – Hearing with our spiritual ears brings balance,
divine order, repentance, and healing to our lives.
2) Mk. 4:22-23 – “If anyone has (physical) ears to hear, let him
hear (with his spiritual ears, not hearing ______________ or
responding only to his/her favorite doctrine or teacher).”
3) v. 24 – If we refuse to hear because it is not our favorite
teacher or not our favorite Bible subject we will stop growing
and what revelation we do have we will eventually lose.
4) Prov. 11:1-2 - _______ is the primary cause of a life out of
balance because you already know what you know and without
ears to hear you sentence yourself to ignorance and limitation.
5) Jesus Himself said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His Who
sent Me.” – Jn. 7:16
6) Being confident about what you believe and being arrogant,
_________ and argumentative about it are two different things.
7) The latter is a clear sign of insecurity on the part of the debater.

C. Balance is not synonymous with ___________ or unbelief.

1) It is simply keeping an open ear to any messenger who is
sharing the truth and maintaining respect for them even when
you do not agree with them about everything.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 2 Instructor: Greg Mohr

2) I believe what I believe until and unless someone else

expounds the way of God and the Word of God more perfectly.
3) If I see truth in a more complete light, I will ______ my former
position instead of remaining dogmatic, proud, and deceived.
4) “The key to success in life is to stay childlike with God and
teachable with men.” – Jack Hayford, the apostle of balance.

II. The Balance Between Grace and _______

A. Eph. 2:8-9 – “For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest
anyone should boast.”
1) Notice it does not say by grace _______ we are saved or that
through faith alone we are saved.
2) Example: sodium chloride – two elements that by themselves
can poison or kill us, but when combined become table salt that
we cannot live without.

B. Col. 2:6 – “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so walk in Him.”
1) How did you receive Him? By grace through faith.
2) Then that is how we are to walk in Him.
3) “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him
from heaven.” – Jn. 3:27 – Some people are attempting to
receive things “by faith” that heaven did not give them.
a. Faith can only receive what grace has ___________
4) I want to target my faith and devote my energy and time only
toward things that heaven has given to me or graced me with.
5) Anything else is a waste, a dead end, lack of trust in God and
poor stewardship.
6) Example: My early years in business were spent using the one
business I had grace for to invest in several I didn’t.
7) Fear, greed, and lack of _______ in God led me out of God’s
grace and into great loss.
8) Many in the body of Christ attempting to use faith and spiritual
principles to move outside of God’s grace – attempting to do
things that heaven has not given to them or graced them with.
a. Starting businesses, ministries, churches, or making
investments they have no ________ for.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 2 Instructor: Greg Mohr

9) Others, like the children of Israel, have received a revelation

of what heaven has provided for them or graced them with,
yet they never possess all of it.
10) If we would just take the time to seek God about what His
grace is for us and stop trying to live in someone else’s grace,
we would live much more satisfied, peaceful, and fruitful lives.

C. I Cor. 3:21 – “Therefore let no one boast in men, for all things
are yours.”
1) “All things are yours, but not everything is yours” – Bob
2) II Cor. 10:13-15 – All things are yours within the limits of the
________ (grace) which God appointed to you.
3) Everything are those things outside that sphere or measure.
4) Your authority extends to the measure of God’s grace to you.
5) We can only use our faith for what God has ______ us with!
6) All things I need to fulfill my assignment – to accomplish that
measure – are mine!
7) All the money, people, talent, gifts, help, wisdom, time, and
favor to fulfill heaven’s assignment are ____ – by God’s grace
8) Relying on natural ability and present temporal supply limits
our potential to receive what heaven has provided to fulfill our
assignment, grace, and measure appointed to us.
9) Num. 13:31, 33 – 10 spies – “We are not able to go up against
the people, for they are stronger than we… we were like
grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
10) They were looking at their own natural ability and comparing
themselves to the giants instead of extolling the majesty of God
and recognizing God’s grace on their lives.
a. And they died in the wilderness while having been given the
grace to possess the land.
11) Joshua and Caleb – “Let us go up at once and take possession,
for we are well able to overcome it.” – Num. 13:30
a. They knew God’s grace made them able and had already
provided them with all ____________ to possess the land.
b. If God’s grace has provided it, it is not my ability or money
that will possess it, but my ______ – in His grace, not in my
own natural strength or ability.
c. That land was their measure – they knew that because God
told them.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 2 Instructor: Greg Mohr

d. Therefore all things they needed to possess it were theirs!

12) Stop praying for things you are not sure is within your measure
of grace – Mat. 7:7
13) Stop making excuses or apologizing for boldly claiming all
things you need to possess within the measure assigned to you.
14) “I am the best gift the people, this church, business, marriage
could possibly have and I have all things I need to fulfill
heaven’s assignment.”
15) _______ with God’s grace, His gifts, and assignment to you.

