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EE (Advanced 2019, Qi JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 2 PART-II] MATHEMATICS Paper 2 ‘SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32) This section contains EIGHT (08) questions Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE ofthese four optons) sare) corect answers). For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (al the corect answers) Answer to each question willbe evaluated according othe folowing marking scheme FullMarks = +4 Hfonly (all the correct options) sre) chosen Perial Marks +3 Ifallthe four opfons are comect but ONLY thee opfons are chosen; Perial Marks +2 Iftree or more options are correct but ONLY two options ae chosen and both of which are correct; Partial Marks +1 ftwo or more options are comect but ONLY one option is chosen and itis a correct option; Zero Marks: 0 none ofthe opfons is chosen (2. the question is unanswered); Negative Marks; —1 Inalther case. + Forexample, in a question, if (A), (B) and (0) are the ONLY three options corresponding to corect arses, then choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (0) wil get +4 marks choosing ONLY (A) and (8) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (0) wil gt +2 marks choosing ONLY (B) and (0) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wll get +1 mark choosing ONLY (B) wil get +4 mark; choosing ONLY (D) wil get #1 mark choosing no option (ie. the questions unanswered) wil get O marks; and choosing anyother combination of opons wil got —1 mark Let noo res ere oe ree fa 3 and X=) Peli 0 2/ PP moi 21 where PY denotes the transpose of the matrix P,. Then which of the following options is/are correct? 1 (A) TEX] 1 1 =«{i} then « = 30 u (B) X is asymmetric matrix (C) The sum of diagonal entries of X is 18 (D) X= 30 is an invertible matrix SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Q2 Let x € Rand let 24% 2 = # P=/0 2 2], Q= |0 4 0} and R= Pap. 10 0 3. = <= ‘Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) There exists a real number x such that PQ = QP 2x x ®B) detR=det}0 4 0} +8, forallxeR x x 5 1 © rare = ete 6 D 1 ¢} timato=s b G (D) For x = 1, there exists a unit vector ai + Bf + yk for which nf y El For non-negative integers 1, let Som Ss) on ht) eo yeh) Assuming cos~1x takes values in (0, 71], which of the following options is/are correct? fn) = A f@M=> ®) lim) = (C) Ifa = tan(cos“!f(6)), then a? + 2a — @D) sin(7 cos F(5)) = 0 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Q4 Let fil > Rbea function. We say that f has Fh) FO) PROPERTY 1 if lim: exists and is finite, and Tal FO) h PROPERTY 2 if lim. fe exists and is finite. ra Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) FG) = [x] has PROPERTY 1 (B)_f() = x7 has PROPERTY 1 (©) f(x) = 2[x| has PROPERTY 2 (©) f(%) = sinx has PROPERTY 2 QS Let sinnx foy=E, roo. Let xy < ay < x5 << ay < ~ beall the points of Local maximum of f and J < Yo < Ys < “+ < Jy < “be all the points of local minimum of f. ‘Then which of the following options is/are comect? A u 2 foreveryn 1 C) me (2n2n +5) for every n (D) |x, —ynl > Lforeveryn Q6 ForaeR, |al > 1 let 14 V24--4+ V0 i z (ant+1)? © (an+2)? lim nova 7/8 ‘Then the possible value(s) of a is/are «a -9 ®) -6 © 7 ©) 8 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Let f:R > Rbe given by f(x) = (x — 1)(x — 2)( — 5). Define Q7 Qs FQ) = [rode x>0. ‘Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) F has local minimum at x = 1 (B) has local maximum at x = 2 (©) F has two local maxima and one local minimum in (0,0) (D) FQ) #0 for all x € (0,5) ‘Three lines ky: #=aL, AER, ly t=hk+yj, eR and ly: #=14+)+vk, veR are given. For which point(s) Q on 1, can we find a point P on Ly and a point R on Ls so that P,Q and R are collinear? ® & © key ) kay EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 Qo Q0 SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 18) + Ths section contains SIX (06) questions. The answer to each quesion is @ NUMERICAL VALUE. + For each question, enter the corect numerical vale ofthe answer using the mouse and the on-screen vitual numeric keypad inthe place designated to enter the answer. the numerical value has more than two decal places, the value to TWO cecil places. + Answer fo each question willbe evaluated according tothe folowing marking scheme FulMarks > +3. ONLY the correct numerical value fs ented; Zero Marks: 0. Inal other cases. Suppose Five persons 4, B, C, D and F are seated in a circular arrangement. If each of them is given a hat of one of the three colours red, blue and green, then the number of ways of distributing the hats such that the persons seated in adjacent seats get different coloured hats is Let |X| denote the number of elements in a set X. Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6} be a sample space, where each element is equally likely to occur. If A andl B are independent events associated with S, then the number of ordered pairs (A,B) such that 1 < |B| <|A|, equals SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 QI2 The value of ieee GS 525) in the interval [—= QU3__ ‘The value of the integral ap f 3 Vcos 6 de 3 (veos8 + Vsin@)° equals QI Leds 24+j— and B= 1427+ betwo vectors. Consider a vector é= ad + fb, a, ER. Ifthe projection of Zon the vector (@ +b) is 3V2, then the minimum value of (€-@B)) -@ equals EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 ‘SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12) + This section contains TWO (02) List-atch sets. + Eact List Match set has TWO (02) Nuitple Choice Questions ++ Each List Match set has two lists: List and Listll ist hes Four ents (I), (I), ll} and (MV) and List has Six enbies (P),(Q) (R), (8), (T) and (U). + FOUR options are given in each Mutiple Choice Question based on List and Lis. and ONLY ONE of these four opons satisfies the coniton asked inthe Multiple Choice Question, + Answer to each question willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks ° 43. MONLY the option corresponding tothe corect combination is chosen; Zero Marks ~ 0. Hfnone ofthe options is chosen ie. the question is unanswered): Negative Marks = ~1 In all other cases. SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.15 and Q.16 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph. Let f(x) = sinGrcos x) and g(x) = cos(2rsinx) be two functions defined for x >0, Define the following sets whose clements are written in the increasing order: X= br: f@)=0}, Y={x: ('@) =03, Z={x: g(x) =0}, W = (x: g'G) = 0}. List —1 contains the sets X, Y, Zand W. List —II contains some information regarding these sets. List-I Lista o x ® ay oY (Q _ amarithmetic progression a Zz (R) NOT an arithmetic progression aw w » 2624} (T) © Q.15_ Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination?” A OO@ 8 OAM © OG ) d.R.(s) Q16 Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination? (A) @D,(R),) ®) dV), ®),(R),) ©) A, P).(Q).(U) ©) dV...) SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph. 9 and C;: (x — 3)? + (y— 4)? = 16, intersect at the X and ¥. Suppose that another circle Cy + (x —h)? + (y —k)? =r? satisfies the following Let the circles C,: x? +5" conditions: () centre of Cy is collinear with the centres of C, and Cy Gi) C, and G, both lie inside C,, and Gili) Cs touches C; at Mand C, at N. Let the line through X and ¥ intersect C at Z and W, and let a common tangent of Cy and C3 bea tangent to the parabola x? = Bay. ‘There are some expressions given in the List-1 whose values are given in List-II below: List-I List © 2ht+k ® 6 Length of 2” is OS Tether Q % Area of triangle MZN 5 @) Tract ‘triangle ZMW Qa 7 21 a) a © > (1) 26 10 oO F Q.17 Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination? (A) B 0.0) © @.Q @) ), (7) Q.18 Which of the following is the only INCORRECT combination? A) ©.) i) MO © abe @) V).(S)

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