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Technology is the study and application of technical aspects of

materials, science, and nature to design mechanical, electrical,

biological, and information systems to increase efficiency and
make life easier. The history of technology dates back to the
Neolithic Age or earlier. Pre-Neolithic people put their skills,
resources, and developed technologies to their best use. Since
then, technology has brought incredible advances to people's
The first visible use of large-scale technology began in the 18th
century as the Industrial Revolution, when the human hand was
replaced by machine tools. After that, many researchers,
scientists, and engineers tried to bring technology closer to
humans. This human-technology connection has made our lives
more technology-dependent and child's play.
Technology has moved from the atomic level to the gross level
of our daily lives. Life without technology is unimaginable. The
implementation of technology has made it possible to see other
planets several light-years away. Technology has also mobilized
our economy. People can easily hang out with friends and
relatives, near or far, as they like. We can easily find the
existence of technology such as shopping, automation, IT,
medicine, space, education, and communication. Technology
has therefore made the lives of human beings easier and

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