D. Stop comparing yourself with others – II Cor. 10:12

1) That dwarfs your measure and limits your potential.
2) People tend to __________ what they have and __________
what they don’t have or what others have.
3) Comparing yourself with others is not wise because it demands
that you devalue yourself.
4) Come into agreement with where you are and who you are
and declare that “God is awesome in this place and through
my life!”
5) Stop focusing on what you don’t have and steward what
you do have – strengthen what remains – Rev. 3:2
6) Rom. 12:6 – “Having then gifts differing according to the
grace that is given to us let us use them…in proportion to our

E. Put __________ in God’s grace in you – I Pet. 4:10-11

1) Example of how teacher at Rhema (Randy Gearhart) was set
free to use his teaching gift through his revelation of this
passage of Scripture
2) “I have all things I need to fulfill the measure of God’s grace
committed to me.”
3)“I don’t have everything, but I have ___________ within the
limits of God’s grace to me and that is enough!”
4) Stop selling yourself short and leaning to your ability, your
resources, and your understanding and do what heaven has
assigned to you with the ability which God supplies – which is
always more than enough!
Living in the Balance
Lesson 3 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #3
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. The Balance between Grace and Faith – Review:

A. Eph. 2:8 – “For by grace you have been saved through faith…”
1) You are not saved by grace alone or faith alone.

B. Col. 2:6 – “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord
(by grace through faith), so walk in Him.”
1) In order to achieve maturity and an established walk in Him we
must establish a ________ of both grace and faith in our lives.
2) The Bible talks about sons of God being both strong in grace
(II Tim. 2:1) and strong in faith (Rom. 4:20).
3) “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him
from heaven.” – Jn. 3:27
4) The way to stay strong in grace and strong in faith is to target
your faith, energy, and time only toward things you know
_________ has provided or given to you.
5) I have enough grace and faith to love and care for my wife.
6) I have enough grace and faith to love, provide for, train, direct,
correct, and impart wisdom, gifts, and life to each of my
7) I have enough grace to fulfill whatever kingdom assignment
He reveals He has given to me.
8) Faith can only receive what grace has provided and what
grace has provided heaven has given you ____ to appropriate
9) Stop praying for things you are not sure heaven has provided
for you – within the measure of your grace – Mat. 7:7
10) Stop making excuses or apologizing for boldly claiming all
you need to possess what heaven by God’s grace has assigned
to you.
C. Put ____________ in God’s grace in you – I Pet. 4:10-11
1) “I don’t have everything, but I have all things within the limits
of God’s grace to me and that is enough!”
4) Stop selling yourself short, leaning to your own ability, your
resources, and your understanding and do what heaven has
assigned to you with the ability which God supplies – which is
always more than enough!
Living in the Balance
Lesson 3 Instructor: Greg Mohr

II. When it comes to things God’s grace has provided for _____ of us:

A. Example: salvation, healing, deliverance from demonic

bondage, provision
1) Our faith must be exercised to appropriate what God’s grace
has already __________ in our spiritual account.
2) There are several things the cross already provided unlimited
grace for you and me, but we still must draw it out.
3) You can draw it out or appropriate it by asking for it in prayer,
confessing it, believing you receive it in your heart when you
pray and thanking God for it.
4) It is not going to be received automatically, apart from the
exercise of our faith – the will of God is not ___________!
5) Remember it is by grace through faith we are saved and by
grace through faith we are to walk in Him and receive
everything else heaven has graced us with.
6) The Bible clearly states that it is God’s will that all men be
saved but that does not make it automatically so in the lives of
every person Jesus died for – I Tim. 2:4; II Pet. 3:9
7) Individuals have to read it or _______ about it and then accept
Christ and put faith in the salvation He provided them through
His death on the Cross on their behalf.
8) When they believe on Him and call on His name the salvation
that heaven provided them is received and realized.
9) If they don’t know about it or know about it but never call on
Him for salvation what heaven has made available for them is
never ______ and they will go to hell without God for eternity
10) Example: If I deposited $10,000. in your bank account and
never told you or told you and you didn’t believe it and never
checked your bank statement to see if it was so, you would
never realize the benefit of my generosity.
11) But if you knew it and believed it you could go to that bank
and simply write a check and withdraw as much as you needed.
12) There are things that heaven has deposited in each of our
accounts that must be ____________ by faith before they will
be realized in our lives.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 3 Instructor: Greg Mohr

B. Isa. 53: The atonement passage

1) There are some things that I am uniquely gifted with that

others are not – I can function in faith in these areas
2) There are many things that others are uniquely gifted with that
I am not – I cannot have _________ to function there in life
3) But whatever Jesus appropriated at the cross through His
atonement on our behalf belongs __________ to you, me, and
whosoever will believe and receive it.
4) v. 3-10; v. 6 – “the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
5) The atonement of Jesus covered us all – paid for all our sins!
6) The atonement paid for our salvation, forgiveness of sins,
deliverance from iniquity patterns, peace of mind, and healing.
7) Each of these was placed on deposit unlimited in your spiritual
account when Jesus died on the cross in your place.
8) Grace provided it. Faith ________________.

