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1.Femoral Triangle in detail and

femoral hernia.

2.Hip joint

3.Gluteus maximus and structures

undercover of gluteus maximus

4.Knee Joint

5.Great saphenous vein

6.Sciatic nerve. Full course

7. Arches of foot.

1 . Femoral artery

2.Inguinal lymph nodes

3.Adductor canal

4.Femoral nerve

5.Structure undercover of
gluteus maximus

6.Hamstring muscle

7.Obturator nerve

8.Popliteal fossa
9.Interior of knee joint

10.peripheral heart

11.popliteus or unlocker of knee


12. Screw home movement

13.Ankle joint

14.Inversion and eversion of foot

15.Flexor Retinaculum

16.Extensor retinaculum
17.DorsaIis pedis artery

18.1st and 2nd layer of sole

19.3rd and 4th layer of sole

20. Saphenous nerve

21 . Sural nerve

22.Diagram on cutaneous
innervation of sole of foot.

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