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St Patrick's College, Wellington

Term One Report April 2022 for:

Remy Fitisemanu WGB Year 9

Subject Effort Homework Cooperation Progress

English - 9EN
5 5 4 5
Miss A McElroy
French - Introductory - 9FRI
4 5 5 4
Miss A McElroy
Let's Get Inventing - 9LGI
4 4 5 4
Ms A Dougherty
Mathematics - 9MX
4 3 3 4
Mr H Burnard
Physical Education - 9PE
4 4 4
Mr M L'Estrange
Religious Education - 9RE
5 5 4
Mrs C Skelton
Science - 9SC
5 4 4 4
Mr M Ness
Social Studies - 9SS
4 4 4 4
Miss A Stevens-Carlyon
Technology - 9TN
4 4 4 4
Mr B Allan

1 No effort made 2 Little effort made 3 Effort required 4 Achieving 5 Excelling

Note: Junior Option subjects taken in the second half of the year will show as having no grade.

Weekly Notes Term 1 Average: 4 Attendance: 97 %

Tutor Teacher:

G Bowden _______________________________________________

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