C. Focus our attention on one atonement benefit: forgiveness

1) Eph. 1:7 – “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”
2) That is why John could say to every believer, “If we confess
our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” – I Jn.1:9
3) He knew that the price was already ____ to forgive us of all sin
and whenever anyone would exercise faith, confess his sins,
and appeal to Jesus’ sacrifice for him, forgiveness was ______
4) It’s already in your account waiting to be drawn out by your
faith in what He did on your behalf.
5) Have any of you ever confessed your sin, asked for forgiveness
and still ______ condemned because of what you did?
6) You received forgiveness but it took time for your emotions to
catch up to the reality of what your faith in God’s grace
provided you.
7) If you are going to walk in the forgiveness that grace gave to
you, your faith must regard and ______ what Jesus did for you
more than regarding how you feel at the moment.
8) Since He forgave you, then you must choose, by your faith in
His grace to forgive yourself.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 3 Instructor: Greg Mohr

D. The same principle is true in your forgiveness of _________.

1) Eph. 4:32 – “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,

forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
2) We are to forgive others the same way we ______ forgiveness.
a. God regards the sacrifice of Jesus enough to pay the price
for all my sins.
3) The same atonement that provided forgiveness for all my sins,
past, present, and future provides forgiveness for everyone
who sins against me.
4) What does that mean: not only do I have the grace to receive
forgiveness, but I also have the grace to _____ it – to everyone.
5) No exclusions! Jesus’ atonement excluded no one.
6) If I want to receive forgiveness unconditionally, I must give it
unconditionally. It takes faith to walk in that much grace!
7) I Pet. 4:1 – “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh,
arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has
suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.”
8) Here is how it works: when you choose to forgive someone,
your flesh will remind you that you are still angry and offended
and attempt to keep your focus on what they did to you.
9) Then you ________ you haven’t forgiven them because you
are still __________ angry, hurt, offended.
10) The truth is you have forgiven them, but your flesh is suffering
11) Learn to speak to your flesh and tell it that you have forgiven
that individual. I have grace enough to forgive everyone!
12) Too many Christians fail in forgiving others because they
allow their emotions to make their decisions for them.
13) Instead, decide to regard the price that Jesus’ atonement and
sacrifice on the cross paid for you and for your offender
__________ than your feelings and emotions.
14) They haven’t hung me up on a cross yet.
15) I Pet. 5:10 – After you have suffered a little while God’s grace
will mature, establish, strengthen, and settle you.
16) When you decide to act on the Word and not regard your
feelings the Holy Ghost will come to you and comfort you and
give you great peace and your emotions will finally _________
with your faith in His provision of grace to you!
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #4
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. Balance Between the Word and the ________

A. Gen. 1:2-3 – The Spirit and the Word working together in

B. I Jn. 5:6 – “…the Spirit is truth.”
C. Jn. 17:17 – “Your Word is truth.”
D. I Jn. 5:7 – “…the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and
these three are one.”
1) The Word and the Spirit ________.
2) They are not mutually exclusive
3) That means if you are truly a “Word person” then you are also
a “Spirit person,” and if you are a “Spirit person” then you are
a “Word person.”
4) Example: Prophetic people tend to emphasize the move of the
_______ – worship, prayer, the release of the gifts of the Spirit,
healing, miracles, words of wisdom and knowledge over the
ministry of the Word.
a. Prophet at a church in Houston who began his prophetic
ministry with a healthy balance of the ministry of the Word
and manifestations of the gifts and then moved into very
little Word and all gifts.
b. End results – cursed an East Coast newspaper editor’s
children, contributed to a TV Evangelist’s fall and died of
tongue cancer.
5) Teachers tend to emphasize the ministry of the _______ over
demonstrations of the Spirit, move of the Spirit, prayer and
worship (which by the way is all part of the Word).
a. Some Bible teachers go so far to proclaim that we don’t
need the leading of the Holy Spirit today or any “fresh
illumination or revelation of the Word”. All we need is the
b. Yet the Bible says we need the present day ministry of the
___________ in our lives – Jn. 14:16-18; 16:13-15.
c. Jesus followed the leading of the Spirit, the early church
leaders followed the leading and voice of the Spirit and saw
many signs and wonders as a result.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

6) You can determine which group you are in by identifying

which part of a service you enjoy most and which part you
tolerate or skip altogether: worship or ministry of the Word?
7) If we are going to become balanced, mature Christians we
must be both ______ people and _______ people.
8) It’s not either or but both and!

II. Importance of Knowing the Word

A. We’ve got to be people of the Word who read the Word and
know the Word so we are equipped to discern between true
and _______ and can recognize and celebrate what is of the
Holy Spirit and what is of another spirit!
1) Concern about this generation’s lack of knowledge of the
Word and surface relationship with the Word.
2) In so many I see a passion for reality and experience without a
similar passion to know truth from the Word.
3) That is a dangerous combination that is a set up for _________.
4) We cannot just want to know the Bible for discovering the
benefits and rewards that are hidden there for us.
5) That leads to an incomplete and immature relationship with the
6) The Word must become our anchor, our compass, establishing
our _______ and belief system.
7) The Word should be creating our reality and the foundation
of our experiences.

B. Examples of how I developed a personal relationship with the

1) I decided to let the Bible shape my doctrine and ___________
instead of making it fit into “my” former belief system
a. One of the first things I saw was most of my “if it be thy
will” prayers were unscriptural and masks for my unbelief.
b. I realized there was more of the Holy Spirit that I could
receive subsequent to the new birth that gave me power.
c. I started believing that Jesus was the same yesterday, today,
and forever instead of what I had been taught that miracles
passed away with the last apostle.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

2) I decided to align my __________, business, behavior and my

treatment of others with the Word.
a. Began with tithing
b. Continued by paying sales tax on cash portion of business
and then submitted to permitting process that could have
cost me thousands because of I Pet. 2:13.
c. Acted on Rom. 12:21 with a competitor when I wanted to
put a contract on her vans.
d. I did not sue my cousin’s husband when it was the only
apparent way to recoup my loss – I Cor. 6:7
3) I determined to be an Acts 17:11 Christian who committed to
check out by the Word what is being _________.
a. I found out that some of what the most anointed and reliable
ministers were teaching was not the Word, but their opinion
4) I decided to make the Word the final authority in my
__________ instead of my emotions and feelings – II Cor. 5:7
a. That is what helped Janice and me stand and see my healing
from cancer and Michael’s healing manifest.
b. That is what keeps me from acting and reacting in the flesh
and moving and responding in the Spirit
5) I decided to make the fear of the Lord and love for His Word
a higher value than the fear or _____________ – Prov. 29:25
a. Risked the wrath of parents and in-laws over discipline and
other decisions related to our children.
b. Risked losing favor and approval from my dad and others
for leaving a successful business to pursue the call of God
on my life.
c. Heb. 12:27 anchored my soul and gave me faith to allow a
shaking of relationships (of so many we loved) so that those
who could not be shaken would remain.
d. My love for God and His Word is what motivates me to
forgive, release, pray for and bless those who have hurt,
betrayed, rejected, or offended me – Ps. 119:165
6) The Word is my anchor, my strength, my compass, my values,
my belief system. It is what identifies me, motivates me,
encourages me and directs me. It is my life – Jn. 6:63
7) Without it you are a ship tossed at sea with no anchor/compass,
moved by every wind of doctrine and live an ______________
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

III. Knowing the Word will:

A. Cause me to know God
1) Jn. 5:39 – “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think
you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.”
2) Jn. 14:7 – “If you had known Me, you would have known My
Father also…”
3) Jn. 14:9 – “…He who has seen Me has seen the Father…”

B. Bring me _______
1) Ps. 119:165 – “Great peace have they which love thy law: and
nothing shall offend them.”
2) II Pet. 1:2 – “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the
knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”

C. Keep me free from deception

1) Eph. 4:14-15 – “that we should no longer be children, tossed to
and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the
trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into
Him who is the head – Christ.”
2) II Thess. 2:10 – “and with all unrighteous deception among
those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the
truth, that they might be saved.”

D. Cause me to _______
1) I Pet. 2:2 – “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the
Word, that you may grow thereby.”
2) II Pet. 3:18 – “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”

E. Keep me free from sin

1) Ps. 119:9 – “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking
heed according to Your Word.”
2) Ps. 119:11 – “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I
might not sin against You.”

F. Give me ___________
1) Ps. 119:105 – “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to
my path.”
2) Ps. 119:130 – “The entrance of Your words gives light…”
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

G. Impart wisdom and understanding to me

1) Ps. 119:130 – “The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives
understanding to the simple.”
2) Ps. 19:7 – “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”

H. Bring ___________ to me
1) Ps. 107:20 – “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered
them from their destructions.”
2) Prov. 4:20-22 – “My son, give attention to my words; incline
your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes;
keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those
who find them, and health to all their flesh.”

I. Help me distinguish the Spirit from the flesh

1) Jn. 6:63 – “…the words that I speak to you are Spirit…”
2) I Cor. 14:12 – “Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual
gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to

J. Help me to recognize and know God’s voice

1) Rom. 10:17 – “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the Word of God.”

K. Multiply _________ to me – II Pet. 1:2

L. Give me long life

1) Prov. 3:1-2 – “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart
keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace
they will add to you.”

M. Produce faith – Rom. 10:17

N. Give me ______
1) Jer. 15:16 – “…and Your Word was to me the joy and
rejoicing of my heart.”

O. Impart strength
1) Prov. 24:5 – “…Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength.”
Living in the Balance
Lesson 4 Instructor: Greg Mohr

P. Give me hope
1) Ps. 119:147 – “…I hope in Your Word.”

Q. ____________ us
1) Heb. 1:3 – “…upholding all things by the Word of His

R. Transform us
1) Rom. 12:2 – “And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove
what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

S. Give us Life!
1) Ps. 119:50 – “This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your
Word has given me life.”

T. ________ people into the kingdom – I Pet. 1:23

Living in the Balance
Lesson 5 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #5
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. Balance Between the Word and the Spirit

A. Gen. 1:2-3 – We see the Spirit and the Word working together
in creation

B. I Jn. 5:7 – “…the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and
these three are one.”
1) The Word and the Spirit agree.
2) They are not mutually exclusive
3) That means if you are truly a “Word person” then you are also
a “Spirit person,” and if you are a “Spirit person” then you are
a “Word person.”
4) Example: Prophetic people tend to emphasize the move of the
spirit – worship, prayer, the release of the gifts of the Spirit,
healing, miracles, words of wisdom and knowledge over the
ministry of the Word.
5) Teachers tend to emphasize the ministry of the Word over
demonstrations of the Spirit, move of the Spirit, prayer and
worship (which by the way is all part of the Word).

C. If we are going to become balanced, mature Christians we

must be both Word people and Spirit people.
1) It’s not either or but both ______!
2) Jesus knew the Word and followed the leading of the Spirit
3) So did His disciples and so must you and I!
4) Last session we talked about the importance of knowing the
5) Today – the importance of knowing the Holy Spirit!

II. Knowing the Spirit will benefit you in the following ways:

A. Reveal the _______ to you

1) Prov. 1:23 – “…Surely I will pour out my Spirit on you; I will
make my words known to you.”
2) The Holy Spirit is the One who gives us revelation of the Word
3) Why should that surprise us? He is the author of the Word.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 5 Instructor: Greg Mohr

4) II Tim. 3:16 – “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness.”
5) Apart from knowing the Spirit our understanding of the Word
will be limited to the cerebral – our limited I.Q.
6) He is the Spirit of truth – Jn. 15:26 – so He knows the truth.
7) He knows how to help us sort out conflicting ___________ or
principles like the situation with the Pharisees and Jesus and
the woman caught in adultery.
8) He can show us things in the Bible that we didn’t even know
were there
a. Example: Bro. Hagin assaulted by the enemy that he would
die heard, “with long life I will satisfy you and show you
My salvation.”
9) Jn. 14:26 – The Holy Spirit will teach us all things. He knows
everything about ____________!
10) I Jn. 2:20 – “you have an unction from the Holy One and you
know all things.”
11) The Holy Spirit will teach you everything you need to know
about anything – I Jn. 2:20
12) Jn. 14:26 – One of the Holy Spirit’s ministries to us is to give
us supernatural _________ – “He will…bring to your
remembrance all things that I (Jesus) said to you.”

B. Give you _________

1) Jn. 16:13 – “…when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will
guide you into all truth…”
2) He will show what part of the ________ to apply in a specific
3) Example: Judgment versus mercy with woman caught in
4) Isa. 50:4 – “The Lord God has given me the tongue of the
learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to
him who is weary.”
5) A word “____________” is what people need.
6) This requires sensitivity to the Spirit to connect with people
and impart truth they will receive.
7) The Spirit knows where people are at and what they need.
8) Sometimes mercy. Other times rebuke.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 5 Instructor: Greg Mohr

9) People are not clones. They need people to minister the truth in
love and help them draw close to the Lord/act on the Word.
10) This is how to _________ what to feed people from the Word.

C. Prepare us for the _________

1) Jn. 16:13 – “…when He, the Spirit of truth is come…he will
show you things to come.”
2) If animals could follow their instincts and move to higher
ground ahead of the Tsunami how much more can people full
of the Spirit follow the Spirit and find protection from
financial, health, relational or other Tsunamis in life?
3) Example of the large percentage of people who worked at the
twin towers on 9/11 who were not there because “something”
kept them from their normal schedule.
4) Example of Andrew Wommack cancelling his trip to Honduras
and the plane crashed.
5) Example of Paul cancelling his trip to San Francisco on the day
of a major earthquake.
6) It is imperative that we cultivate a ____________ to the Holy
Spirit because He knows what the future holds!
7) Isa. 48:17 – “I am the Lord your God Who teaches you to
8) Learn to listen to the ___________ in good times and bad and
He will show you what to invest in and what to get out of.

D. Give you specific ___________ for your life

1) “I am the Lord your God…Who leads you by the way you
should go.” – Isa. 48:17
2) Rom. 8:14 – “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these
are the (mature) sons of God.”
3) There are many decisions in life the Bible doesn’t give us the
specific answer – what job to take, college to attend, car to
buy, home to purchase, person to marry, etc.
4) We need the _________________ direction in these things.
5) Prov. 3:5-6 – Stop leaning to your own understanding and start
depending on the Greater One who lives inside you, follow His
peace and you will make good decisions.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 5 Instructor: Greg Mohr

E. Distribute ________ to assist you in your life and ministry

1) I Cor. 12:11 – “But one and the same Spirit works all these
things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.”
2) The gifts of the Spirit are available to us when our knowledge
of the Word runs out or when people need a demonstration of
the Word that will get them through a tough situation/focus
them on Jesus.
3) Example: Harold and Barb who were no better after our
“awesome” counsel to them.
4) The best gifts are the ones needed most at the time.
5) Each of us will face times and situations that seem
6) All things are possible with the ________ and His gifts at our
7) Knowing the Word and the Spirit is the only way to achieve
proper balance in every area of life.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 6 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #6
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. The Balance Between Unity and Sound Doctrine – Ps. 133:

Jn. 17:20-23 compare to III Jn. 4; Amos 3:3

A. How can I be faithful to the truth and walk in unity with

someone who doesn’t believe the truth like I do?

B. If I cannot walk in unity with others because of my

commitment to the truth then how can God’s power and
promise of blessing for walking in unity flow to and through
my life?

C. Fact: there exists a _______________ between the principles of

unity among brethren and holding to sound doctrine.

II. Understanding the four different _____ of doctrine has helped me

merge the principles of unity and sound doctrine in developing
relationships with other pastors and believers who hold
contrasting doctrinal views from my own

A. Level #1 – ____________ doctrine –

1) This level has to do with the essentials of our faith that are not
2) The virgin birth and sinless life of Jesus, salvation by grace
through faith in the shed blood of Christ alone, the death,
burial, and resurrection of Christ, the inerrancy and authority
of the Scriptures, and eternal judgment (the belief in heaven
and hell, eternal retribution and reward).
3) These doctrines establish the ____________ of your Christian
4) Example: I am not going to invite a Hindu, Muslim, Jehovah
Witness, or Mormon to preach their doctrine in my church.
5) I can love them, be kind to them, and treat them with utmost
respect without tolerating their doctrine or being in close
fellowship with them.
6) Eph. 4:13 – True unity is a unity of ______ – in the risen
Living in the Balance
Lesson 6 Instructor: Greg Mohr

7) If someone does not believe these non-negotiables of our faith

they have denied the faith.
8) There can be no ______ in the body of Christ with those whose
doctrines threaten the very existence and deny the essential
faith of that body.

B. Level #2 – ______________ doctrine –

1) This doctrine establishes the boundaries of my house (church).
2) You can be my brother without necessarily living in my home
or attending the same _________.
3) A picket fence is a friendly way of separating neighbors.
4) It is not a brick wall that divides. It just establishes boundaries.
5) You can chat over the fence, have picnics together, your
children can play together, you watch over each other’s homes
and value the neighborhood you share.
6) Example of some of these doctrines: various forms of church
government, how and who you baptize, the operation of
______________, healing, deliverance, the eternal security and
_________ of the believer, and the observance of the Sabbath
(grace and law).
7) It is possible to celebrate and walk in peace with our Christian
neighbors without embracing each one’s picket fence doctrines
that we do not similarly celebrate or agree with.
8) *I personally do not believe that we should allow ourselves to
become as divided as we are over these issues. Most of these
differences could be resolved with a strong dose of humility,
submission, and love!

C. Level #3 – ____________ doctrine –

1) This establishes the rules of the __________
2) Even if you live in the same home, you don’t always agree
about everything – Example – Marriage relationship.
3) You can sit on the back porch and talk about all kinds of things
and it is not essential that you agree on all of them for you to
walk in unity and live peaceably together in your home.
4) Examples of these type doctrines: Eschatology, what you
believe about the five-fold ministry and the priesthood of the
believer, how you hear God’s voice/led by the Spirit, various
methods of ministering salvation, healing, deliverance, and
Living in the Balance
Lesson 6 Instructor: Greg Mohr

5) Agreement about the author of the book of Hebrews, the time

frame of the _________ or individual worship style preference
should not become a point of division or separating fellowship
with someone in the body.
6) Yet more wars have been fought in the church over worship
styles and methods than almost anything else.
7) Why do you think that is?
8) Because of the transforming power of worship, the means that
it is to draw us into God’s presence, and closer to Christ, and
because that was once Lucifer’s role in heaven – he takes
special pleasure in __________ the saints over worship.
9) Example of my recent discovery of old 78 albums in our move
that revealed old style of music and worship – From Nat King
Cole, Andy Williams, the Carpenters, to Bill Gaither, Jimmy
Swaggert, Dogwood, Evie Turnquist, Janny Grien, 2nd Chapter
of Acts, etc. – representing various styles of worship.
10) Worship in the seventies and eighties was no less worship than
in the present!
11) Rev. 5:8-14 – Every tongue and tribe (with every conceivable
worship preference from every age of the church) worshiping
12) Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be
done on earth as it is in heaven.” – including worship with
every tongue and every tribe with every individual worship
style preference worshiping together!

D. Level #4 – __________ doctrine –

1) These are matters of personal ____________.
2) A closet is a place of privacy. Some things I believe are best
kept to myself.
3) I should follow the Lordship of Christ inside my own
relationship with Him and ________ other Christians to do the
4) These are the conscience issues that are addressed in Rom. 14:
5) Some of these issues would include our dietary choices of what
we eat and drink, what movies we watch, what music we listen
to, our modesty in dress, how you run your household and
correct your children.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 6 Instructor: Greg Mohr

6) Paul commands that those who say no on disputable issues

should not condemn those who say yes, and those who say yes
should not disdain those who say no.
7) Each of us seeks to be obedient to Christ on these matters and
allows others to do the same.
a. We are not other people’s _____________ for them.
b. Leave people be on matters of conscience.
c. Your conscience is not my ____________!
8) We also should be willing to limit our freedom to be a blessing
to others.
9) I Cor. 10:23 – “All things are lawful for me, but not all things
are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things
10) Placing each level of doctrine in its proper category will assist
us in walking greater levels of unity with our brothers and
sisters who do not agree with us 100% - that would include
Living in the Balance
Lesson 7 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #7
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. The Balance Between Love and ____________

A. Eph. 6:4 – “Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the

1) This instruction to parents regarding their children includes
both love and _____________.
1) Unconditional love and acceptance of their person along with
boundaries and consequences on their behavior.
2) Always separate the behavior from the child.
3) “What you did was wrong, but you are better than that.”

B. II Cor. 5:16-17 – It is not possible to know or identify our

children after the ______ and see their new creation potential
be realized at the same time.

C. If showing mercy toward them does not produce the correct

response in them, do not be afraid of showing them some
“tough love.”
1) Where you allow the ____________ of their actions to be their
2) Too many Christian parents actually enable and reinforce their
children’s bad habits through human compassion.
3) If they refuse to obey your word, then it is time for ________,
consequences, and tough love.

II. The Balance Between Caring and _____________

A. In all good relationships there exists a healthy tension between

being ____________ of others feelings and holding them
______________ to the truth when they give their emotions
authority in their decisions.
1) Phil. 2:3-4 – “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or
conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better
than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own
interests, but also for the interests of others.”
Living in the Balance
Lesson 7 Instructor: Greg Mohr

2) II Tim. 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be
complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
3) II Tim. 4:2 – “Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of
season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and

B. It is possible to speak the truth in love.

1) We can be kind and gentle while being _______.
2) It is not necessary to be rude and inconsiderate while speaking
a direct word to someone – I Cor. 13:

III. The Balance between the ___________ of the believer and the five-
fold ministry

A. I Jn. 2:20 – “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and
you know all things.”
1) V. 27 – “But the anointing which you have received from Him
abides in you, and you do not need that anyone _____ you, but
as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is

B. Eph. 4:11-13 – “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some

prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the
equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of
the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure
of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
1) Each of us need the five-fold ministry to become equipped for
ministry and to grow into maturity.
2) BUT we do not need the five-fold ministry to have a
relationship with God for us, or to ________ from God for us.
3) There are some things that God has reserved to reveal to us
only by the Holy Spirit within.
4) We need our ______ and we need our own personal devotional
time with the Lord.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 7 Instructor: Greg Mohr

IV. The Balance between Forgiveness and ________

A. Eph. 4:32-5:1 – “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,

forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.”

B. Rom. 7:18 – “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing

good dwells…”
1) I can forgive you from my heart but do not ask me to trust your
_______ any further than I can throw it.
2) Examples: An unfaithful spouse, a rebellious child, a thief, a
liar, someone who submerged themselves in an addictive
lifestyle, etc.
3) Forgiveness means I release you from your sin against me and
the debt you owe me.
4) Forgiveness does not include a commitment to trust your flesh.
5) I can commit to trust God in you but not your flesh.
6) Trust is something that is earned, developed, or re-earned over
7) It cannot be _________ or demanded.
8) Gal. 4:1 – “Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child,
does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all.”
9) If you take responsibility and prove yourself trustworthy God
will commit your inheritance into your trust; if not He won’t.
10) In other words if you remain a child in maturity you can be
forgiven without walking in your full ______________.

V. The Balance between the Natural and the ________________

A. Mat. 4:4 – “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
1) Notice Jesus did not say, “Man shall not live by bread at all.”
2) Quote from young Christian at H.C.C. – “When I do
everything I know to do spiritually and things don’t change, I
know it’s a natural solution. When I do everything I know to
do in the natural to resolve a problem and things don’t improve
I know it’s a spiritual solution.”
3) Should we use insurance, borrow money, use an attorney, go to
the doctor, take medicine, abstain from certain foods, exercise,
lock my doors, etc.
Living in the Balance
Lesson 7 Instructor: Greg Mohr

4) Use the natural but ________ on God!

B. Be careful not to become modern day Gnostics – who believed

everything in the natural realm was evil therefore nothing in the
physical realm could be spiritual.
1) There is nothing in the physical realm that is evil by itself.
2) It’s what we do with it that makes it good or bad.
3) Things in the natural realm that are consecrated to God become
holy and very ___________.
4) Jesus was 100% man and 100% God – perfect blending of the
natural and the supernatural.

VI. The Balance between the Finished Work of the Cross and
the Unfinished Work of the Church

A. We must distinguish between works done as the root of

righteousness and those done as fruit of righteousness.
1) Eph. 2:8-9 – Root; Eph. 2:10 - Fruit
2) Rom. 3:28; Gal. 2:16 - Root
3) I Cor. 15:10 - Fruit
4) I Cor. 3:8 – Reward promised for labor done in grace. V. 10, 14
– There is labor done outside of grace and fellowship with God
that is not rewarded and labor done from a position of grace
and fellowship with God that is rewarded.
5) Philippians 1:22
6) Philippians 4:3
7) Colossians 1:29
8) I Timothy 6:18
9) Titus 3:8
10) James 2:26
11) Matthew 5:16
12) Hebrews 6:10

B. When Jesus said, “It is finished” He did not mean the work of
the church is done. In fact the finished work of the Cross is
what birthed the church and its mission!
1) Acts 1:1; Jn. 20:21; Jn. 14:12; Mat. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-20
Living in the Balance
Lesson 8 Instructor: Greg Mohr

Living in Balance
Session #8
Instructor: Greg Mohr

I. The Balance between the Benefit side of the Gospel (resurrection)

and the _________________ side of the Gospel (the Cross)

A. It is easy to present the benefit side of what Jesus has done for
us through His death, burial, and resurrection.
1) You are ___________ – Eph. 1:7
2) You are accepted and loved unconditionally – Eph. 1:6;
I Jn. 5:19; Rom. 8:38-39
3) You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ –
II Cor. 5:17, 21
4) You are a ______ of God – Eph. 1:5
5) You have inheritance and purpose – Eph. 1:11; Rom. 8:17
6) You are saved and sealed eternally – Eph. 1:13; Jn. 10:28
7) You are __________ – Isa. 53:3-5; I Pet. 2:24
8) You have peace of mind and provision – Isa. 53:5; Gen. 12:2;
15:1; Gal. 3:29
9) All that is necessary to receive these and many more benefits
Jesus provided each of us is to simply _________ – Rom. 4:3;
Mk. 9:23; Gal. 3:22; Heb. 11:6.
10) All these benefits of the Gospel cost us nothing and cost Him

B. The responsibility side of the Gospel is called _____________

1) Lk. 14:26-33 – To believe on Jesus and His provision for us
costs us nothing. To become a disciple of Jesus/servant leader
in the kingdom costs us everything.
2) Our relationships, priorities, plans, dreams, and ambitions must
become subservient to Jesus in order to become His disciple.
3) This includes:
a. Walking in love/laying your life down for others –
Jn. 13:34-45; I Jn. 3:16
b. ___________ others as God forgave us – while we were yet
sinners – Eph. 4:32; Rom. 5:8
c. Overcoming evil with good – Rom. 12:21
d. Manifesting ________ instead of our flesh – Rom. 8:28-29;
I Pet. 4:1-2
Living in the Balance
Lesson 8 Instructor: Greg Mohr

C. If we emphasize one side of the Gospel more than another we

will produce imbalanced Christians who are not walking in
the fullness of God’s ________.
1) We have grace to receive all the benefits Jesus’ death, burial,
and resurrection provided us.
2) We also have grace to walk in love, serve others, labor in the
assignment He gave us, walk free from sin, forgive others, and
lay our lives down for others – I Cor. 15:10; Tit. 2:11-12;
II Cor. 10:13.

II. The Balance between “Jesus, my Savior/friend” and “Jesus, my


A. Lk. 2:10-11 – “Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be

afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which
will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city
of David a Savior, who is Christ __________.”

B. Mat. 2:1-18
1) v. 3 – Why was Herod troubled and all Jerusalem with him?
2) He has nobility from another nation in the east coming to
worship another King in his region besides himself.
a. They didn’t have modern means of transportation that could
get them to Jerusalem in a few hours like we have today.
b. These noble men traveled weeks to get to their destination.
c. Their stature in their nation and the length of their journey
communicated to the king and the community that
something significant was going on in their territory.
3) That was threatening news to an ___________ king.
4) If it was true that Jesus was the Anointed One, as the wise men
from the east and the chief priests and scribes of the Jews
verified, Herod’s job was in jeopardy.
5) Herod became so convinced of this that he had all the children
two years and under in Bethlehem killed.
6) Herod was convinced that this baby came to be Lord and King.
7) Each of us should come to the same conclusion: “That if this
baby is Who God said He is my job as ruler of my life is in
Living in the Balance
Lesson 8 Instructor: Greg Mohr

C. Each of us rejoices at Jesus’ role as Savior in our lives.

1) Most of us have no problem recognizing that we are sinners
who need a Savior.
2) We appreciate all the benefits of salvation that come to us as a
result of receiving Jesus as Savior: forgiveness of sins, right
standing with God, peace, health, prosperity, and on and on.

D. The last part Lk. 2:11 declares this baby not only came to be
Savior, but He also came to be Lord.
1) Herod rejected Jesus because He was destined for the _______,
not because He was a Savior.
2) Men still reject Jesus today because they fear relinquishing the
lordship or throne in their life.
3) Mk. 4:36 – “Now when they had left the multitude, they took
Him along in the boat as He was.”
4) They took Him as He was. They did not attempt to do the
“Burger King” thing with Jesus – compartmentalize Him –
have Him their way.
5) Example: “I’ll take Jesus as Savior (get my fire insurance), my
Healer, Provider, Protector, my Shepherd and friend, but
please do not interrupt my plans or inconvenience my life with
difficult people.”
6) He became our Savior to get His life and message ________
– He must become our Lord to get His life and message
__________ ____!
7) Where He is Lord we cease being consumers, self-absorbed,
and focused on blessings. Rather our focus now is being a
8) Where He is Lord in our lives and where He sits on the throne
of our lives, we serve others without expectation from men, we
do not allow ourselves the luxury of becoming a spiritual
hermit or recluse, we don’t have the liberty of holding on to
__________ or becoming bitter or cynical, we don’t take into
account a suffered wrong, and people – all kinds of people –
take on immense value to us. We allow our hearts to be
touched with the broken condition and hurts of those ravaged
by the enemy and those who are lost and away from Father’s
Living in the Balance
Lesson 8 Instructor: Greg Mohr

III. The Balance between Liberty and _______

A. I Cor. 10:23-24 –“All things are _____ for me, but not all things
are ______; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.”
1) Each of us has the liberty to follow our own conscience on
questionable matters – food, drink, movies, dress, etc.
2) I do not have to come under the authority of another’s
conscience in order to walk in love toward them – v. 29
3) It is my responsibility to ____________ when exercising my
liberty in questionable matters when I am around them.

B. Rom. 14:14-15 – “I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus

that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers
anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. Yet if your brother
is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in
______. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ
1) v. 20-21 – “Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of
food… It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do
anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is
made weak.”
2) Gal. 5:13 – “For you, brethren, have been called to liberty;
only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the ________; but
through love serve one another.”

IV. The Balance between Following the leading of the Spirit and
____________ to ___________

A. Lk. 2:41-52 – Jesus stayed behind at the temple – about His

Father’s business – obviously there by the leading of the Spirit
1) v. 51 – “Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth,
and was subject to them.”
2) Jesus did not use the Holy Spirit card to excuse His
_____________ to His parents.
3) v. 52 – Results: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
and in favor with God and men.”
Living in the Balance
Lesson 8 Instructor: Greg Mohr

B. Example of leader in my church using God’s individual

leading to them to attempt to trump the direction of the
1) The individual leading does not trump the __________ leading
2) Follow the Spirit and stay in submission to authority God
places in your life and increase, wisdom, and favor are yours
Test Review
Test questions have been taken from the sections of your syllabus listed below:

Session #1 –
I C 8-12, D

Session #2 –
I B, C, II B, C

Session #3 –

Session #4 –
I D, II A, B 3

Session #5 –

Session #6 –
I C, II A, B

Session #7 –

Session #8 –
I B, C, II D, IV A

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